View Full Version : Vanu MAXs

2003-12-05, 06:33 PM
The other day I overheard (in chat) a Vanu player in my squad telling a newer player that our MAXs were the worst in the game. I was up to my elbows in NC blood so I couldn't respond at the time. I felt bad afterwards, because now there's some new guy who might actually believe this crap.

I personnelly feel that the Vanu MAXs are great and I love the extra maneuverability and jumpjets. NC and TR MAXs are easily out maneuvered on the battlefield and I really have no fear as an infantryman of taking on one of them. Since they uped the Vanu MAX turning ability I have never been outflanked by any infantry and if I do take a Decimator it's always to my face not from behind or from the side.

The Starfire is my absolute favorite. I not only get lots of aircraft kills, but it is also very handy at taking out infantry. When using the Starfire against infantry be sure to aim just slightly to the left of your target. This is especially important when your target is right on top of you. Try it and you'll find yourself getting a lot more hits with your 8 shot clip. You should have no problems dropping Standard or Agile armor with one clip.

Quasars chew through infantry very quickly. Unfortunately they use a lot of ammo doing it. The Comet is my absolute favorite anti-max suit. I have limited success against vehicles, but I'll eat other MAX units for lunch.

That's my opinion and others obviously disagree. I'd just like to see people actually try things out for themselves before they allow someones opinion to sway them toward any particular certifications in the game.

2003-12-05, 06:56 PM
I personally don't like playing MAXs, but when I played the Quasar last week before my friend purged the char for NC I thought it was the best MAX out there and you could see the fear in grunts when they face you. In a tower fight I racked up 80 kills within 30 minutes, of course I got decimated at quite a few times but the Quasar bolt really rips through grunts like knife on paper, and enough on other MAXs.

I have played all MAXs, the Quasar and NC Scatter are about the best I know of.

2003-12-05, 07:05 PM
Vanu MAX are awesome. They are my favorite MAX units. As far as TR goes, the burster is pretty good. Not the greatest on infantry but it swats down aircraft easily and actually is pretty effective on enemy MAX units.

2003-12-05, 07:08 PM
I wish i could fly like them for real.....

2003-12-05, 08:05 PM
You still won't find any other infantry that can defend like a TR MAX.

2003-12-05, 08:07 PM
TR MAX = defense.
VS MAX = offense.
NC MAX = made of lego.

2003-12-05, 08:07 PM
You still won't find any other infantry that can defend like a TR MAX.

:lol: That is very true.

Ed the MAD
2003-12-05, 08:22 PM
i have only killed one Vanu MAX in my whole time of playing. and that was with 12 well placed shots from my rocklet gun. from a distance. from on top of a hill. kneeling behind a big rock. while the MAX was preoccupied with molesting a Vanguard.

you get the idea.

2003-12-05, 10:15 PM
:lol: That is very true.

Thats why when TR defend a tower 20 guys can hold it for 2 hours. You just lock down covering the exits and everbody who walks in gets cut in half, shredded and smoked.

2003-12-05, 10:27 PM
Until you get 10 guys at the door with deci's.

2003-12-05, 10:34 PM
That sometimes doesn't matter. Those TR MAX's usually have 3 or 4 guys behind them who have Engineering, and probably one guy with Adv medic. That's when war get's shitty. To know you rushed in there, killed the Defender max, so that your team can get in their easier, and you died for it, only to see the enemy revive and fix the max. Kinda pissed you off after the 5th time it happens. That's why I always ignore the max's, and go for the troops.

2003-12-05, 10:45 PM
But that only happens when everyone doesn't rush in with AV weapons out and ready. Cuz if you kill all the MAXs those guys with the nano-kits are fucked.

2003-12-05, 10:57 PM
Thats why when TR defend a tower 20 guys can hold it for 2 hours. You just lock down covering the exits and everbody who walks in gets cut in half, shredded and smoked.

I love doing that. VS MAX's may be highly manueverable, but I love TR MAX's more. Plus, I ALWAYS win in a fight when I have my DC and I go up against the Vanu AV MAX. I remember once I walked into a CC blew away a VS AI and AV max only to get blasted by some noob that watched the whole time with a deci. X.X, anyways i love TR Max's. :D

2003-12-05, 11:00 PM
um, VS AV MAX kills other MAXs in a full clip. The other AV MAXs can do this, but it takes longer.

2003-12-06, 03:53 PM
um, VS AV MAX kills other MAXs in a full clip. The other AV MAXs can do this, but it takes longer.

Locked down TR MAX have a very high rate of fire though. In a dual between a Vanu AV MAX and my dual cycler we actually both died at the same time. It was pretty funny.

I can usually kill Vanu AV MAX with a locked down burster and still have 1/3 armor left.

2003-12-06, 03:58 PM
TR MAX = defense.
VS MAX = offense.
NC MAX = made of lego.
so true

2003-12-06, 03:59 PM
Locked down TR MAX have a very high rate of fire though. In a dual between a Vanu AV MAX and my dual cycler we actually both died at the same time. It was pretty funny.

I can usually kill Vanu AV MAX with a locked down burster and still have 1/3 armor left.

Thats when the VS user is a dumbass and doesn't know how to aim.

2003-12-06, 04:18 PM
Vanu Maxs are great. Their manuverability out in the open is totally deadly. Being able to jet up onto a tower or behind a large enemy force at a base is a huge advantage.

Get us inside however and things are a little different. We just bang our heads on the ceiling while we a pummeled by enemy weapons.

Outdoors I will take a Vanu MAX anyday. However, once things go inside I would probably prefer the NC maxs.

2003-12-06, 08:43 PM
Thats when the VS user is a dumbass and doesn't know how to aim.

In the second case I agree. The MAX jumped and I just tracked him and kept firing at him with the burster. In the first case though, we were stationary, alone and I was locked down. Dual Cycler vs Vanu AV, All shots hit, we both died at the same time.

2003-12-06, 10:19 PM
You have the best Anti-Air Max, I'm sure we'd all agree on that.
Your infantry max is the best outdoors in my opinion.

2003-12-07, 05:46 AM
VS MAXs are hands down the best overall. Course there are some cases where i prefer other MAX's, like in a tower battle. I love to charge up the shield in scattermax and just walk up pumping the enemy support infantry to pieces. Yeye, it gets me killed but the mob whit deci's and other MAX's behind me usually manage to finish the enemy off.

But overall, definatle the VS max's. I ain't touching the TR MAX's whit a 20 foot pole, don't want to catch the suckyness.

2003-12-07, 06:15 AM
Hardcore VS raps about how deadly VS MAXes are:


2003-12-07, 06:31 AM
Ok here's my opinion on what each empire's MAXs are the best.

TR DC: It's AV, great against MAXs, decent against Infantry and Vehicles.

NC Scatter: Simply AWSOME against infantry, not good against aircraft, or vehicles but when I see this thing I just take cover and pull out my Striker.

VS Comet: I think this is the AV one. It's great against vehicles and can do pretty damn well against infantry.

Now AA MAXs, I don't know if I can decide which AA MAX is better between the NC and VS.

Edit: Hey Nimbus I was just wondering, what's up with your Avatar?

Ed the MAD
2003-12-07, 01:36 PM
Edit: Hey Nimbus I was just wondering, what's up with your Avatar?

he must be familliar with GD-kun. indeed, OHP is a very good comic.

Cauldron Borne
2003-12-07, 02:12 PM
the burster is pretty sweet, lockd down 1 can hold off an army of inf and air easy. infantry are scared to death of flck bursting down around them while they hide behind their rocks and walls, hehe. the quasar is a great max, i take out tanks w/ it. the DC can rip through inf just as fast as it rips through lightnings, hehe. the scatMAX kills all inf, and can beat the crud outta a max if it has the jump on it.

2003-12-07, 03:30 PM
Ok here's my opinion on what each empire's MAXs are the best.

TR DC: It's AV, great against MAXs, decent against Infantry and Vehicles.

NC Scatter: Simply AWSOME against infantry, not good against aircraft, or vehicles but when I see this thing I just take cover and pull out my Striker.

VS Comet: I think this is the AV one. It's great against vehicles and can do pretty damn well against infantry.

Now AA MAXs, I don't know if I can decide which AA MAX is better between the NC and VS.

Edit: Hey Nimbus I was just wondering, what's up with your Avatar?

he must be familliar with GD-kun. indeed, OHP is a very good comic.

Exactly! I know quite a few comic artists, GD is one of them. I've got some guest art up on his site too. This avatar was originally meant just to be a placeholder but I haven't been able to find a better one yet. Plus people ask about it a lot.
By the way, OHP isn't always work safe, the guest art and the oekaki definately are not.

Back on topic I think all the AA MAX are really good. I find it a bit unfair that you leave the burster out. In my opinion it is actually the best AA MAX. It doesn't have lock on but it doesn't need it. The blast radius is large and a single clip will destroy reavers as well as moquitos. Last night I was actually able to kill 2 reavers at once with it. Yes, I am dead serious, they were flying side by side and they both blew up right in front of me. Thats something none of the other AA MAX units can claim.

2003-12-08, 01:08 PM
Last night I was actually able to kill 2 reavers at once with it. Yes, I am dead serious, they were flying side by side and they both blew up right in front of me. Thats something none of the other AA MAX units can claim.

Sorry I did something similar with the VS Starfire. Two NC reavers flying together came charging at me while I was sitting on a hill and I started shooting the first one as I jumped. Half way into my jump he explodes, I reload in midair, turning at the same time and took out the second reaver as he passed below me. That was one sweet victory.

Vis Armata
2003-12-08, 02:01 PM
Now AA MAXs, I don't know if I can decide which AA MAX is better between the NC and VS.

The VS AA MAX is the best in the game, without question. They're very prevalent, they have plasma damage (which is probably why they're everywhere) and they can jump out of the way of rockets, tank shells, machine gun fire....you get the idea.

2003-12-08, 02:03 PM
yeah, but for some reason they cant dodge getting hit with those jets, ive even tried jumping when he was 20m away, and i still got hit

2003-12-08, 03:03 PM
All 3 Vanu MAXs are just sick. I am glad tho because they used to be the worst so it is really nice to see Vanu get some luvins. It is my firm opinion that the Vanu is the only Empire where the Uni-MAX cert is worth the points. In fact they are so good I actually have that cert

2003-12-08, 03:20 PM
Problem with the starfire is that once you lose your lock all your shots are wasted. The Sparrow has a shorter lock-on range than the SF but if you lose your lock the missiles will still track their target. Burster just rapes them both though, being able to knock them out before they can get over that hill? planes cluster together and you got a burster, bye bye planes.

2003-12-08, 03:32 PM
yeah, but for some reason they cant dodge getting hit with those jets, ive even tried jumping when he was 20m away, and i still got hit

Welcome to client side hit detection. I've been a good 30m in the air firing at a tank trying to run my Comet down and fallen out of the air dead and squashed just because on the other guy's screen I was still standing on the ground.

It's much easier to use the jump jets to take out Reavers with the Starfire because even with client side it will normally get your guy out of there before enough missiles hit to kill him. Add in the fact that most Reaver pilots are quite poor pilots who sit still while spamming their missiles and it's pretty easy to land all 8 shots in a clip before they even think of flying away, all while you're jump jetted above their line of fire.

2003-12-08, 03:32 PM
The Vanu Comet Max roxxors my boxers. Splash effect makes it good aganst infantry, and I haven't met a max that can take me one on one in or out of a base when I'm in it.

Saw some lamer camping an air tower behind the fighting line yesterday. Killed him then went to the tower he was spawnign at. Killed him 2 more times then left from boredom. Still had over 300 armor. That's what a comet can do, easily.

The Starfire may be the best AA max, but it sucks against infantry. No lock, no splash, 4-6 hits for a kill with an 8 round clip.

The poor NC(which I play mainly) have the worst Maxes in the game, hands down. The AI max is Scatter is good, the Falcon's ok, but there's nothing special about them, except that they can live a little longer with shields on, as long as they're not firing.

2003-12-08, 04:31 PM
What I do with the Starfire is I keep moving even if it is just walking and sort of patrol the area were there is a lot of fighting going on. Take advantage of cover and just make myself as inconspicous as possible. Most pilots will just wander into my kill zone and I get to pounce on to them at close range before they know I'm there. I usually only fire when I'm pretty confident I'll get the kill. No sense wasting shots and giving away your position. If you keep moving around, then they're never quite sure were you are and most pilots tend to come back looking for some revenge.

When a reaver comes at me I use my jump jets as soon as I see those rockets leave their tubes. It only takes one clip to bring down a reaver or mosquito and I get a lot of my kills while I'm jumping. Turn up your mouse sensitivity so you can keep the lock going better and you can reload, turn and and get off 8 more shots before you ever hit the ground.

As a Starfire, you'll be taking a lot of falling damage, so be sure to bring along plenty of Med kits or get the Advanced Regen implant.

2003-12-08, 05:18 PM
Starfire is pretty effective against infantry, as long as you're close quarters. With a CoF like that, you can't hit anything beyond 20 meters (not including aircraft, but that's cause of missile locK).