View Full Version : Server Merger
2003-12-02, 01:54 PM
2003-12-02, 01:56 PM
Im scared :(
infinite loop
2003-12-02, 01:57 PM
Wow! This is going to be awesome! But what will they do if we have characters on both servers? Guess I'll have to delete one :( Oh well, it's worth it for bigger battles! w00t!
2003-12-02, 01:57 PM
Holy cats catman! Well there goes my ping, should still be intresting though :)
infinite loop
2003-12-02, 02:00 PM
Nevermind, they answered my question already. Kick ass!
If a player has characters on two different empires (one empire on Johari and a different one on Markov) when the consolidation occurs, they will be able to keep both sets of characters (and create new ones for either empire)
To account for players who will have characters from two different Empires when the server merges, all players will now have the ability to create characters from two different Empires on each server. Players may switch from one to another instantly, but may not switch back for at least 24 hours. This is done to alleviate concerns about Empire spying and to help preserve the day-to-day population balance across Empires.
2003-12-02, 02:00 PM
/me passes out
my god..soe.....I....just don't know what to say
2003-12-02, 02:01 PM
That sucks tho, if a players empire is getting trashed he'll say "fuck it, im switchint to TR for the day" or vs/nc, depending on what empire hes at currently :\
2003-12-02, 02:01 PM
Wow, my stomache actually flipped when I read that, my dear Konried...
Edit: reading the Official Announcement answered all.
2003-12-02, 02:02 PM
About fucking time.
2003-12-02, 02:02 PM
2003-12-02, 02:04 PM
Like I already said:
"You dont seem to realise that this bold movement, which I do not yet know to be true, simply reflects the falling overall population on the aformentioned servers. This may be a good thing in your current situation (and I say YOUR as I am a Werner player) however it is an overall bad omen."
the only thing that's changed is now I know it's true. Now you americans can expericane the wonderful world of server overload we get over here on Werner. CR5 chat failures, kill notification update lag, equipment terminal lockout, then finaly population kick.
2003-12-02, 02:05 PM
Let the speculation begin! :D
infinite loop
2003-12-02, 02:07 PM
Like I already said:
the only thing that's changed is now I know it's true. Now you americans can expericane the wonderful world of server overload we get over here on Werner. CR5 chat failures, kill notification update lag, equipment terminal lockout, then finaly population kick.
Not likely. Markov ran pretty damned smooth a few months ago, when our pop was between 8-10k people. I think this might just get us back to that fun level, and I expect it to be totally badass. I can't wait! Emerald might be another story though :(
2003-12-02, 02:07 PM
damn, this is either going to bring PS down, or be really bad ass
2003-12-02, 02:07 PM
Thank goodness. Hopefully Emerald will have some serious action now.
2003-12-02, 02:11 PM
Well, I hope it will go well for you. You'll get some nice killage if it does. :-D
"Zerg comming this way from the East. No.. West. Wait, one comming from the north. ah, crap we're f***ed"
2003-12-02, 02:12 PM
Thank goodness. Hopefully Emerald will have some serious action now.
My NC char is on Emerald, there is always major action. i have yet to go 20 mins without having a CR5 announce a serious battle somewhere (and its always true)
2003-12-02, 02:12 PM
Wow so there will be fighting on proabably every continent now!!! It'll be really hard to lock 7 or 8 continents anymore.
And I finally get to play with all you Emerald boys.
I wonder how the CR5 egos will blend :)
2003-12-02, 02:19 PM
About fucking time.
2003-12-02, 02:21 PM
Personaly i'm very much looking foreward to this it's been a long time coming, plus i feel it's probly a good move for Sony.
2003-12-02, 02:25 PM
TO account for the possibility of duplicated names on the new servers, we did a wipe of all characters taken on the 7-day trials that did not end up subscribing, which cleared up a heck of a lot of names.
Also, Customer Service is ready to assist people who have name conflicts with inactive characters. That part was not automated, since we would have had to have cleared the entire database and could irritate some people who are just taking a break. However, we are ready to help people on an individual basis during this time to get their names back from inactive characters.
2003-12-02, 02:36 PM
hahahaha SWEET!
I am very glad that one of my characters wont get axed or force me to change sides or something. Playing 3 mains in 3 different empires is the way I play this game. I like to spread the luvin and am glad to know I wont have to axe a character I worked hard on. The Emerald battles were already just fine but the Kornried battles were really thin.
2003-12-02, 02:53 PM
I can still see spying to be a problem. Have your outfit mates make alts for the various empires. Have one guy login to the enemy you are fighting, and relay all the important information.
2003-12-02, 03:07 PM
With the multi-empire account possibility, I think they should just let you play all 3... one switch per 24 hour period.
Good players will help even the population out and hopefully that can be encouraged by the exp bonus, perhaps increase that for people who recently switched?
Thoughts? Concerns?
P.S. I believe this merger means they are not meeting their subscription expectations. Hopefully, this will being more action and fun and help maintain the populations and in time increase interest.
2003-12-02, 03:17 PM
I think this will help the populations in the long run. Imagine getting the 7 day trial and logging into a sancuary full of people LFS or LFSM and you check the map for the first time and there are Hotspots everywhere on the globe. Every base you go is hard fought and huge battles. I think those people will now subscribe. As opposed to logging into an empty sanctuary and spamming LFS for 10 minutes to no avail and hitting instant action and being warped to a place where there was 1 enemy and you are capping empty bases.
Good first impressions will save this game. I can't see lag jumping that much. No more anyway than being on a locked continent. This is why there are continent locks to begin with. Now, instead there will be continent locks on 3 different continents for just your empire.
Exciting times I think
2003-12-02, 03:23 PM
I agree :D
2003-12-02, 03:36 PM
wow, a cold feeling went down my spine when i read that, trust me, every time theres a cold feeling running down my spine, like a ghost touched me, means something awesome is about to happen
2003-12-02, 03:38 PM This is big. My poor Konried...Being bought over by the larger Emerald... Oh well! BIGGER BATTLES!!!
ROCK ON! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Not to mention my character on Jahari will actually see some action!
2003-12-02, 04:01 PM
The server mergers may bring me back to the game, if someone can answer my next question:
In the announcement, the devs mention an "enhanced infrastructure" or something. When I left (one month after launch) the large battles were bogged down badly by lag. Even 20 v 20 Tower battles were a slideshow.
How's the lag now that they've done optimizations?
2003-12-02, 04:15 PM
I hope no technical difficulties arise from the merge. I do think it is for the best. It saves Sony money, time and maitenance hours by getting rid of two servers and helps us out by increasing the populations.
I don't think allowing people a choice of two factions on a server is going to cause any problems. Very few people will actually change sides just because things aren't going their way that day. People should be used to the ups and downs in battle by now. Everyone knows there's no winners or losers in Planetside. Just a lot of fighting. What more do you need.
2003-12-02, 04:33 PM
Its about damn time they do this! My return to PS, at the end of this month, will be soo epic!!! (for me atleast :)
2003-12-02, 04:45 PM
YES i can finaly use my connection in big battles!!!! man i had to use 56k in those before now i can functions in them and i want it! and they Are allowing you to keep all of your old characters and even defect to other empires now.
2003-12-02, 05:16 PM
So which servers are going to merge? Johari with Konreid? or with Markov? thats the only combinations that seem necessary.
2003-12-02, 05:17 PM
It some how sounds dire to me.
2003-12-02, 05:25 PM
Dire eh? :lol:
2003-12-02, 05:25 PM
The server mergers may bring me back to the game, if someone can answer my next question:
In the announcement, the devs mention an "enhanced infrastructure" or something. When I left (one month after launch) the large battles were bogged down badly by lag. Even 20 v 20 Tower battles were a slideshow.
How's the lag now that they've done optimizations?
They have been tweaking FPS for months, its better than it ever has been now.
Vis Armata
2003-12-02, 05:35 PM
Lag has been steadily chipped down - I've only had problems with framerates (and that's about to change on my end).
This is good news indeed for Planetside.
2003-12-02, 05:40 PM
The server merge is fixing the problem that PS showed for many people. Population is a self perpetuating problem. people quit due to pop problems....thus causing more pop problems. this will bring back ALOT of people.
2003-12-02, 05:42 PM
my FPS seems to go down every time they do a patch, so much for NVidia - the way its meant to be played
2003-12-02, 06:10 PM
Remember the golden days of BETA when there were like two servers? Maybe there was one more, but I don't even remember their names.
I see this as a good thing, although now added security measures have to be introduced to outfits who believe in OPSEC.
2003-12-02, 06:20 PM
well there goes the Konreid community :(
2003-12-02, 06:33 PM
Just read the login message. Man Emerald in particular is going to be busy. I will play as long as the game goes on, but it is kind of sad to see the game go from six to five to three servers.
infinite loop
2003-12-02, 06:36 PM
Just read the login message. Man Emerald in particular is going to be busy. I will play as long as the game goes on, but it is kind of sad to see the game go from six to five to three servers.
When did it have six?
2003-12-02, 06:41 PM
There was another server Jackson U.S. west when i first started playing.
infinite loop
2003-12-02, 06:42 PM
There was another server Jackson U.S. west when i first started playing.
I think Jackson was the test server, no? Maybe I remember incorrectly.
2003-12-02, 06:57 PM
I thought it was originally open for regular play, but dont quote me on that. Oh hehe you already did.
2003-12-02, 07:12 PM
Jackson was for some specail gaming for some site, dont really remember.
But sweet/crap, now the servers will be full and everyone will be everywhere but I'll be lagging as hell....o well.
2003-12-02, 07:14 PM
Did they mention anything concrete about raising the pop-lock level? I would think they are considering making changes in that aswell or the world will be locked.
2003-12-02, 08:54 PM
This is extremely exciting, 2 empires on each server? v-v-f.
2003-12-02, 09:04 PM
I can just see the conversations....
RagingSpeedhorn : OK fellers I'm loggin now. Just let me change character.
Pain : Where shall we meet you? Cyssor wg tower?, that cont is empty.
RagingSpeedhorn : Sounds good, what do you want?
Pain : Erm, 3 Lashers and a shitload of that funky green ammo stuff, do you want to load up your VS locker with MCG's?
RagingSpeedhorn : Yup, see you there.....
2003-12-02, 09:22 PM
Emerald Rules, ok the NC on Emerald Rule...........................................wai ting for the hater flames...................................knows they are on their way......................for goodness sake someone flame me.................
I've been wondering how I'd play with the CDL guys and my friends from IV :D
Thanks = goes to Devs.
2003-12-02, 09:54 PM
Wow! This is going to be awesome! But what will they do if we have characters on both servers? Guess I'll have to delete one :( Oh well, it's worth it for bigger battles! w00t!
my problem is that i have a character on konried as well that is named kyonye. so i have have two characters named kyonye. how will that be dealt with?
2003-12-02, 09:59 PM
The one from Konried will have a K by it. So, I think its gonna be K-Kyonye or Kyonye-K
2003-12-03, 01:14 AM
I love Konried like a Vanu loves his tapioca. I shall bear my 'K' with honor.
Also, prepare to see what 'too many players' means. When you see overlords floating around and creep colonies near your bases, only then will the true horror be realized.
2003-12-03, 01:30 AM
So we know what will happen to your characters names if there is a conflict, the characters empires (you can pick 2 empires apparently), what about outfits?
I know many outfits will have conflicting badge/symbols. I wonder how that will be sorted out?
2003-12-03, 03:09 AM
I hope the NC Konried CR5 commanders are really good. :)
I'm not bashing the Emerald ones, but it just seems the NC seems to be lacking a few things in terms of strategy on Emerald sometimes(like, when I fly to a tech plant with a gen down, that has been down for 10 minutes, I'm the only NC there).
2003-12-03, 03:19 AM
I actually have a problem with this. My roomie and I both play this game every day. We also share my computer. With the having to wait 24 hours to switch back to an empire this means we won't both be able to play everyday unless one of us switches sides. I could lock him out of the computer but then not only would I have to pay an extra $26 a month for DSL and PS subsciptions but I have to listen to him whine every time I play too.
2003-12-03, 03:42 AM
This should be interesting. I have a Emerald Vanu relation, and I have a Konried TR relation. Free Tanks for my outfit.
2003-12-03, 08:22 AM
get a router to share dsl connect
2003-12-03, 08:27 AM
my FPS seems to go down every time they do a patch, so much for NVidia - the way its meant to be played
2003-12-03, 10:16 AM
The only prob i have with this is the empire 24 hour thing...I know it is necessary or ppl will just be bringing nme weapons and giving away positions and such, but i constantly switch empires...I dunno, i just dont like it...
infinite loop
2003-12-03, 10:45 AM
So we know what will happen to your characters names if there is a conflict, the characters empires (you can pick 2 empires apparently), what about outfits?
I know many outfits will have conflicting badge/symbols. I wonder how that will be sorted out?
Ash - Same naming convention goes for outfits. Any name conflict will get the -J or -K at the end. As far as badge conflicts goes? You have plenty of those right now. There's only like 20 outfit decals to choose from, with no restriction on multiple outfits with the same one.
2003-12-03, 11:07 AM
Everyone please read the entire thread before posting questions about names and such. The official boards link already has all this information.
2003-12-03, 12:10 PM
I hope the NC Konried CR5 commanders are really good. :)
They are pretty good they dont worry about home cont as much as emerald CR5's do.
Here are a few NC cr5's i know:
and i know there is a few more but cant remember their names
NC CR5s are all pretty good, when they lead.
I am cr4.4 and going up slowly.
2003-12-03, 07:07 PM
They touched Konried......
2003-12-03, 07:17 PM
This is so unbelievably awesome I just don't know what to say. I have respected the Konried NC for a long time, and no I get to play with them! Thank you SOE! :)
The only sad part is I am afraid the organized power of Konried Vanu will be overwhelmed and dilluted by the zergfest. Every time I try to play on Emerald there are like 50 people camped in a warpgate somewhere waiting to get through a pop-lock, and if I ever find a battle it's one big, nasty slideshow. Ah well, let's hope they aren't blowing smoke when they say they have their server architecture sorted out.
This is so unbelievably awesome I just don't know what to say. I have respected the Konried NC for a long time, and no I get to play with them! Thank you SOE! :)
I have disliked Emerald NC for a long time, now I have to play with them.
2003-12-03, 07:59 PM
Sounds pretty cool, as long as my lag/ping doesn't go through the roof. This is the kind of change that makes or breaks a game.
I have disliked Emerald NC for a long time, now I have to play with them.
Yeah?! Well Emerald NC hate YOU! :p
2003-12-04, 07:00 AM
As a non computer guy ill tell you this,....I have a p4 1.8g MSI motherboard, 1 gig ddr ram, geforce ti44oo 128mb card and creative sound 7.1, buy oh my god this game lags big time long before this not sure im even going to be able to play with the merge. Ive had to turn down the graphic settings already, and ive got a smooth DSL connection....I am scared it is going to make the game unplayable.
2003-12-04, 07:31 AM
"Asche zu asche, und Staub zu staub"
2003-12-04, 12:09 PM
Guess outfits will have to be careful who they recruit, and check up on their MyPlanetside accounts to make sure they don't have opposite-side spies in their midst. Not that that would happen...
2003-12-04, 06:50 PM
get a router to share dsl connect
Got that. Problem is that roomie doesn't have a computer. I let him use mine, in exchange he pays for half the DSL and planetside fee. I've tried to convince him to get his own computer but he says he'd never use it. Yeah right, he's on mine 8 hours a day.
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