View Full Version : NC Suxx0r.

2003-12-09, 08:00 PM
Well, not really. I know plenty of honorable, good-sport NC, myself included. But sometimes it irks me to see members of my old empire acting in such a childlike fashion.

Earlier today, I put an entire clip of lancer ammo into a vanguard, before he noticed me. I ran around behind hills popping shots off at him, he taking the occasional shot in my general direction. I ran out of lancer, and switched to my fallback - The beamer. I put it on AP mode, and did the same as always- Popping out from the hills, taking a few shots, and ducking out of the way before the shell hit.

Well, I was a little too slow on the retreat, and ate a vanguard shell after I emptied my 5th clip of beamer at him. I then get a tell.

Admins can edit the name away, should they deem necessary.

[tell] Torquenada: lol u suck

Beamer Vs. Tank. I'd like to think he'd win over me, or else I'd have to begin doubting the general NC zerg's intelligence sometimes. :p

2003-12-09, 08:05 PM
Had it been me in the Van, I would have let you kill me so you could get screen shots of the massive beamer kill. :cool:

2003-12-09, 08:05 PM
Wrong form
goto game disscusion

2003-12-09, 08:24 PM
This in no way helps improve the game, nor contributes anything to it. Just bitching.

Ergo, I put in the lounge.

2003-12-09, 08:32 PM
yea, on Markov us NC can flock like sheep...one global message saying "Cyssor is boring, lets go to Ishdunar!" and everyone is there in 10 minutes. also, it seems like we're a very "Noob-heavy" empire. I've seen vanguards shell a friendly AMS to kill an infil, but not a prowler. o well....I still love the good ol jackhammer.

2003-12-09, 08:46 PM
hey now we North Carolinians are damn fine people. dont be playa hatin'

2003-12-09, 08:48 PM
Last time I went to North Carolina, I was assaulted by 15 construction crews with jackhammers, and a french scientist. It sucked royally.

Thus, I shall never go to North Carolina again. Take THAT, NC chamber of Commerce!

2003-12-09, 10:25 PM
Last time I went to North Carolina, I was assaulted by 15 construction crews with jackhammers, and a french scientist. It sucked royally.

Thus, I shall never go to North Carolina again. Take THAT, NC chamber of Commerce!
:rofl: yes the nc are noob-heavy partly it would seem that new ppl perhaps want to join the highest pop. most always nc and then sometimes vets might tell noobs to PS to go to nc because itd be easier to get experience ergo you shall get more certs faster vis-a-vis possibly even learning the game faster...who knows :shrug:

2003-12-09, 10:28 PM
:rofl: yes the nc are noob-heavy partly it would seem that new ppl perhaps want to join the highest pop. most always nc and then sometimes vets might tell noobs to PS to go to nc because itd be easier to get experience ergo you shall get more certs faster vis-a-vis possibly even learning the game faster...who knows :shrug:


2003-12-09, 10:31 PM
thats what i was trying to get at in a subliminal way but in fact managed to use the two correctly :D

2003-12-09, 10:36 PM
Wrong form
goto game disscusion