View Full Version : IRC dev chat with Dave G - January 31st at 5:30pm PST
2003-01-21, 11:53 PM
I have now confirmed with Smokejumper (Dave G) that the next IRC dev chat will take place in channel #planetside on gamesnet January 31st at 5:30pm PST.
Dave will be taking the time to update us on the state of the internal beta test, some of the issues commonly worried about in the forums, and answering questions from the crowd. I can make no promises, but I have also set time aside during the chat especially for any announcements Dave might have to make. No matter what happens I guarantee that by the end of the chat you will know more about PlanetSide than when it started.
This chat will not be a huge information dump like the last one. I have selected a few key questions to ask Dave, but I have decided that the bulk of the questions asked will come from the crowd in the channel. In fact not only will your question get asked, you will get to ask it. "How might I get a chance to do that?" you ask? Well here is the key:
Between now and the date of the chat anyone observed by the op's in channel #planetside actively participating, will get first dibs on being chosen to get thier question asked. I can't guarantee Dave will be able to answer, but you'll get your shot. Is this fair? Maybe, maybe not. A cheap trick to get people into the channel? Probably. We want to make sure though that for a change the active members of the community get rewarded instead of the idlers.
Dave is droping by for one purpose only: To update us, the community, on the state of our favorite game. I hope everyone will turn out to show Dave that his time wasn't wasted. Lets show Dave what the force of the community truely looks like.
To join the chat, point your IRC software to channel #planetside on Don't forget.. January 31st at 5:30pm PST (8:30pm EST)
2003-01-22, 01:12 AM
2003-01-22, 01:19 AM
Yay! :bouncy:
Can you make this a sticky Hamma?
Woot! :cheers:
Sticky this (please)! :D
2003-01-22, 05:51 AM
Sticky.... :D
2003-01-22, 08:13 AM
YAHOO!!!!! Just over a week away...
2003-01-22, 09:04 AM
This will be simulcast in psu irc #devcoverage
However - if you want to participate I highly encourage you to go to gamesnet IRC
/server -m -j #planetside in mIRC 6.0+
Special thanks to CrazyMike for arranging this event :D
Oh i was under the impression this would all be on the AGN network. So PSU isn't running the show then, or am i just crazy?
Ah well, we still get Dave all to ourselves! :D
is it the same interview that we are gathering our questions for? or is psu puttin on its own?
2003-01-22, 11:31 AM
Hmm, that's the impression I got also. I guess it's all the same, unless it's going to be full of spammers and lamers from other sites...that would suck.
2003-01-22, 12:20 PM
PSU is having a shoutcast interview, CrazyMike is having an IRC interview.
2 seperate events - 2 different enviroments ;p
good news....thnx for clearing that up
2003-01-22, 12:35 PM
The gamesnet devchat will have ops in the channel making sure there is no spamming or what not. Everyone will probably be muted like last time, except for those who wish to ask questions who will be voiced for the duration of their asking time.
But hey I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming it will be something like that.
2003-01-22, 02:05 PM
Ohh I see, thanks hamma.
Hey fish, you wanna ask my questions for me so they get answered again? Maybe a shoutout too? You're cool.
2003-01-22, 02:52 PM
btw I figured out why we were not seeing your questions during the shoutcast Nav, you were sending them in the wrong way - not using !q !r !s ;)
Originally posted by Hamma
PSU is having a shoutcast interview, CrazyMike is having an IRC interview.
2 seperate events - 2 different enviroments ;p
Cool! :thumbsup:
2003-01-22, 04:33 PM
2003-01-22, 04:58 PM
PSU Owns All!!
2003-01-22, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
This will be simulcast in psu irc #devcoverage
So, jog my memory.. why are you cut/pasting the interview? Why not just roll over to #planetside, the semi-99% official Planetside irc channel, and watch it first hand, and send us questions so you can have your input in it?
Originally posted by txMaddog
PSU Owns All!!
If you say so mate.
2003-01-22, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Oddjob
the semi-99% official Planetside irc channel
good one ;) Just registered so you can come take cheap shots eh? Welcome aboard.
There is no "official" PS irc channel, and if there is - its certainly not there :lol:
You forgot to read this part:
However - if you want to participate I highly encourage you to go to gamesnet IRC
/server -m -j #planetside in mIRC 6.0+
Special thanks to CrazyMike for arranging this event :D
Originally posted by Oddjob
#planetside, the semi-99% official Planetside irc channel
2003-01-22, 09:13 PM
Do you knwo when the shotucast interview by PSU will be?
2003-01-22, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
good one ;) Just registered so you can come take cheap shots eh? Welcome aboard.
There is no "official" PS irc channel, and if there is - its certainly not there :lol:
You forgot to read this part:
You missed the 99% not full official. Think before speaking.
2003-01-22, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Do you knwo when the shotucast interview by PSU will be?
Should know fairly soon ;)
2003-01-22, 11:46 PM
MAKE IT SOONER!!! jk heh, sorry. :)
2003-01-23, 02:31 AM
Please don't take my friendly, community oriented, post and turn it to shit.
Thank you.
2003-01-23, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by Oddjob
#planetside, the semi-99% official Planetside irc channel
:rofl: :lol: Just leave now.. :lol:
2003-01-23, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by CrazyMike
Please don't take my friendly, community oriented, post and turn it to shit.
Thank you.
Were trying.. Assholes who have nothing better to do are getting in the way..
2003-01-23, 08:39 AM
You're calling oddy an asshole? Shame on you.
2003-01-23, 11:56 AM
It's amazing that the two main communities can't seem to understand that getting along will do one thing for Planetside!...make it better. I'm not laying blame on any one person, just making a statement that we should do everything to make the planetside community better than any out there. I for one would love to see everyone from the PSU community to join in on the IRC channel chat that Crazymike has taken the trouble to set up, and not seperate the channels by hosting it in another room. (Hamma, this is a personal request, and by no means needs to be done, but I for one would appreciate it) And as for Hamma's shoutcast I will make a plea to have everyone join that.
I look at the rooms and both are growing daily, and hopefully things will work themselves out to where each considers each other a friend, if not I say then take it out in Planetside soon.:) Thanks for listening to my rable, and hope it helps.
2003-01-23, 12:24 PM
My door has always been open, some people choose not to come through it ;)
But again. I dont discourage people to attend the event if they want to, if they watch the simulcast on PSU they will not be able to ask questions anyway. ;)
2003-01-23, 12:27 PM
I think perhaps some have mis-interpreted our intent for simulcasting the dev chat. Some folks have difficulties with technical aspects such as configuring and joining IRC servers. By simulcasting the event to a local channel here at PSU's IRC, we hoped those who might not attempt to reconfigure their IRC client would be able to follow along. It is our intent to increase exposure to the dev irc chat, not divide it as some have suggested. By all means, we encourage those who are capable to tune into the irc server/channel where the dev chat will be held. For those who don't plan on asking questions, or just don't feel they are capable of setting up their client, we have a local channel that will simulcast the event. We fully support Crazymike in all his efforts to bring this dev chat to the community and hope our simulcast will expose the dev chat to the maximum number of people possible. :)
2003-01-23, 12:32 PM
I agree that it is best to participate in the discussion on the channel where it is set up, but I think Hamma was doing exactly what you recommend by simulcasting it on the psu channel. I dont think it was meant to take people away from the other channel, just that if you are already familiar with that channel then you can see it there too. More places to view the same information is generally a good thing.
I can understand that some people wouldn't understand this, and Oddjob was being a bit rude, or as Hamma stated, "Just registered so you can come take cheap shots eh?" I think its silly to be in competition with anyone else in the Planetside community. Everyone who has a website, or irc channel devoted to this great game can just do their best job of bringing information to the people who want it (and playing exclusive betas :D). PSU has taken many screenshots from other sites for its media section, that is the same thing as what it is doing for the upcoming irc chat with SmokeJumper. Think of it as spreading the :love:
EDIT: Uh yeah, basically what Marsman said...
2003-01-23, 03:03 PM
Marsman's Avatar runs with a gun. :D
2003-01-23, 03:47 PM
Be glad it's not an Eludium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator ( ! :brow:
2003-01-23, 05:50 PM
2003-01-23, 07:04 PM
2003-01-24, 12:42 AM
2003-01-24, 09:12 PM
Wow three useless posts containing one smilie. Ok the first one may not have been completely useless, but is it just me or is 50% of the posts here those two smillies?
2003-01-24, 09:16 PM
Stop flaming and ruining our fun.
2003-01-24, 09:23 PM
Wait I got it.. Where is he...
There he is.. :lol: :rofl:
And for YOU Fish.. :spam: Thats some good stuff.. :D
2003-01-24, 09:27 PM
Who pissed on his fishios?
2003-01-24, 09:28 PM
Maybe "he's" having his period or something.
2003-01-24, 09:36 PM
stop with the whoring :|
2003-01-24, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Stop flaming and ruining our fun.
Seemed more like an observation than a flame.
2003-01-26, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
stop with the whoring :|
2003-01-26, 04:51 PM
Dio is a whore!
No i'm not!
Oops forgot i didn't kiss enough booty to get that title changed yet!
Uhh never mind... keep moving folks, nothing to see here.
Originally posted by Dio
No i'm not!
Oops forgot i didn't kiss enough booty to get that title changed yet!
Uhh never mind... keep moving folks, nothing to see here.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
2003-01-26, 05:55 PM
2003-01-31, 08:39 AM
Don't forget, this is tonight!
2003-01-31, 09:40 AM
Can someone tell me what time that would be GMT+1?
2003-01-31, 10:49 AM
EST is GMT-5
PST is GMT-8
so GMT+1 would be 9 hours ahead or 2:30 AM Saturday
2003-01-31, 03:42 PM
2003-02-01, 01:11 AM
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