View Full Version : Funniest Thing thats happened to you in Planetside?
2003-12-09, 09:06 PM
Probably when i said "Im really sorry" when i got shot down in a reaver i ejected and the reaver got me when i landed but after i said "im really sorry" he just started ramming me a little then flew off for no reason. Or when tried to go under the 2nd level of a base. Or when Vash OSed me in a zerg base and i was the only death in that OS
2003-12-09, 09:13 PM
:lol: ph33r my OS
This actually happened not 15 minutes ago.
I see an OS start to go off in the courtyard. I start running like hell, and as soon as I see the one I ran from finish, with me alive, I see another OS just finishing up on a Lodestar.
Thats the moment you just say "Shit."
2003-12-09, 11:43 PM
When I OS's ouroboros.
When the galaxy I was riding in attempted to land, and was instead flipped upside down and transported across Ishundar at around 200 kilometers an hour. At the end of its journey it was dumped in the ocean and went down with all hands.
Another time, early in the game, I was attempting to circle strafe an enemy and was failing badly. Luckily he wasn't so hot himself and we ended up both running out of ammo. We forgot about our knives and just sort of stood there, staring at each other.
2003-12-10, 04:07 AM
The time three NC killed me and started to hack my freshly deployed AMS. I lay there dead waiting for some people to come along and secure it again. A fraction of a second after one of them hacked it, an OS came in and killed all three, along their newly aquired AMS. The OS was NC :D
2003-12-10, 07:13 AM
When I sneak up onto a MAX Pounder and empty a whole Decis into him without killing him. He turns around and I go like SHIT thats it. Turns out he's completely out of ammo (and medkits) and just stands there till I get another Deci out of my backpack and finish him of.
2003-12-10, 07:30 AM
Going 1 on 1 with a VC MAX as a Rexo. The server burps and we both go LD for 2 seconds. Then we both look at each other.
Me : WTF was that
MAX : Dunno, just saw you go LD and I did as well
Me : You've nearly killed me
MAX : I know
Me : OK, cya, good hunting...
MAX Cya m8 :)
My Outfit then catch me up and twat him one.......
2003-12-10, 09:37 AM
Just the other night...
I dropped on Searhus looking for a few easy sniper kills before I log for the night. I dropped on the lip of the crater just SE of Pele. Well I start treking up the ridge to the edge of the crater and see a TR pod drop at the top, about 150 meters in front of me. This agile steps out of the pod and starts running at me. All I have is my bolt so I drop to a knee and take aim. The guy stops and gives me a "Hi there." just as my bolt strikes him in the head. He kills over on the first shot. He sends me tell saying how mean I am and he just wanted to say "Hi."
2003-12-10, 10:55 AM
When i was in a loadstar in a vanguard (and a gunner) we jumped out jus happend to be a nme load under us we landed inside the cargo bay flipping the thing 5 times
2003-12-10, 11:34 AM
LOL, I did get squished by a vanguard the other night. I was sniping on the ridge, and I noticed the radar sig of a van right where I was...didn't think to look up.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-10, 12:56 PM
one time i got angry at KennethP for busting apart my enforcer. i went over ot knife him. but when i got to him i ralised he was in a flail. i figured, to hell with it, then pulled out my Pulsar and charged him. he killed me in one shot. then i came back with a pack full of Decimators and blew him a new orafice.
2003-12-10, 06:57 PM
When I first started to learn to fly the reaver, I came in doing a rocket run on a Magrider. I didn't pull out in time, and ended up under it. We started taking damage from the motion, and I tried to fly straight up and lost control and exploded, killing them and me at the same time.
2003-12-10, 07:22 PM
I once was flying around trying to stop a Mag in our base. I was in a skeeter at the time. I lost control from his shots, and I ejected. Turns out my downed bird landed on the Mag and killed it.
Another time, I was a stupid newb and spawned at a Med lab, with an enemy tower near it. I hacked the tower and broadcasted my great work all over the base. Then I got a mosquito and went to other bases, parading how awesome I was. God, I must have looked like a dumbass.
2003-12-10, 07:30 PM
I was flying a gal over the ocean, that was completly full with outfitmates. It was shorter to cross the ocean, instead of going overland.
Well, my smart ass decided to see if we could make a wake.....I did....moments later.
BOOM gal sinks, and everyone on board drowns. We had an underwater knife fight.
2003-12-10, 07:52 PM
I started PS, and noticed that I was in an enemy facility as a NC MAX, I thought "As long as Im in here I might as well destroy some stuff." So I begin traveling to the generator, and a small enemy agile exosuit runs up to me and begins to fire a supressor.
"Heehee" I thought. It'll take all day for him to kill me. So I turn on my shield and stare at him. He's standing at point blank range firing all he's got at me, and all I do is sit there. "He must think I have no ammo" I thought. So began to yell "Cease Fire" over and over again.
So he stops. "Boy, what a sucker" I thought. I stood there and decided that I was bored so I just pressed the "return to sanc" button. We were just looking each other in the eye for 30 seconds without a shot being fired and I disapear! THAT guy is the definition of N00B.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-11, 01:42 AM
okay, so here i was, in the turret of my enforcer. Vanu storming the base, i was one of only five defenders. guarding the entrance near the underground vehicle bay. one attacker was in a MAX, taking potshots at me by hoping over the wall. another MAX was taking shots from around the corner of the entrance i was guarding, and one Vanu trooper was hiding behind a wall trying to take me out with what i assume was either a lasher or a pulsar, i'm not entirely sure on that detail. in anycase he died first. next i started shooting at the Max hoping over the wall, as he was doing the most damage. i fired my launcher five time, i think. in anycase, he killed me, but at the same time i struck a direct hit on him. killing him instantly. it was the most entertaining fight i've been in.
2003-12-11, 06:52 AM
When I destroyed a NC Mosquito with 3 Sniper rifle shots.
2003-12-11, 07:49 AM
Okay this sort of thing happened to me twice. I forget wich base and wich cont. But in warp bubble near a base my squad was defendeing a a TR max. But he would not leave. I telled him asking why wont he come out. He told me to trun around Behind me outside the bubble were three of my squad members with Decimater. He was so damn scared. :lol: :lol: :lol: :scared: :scared: :scared:
Another time I was in a warp bubble with a TR max once again. It was the same person. This time i told him me and my buddys made an agrement not to shoot him until he got to his base. He runs out of the bubble and gets wasteed by some people from my old out. He tells me asked why did the shoot him. H said it wasnt fair at all. I tell him back saying alls fair in love and war........ :groovy:
2003-12-11, 10:56 AM
Running to a friendly in my MAX, only to have sum git in an ams try to run me over. I just about live with my shield on when he hits me. He gets stuck in a couple of trees and starts reversing, so i decide to make a run for it.
Get to a cliff overlooking the base and drop off, with the AMS in hot persuit, still trying to mow me down. I hit the bottom and am hurting, but alive. He was not so fortunate, as his AMS exploded when it hit the ground.... boy, did i laugh! ;-)
2003-12-11, 02:46 PM
When I killed a reaver. With a bolt driver.
Red October
2003-12-11, 03:38 PM
This one time in band camp....
...I'm at a friends house. As typical I commandeer his computer and his Planetside characters (he lives in an area w/dsl). During the course of my 24 hour +, drunkin and sleep deprived game play...
...I'm in a battle where we just nailed a base (can't remember, for obvious reasons) and a bunch of us head for the spawn rooms and take out any enemy we see materializing. Well, one poor schmuck runs out and...boom...dead. But his body is still there (as if it were waiting for some medic). After a little while (no one coming through the spawn tubes of death), a group conjugates around the corpse...and so do I. Then I take aim and shoot the corpse. :twisted: Then so does everyone else...if blood was allowed in this game...thier would be a huge puddle with guts everywhere. Well eventually we all stop (got bored of shooting a dead corpse). Then someone takes out his knife, kneels and starts stabbing the corpse.....guess what happens next...yep...we all start knifing the corpse.
Yes folks, the TR IS THAT EVIL!!!!
2003-12-11, 03:58 PM
One time as TR we had taken a base and had fought off the attackers trying to take it back. Anyway after a while I noticed the lag was still really bad and there was this weird noise so I went up outside. There were about 30 people standing around all shooting MCGs, cyclers and whatever straight up into the sky. There were reavers and lightnings doing it too with their machine guns. There was this giant red cone of tracers. People were throwing jammers and things too making littel fireworks.
About a minute later Screamapillar (NC) hit us with an OS.
About a minute later Screamapillar (NC) hit us with an OS.
Edit: I was going to tell a story about what actually turned out to be the funniest moment I've had in PS, but it appears that I've told it before, and I was better at telling it fresh out of the gate.
2003-12-11, 08:09 PM
More funny stuff. My roomies outfit apparantly has this maneuver. When attacking an enemy base that has those shields up so you cant drive vehicles in, they have reavers fly down at a 45 degree angle with the top of the base. They then have magriders drive at them. Anyway the mags ramp off the reavers and land inside the enemy base. I've seen them do this, it's crazy as hell. They have a video of the mags driving around on the ramparts too
Another time while defending a hack I saw 5 NC scatterMaxes....skipping...towards our base. They were all hopping in almost perfect unison side by side.
2003-12-11, 08:38 PM
Oh i got another one i killed a reaver with my repeater (he was really really low on armor)
2003-12-11, 08:59 PM
Infil story: One time at one of those staircases outside There was a TR coming around (from the top) towards it. As he came around towards the stairway I planted a mine to try and kill him easily. Apparently, I was still on the mine, and the TR stepped in the detonation radius. Since I was inbetween him and the mine, I took the blast, and he just stood there in disbelief. He sent me a tell like "Wts why did you kill yourself when I was standing right there?"
I replied: "This whole war thing was getting stressful. I just couldnt take all the pressure anymore."
The single time i ever logged onto emerald i ran into CDL, who in the middle of an op, and joined them for a few good hours.
We pwned.
2003-12-11, 11:53 PM
Funniest thing to ever happen to me:
I just respawn from a tower, get my weapons and shit, and while heading up to the top of the tower, right after the 3rd flight of stairs, i notice a giant thing in the tower. yeah, it was a reaver in the tower, and was able to shoot at us and everything. thank god it was low on armor when i shot, would've died again and waited another 25 seconds. I have no patience.
2003-12-12, 12:56 AM
I was afk, standing cloaked on a large field, not far from a BIG base fight. So I return to my computer, and that very second an enemy reaver lands "ON" me, I had to run away or he'd land on me. They guy gets out, and starts repairing his reaver. Never laughed so much while playing PS, I hope you can figure out the rest :)
Ed the MAD
2003-12-12, 08:22 AM
Another time while defending a hack I saw 5 NC scatterMaxes....skipping...towards our base. They were all hopping in almost perfect unison side by side.
maybe they were going to see the wizard?
2003-12-12, 08:34 AM
My funniest thing ive done was chased an nme down while yelling Stop! till he did, then AMPed him :D
2003-12-12, 03:06 PM
Getting my Mosquito inside a base was pretty cool...
2003-12-12, 03:30 PM
hahaha could you land and like get more ammo from the term? ROFL
2003-12-12, 04:50 PM
This doesn't really have much to do with what happened to me but yesterday at Searhus on Markov there was a big VS vs NC fight and the NC couldn't even get close to the base for over an hour that they were forced to OS the wall turrets since we kept repairing it (2 or 3 engs per turret) and when the OS was occuring at a wall turret everyone was running TOWARDS it while I ran away- they were throwing OS's at anything that moved, it was quite amusing and I counted a total of 6 strikes of the whole time I was there (just over an hour).
Also in that same fight driving a Thresher a Mosquito was on my tail and I was escaping it but my Thresher was damaged to the point where I lost control of it, and I was going down a hill and it was going at full speed and I couldn't stop it- funny part is I hit a boulder and it caught huge air and I landed ontop of a tree and got stuck until the car exploded! My oufit/squad mate was my gunner, and he found it funny too.
2003-12-12, 09:54 PM
Best knife fight ever.
So Incompetent comes around and starts saying that he's a better knifer than I. I'm humble and say that he probably is, but we should put it to a test. So, on a Tuesday Operations night, we hack and secure a tech plant. We start to gather the other Dragonwolves around and meet upstairs at the air vehicle terminals.
What better place to have a knife fight than there, right?
It was best 2 out of 3. We duke it out and I got the first win, second win went to Incompetent and the final decisive stroke was by me. For my reward, I was hit by a couple of Duel-Cycler MAX's, Pounders, Sniper fire, Supressor fire, MC fire, 12mm chaingun fire from Sieldan, Sweeper, and cycler.
We all were laughing our collective asses off on TS.
2003-12-12, 10:56 PM
Oh i got another one i killed a reaver with my repeater (he was really really low on armor)
Done that to a fully armored Mosquito as an Infiltrator. He was too worried about the AMS I had just deployed.
one of the funniest things for me was when i was in a cloaker suit with boomers.
i ran up to a hill that had tons of enemy snipers up there. i would run up behind them and place my boomer up someones ass and say, hello! and blow him away.
then i'd go to another one, plant a boomer under his ass and say, I'm sorry, then boom!
2003-12-13, 07:18 AM
Earlier this evening I was wandering around a recently hacked tower out on the boondocks, by myself, giving it some CE love. After I get about 8 spits up, this reaver comes along outta nowhere and starts shooting at me.
I dodged the rockets, and when the first bullet hit the world went blue around me - auttomatic turret fire everywhere. Soffened by the barage of spitfire bullets, I ended up taking it down with a Pulsar :p
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