View Full Version : All Races Equal?
2003-12-05, 06:28 AM
Was just wondering about your thoughts on how well balanced the three sides are. I myself play as TR and personally I think we are at a disadvantage to the other two sides. Our so called advantage is that our weapons while being a lot weaker, fire a lot faster than the other teams. I won't argue that we have some serious rapid fire but the thing to think about is that when we go into rapid firing we can't hit a damn thing so it's totally useless unless you are at POINT BLANK range. I think the lasher is far too powerful, the splash damage is unreal! Also, out Anti Vehicular weapon, the striker absolutely sucks. It has no power at all. It would probably take more than 10 shots to take out a tank or aircraft and the rate of fire is too slow to be able to pull that off before you get run over of blown to bits. Another thing I have noticed is that in the three weeks I have been playing, the TR haven't won (I don't think) and also the VS and NC gang up on us and seem to have this unofficial alliance when hunting down TR, we become the primary target!!
Just my 2 cents, please let me know what you think and remember to quote the side you play for.
I'll try run a pole here...I hope it works properly.
2003-12-05, 06:39 AM
personally i used to play as TR, but that was before the striker nerf. as TR i thought the infantry was the strong point. the prowler wasnt anything to sneeze at either but the infantry was our strong point even tho we didnt have the all powerfull jackhammer we had alot of weapons that worked well in CQB wich is what base hacking comes down to. then our striker ruled all like 80% of any given TR force carried a striker so any enemy air craft that flew over had to quickly leave or it would have a striker on its ass.
2003-12-05, 06:51 AM
personally i used to play as TR, but that was before the striker nerf. as TR i thought the infantry was the strong point. the prowler wasnt anything to sneeze at either but the infantry was our strong point even tho we didnt have the all powerfull jackhammer we had alot of weapons that worked well in CQB wich is what base hacking comes down to. then our striker ruled all like 80% of any given TR force carried a striker so any enemy air craft that flew over had to quickly leave or it would have a striker on its ass.
Wheres my official translator?
The period is not your enemy, feel free to use it.
2003-12-05, 06:58 AM
The only difference between the empires is equipment.
TR has a big problem with the Striker and Pounder and its MAXs' special ability.
Thus, TR is at a disadvantage. It's just math.
Striker: Obviously stupid
Pounder: Obviously stupid
MAX Special Ability: Decimator is broken and overly common.
That's all the argument I care to offer.
2003-12-05, 07:04 AM
Wheres my official translator?
The period is not your enemy, feel free to use it.
so are you saying there are no periods in what i wrote? instead of a smart ass comment just skip over it.
2003-12-05, 07:19 AM
Lasher is overpowerful? Those orbs are so slow you can almost outrun them. :rolleyes:
2003-12-05, 07:44 AM
a few of us from my outfit got bored so we started a deathmatch in an empty facility on a locked continent. The lasher is so unbelievably easy to dodge! I started using an MCG out of my locker. A few hints for the TR MCG users:
At range we WANT you to dance about. It ruins your accuracy. We don't need that accuracy; we can just arc spam you. Once you've wasted your health, we can just pull a pulsar or pistol and finish you off.
Surge AWAY, crouch, turn, and fire. You will outrun our orbs, waste our precious clip, gain your range advantage, and kill us while we reaload. (looong ass reload)
I'm affraid I have no hints to combat the Jackhammer, other than grab a jackhammer out of your locker. Agile/surge/'s just too much.
2003-12-05, 08:13 AM
Lasher is designed not to damage friendlies. Is that why it looked so easy?
Ed the MAD
2003-12-05, 08:20 AM
why does everyone always want to have all things on an equal footing? i understand the need for some equality, but overbalancing ruins the whole game. especially when you tweak the equipment every three days. you don't see the U.S. army making their M-16s less effective because they have more troops, do you? no. you don't see them making their M-1 Abrams slower and less accurate because it's too powerful", do you? you don't see the brits nerfing their Challenger2 because it's the best tank in the wourld, do you? feck no! if you have an advantage, you work like hell to keep it, if your enimy has the avantage, you fight like the devil to wrench it out of their cold, dead hands. that's how it's done. just because you don't have the firepower to take a hill, doesn't mean it's an unfair advantage. you just need to rethink your tactics.
2003-12-05, 08:24 AM
you don't see the U.S. army making their M-16s less effective because they have more troops, do you
I agree with some of your points, but the quoted piece is based on an interesting fact that conflicts with your statement...
The M-16 is designed to fire a tumbling bullet that is more likely to inflict a wound than cause fatality. This is done to strain the enemy's support resources.
So less effective in one way, more effective in another.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-05, 08:34 AM
i'm aware of the tumbling bullet. it tumbles on impact to make a larger wound. there are also frangible bullets that disintegrate on impact to make a large cone shapped wound. there are also flechette rounds that go straight through even the most advanced body armour.
the fact of the matter is, the M-16 is an effective rifle. they intended it to have tumbling bullets. but i was reffering to making it less accurate, more likely to jam(wich would make it like, a 1/50 ratio), and of a overall poorer quality. in short, making the weapon itself less effective, not the ammunition fired. there is a difference.
2003-12-05, 08:52 AM
The lasher is very good in very specific circumstances:
- indoors, especially when you have your enemy in a narrow hallway with no doors nearby. One rexo with a lasher can prevent a whole squad from getting through a hallway.
- any other area where the enemy has no room to dodge (towers, etc)
However, get a lasher out in the open and it really is easy to dodge. Just like any other weapon, it has strengths and weaknesses.
As for the state of the TR? I couldn't tell you honestly. All I ever see anymore is NC...
2003-12-05, 09:04 AM
why does everyone always want to have all things on an equal footing? i understand the need for some equality, but overbalancing ruins the whole game. especially when you tweak the equipment every three days. you don't see the U.S. army making their M-16s less effective because they have more troops, do you? no. you don't see them making their M-1 Abrams slower and less accurate because it's too powerful", do you? you don't see the brits nerfing their Challenger2 because it's the best tank in the wourld, do you? feck no! if you have an advantage, you work like hell to keep it, if your enimy has the avantage, you fight like the devil to wrench it out of their cold, dead hands. that's how it's done. just because you don't have the firepower to take a hill, doesn't mean it's an unfair advantage. you just need to rethink your tactics.
Dude, this is a game, it's not reality, calm down.
2003-12-05, 09:49 AM
Well now that I'm playing PS again I can comment on this kind of thread I reckon, over the last 6 days or so playing as TR, I seriously think NC are at a very distinct and obvious advantage. I reckon TR are probably about even with the VS though, the VS just seem kinda lacking in numbers on Johari.
Anyways, I took heavy assault a few days ago, and dropped it after using the MCG for one day. To my surprise, I found the Cycler to be a far more effective weapon, it was basically just as good as the MCG at point-blank range and also very effective as fairly long range, a versatile weapon all round. The only problem with this is that after trying TR's weaponry, It seems as though we have no counter whatsoever for the Jackhammer.
I've seen one NC just surge through jacking 4 or 5 TR because all he has to do is just pop two or three shots and he's got a kill, death is almost instant, TR have nothing that can do this. Ontop of that, the NC have the damn Vanguard, an impossibly durable tank with a cannon that can destroy all infantry in one hit, and most vehicles in only 2 to 4 shots. It seems to outperform any ground vehicle out there.
NC have the best infantry weapon by far, and the best ground vehicle by far. I think thats enough to warrant stating that the NC have the balanced tipped in their favour. Oh and I've tried the Prowler, it doesn't compare to the Vanguard at all. :P
2003-12-05, 09:58 AM
I agree, Hexen. VS and TR are closest in power-level, but VS is slightly advantaged because the MagRider blows the Prowler away and VS MAXs are simply unparalleled.
I think TR, and VS to a lesser degree, should be brought up to par with NC. The Phoenix should have been on your list of assets that make NC dominant... it's like making every one of your troops into a recon unit. It has completely unique metagame potential that TR and VS just can't rival, just as VS has the amazing tactical advantage of ignoring chokepoints. So what is TR's amazing tactical advantage? Please don't mention the anchor ability or "high rate of fire" because that just isn't a compelling argument. Add TR's now worthless AI MAX and MAX special ability that makes them Decimator bait and you have an ailing empire.
TR needs a little help. It has some very tough, determined players and that goes a long way, but Striker, Pounder and Prowler just don't yell OWNAGE like many of the other empire assets.
I have faith in the devs tho, they seem to keep it fresh as if by magic and it works out for the best.
2003-12-05, 10:04 AM
I'm getting so sick of whiner balance posts, and even more so their slanted polls. I wish people if they dont know how to write a agree/disagree/no comment poll, whould just stop posting them. But hey what do i know.
The striker and the pounder are still fucking evil, their just not as evil as they used to be, in comparison the MCG got a major boost and now chews up people at the farthest range of any HA weapon effectively. Its more or less endless clip means that if you die, it most likely wont be while reloading. THe cycler is the best goddamn med assault weapon in the game, way bigger clip and smaller COF then the gaus. Comparable to the vanu MA with a better time to kill. The tr have the ONLY area affect max, the only max that can shoot around corners. Combined with audi amps decis become a non issues. Deci's are weaker now then they were 4 months ago, and yet still you bitch just because now you actualy have to stop firigin for a little bit to reload meaning one max cant hold a tower forever.
2003-12-05, 10:08 AM
First off, every empire thinks that the other 2 gang up upon them.
Having a main character who is NC, I agree with the sentiments that TR do indeed have it rough in the MAX area. If I am out of decis and running from an enemy MAX and I see an SC approaching, I breath a sigh of relief as it can kick the shit out of most MAXs and infantry.
As TR, I am always switching to AP to help our MAXs down other MAXs as I am not confident in their ability to do so. A DC is almost a free kill for anyone with AP loaded in their HA weapon, and only has a marginal increase in anti-MAX abilities over the SC when not anchored. The Pounder is still very effective AI but is pathetic against another MAX. The Burster is a redeeming feature, it is lethal and has an extremely high "irritation" factor when it spams grunts coming out of doorways. TR has a MAX problem imo.
Any VS who complains about the status of their MAXs now should be shot. The Comet is great against other MAXs and reasonable against infantry, the Quasar has good range and good killing power. The Starfire is great AA, can hurt other MAXs, but is worse than shit against infantry.
The SC is a funny MAX, it is incredibly useful while also being a hopeless peice of crap at the same time. Its MAX vs MAX abilities are great, and its AI is great sometimes, the range however is pathetic. I like it because of the anti-MAX factor whilst also having good AI at close range. The falcon is alright, it does decent AI and decent anti-MAX from range. Upclose it suffers from the same problem as the Pounder, it kills itself. The Sparrow is the best value MAX in the game, great AA, decent anti-MAX, alright AI. Shields are useful, anyone who says otherwise doesn't know when to use them.
I say anti-MAX instead of AV because the anti-MAX abilities of a MAX are far more important than how it doesn't (:p) handle vehicles.
AV is all shit now, all it can achieve is dead MAXs and infrequently kill buggies, lightnings and aircraft outside, or the possibilty of chasing off an MBT if there is enough people using it.
TR have the mobility advantage in AV weapons, you can move constantly and still use the striker effectively. I am aware it takes a bit of skill to do this. VS have the most damage output, but sacrifice an amount of mobility for it. Whilst having the lowest DPS by far, NC have the unique advantage of not requiring LoS, though total mobility is sacrificed for this feature. The only thing that makes the Phoenix powerful is how many of them are currently floating around. They are exponentially more useful in groups, more so than any other weapon in the game, if you compare how useless they are alone.
Personally I don't think that AV is worth 3 cert points, considering what you can obtain as a replacement. AV should have double the ammo per box to make it more viable, I think.
MBTs are a funny topic. The Prowler has the obvious AI advantage now, thanks to its RoF. Though it has the highest damage output, it is the slowest, has the worst acceleration and a massive profile. I consider it Magrider bait. The Vanguard still has good AI, plus the most armour and decent damage output. It has a smaller profile and is lower than the Prowler, making it harder to hit. Whilst the size is less important upclose, when moving and turning at top speed over uneven terrain, like in most MBT vs MBT encounters, it can become an issue. The Mag is the most fun tank to use, and has the best AA capabilities. The HRB can hit enemy aircraft with relative easy. It has the smallest profile, and is the fastest, plus the water advantage. A mag on water is very powerful. Those Cyssor bridge battles are hell when fighting VS because of this. I believe things are more or less balanced in this aspect.
The MCG is a good weapon if you learn that you have to lead your target at any range, it is my favourite HA. I get more kills than I do with a JH, however I believe that can be attributed to it fitting my play style. Even at 1m you have to lead slightly or you will miss alot of your shots.
The Lasher is also a good weapon, except that you have to reload all the time. Also, it causes lash damage, which is damage as it passes a target, not splash damage which is damage caused from an explosion, whoever commented on the Lasher's splash damage.
Surge makes any weapon powerful, the thing that knocks the JH up is the triple shot and the lack of tracers. However try using a JH without surge, unless you catch your target unawares, you are in trouble when it comes to closing the distance. The TTK of the HA weapons is basically the same, only the triple shot gives the JH an edge, which makes up for its poor abilities at range. And by range I mean the distance from the bottom wall of a staircase in a tower to the top wall. Lack of tracers is an advantage, it doesn't give your position away when your target moves suddenly and you miss a shot, anyone who fights a JH regularly knows this. It also makes it difficult to distinguish which NC is shooting at who in crowded situations.
I think HA is fairly balanced, the Lasher could use a slight clip increase. When the anti-warping changes go through, prepare for JH buff threads. ALOT of NC rely upon warping and speed predicion (I don't mean cheating, I mean the prediction algorithm which speeds the user up inorder to update their position. This is akin to warping, but they don't actually disappear.) to use their JH effectively, even though they don't know it. I am sure I am one of them, however I don't complain about weapon balance very often, there is enough people doing that already. I use what I have and try to find the best way how. We won't know until the changes are in effect and have been played for a while.
Buggies are fucking ridiculous compared to MBTs and aren't worth considering until the tech plant requirement is removed.
MA is perfect, few complain about it as there is no reason to.
This got alot longer than I initially intended :rolleyes:.
Wheres my official translator?
The period is not your enemy, feel free to use it.
Evidently the apostrophe must be your enemy.
2003-12-05, 10:09 AM
I squaded with you last night, Hexen :). But I think the TR are pretty well as it is, it seems more or less even with the VS (though both of our AV weapons could use a buff). However, I think we need to fix the NC. Like Hexen said, they have the best HA by a mile and a tank that blows us out of the water. Not to mention (in my opinion) the best AV. And let's not forget their MAX's. ScatterMax has a 3 hit infantry kill at close range. That's about 2 seconds.Their AV Max not only has good AV damage, but it slaughters infantry. About 5-7 shots will kill and infantry target, and that's a few seconds. Not to mention their AA Max is fire-and-forget. They get a lock, I hit my afterburners, they can turn in the other direction, their missles nail me and I'm dead. Ugh.
I don't think it's a question of the TR or VS being too weak, I think it's that the NC are too strong*.
*Please note, all statements above are opinions; however, the numbers are facts.
2003-12-05, 10:11 AM
I haven't tried the Phoenix since I began playing again, but back in beta I played NC and I loved that damn thing. All I had to do was hide behind a tree and fire it and then just guide it into whatever I wanted, it was the easiest thing ever. :D
I agree with previous posts about the high rate of fire being more of a penalty than an asset too, I mean if after every shot, your cone of fire grows, then theoretically your weapon should be worthless at anything but very short range, and that is exactly how it is, and that is also exactly why I got rid of my MCG certification.
I also have the Striker cert, but I don't really find it that weak to be honest. Since I haven't tried the other empire's AT weapons I can't really compare though I guess. I find the Striker to be a reliable anti-MAX weapon when I have some distance, but it seems to be a practically worthless anti-vehicular weapon, the shots simply don't do enough damage. Theres a certain annoyance to emptying a full Striker clip into vehicle, reloading, and emptying another into it, only to get killed by the very thing that you feel really should have been destroyed, considering how much you pumped into it.
Another thing, the lockdown truly is Decimator fodder. Only a few days ago I saw a perfect example of why this is so, a MAX locked down about 10 metres away from an NC spawn room door. An NC Exo soldier came out, surged and promptly sprinted directly behind the MAX, leaving him completely helpless as he frantically tried to get out of lockdown in time to save his own arse, obviously he failed miserably and was killed.
The TR lockdown might as well be a self-inflicted version of the Ghost's lockdown from StarCraft, sitting duck ability.
2003-12-05, 10:11 AM
It's funny how the NC and VS are voting on the option that says 'No way, we fear them, they are all powerful'.
2003-12-05, 10:14 AM
I voted on "perhaps a little in some areas" :p.
2003-12-05, 10:17 AM
Meh. This is all in vain really anyway, apparently the devs play NC, and not only that, the NC have a hell of alot of players. For all I know the imbalance is deliberate.
2003-12-05, 10:30 AM
Argh. Another "My Empire is Worse Than Yours" thread... :sick:
2003-12-05, 10:39 AM
TR is never worse, we're talking about empire assets.
2003-12-05, 10:40 AM
Meh. This is all in vain really anyway, apparently the devs play NC, and not only that, the NC have a hell of alot of players. For all I know the imbalance is deliberate.
i agree, i have yet to see a VS dev char...
All i see are NC, i wonder why...
2003-12-05, 11:03 AM
I'm levelling an NC and let me tell you, coming from TR it's a whole new world of power. If my TR weren't br20, maybe things would be different. Frankly, I'm sick of seeing so many XP awards count for nothing. Call it a quirk.
NC is exactly the power-level that all the empires should be. VS is damned close. TR needs a little help.
2003-12-05, 11:49 AM
NC = Good in some things!
TR = Good in some things!
VS = Good in some things!
How about you realize that some people are good at some things and better at others. Stick to what you are good at, other people stick to what they are good at, and at some point it evens out. I dont see one group dominating all continents on all servers. Which means that the empires are somewhat even because the only reason that an empire takes over a huge number of conts is because nobody else is playing at that time. IF NC is so over-powered, why haven't they conquered the world yet?
And by the way, im VS.
2003-12-05, 12:08 PM
There are no overall ballance issues anymore. It really just boils down to what CR5s are online and organized on a given evening
2003-12-05, 12:19 PM
NC = Good in some things!
TR = Good in some things!
VS = Good in some things!
How about you realize that some people are good at some things and better at others. Stick to what you are good at, other people stick to what they are good at, and at some point it evens out. I dont see one group dominating all continents on all servers. Which means that the empires are somewhat even because the only reason that an empire takes over a huge number of conts is because nobody else is playing at that time. IF NC is so over-powered, why haven't they conquered the world yet?
And by the way, im VS.
YES!!! All the empires have there own strengths and weaknesses. If you think something sucks then your not using it right.
2003-12-05, 12:24 PM
TR has the best empire specific pistol, especially for infiltrators.
TR has probably the best MA.
TR's HA is now fairly balanced.
The Prowler is much improved but not used enough.
The Burster is freaking hell on wheels and hardly ever used. Forget it's AA aspects, lock that damn thing down on a mountain with a few friends and rain hell on a base. It rips up MAXs and infantry like nothing else, I fear those things a lot more than Vanguard shells or Flail shots raining down. Just don't let anybody get close to you or the game is over...
Honestly, I do think the TR need a little bit of loving but I don't think they're as bad off as many like to make it sound. The biggest problem with TR is that they are so balanced to the point of being 2nd best in a number of empire specific areas. Not having the dominant weapon in those areas makes some TR feel slighted.
2003-12-05, 01:45 PM
Not having the dominant weapon in those areas makes some TR feel slighted.
Not having the dominant weapon? You mean that you say you're unbalanced because you dont have the dominant weapon, is that correct? :mad:
2003-12-05, 02:31 PM
why does everyone always want to have all things on an equal footing? i understand the need for some equality, but overbalancing ruins the whole game. especially when you tweak the equipment every three days. you don't see the U.S. army making their M-16s less effective because they have more troops, do you? no. you don't see them making their M-1 Abrams slower and less accurate because it's too powerful", do you? you don't see the brits nerfing their Challenger2 because it's the best tank in the wourld, do you? feck no! if you have an advantage, you work like hell to keep it, if your enimy has the avantage, you fight like the devil to wrench it out of their cold, dead hands. that's how it's done. just because you don't have the firepower to take a hill, doesn't mean it's an unfair advantage. you just need to rethink your tactics.
With respect to your post I think you are just comparing completely different things. This is a game and not reality. In a game you want things even to foster competition. In reality you do whatever you have to for the purpose of crushing your enemy. In reality there is no balance and no desire to achieve balance. You don�t want this in a game. If you did it would be like playing a �reality� game of U.S. vs. Iraq. If so sign me up for the U.S. team please. With a 5,000 to 1 kill ratio things were probably not �even� or �fair�.
2003-12-05, 03:06 PM
The Burster is freaking hell on wheels and hardly ever used. .
are you kidding me? every night i play me and my driver always have atleast one harrassing our vanguard if not multiple ones! god those things are annoying not so much because they hurt our tank wich they dont, but because they just make my screen red! it gets damn hard to shoot with a blinking red screen!
i make sure to always kill those SOB's as soon as i see them.
Oh no. The humiliation of having to aim through flashing red lights that don't significantly hurt you. I feel for all the poor Vanguard drivers, constantly being pestered with sticks and stones.
2003-12-05, 03:35 PM
Not having the dominant weapon? You mean that you say you're unbalanced because you dont have the dominant weapon, is that correct? :mad:
Next time read the whole post, mmmkay?
2003-12-05, 03:39 PM
are you kidding me? every night i play me and my driver always have atleast one harrassing our vanguard if not multiple ones! god those things are annoying not so much because they hurt our tank wich they dont, but because they just make my screen red! it gets damn hard to shoot with a blinking red screen!
i make sure to always kill those SOB's as soon as i see them.
According to Thottbot:
Anti-Air MAX
Burster, 17.6%
Sparrow, 18.0%
Starfire, 19.7%
That's the percentage of all players with the certification. So not only is the Burster the least used of the empire specific AA MAXs, there's less than a 1 in 5 chance of any TR on the battlefield even owning the cert (much less actually being in the suit). Considering the low cost of the cert, and the long range value during base assaults, I think the TR don't utilize the cert nearly enough.
2003-12-05, 04:03 PM
i agree, i have yet to see a VS dev char...
All i see are NC, i wonder why...
SporkfirePS plays on Emerald as a VS a lot and has squaded with my outfit.
And BTW, No empire is overpowered. A lot of people in my outfit love looting MCG's because of their effectiveness at range which is far superior to that of the JH and Lasher.
2003-12-05, 04:31 PM
The TR are not under powered, they have a great advntage with regards to the MCG becuas eyou can fire it accuratly at good ranges. Both the lasher and LH have NO power at more than med ranges, the lasher does have a bit but the JH is relay inefective over 20-30 meter distanes becasue so few pellets hit, the sweeper is better at that range. And don't vcomplain about the Striker nerf so much the thing was HUGELY over powered before, it more than likely take down a reaver in one clip if you uses the fire then lock method. and it fires fast enough to be used indoors, the phoeinx sucks indoors or even when your in the line of site of the enemy because you can only fire one at a time befor reloading and the missle has to explode before you can reload. The cycler is by far the best MA. Yes your Maxes special ability sucks but so deos the NC's, in most situations it does jack.
But i thnk the empires are ballenced in a lopsided way, liek a mobiel, the things can be different sizes and shapes and distances away from the center but it still balences
2003-12-05, 04:51 PM
it more than likely take down a reaver in one clip if you uses the fire then lock method. and it fires fast enough to be used indoors, the phoeinx sucks indoors or even when your in the line of site of the enemy because you can only fire one at a time befor reloading and the missle has to explode before you can reload. The cycler is by far the best MA. Yes your Maxes special ability sucks but so deos the NC's, in most situations it does jack.
First off, you can't use the fire then lock method with the Striker. That's been removed.
Second, neither the Striker nor the Phoenix is especially useful once you get indoors. If you're pulling out any missile other than the Decimator indoors you're doing it wrong.
Third, please don't try and discount the usefulness of the Phoenix. It's insulting and discounts your entire argument.
Fourth, the Cycler is by far the best MA? I personally prefer it but I also find many people who prefer the Gauss or the Pulsar. How can it by far be the best MA if people can't even come to some sort of consensus about it?
Fifth, the NC MAX ability used to be useless and is fairly nice since the buff. VS then NC then TR is the pecking order on that one. TR used to have the best ability but since they've brought the Pounder down so far it seems only useful for the Burster any longer.
Blind whining that your empire is being picked on is no less annoying than blindly responding with equally silly statements.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-05, 06:40 PM
With respect to your post I think you are just comparing completely different things. This is a game and not reality. In a game you want things even to foster competition. In reality you do whatever you have to for the purpose of crushing your enemy. In reality there is no balance and no desire to achieve balance. You don�t want this in a game. If you did it would be like playing a �reality� game of U.S. vs. Iraq. If so sign me up for the U.S. team please. With a 5,000 to 1 kill ratio things were probably not �even� or �fair�.
i'd say that all three empires would have roughly the same production abilities. therefor, it would not be a "U.S. vs Iraqi" type deal. more of a "WW1 prior to U.S. involvement" type of fight. where neither side can maintain supremecy over any other faction for very long.
all i'm saying is, stop farting around with the weapons and equipment. they are fine. the problem lies in the end users of the weapons and equipment. a sad minority(majority?) of them are morons. don't listen to them, as they would probably pick their ears with an S&W .38. i'm not sugesting anything related to suicide, i'm just stating a fact that they are stupid, and simply don't know how to properly utilise said weapons and equipment.
2003-12-05, 07:15 PM
I love to read this stuff, even if I don't always agree. I play TR on Emerald, and have since I joined the game. I remember before the balance pass, we had all the zerg. TR ruled. After they nerfed some of our stuff, the fair weather types fled for greener pastures (in this case, NC). Now we have (had maybe due to merger) a lower population.
SO WHAT! The core of TR stayed and we still work together and enjoy our time online. If it was too out of wack, we would also vote with our feet and leave for NC. I will admit I seem to be in far more base defenses than offenses as of late. I also see us get kicked out of these bases at a higher rate when up against NC (we seem to hold our own against VS). But this is due more to population than to weapons buffs.
Now, if the populations don't stabalize after a few months, then maybe they need to look at balance. Until then, leave it alone and lets see what happens.
TR-Emerald (new and improved)
2003-12-05, 07:23 PM
The TR are at a disadvantage. The disadvantage is MOSTLY the lower population though. We get outnumbered a lot. I dunno how many times I've been in a tower defense where there are like 20 of us huddled inside and the enemy force outside has like 10 mags, 5 reavers, a mosquito and an ams. As for equipment. The striker need to be buffed up to make the damage comparable to that of the other empires OR needs to be able to fire faster. Didn't they lower its rate of fire AND it's damage before? As for the pounder, that thing is just sad. I tried playing with it today. I LOST one on one combat with a vanu weilding a sweeper in agile. I had full health and armor and he didn't even get behind me, thats just me trying to hit him with the grenades and him pumping rounds into me. There is seriously something wrong with that MAX.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-05, 08:11 PM
like i said, overbalancing ruins the game.
2003-12-05, 09:57 PM
Jebus, you NC that don't see the power of your empire are incredibly short sighted. It really is very blatantly obvious.
And yeah, some empires are better at things than others, its just too bad some of those things are worthless. TR are better at shooting loads of crap really fast, but unfortunately that doesn't do us any good when NC's "fire slow for loads of damage" build causes them to be able to do far more damage in the same amount of time.
Imagine two soldiers both in Reinforced ExoSuit who both had perfect aim and were firing at eachother with about 3 metres distance. One has the jackhammer, one has the MCG. Honestly, who do you think would win?
"Some empires do things better than others" is a null statement because the goal of both these soldiers is to deal heavy damage at short range. The MCGer will open fire, attempting to use his high rate of fire, which would only cause his cone of fire to become so large that even at such short range, many of his shots will miss. Meanwhile the Jackhammer wielder will be pumping entire shells at the MCGer, probably taking him down in a little more than 1 second, coming out not even heavily damaged.
The MCG can basically be viewed as a newbie killer, due to it's high clip size it can easily mow through loads of lightly armoured troops, unfortunately though, this isn't a terribly useful ability as any other HA weapon can basically do this anyway, only they'll probably run out of ammo faster.
2003-12-05, 10:05 PM
2003-12-05, 10:06 PM
Overbalancing CAN be a problem. Not all weapons should be created equal but each empire should be relatively equal in strength. As it stands right now the TR are weak in anti-vehicular. Our AV weapon AND our AV MAX are both weaker than that of both other empires. This means we have to rely on other tactics. The best way to back up a lack of power is to simply have more of it. Weapons weak? Get more guys with weapons. Problem is TR also has the lowest population. TR right now is essentially where the vanu were before the balance patch.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-06, 08:35 AM
Jebus, you NC that don't see the power of your empire are incredibly short sighted. It really is very blatantly obvious.
And yeah, some empires are better at things than others, its just too bad some of those things are worthless. TR are better at shooting loads of crap really fast, but unfortunately that doesn't do us any good when NC's "fire slow for loads of damage" build causes them to be able to do far more damage in the same amount of time.
Imagine two soldiers both in Reinforced ExoSuit who both had perfect aim and were firing at eachother with about 3 metres distance. One has the jackhammer, one has the MCG. Honestly, who do you think would win?
"Some empires do things better than others" is a null statement because the goal of both these soldiers is to deal heavy damage at short range. The MCGer will open fire, attempting to use his high rate of fire, which would only cause his cone of fire to become so large that even at such short range, many of his shots will miss. Meanwhile the Jackhammer wielder will be pumping entire shells at the MCGer, probably taking him down in a little more than 1 second, coming out not even heavily damaged.
The MCG can basically be viewed as a newbie killer, due to it's high clip size it can easily mow through loads of lightly armoured troops, unfortunately though, this isn't a terribly useful ability as any other HA weapon can basically do this anyway, only they'll probably run out of ammo faster.
you bring up a valid point. however, if you increase the distance, the Jackhammer becomes useless. all shotguns are esentially short range weapons. ask anyone in law enforcement, shotguns will not do much damage beyond like, 10 yards(give or take). both are very good weapons, however, i can honestly say that i'd much rather carry a MinniGun than a jackhammer when out in the open. longer ranges call for longer ranged weapons. in short, i agree with you entirely. each empire has it's advantages and disadvantages. we have incredible firepower at the cost of accuracy and range.
2003-12-06, 09:15 AM
Lasher is overpowerful? Those orbs are so slow you can almost outrun them. :rolleyes:
And i have outrun those little orbs.
2003-12-06, 10:39 AM
The TR are at a disadvantage. The disadvantage is MOSTLY the lower population though. We get outnumbered a lot. I dunno how many times I've been in a tower defense where there are like 20 of us huddled inside and the enemy force outside has like 10 mags, 5 reavers, a mosquito and an ams. As for equipment. The striker need to be buffed up to make the damage comparable to that of the other empires OR needs to be able to fire faster. Didn't they lower its rate of fire AND it's damage before? As for the pounder, that thing is just sad. I tried playing with it today. I LOST one on one combat with a vanu weilding a sweeper in agile. I had full health and armor and he didn't even get behind me, thats just me trying to hit him with the grenades and him pumping rounds into me. There is seriously something wrong with that MAX.
thats just sad :( the DP or grief machine was the best max in the game now i hardly every see it. when i was TR on konried i loved the thing racked up loads of enemy kills along with loads of friendly grief points i got weapons lock in 2 days use.
2003-12-06, 07:29 PM
Ed, that would be a valid point, but the MCG too is basically useless at even medium range.
The cone of fire is so large that, if lucky, you might only get 10 shots in for your whole 100 bullet clip. That may be better than the Jackhammer, but its never enough to kill someone unless they are either Linkdead, AFK or stupid. On the other hand, if my aim is on mark at the time I can hit a target with every shot of my Cycler's 50 shot clip, the weapon seems to have almost the same rate of fire as the MCG and a smaller cone of fire too, making it more effective at every range but well, melee range.
When it seems logical to drop your empire's heavy assault weapon in favour of your empire's medium assault weapon, don't you think theres a problem? :)
2003-12-06, 08:26 PM
Ed, that would be a valid point, but the MCG too is basically useless at even medium range.
The cone of fire is so large that, if lucky, you might only get 10 shots in for your whole 100 bullet clip. That may be better than the Jackhammer, but its never enough to kill someone unless they are either Linkdead, AFK or stupid. On the other hand, if my aim is on mark at the time I can hit a target with every shot of my Cycler's 50 shot clip, the weapon seems to have almost the same rate of fire as the MCG and a smaller cone of fire too, making it more effective at every range but well, melee range.
When it seems logical to drop your empire's heavy assault weapon in favour of your empire's medium assault weapon, don't you think theres a problem? :)
I have no trouble taking down opponants at medium range if you fire in bursts. At fulll auto the hit rate isn't so good but it works pretty well in bursts.
2003-12-07, 12:55 AM
We must have been using different MCGs then. :)
Obviously you'd fire in bursts when shooting at range, maybe your idea of "no trouble" is different to mine, and maybe your idea of "medium range" is different too. Sure, I guess you can kill people at medium range with no trouble, they just have to be stupid enough to hang around while you sit there spraying and praying that enough of your massive clip's bullets hit.
2003-12-07, 03:28 AM
I believe that the empires are about on even footing, and many things are bitched about that shouldn't be.
A) I've used the pounder, striker, all NC maxes, and the Phoenix to a great extent. The pounder got nerfed, there is no denying that, however, it is still an extreamly effective MAX against infanty, and is better against infantry than the Scattercannon by a fair ammount. However, the Scattercannon does much better against other MAXes than the pounder. As for the MAX ability being useless, the NC MAXes cannot fire and keep their shield up at the same time. I've seen smart terrans just wait until the MAX opens fire or its shield looses its charge before opening fire with their decis.
The striker got a nerf to its damage and a buff to it's cappacity, which combined into a slight nerf. The alteration to the lockon was a BUG FIX. The Striker is the only effective AV weapon against aircraft, other than the bug with the lock that came with the last patch, which the sparrow also suffers from. It is about even with the phoenix in usefulness because it does damage at a much higher rate and easier.
Edit: I made this post before I realized there was more than one page, so here are my comments on what has been said.
The falcon is an O.K. MAX, but any other AV MAX will kill it faster than it can kill them. Also, have you ever tried hiting a moveing vehicle with a falcon? Sparrow has a reletivly low DPS vs the other AA maxes, and is better for chaseing off aircraft than killing them.
MA is balanced. Cycler rules at close and is good at range. Gauss is the best of the 3 at range, and fair up close. Pulsar beats cycler at range, gauss close up, and is highly underrated against MAXes.
None of the AV weapons can do jack against vehicles any more, if you havent noticed. The phoenix has a worse TTK than the stiker by a long shot.
BTW, It is absolute BULLSHIT that the NC do better damage over time than the terrans. The terrans have the BEST DPS on pretty much all of their weapons. Experiments have proven this, I just dont have the time to get all the nubers and post them.
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