View Full Version : About Sniper Gun Recoil?
2003-01-21, 09:17 PM
How bad is it going to be. in battlefield 1942, the recoil isn't bad, in medal of honor, the recoil is insane. so which is it for planetside.
Yabsa 4
2003-01-21, 09:21 PM
From what I've gathered, the Bolt Driver (the sniper rifle) is a single shot weapon, so recoil shouldn't really matter either way, except for reacquiring(sp?) targets.
2003-01-21, 09:21 PM
Ironically, In BF1942 sniping take SERIOUS skill, especially at range, while in MoH, that sniper rifle might as well be straight out of U2K3. So which is it?
Camping Carl
2003-01-21, 09:29 PM
Well... considering its a one-shot weapon I don't see how recoil could affect it's acuraccy. As for skill needed to snipe, if you think battlefield 1942 was bad, try playing Alien versus predator 2. Now there's a game that makes it impossible to snipe! :(
2003-01-21, 09:47 PM
well in BF42, I am a master sniper. i have mastered killing someone in a single shot while they are running. just gotta time it right.
I was just curious about the recoil. i'm not even going to spec in the bolt driver. curiousity runs wild in my mind.
2003-01-21, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Kyonye
well in BF42, I am a master sniper. i have mastered killing someone in a single shot while they are running. just gotta time it right.
great, want a medal?
2003-01-21, 10:17 PM
Shyfted One
2003-01-21, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Well... considering its a one-shot weapon I don't see how recoil could affect it's acuraccy. As for skill needed to snipe, if you think battlefield 1942 was bad, try playing Alien versus predator 2. Now there's a game that makes it impossible to snipe! :(
It's not THAT bad in AvP2 :) A few people I play with are very good with it :D There really aren't many places to actually snipe from though except for the very open maps.
Camping Carl
2003-01-21, 11:30 PM
Well yeah, you can snipe in avp2, it's easy enough if you turn the mouse sensitivity down. But for snipers, it's one of the harder fps out there. There's nothing more irritating than trying to snipe an alien who's hopping all over the place, or a predator you can't see.
I love how sniping's set up in BF'42. It seems to quickly aggrivate the CS-junkies who think they can run-n-gun with it like it's an AWP :P~
And like Navaron said, it takes SERIOUS skill to one-hit a moving target. Fun stuff
Anyway I think the bolt driver is breach-loaded, which will make for... less than speedy reload times. So you'll probably end up spending a fair amount of time reaquiring your target with or without high recoil
2003-01-22, 01:45 AM
I really like the way sniping is done in Bf1942 where the shots aren't instant and you have to lead for a target that isn't running straight at you. Indeed it does take more skill than say counter-strike, but you get used to it. After a while you get pretty comfortable with it to snipe people out of jeeps traveling horizontally across your screen at god knows how far away. Or snipe the people in a landing craft coming at you on the beach. Just takes time.
HOWEVER while bullets in 1942 clearly aren't instaneous keep in mind that the bullets dont loose height as they travel. It's only a matter of aiming ahead of a person.
My friend says Delta Force has probably the hardest aiming system. The bullets obey the law of gravity so you have to take a lead shot and compensate for distance vs gravity by aiming up a ways..
I don't even want to think about sniping in that game....
Im just curious to know how long you need to be standing still to get a good accurate shot. I don't like it it bf1942. Often I use scout class as an assault and drop crouch and fire within a second.. That I feel is too fast. I hope in Planetside it takes a good 2 seconds to steady the gun to get a good shot. Would be no fun seeing people using sniper rifle in that game as an assault rifle.
2003-01-22, 02:02 AM
I dont think that there will be any delay to steady your gun, but it has such a long reload time that if you dont kill them on the first shot it will be over. From our speculations probably only standard, or maybe agile will be killed in one shot. Also if you miss that shot your screwed.
2003-01-22, 02:44 AM
Also if you miss that shot your screwed.
Possible scenarios if you miss:
1) They look for you. Then you might end up in trouble, but that's only if you're an idiot who thinks they can be successful if they solo. Play a sniper like the Marines use snipers. Be a part of a team.
2) They don't even realize you shot at them. You'll probably get another shot.
3) They know you shot at them and they run away. Time for you to change locations.
4) They know you shot at them and take cover somewhere. You'll likely end up killing them if they try and fight back.
Moral of the story? Don't go solo.
2003-01-22, 02:57 AM
Actually I was replying to Sturm who was worried they would be used at close range, I think that they would see you and take you out if you missed/didnt kill them. I agree with you for long distance sniping though.
2003-01-22, 05:48 AM
Originally posted by RabidPlatypus
great, want a medal?
Take your attitude somewhere else, we don't need, nor want it here...
2003-01-22, 03:34 PM
Paging the doctor, we need someone to surgically remove the stick out of diego's ass.
2003-01-22, 04:01 PM
Personally, I'm a little concerned about sniping in PS. We really don't know what limitations it has, other than it's single shot with reload and you can't be in stealth. I come from Tribes, and have recently started playing bf42. Sniping in bf42 is pretty easy, even on moving targets. The main difference I see is that in order to shoot accurately in bf42, you have to crouch, stand still or go prone, any of which leaves you a sitting duck for a sniper. That's realistic I suppose, but it gives snipers a huge advantage. It appears that PS will use standing still and crouch in the same way to reduce the cone of fire...that means more sitting ducks for snipers.
In the Tribes world, unless you're O sniping, most of your targets are moving or are themselves sniping. And in Tribes, you find the sniper rifle used as more of a tool to complement other weapons that fit the task.
Actually, I guess they've placed certain limitations on it in PS, like limiting one shot kills and snipers have no other weapons...but it's still gonna be easy methinks.
Rabid you are obviously a very immature person that is 4 years old, or very desperate for attention, so please go back to the official forums where you flamers hang.
oh come on yuyi...4 thats a little harsh...more like 6...yea 6
2003-01-22, 04:30 PM
Seems like a plausible scenario, Shark.
2003-01-22, 04:38 PM
I think alot of the regular fighters with assault rifles will be standing and moving a good portion of the time with an occasional stop, to fire a quick burst, then to continue moving. I don't think they will normally make for easy targets. If the player is tring to hit someone who is far away then then they are not equiped with the best weapon for the task and are therefore penalized by making them sitting ducks.
When a player does feel the need to kneel and take greater aim, they should be near some cover so they can fire a couple bursts and then duck behind something.
If someone is out in the open and kneeling, in the middle of a battlefield, they are going to be an easy target regardless of how good or bad sniping is.
2003-01-22, 06:20 PM
I wonder how accurate run and gun is going to be with say an assault rifle or small arms weapon?
EX: Seeing some TR max anchoring down while he's infront of you and you do a circle-strafe around him while firing at him. I guess it depends on the gun..but it is still going to be a viable option to shoot while running?
I hate games where when anyone sees an enemy they automatically stop and crouch to get a better shot; no matter how close the person is.
2003-01-22, 06:26 PM
Shooting whiel running has always been only available to the pixel perfect games. Crouching will most likely be used alot. It lowers the noticeably of the person and allows for more accuracy. I think they'll be alot of that out in the fields but indoor combat will rarely see people crouching unless they're trying to sneak their way in.
2003-01-22, 06:32 PM
Easy guys - before I get out the moderator stick
Have no fear guys, Hamma won't beat you with that stick much, i on the other hand will whip your ass with it .... if i had it. :(
2003-01-22, 06:44 PM
If it comes to it, the stick will be broken out with fury
I still say i could be a better nazi mod than you Hamma. ;)
2003-01-22, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Yuyi
Rabid you are obviously a very immature person that is 4 years old, or very desperate for attention, so please go back to the official forums where you flamers hang.
I jokingly said great want a medal and he lashed out and attacked me, the person I said the joke to didn't seem to care.
2003-01-22, 07:24 PM
Hamma's pissed now and has called in the big dog nazi - me. I'm here to kick ass and take names. I'm gonna ban you all starting with dio if you don't watch it.
Actually, I think we have another case of no inflection text. I think he was making a joke, and some people seem to be a little uptight. It's ok to make a joke, and it's also ok to call someone on it. Just be cool. Diego and Yuyi, you guys might wanna ease up a little. It's all good though.
I guess I'm gonna ban Dio anyway. Sorry guys.
2003-01-22, 08:33 PM
I've always wanted this place to be somewhat open (me and my staff), I dont want to lock threads left and right because I dont agree with them or think that they belong here heh
2003-01-22, 09:01 PM
Fortunatley, I agree. The answer is banning. I have no objections to that at all. I can be your banning Captain. Let's start with my competition....bye bye Dio.
2003-01-22, 09:05 PM
Why is Dio your competition?
2003-01-22, 09:30 PM
He want's to be a Nazi as bad as I do, and he has a lead in the race..... I'll get that little flap jack guzzler.....
2003-01-22, 09:40 PM
Ok, ban away.
2003-01-22, 09:43 PM
YAAAY ! BANNING .....wait why are you banning who ? :D
2003-01-22, 10:00 PM
Don't worry, not you...wait you're not a Cannuck are you...well I guess we need a few NC up in the 51rst state.
2003-01-22, 10:26 PM
Wasn't NC was one of the 13 original states. :p
2003-01-22, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Don't worry, not you...wait you're not a Cannuck are you...well I guess we need a few NC up in the 51rst state.
lets not get into canada vs the us remeber you guys are sending all your troops to Iraq and look canada isnt sending any ours are convieniently "busy" once the war starts it will be easy pickins
for us :D oh and NC RULES !! FOR FREEDOM!!
2003-01-22, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Yuyi
Rabid you are obviously a very immature person that is 4 years old, or very desperate for attention, so please go back to the official forums where you flamers hang.
Nicely put.. I think he was owned.. I hate the Official Forums, flamers with no lives lurk in there..
2003-01-22, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by RabidPlatypus
I jokingly said great want a medal and he lashed out and attacked me, the person I said the joke to didn't seem to care.
Didn't see a "lol" or "j/k" or ":D" in that post, seemed like an attack. And what are you a girl? Get over it "Wah, he lashed out and attacked me on forums!" I don't attack shit, grow up..
2003-01-22, 11:35 PM
More :love: would be nice...
Originally posted by Hamma
I've always wanted this place to be somewhat open (me and my staff), I dont want to lock threads left and right because I dont agree with them or think that they belong here heh
Locking threads because you don't like what is being said : Bad
Locking spam threads or keeping flamers, jerks, losers and ignorant kids away from our peaceful and friendly community : Priceless
For everything else, there's Dio.*
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
He want's to be a Nazi as bad as I do, and he has a lead in the race..... I'll get that little flap jack guzzler.....
Meh, i don't really want a nazi mod spot that bad, i would just think i'd be a good help since i was the first non PSU-staff whore and i could probably get to the "not so PSU material" peeps faster than other non whore (and less l33t as well) PSU staff members. :lol:
I wasn't aware i had the lead though. w00t!
*Dio is the official sponsor of the 2424 olympics and the Planetside triathlon.
2003-01-23, 05:26 AM
I'm with Dio, hes been here for some time, I'm really thinking he should get something, and he deserves it... :D
2003-01-23, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by [sF]Diego
Didn't see a "lol" or "j/k" or ":D" in that post, seemed like an attack. And what are you a girl? Get over it "Wah, he lashed out and attacked me on forums!" I don't attack shit, grow up..
When I said lashed out and attack me I said it sarcastically because you took such offense to my post, maybe you should calm down and stop being such a defensive forum fanboy.
2003-01-23, 08:20 AM
I see very few threads de-railed or flamers running rampant. You sure you are looking at the same forums Dio? ;)
2003-01-23, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
I see very few threads de-railed or flamers running rampant. You sure you are looking at the same forums Dio? ;)
Well i'm not saying it's official forum like but spam can run wild sometimes and a few people can get a bit not so friendly. :)
Edit: Btw thanks for the vote of confidence Diego(unless it was sarcastic ;)) :)
2003-01-23, 02:57 PM
Haha, your really cornored arn't you? I didn't take any offense, I just spotted a moron, and felt like pointing it out, and I'm far from a FanBoy of a Forum, thanks anyways. Try shutting up, sitting down, and having a Pedialyte, thanks..
2003-01-23, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Dio
Well i'm not saying it's official forum like but spam can run wild sometimes and a few people can get a bit not so friendly. :)
Edit: Btw thanks for the vote of confidence Diego(unless it was sarcastic ;)) :)
No sacasim here. ;)
2003-01-23, 03:22 PM
...Sounds like somone needs a Midol...
(Its a joke...):D :D :D
2003-01-23, 04:30 PM
Another fine product from the nonsense factory...
2003-01-23, 04:39 PM
Hamma, we're looking at the same forums, you just have rose colored glasses on. Just let me loose, I will take care of it so quick, everyone will be scared of spam.... and flame that's not humorous...oooooo....I ban them to the officials forever.
2003-01-23, 04:40 PM
Did I mention Vanu...I'll get rid of them too.
2003-01-23, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by [sF]Diego
Haha, your really cornored arn't you? I didn't take any offense, I just spotted a moron, and felt like pointing it out, and I'm far from a FanBoy of a Forum, thanks anyways. Try shutting up, sitting down, and having a Pedialyte, thanks..
Can you tell me, is ignorance bliss? I'd really like to know sometime......
2003-01-23, 05:45 PM
Diego chill plz. Consider this a warning.
I would be scared to release some of you as mods.. i think you would edit everything :p
2003-01-23, 06:38 PM
Watch it could be next.
Damnit, I'll never be an admin like this.
2003-01-23, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Diego chill plz. Consider this a warning.
I would be scared to release some of you as mods.. i think you would edit everything :p
Grr.. Yes'ir.... :)
2003-01-23, 07:12 PM
hohoho I win
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Watch it could be next.
Damnit, I'll never be an admin like this.
Ok well 1-I'm going for mod not admin, i'm not crazy like my newly l33t whore friend, even Unreg and eMa aren't admins. :p 2-I would't edit everything just the spamfests and mini-flamewars. As well as take care the immature kids who spam questions and shoutouts during AGN live. :)
In short, vote for me people for your next nazi mod!
Camping Carl
2003-01-23, 08:21 PM
Did I mention Vanu...I'll get rid of them too.
Well.... you've got my vote.
2003-01-23, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Well... considering its a one-shot weapon I don't see how recoil could affect it's acuraccy. As for skill needed to snipe, if you think battlefield 1942 was bad, try playing Alien versus predator 2. Now there's a game that makes it impossible to snipe! :(
Are you kiding? the sniper rifle in AvP2 is dead-on accurate no matter how fast you're moveing. Heck, I've used it as an assault weapon because I know aproxamately when the bullet will shoot on my screen.
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