View Full Version : MAXs are the DEVIL

2003-12-09, 10:22 PM
Ugh, they're my best friends, but my worst enemies. I like using MAXs and all, but everytime I get in one its the wrong kind.

Today I got killed my some infantry guy cause I was in a Starfire. INFANTRY. With a SWEEPER. So I respawn quickly and change to a Quasar to take out the infantry. Well, now its all air and I get nuked by a Liberator. This kinda stuff always happens with me, it's a vicious cycle and I hate it. I like using MAXs when they're useful, but this is just insane...

I can't wait til my BR goes up and I can get more weapons and Reinforced Armor...

2003-12-09, 10:48 PM
Tip: Dont try killing shit you arent equipped for.

Shooting Prowlers with Starfire is a waste of time.
Shooting Aircraft with the quasar is useless.
Shooting anything with the comet will do some damage.

You come across something you cant take, run like hell. And aim, good, too - No reason why a sweeper grunt can kill you, unless you have like 100 armor left and he's using AP rounds.

Edit: And use the jumpjets until they dry out. Cant count how many times I've been at a disadvantage and still one, simply because I rocketed over thier head and got in an extra few rounds.

2003-12-09, 10:54 PM
I have some trouble with MAXs. But, most MAXs never get fair anymore with all of the deci users... BOOMBOOM. Dead max. Loot the medpacks.

2003-12-09, 11:13 PM
yeah, i dont last long in tower battles, even using something like a pounder or scat max...everyone and their dead grandmother has a deci on them >_<

2003-12-10, 12:14 AM
Ive used all types, shapes, and sizes of (ie ive used them all) maxes. I found that the comet is the most deadly of them all. Its great against infantry, its great against Vehicles, its great against other maxes. God its like Ron Freakin pompelli invented this mofo and made it to sell on TV.

2003-12-10, 12:17 AM
Taking out MAXes are fun, especially with a knife. I've given quite the amount of damage to MAXes with the knife since they don't turn fast enough. I'm always behind them, well that was in beta when i was an infi. got bored of that and moved onto heavy gruntin with a stryker so i'm not too worried any more about them.

2003-12-10, 01:30 AM
Never be afraid to hit autorun when you're in a MAX. ;)

That's saved my butt many times.

2003-12-10, 05:05 AM
I don't think knives can hurt MAX's anymore.

2003-12-10, 05:09 AM
Just think of MAX suits like walking walls. Send them into the tower to die then rush the infantry whit deci right behind them to take out the other sides MAXs. Aint pretty but it works.

edit bleh nm can't find the documentation.

2003-12-10, 09:00 AM
My fav MAX i ever used would have to be the quasar thingy it cuts up infin so fast and if outdoors and someone has a deci its still very easy to kill them jus put on the Jump jets and u should be good. My total kills without dieing had to be 15 with quasar i highly suggest u guys should use this MAX if u are VS

2003-12-10, 09:03 AM
Quaser is death to all Infantry, it's fun to rip up with my Mosquito though.

2003-12-10, 09:19 AM
Quaser is death to all Infantry, it's fun to rip up with my Mosquito though.
Thats also fun :D

2003-12-10, 11:08 AM
Ugh, they're my best friends, but my worst enemies. I like using MAXs and all, but everytime I get in one its the wrong kind.

Today I got killed my some infantry guy cause I was in a Starfire. INFANTRY. With a SWEEPER. So I respawn quickly and change to a Quasar to take out the infantry. Well, now its all air and I get nuked by a Liberator. This kinda stuff always happens with me, it's a vicious cycle and I hate it. I like using MAXs when they're useful, but this is just insane...

I can't wait til my BR goes up and I can get more weapons and Reinforced Armor...

Im right there with you brother!!!. The number of times ive got an Anti-infantry max, only to find a nmy anti-veichical max sitting round the corner, or 3 guys with decimators. Or get a anti-veichical max, only to step outside and find a couple of mosies shooting at me... or three guys with decimators. And theres always the times you get your anti-air max, only to step out to clear blue skys... and 3 guys with decimators...

Its life, it happens, some days you wipe out who squads, some days 1 guy with a decimator takes you out ( or them feck'ing TR lock on rockets... they piss me off!).

2003-12-10, 11:59 AM
Yep, the other night I was in the Comet and came over a hill and got blasted by a Reaver. It was close to a tower so I grabbed my Starfire and headed back. Right as I got to the hill 2 Vanguards crested it. Against my better judgement I jump jetted around the tops of trees for a while trying to avoid the tanks and occasionally shooting back at them.

I would have been better off just lying in the road.

2003-12-10, 12:09 PM
Never be afraid to hit autorun when you're in a MAX. ;)

That's saved my butt many times.

So true. I don't see other MAXs use it when in trouble. I use it all the time. Of course, you need to hit it while you still have some armor left, since you will be taking a few more hits before you start running.

"Running" away from the fight at the MAXs normal speed is just pointless. You might as well just stay there and get as many kills as you can before you respawn.

2003-12-10, 12:27 PM
everyone and their dead grandmother has a deci on them >_<

Now with Uni-Max it seems everyone and their "dead grandmother" has a MAX I can't carry enough Decimators on my loadouts...

2003-12-10, 07:44 PM
You can never have enough decimators in your kit. Even with Rexo you can still only carry 5. :(

2003-12-10, 07:49 PM
Jagd thats just sick, *hides his MAXs from you* Ive been a MAX for 3 months and what your experienceing is common in planetside and its called sometimes your just plain unlucky and get "fucked over"

P.S: Jagd press 4 next time :P

2003-12-10, 08:50 PM
LOL! I wish... But yeah, I don't use Rexo anymore cause I need to be able to hop into an aircraft without having to plan my loadout ahead of time, so now all I have are 2 decimators in the backpack, and an MCG in slot 2. Basically if I run into your MAX, you need to kill me before I can do a 180 and surge back around the corner. Once I pop out again, you'll be swallowing a mouthful of shattered teeth and decimator shrapnel.


2003-12-10, 08:57 PM

Ed the MAD
2003-12-11, 01:29 AM
awwwwwwww, does the "l337 massa" have trouble with his artillery? well, sounds to me like you need to 86 your bavado and learn to run the feck away. this ain't quake3 arena.

2003-12-11, 01:38 AM
awwwwwwww, does the "l337 massa" have trouble with his artillery? well, sounds to me like you need to 86 your bavado and learn to run the feck away. this ain't quake3 arena.


Ed the MAD
2003-12-11, 01:56 AM
what can i say? i feel like being a dick right now.

2003-12-11, 01:09 PM
Yeah, but who are you being a dick to? I think that's why he was confused...

2003-12-11, 09:33 PM
this ain't quake3 arena.

Tell me about it. There everyone starts on a level playing feild.

2003-12-12, 12:27 AM
Try geting in a squad with a couple other MAXes, and don't choose the MAX to kill what just killed you, unless they are camping.

2003-12-12, 04:40 PM
When you are both supprised to see eachother, I've found that a Rocklet works better against MAX's than a slow firing Deci - and its decent against infantry as well. I cary one as #2 and a Deci as #4 - if the 6 RPG's don't kill it, instead of reloading I just pull out the biggun to finish the job.

Its all about splash damage - if you don't hit 'em dead on with your first Deci shot, most of the time you're toast (with minimal damage done to the MAX). With the multiple explosions of a Rocklet, at least you've hurt them so the rest of your team has an easier time of it.

2003-12-12, 04:51 PM
Decis dont have to hit anywhere near a MAX do do almost full damage tho. That is why MAXs are so easily owned. In my experience the VS MAXs are the only MAXs worth playing right now and that is because they can jumpjet long enough to either escape or fire from the air killing the Deci user before they come back to the ground. They are the only ones that can mitigate some of the overpowered nature of the Deci against MAXs. NC and TR MAXs just get owned like an infiltrator that forgets to cloak. It really isnt even funny.

2003-12-12, 08:43 PM
I've been playing the VS MAXs pretty heavily lately and I love them. Tried the TR MAXs last night and man did I miss my jump jets. It's very hard to play aggressively with the TR and NC MAXs with everyone packing Decis or AV weaponry. Like Queensidecastle said, at least the VS have a chance of jumping out of the way. Out in the open TR and NC just can't get away from Reavers and Tanks fast enough. I'd actually be willing to allow the TR and NC to get a slight armor boost to their MAXs over my lovely VS. I don't think it would really help much, but it might be worth a try on the test server to see what happens.

Even if TR and NC had slightly more armor I'd still think the VS MAX have the advantage. I've found the VS MAXs greater maneuverability easily allow it to come out on top in most 1v1 MAX duels. You can autorun or jump jet right up next to a guys flank or rear and circle strafe him to death while he tries in vain to turn with you.

Over all I think the VS MAXs are very well balanced and worth every cert point. The NC and TR could use a slight tweaking. My recommendations are:


Pounder and Burster - up the armor slightly, weapons are great as is.
Dual Cycler- up the armor, weapon should do slightly more damage against vehicles, it's fine as is against infantry.

All NC MAXs should get a slight armor boost and their shield should like wise get cranked up a notch. In my opinion their weaponry is fine as is.