View Full Version : Quotes
2003-12-09, 11:18 PM
Just wanted to start a thread about some of the funniest quotes you see on PSU or just anywhere else... hes some to start us off
PSU: If you're looking up here, you have too much free time
PSU: Mosquitos, Mauraders, and Prowlers, OH MY!
PSU: Can I play with your Thumper?
PSU: You have received 50 grief points for flaming an admin
2003-12-09, 11:19 PM
PSU: I'll get you Hamma, you and your lil Squeeky!
Edit: BTW, Welcome to the forums.
2003-12-09, 11:20 PM
PSU: How many times did you hit refresh to see this quote?
and welcome btw
2003-12-09, 11:21 PM
Oh, one of the funniest ones for me was it was 3:01am and i happened to glance up and see
PSU: Go to sleep you nerd, it's 3am!
I cracked up laughing :lol:
2003-12-09, 11:23 PM
it's a conspiracy..but honestly thats amazing the quote had timing like that :lol:
2003-12-09, 11:26 PM
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
PSU: life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}
Ad infinitum.
PSU: 99% Nazi 1% Well...Umm Nazi
edit: and WTF: PSU: Home of the Uber-Secret Midget Army.
2003-12-09, 11:49 PM
Oh, one of the funniest ones for me was it was 3:01am and i happened to glance up and see
PSU: Go to sleep you nerd, it's 3am!
I cracked up laughing :lol:
OMG, that like happened to me too.....well few minutes before but still, it was really funny. :D
PSU: Where STD's are like pokemon, you gotta' catch em all!
PSU: 4 out of 4 think PSU is great, the 5th guy was killed
PSU: A third implant? But I already got 2.
PSU: If your g/f doesn't play it, nothing will!
....course the last 3 of em are mine
2003-12-10, 12:02 AM
PSU: Stop living in your mom's basement you loser.
2003-12-10, 12:02 AM
PSU: Beer, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems
(I heard this on the Simpsons too)
PSU: Warning: contains nuts.
PSU: Will PlanetSide run on my Mac?
PSU: Please consult physician if taken orally.
PSU: The place for tips on overclocking your mousepad.
PSU: Marsman: He sounds like a New England Barry White.
2003-12-10, 12:47 AM
PSU: Where STD's are like pokemon, you gotta' catch em all!
:love: Tobias
2003-12-10, 11:19 AM
PSU: How do I submit a quote?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2003-12-10, 02:07 PM
"Be alert. The world needs more lerts."
"A friend is someone who will help you move. A GOOD friend is someone who will help you move a body."
"I'm not myself today. Maybe I'm you. "
"Power corrupts, but absolute power is kinda neat. "
"9 out of 10 voices in my head agree that I'm sane."
"Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change ready."
"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps."
"I do whatever the voices tell me to. It depends on who yells the loudest."
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. "
"I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce. "
Well aren't you a waste of two billion years of evolution. "
"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. "
"The 50-50-90 rule: Any time you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there is a 90% probability you will get it wrong. "
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail. "
"A ship floats on the water; but I'll bet you it would float on sand too. "
"Oh yeah? You wanna step out of the giant robot and say that again?"
"Never assume malice for what stupidity can explain. "
"He may look like an idiot, and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot. "
"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
"She has a mind like a steel trap - rusty and illegal in most places. "
"Every day, man is making bigger and better fool-proof things, and every day, nature is making bigger and better fools. So far, I think nature is winning. "
"How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hands. "
"The speed of time is one second per second. "
"War does not determine who is right. War determines who is left. "
"It's all fun and games until some divine creature strikes you down with a bolt of lightning. "
"You say heretic like it's a bad thing. "
"Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of something else anyway. "
"Those who live by the sword get blasted by those who don't. "
"That which doesn't kill you... will probably try again. "
"When all you have is an axe, every problem seems like hours of fun. "
"No, I'm not feeling violent, I'm feeling creative with weapons. "
"Money can't buy love; but it can rent a very close imitation. "
"Last night as I lay in bed looking at the stars, I thought "Where the hell is the ceiling?!" "
"A day without sunshine is like.. well, night. "
"Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you. "
"He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame."
"It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end. "
"He's not dead; he's electroencephalographically challenged. "
"Don't upset me.. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. "
"Swords don't kill people; I kill people. It's a proven medical fact. "
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. "
Well there are my favorite quotes i could scrounge up
2003-12-10, 03:35 PM
PSU: Hamma,Man...Mystery...Monster (Ain't it the truth?)
2003-12-10, 06:13 PM
PSU: You are very sleepy, VERY SLEEPY...
saw it at 2 AM
2003-12-10, 06:19 PM
PSU: Wait don't shoot! I need to reload!
2003-12-10, 08:22 PM
I dont feel like hitting refresh so many times so I'll just post my stats:
Stats for JetRaiden
Approved: 7
Denied: 14
Success Rate: 33.33%
Approved quotes:
- Stealing your sigs since 2002.
- Now in color!
- The website that watches back.
- When you come here, you are now property of the Hamma.
- Don't ask questions, just donate.
- Where PlanetSide is the world.
- Open 24 hours a day!
2003-12-11, 03:53 AM
- is cooler than your mom
- Quote THIS!
- ate my children!
- If you can't read this, open your eyes
- Ban!
- Now 90% more addictive!
- Adopt a base!
- Alright, who took a crap in the spawn tube?!
- We love to see you respawn
- Where all Planets, have... ummm... sides....
- Put... The... Beamer... Down...
- I wonder if anyone has ever given their 1 cent...
- Ummm... put your pants on
- Where all h4xx0rz are l33t
- �io hates me.
- Idle hands tend to lead to the genitals
- Another day, another quote
- Dude, you're gettin' an ANT
- I wonder if Hamma really reads these...
- Dude, take a shower
- ***9619; whoa, whats that?
- Stop looking up here!
- Pleese report speling erors
- IU aemd typdin didts witdh myu nosert
- Sigbot ate my parents!
- The damn wraith cloaked again! I can't find it!
- Dude, where's my Prowler
- Dude, where's my modem
- Hiding in your bushes since 2002
- No, no porn, move along please.
- 437 Error: Unable to load quote
- Robots in disguise!
- Every time you spam, god kills a kitten
- Known to cause flames
- Known to cause spam
- Known to cause stupidity
- You have no life. No life at all.
- Stop living in your friends bathroom.
- There is no emoticon for how I feel.
- Formerly Hamma's Love Shack
- Better than sex. Well, fat sex atleast.
- Stop living in your mom's basement you loser.
- Where its good to be a whore!
- The only place you have a life.
- The only place you have friends.
- Formerly on the left corner
- How often do you really look up here? Why?
- Friends don't let friends be NC
- Don't eat the yellow snow. Please.
- I'll bet you're naked right now...
- Yes... this is the upper right corner.
- How often do you look up here?
- It gives you wings!
- Aren't you gone yet? I said go!
- Hey, I thought you were banned!
- Why are you looking up here?
2003-12-11, 03:56 AM
- I can't believe this got accepted!
- knows what you did last summer...
- Home of that thing in the basement.
- is freakin' awesome!
- Where mansechs is not only allowed, but encouraged!
- accepted this quote
- > OF
- A hive of scum and villany
- TAG! You're it!
- A rabbi, a horse, and an NC walk into a bar...
- Why don't bases have bathrooms???
- Ehhh... Don't even bother reading this.
- It's what's for brunch!
- is teh r0xx0rz
- r0xx0rz j00 b0xx0rz
- That's it, im kicking you off of the internet!
- Where all hats are pimp hats
- I love you
- I want your sechs
- Didn't Hamma just steal this from TribalWars?
- eMagYn, she's out there...
- Did I do that?
- :quote:
- insert quote here
- 0v3rcl0(|< Yu0r br34kf4$t!
- Can I have teh cocoa?
- Burninating since 2002
- Brought to you by Hamma, complete and total badass.
- Think about it, do you EVER thank Hamma?
- Why didn't you call?!
- Brought to you by: A computer... duh...
- We all know you live in your sisters basement
- Brought to you by: A crap server in some guys basement
- Brought to you by Al Gore, and the Interweb
- Moo. 'Nuff sed.
- Well, atleast it's not porn...
- The reason they have child locks on the internet
- Home of the GIAB, Gimp In A Box
- Home of the Jackhole
- r0xx0rz j00 EQ n00berz
- **Attention** It is still awesome
- When they made you, they broke the mold, then they found the moldmaker, dragged him out into the street and shot him. Repeatedly.
- If you keep doing that, your face will stay that way
- You know, eventually, that'll make you go blind
- Alright, alright, take it, just don't hurt me!
- What �io said
- What are you talking about (give Squeeky Mansechs) subliminal messages?
- Sigbot, eating your sigs since 2002
- For only 3 easy payments of Mansechs, deliver to Squeeky
- life is a b!tch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}, how many times have you seen this... Freaky, huh
- Another rejected quote...
- It's better than nothing! Kinda... well... nah
- Because Planetside-Planet would sound stupid
- It's straight up ballin' yo'
- My reinforced armor chafes. Bad.
- I swear! I didn't know it wasn't legal!
- No, your looking for Carpetside-universe
- Take me to your server
- May I eat your bellybutton lint?
- Gimme your shoes!
- 100 to 1, this quote will get accepted, told ya!
- Can I borrow a moist towlette for my phalanges?
- Home of the nazi admins, ZEIG HEIL
- Home of teh l33t wh0rzez
- Home of Squeeky, noone else would give him a home...
- >insert empire name here< 4eva!
- Home of the Nanner
- "I don't have anything clean enough to contribute"-Hamma, HOT G1RLS thread
- Noone understands me...
- I wonder if ANYONE actually reads these
- I am not wearing pants right now.
- Hit ALT-F4 for a free CD!
- And the secret to all knowledge is...
- Shut up or i'll kick you off of the internet
- Wait, I gotta go to the bathroom, i'll be back when you refresh
- Where EQ geeks transform, into... PS geeks!
- Staring through your windows with binoculars since, well, you moved.
- There is no spoon, oh wait, there it is...nm
- I am a wizard!
- Hamma. Is. God.
- There is no Planetside!
- This is just swamp gas
- Yo' Momma!
- Where you get to talk to girls... well, I think they are girls atleast...
- I know what you beta-tested last summer...
- Now where's my SECI emoticon...
- That quote has already been submitted!!
- We do see dead people. Really.
- Home of the quote
- Where whores are respected more than admirals
- Look out Hamma! It's a lake! HAHA!
- Home of Dharkbayne, god of spam
- Hot pockets!
- Oh fishsticks...
- Only 20 quotes a day?! AHHH!!! WHY HAMMA WHY?!
- Shhhhh... they will hear you!
- Hows my quote? 1-800-FUC... nm
- What if I do this?
- Home of the pathetic
- Smacktard
- Ya asshat,
- Arseholio
- You have submitted 1 quote(s) in the past 12 hours out of a possible 10.
- Lol, u suck
- Nazi tested, whore approved
- What you say? All your base are belong to us!
- My preciousssssssss......
- Dude, you're gettin' an AMS
- Don't you see what's happening here?!
- Squeeky gives lapdances to donators
- We all know you are 12
- Where you actually can talk to girls, ugly ones atleast...
- It's like EQ, except... well... it's not
- See? Told ya it wouldn't get rejected!
- Whats on your list today?
- We know where you live...
- Gotta h4xx 'em all!
- Pokemon!
- Please reptor all typos
- Got h4xx?
- Got l33t?
- �io really hates me
- Sup dawg
- Where's my money?!
- You just bit me!
- Please, don't touch the l33t ones
- Rated F for Fan-freakin'-tastic!
- What do you want from me?! AHHH!!!
- Hamma+Lake= Another stupid Hamma+Lake joke
- Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?!
- Dude, don't do that
- Hamma hates you.
- Foshizzle mah nizzle! Word!
- Bah humbug!
- People throw shoes at me.
- I don't like colorful things... because they make me feel... colorful
- People suck. You're no exception.
- What are grief points?
- Don't hate me because I am beautiful, hate me because you are butt ugly
- I want to be a h4xx0r when I grow up!
- What are you wearing?
- Smile! You've got STDs!
- How you doin'?
- I know what you did last summer. Really.
- >insert empire name here<4EVA!
- I have no life
- Something smells blue.
- 1 4m teh l33tness!
2003-12-11, 03:57 AM
- Please, don't overuse the emoticons. Thanks. :) :) :( :) :( :()!!!!
- MAY 19= Bliss...
- please don't not not use correct grammar
- ooooooohhh! What does this button do?
- It's ggggrrreeeaattt!
- Powered by: 42 gerbils on little wheels
- Oops
- !!
- I rule the universe
- What you say? All your base are belong to us
- I am Napoleon!
- 22 skidoo!
- Possibly.
- Click here to see my webcam!
- Admin tested, Nazi approved
- The wheels on the bus go up and down...
- Me no know
- Alot of people hate me
- Testing... 1... 2... 3...
- Habla Espanol?
- One day, you will notice that you are a loser
- No! Not the Admin! AHHH!!
- Please, do not molest the whores
- Can't... think... of... quote...
- Please don't lock me in the room again!
- It's hobolicious!
- Powered by naked hoboes since 2002
- Hamma, I am your father...
- Where Tribes 2 is a thing of the past...
- He who laughs last is stupid
- What would happen if I pushed this button?
- Put down the E-Penis
- Put... It... Down
- Formerly Hamma's used car e-store
- :USP (its a mirror image! Kewl huh?)
- Not to be confused with PMS
- Pleese repotr speling erors
- Supercalafragi- ahhhh, screw it
- It's hummdiddlyriffic!
- Its not the bandwith, its how you use it!
- Please, don't feed the Nazi
- Now what do I get from this quote?
- What is this, "outside" you speak of?
- What's a mo-dem? Bandwith? Megahurtz? Stop makin' stuff up
- Pffff... Geforce 3? I don't need no stinkin Geforce 3!
- NOW! That's what I call spam!
- Now with 99% more spam!
- And that's why you don't turn on your chainblade in your pants...
- If you can't read this, turn your monitor on
- Formerly on the bottom
- Run! He's got a beamer! Oh, wait, they suck... nm
- Not to be confused with Planet-Side Universe
- The Harry to your Potter
- The only place where "I've got a skeeter on my ass!" doesn't mean what it sounds like
- I think Marsman is a hippy
- Forsooth, thine Planetside
- Can I have some money?
- Dude, you're a loser.
- Making fun of hoboes since 2002
- Home of the Butt Plum Faeries
- >Insert Stupid Quote Here<
- PSU:Oops!
- Only the bold wear purple.
- I know what you did last summer.
- When was the last time you called?
- For Espanol, hit ALT-F4
- Devs are mean. 'Nuff sed.
- You're a wizard Hamma!
- Hamma, can I have some food please? Quotes are hard to think of when you are hungry!
- Click Here.
- No.
- Wut? I r kan speel gud!
- All your beta CDs are belong to us!
- cooler than your mom
- What you say?
- Here! Take the money! JUST DON'T HURT ME!!!
- Every time you post something stupid, god kills a kitten
- Don't worry, be happy
- Where you can talk to girls without getting slapped!
- Formerly Hammatime Dance Studio
- Look out! It's a lake!
- Please don't reject this...
- >Insert Witty Comment Here<
- Formerly 404 Page Error
- You... Have... No... Life...
- He who laughs last, is a f*ckin idiot
- Stop for a second, and think... Do you really have a life?
- Where Dio feels cool
- It's not the size that counts, it's HOW YOU USE IT!
- Servers are down again, wait! They're up! Nope, down, Up! No, down...
- It took me 2 hours to think this one up.
- When I snap my fingers, you will be Hamma.
- NDA, making life a living hell since 2002.
- Squeeky is not really squeeky, don't squeeze him. We've tried.
- Formatting C\\:
- I know it looks tasty, but do NOT lick the screen. Please.
- Welcome! Now go away!
- Don't do drugs.
- If you can read this, you are definately NOT blind.
- This is just swamp gas.
- We have the best wang!
- It's wangtastic!
- You've got spam!
- You've got flames!
- NC? I ain't no stinkin' NC!
- All your spam are belong to us!
- All your flame are belong to us!
- Zingo! Lets have pie!
- You don't have beta, and I do! Nanananana
- the only place where HART isn't a typo
- Click >-HERE-< For hot TR on NC action!
- I'll bet $100 that you are at your PC right now. Yeah. I am a psychic.
- Huked on fonix dun us gud
- Respect mah athoritah!
- My anti-drug
- Argh me matey!
- Jebus! Help me! Jebus!
- |* |_ 3 /\ $ 3, /\/ 0 l337
- I came, I saw, I killed some NC
- Disclaimer: It's not REALLY for dinner.
- You know, Hamma has had me locked up here for 2 weeks. He doesn't feed me.
- .egassem neddih a si sihT
- Shouldn't you be doing something?
- Donate so I have a site to submit quotes to!!
- Do the dew!
- Oh I wish I were on Oscar Meyer Weiner...
- Where all caps lock buttons are broken.
- PS backwards is EDISTENALPS, bet you never thought about that before!
- \/\/ 3 /\ R 3 |_33T!
- Where you can walk in a room, see your friends corpse, and not care.
- what if instead of hamma we called him mamma?
- We see dead people.
- PLANETSIDE RELEASED! Just kidding. haha, you shoulda seen the look on your face!
- Send us money. 'Nuff said.
- In the time it took you to read this, the devs delayed open beta another 2 weeks.
- What do you want from me?!
- Caltrops. 'Nuff said.
- Who are you people?!
- Yummy!
- Dont worry, we're loofy.
- VS+NC+TR= Alot of red and yellow corpses.
2003-12-11, 04:06 AM
Quote spammer.
2003-12-11, 04:34 AM
Awaiting approval:
- This is the 10th qoute i could submit today. So i wrote this.
- The Appocolypse is comming, and we have front row seats!
- We have on our right mates, two ants crawling on each other in a passionate love wrestle. Kriickey!!!
- We wont be here as long as you, but we sure as hell will try!
- This Qoute has been submitted by Hamma!
- Im naked, touching myself, and thinking about you, right now!
- How many times have you double posted a qoute and had it rejected?
- If you ever see two Hammas on this forum report it to Hamma imediatly!
- Let the sounds of war haunt your dreams. 8)
- Sorry, I got hit by a rant.
- Flippin burgers since '02
- Hamma can be yours, now, for only 50$. Get the wip!
- I give up. Take my qoute.
- Im not a whore! Ive never even had sex!?
- Why cant i stop posting?
- Why are you ignoring me?
Not sure if you want to see my rejected ones. 8) but there are more than what dark just posted i think. Maybe not!
2003-12-11, 04:44 AM
Believe me, we DON'T want to see your rejected quotes.
:spam: :jawdrop:
Well, maybe a few of your better ones, but not many. Pleeease don't spam this thread any more than it has been already.
2003-12-11, 04:59 AM
- Remember to disable cookies before entering a forum or the admin can see all the porn youve looked at.
- User names were called that because we want to use you!!!
- Where nobodies has real names. We just guess!
- Where nobody knows your name, but can see the size of your penis at all times!
We dont have hobos because there all poor and dont have computers.
- Where sex is banned, but talking about it is welcome!!
- Planetside, Where you shall never find a hobo... Its paradise. 8)
- Hes not the admin. Its a joke, they all gave the titles to random people two years ago!
- Hamma is just some loser, ignore him!
- The only administrator to have name himself after a wanna be detective! Shheesshh??!!?!!
Death to Squeeky!
- I personally prefer the Official Forums!
- How many forum goers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I dont know there still trying to shove there hand through there moniters to find out!
- Why wont it die. WHY WONT IT DIE!
- Please shoot me! Please just get it over with and fucking shoot me!!!
- Because forums are no fun if your not a complete idiot! 8p
- Home of atleast 5 Sam&Max addicts!
- Two quotes below are from Sam&Max.8d
- "You crack me up little buddy!"
- "Holy jumpin mother o' God in a side-car with chocolate jimmies and a lobster bib."
- The hickey on your neck you didnt notice till your mom pointed it out at dinner during a holiday in front of your family and freinds!
- (The only place where a Hamma isn't a tool) Or is it.8p
- Comcast is the hickey on your neck you didnt notice till your mom points it out at dinner during a holiday in front of your family and freinds!
- Watch Out For That Rant!
- Sorry, Im late. I had a run in with a rant.
- I got run over by a rant.
- Now advertising to put poor Asian girls through school!
- "Three Blind Mice"!
- The tech forum now rules all!
- Looking for love in all the wrong places!
- A qoute to be qouted!
- Dont qoute me.
- I wonder how many of the female infaltrators shave!
- You got it stuck in your barrel again. Good thing your not Vanu.
- Bouncing betty isnt something you want pull your pants down in front of!
- Thats not a pinapple!
- "Now im going to go home and have sex with My wife!"
- 1 plus 1 plus 2 plus 2 plus 1!
- 1 plus 1 plus 2 plus 1 plus 1!
- Sponsered by Pron! Become a paying contributer and get a free subscriction to a Pron Magazine of your choice!
- Where cheese is a way of life!
- Bring on the bad jokes!
- Is it getting dumber in here, or is it just me!
- What would do for a Klondike bar!
- Half the qoute i used to be....
- Der, can eat bacon on my comp? Yes! And the grease will even help keep the temperature of your processor down.
- What weighs more: A 4 pint milk, Or a half pint NC! MMMOOOO!!! Got Milk!
- Tech Forum: why isnt my printer working right....Misc. Poster: You have to tell it to print!8D
- For your next thread, make up recipes Using the staff of PSU in the lounge!8p
- Why did the Infiltrator return to Headqaurters? He doesnt know either!
- Why cant the Vanu cross the lake? There waiting to shoot down the mysterious Vangaurd flying over it!8)
- Whats the difference between an NC and a Vanu? Stick them a room and find out!!!
- How many terrains does it take to screw in a Vanu?.... As Many as it takes to find the switch!
- Where, unlike SG1, You cant be revived when you get trapped during the Gates warp process when theres a system problem!
- I am the very model of a modern major general!
- UPS: You dirty rat! You killed my brother!
- Have you ever used a cleaver boy! No!? Here, try this on for size. Youll get the hang of it! *Thwak*Hhowws that!*cringes* Youre doin juuust fine.
- GGRRRR! hands off my qoute
- It's PSU and Ie Healped!
- 2 out of 3 dentist eat colgate!
- How do you feed a hungry man!
- Sticky pine!!
- Ive got a squeeky in my pants!
- If mondane qoutes dont float your boat, Read this one!
- Where whoring doesnt pay!
If you are reading this there has been a critical error on your computer. Immediatly exit to dos and type deltree!
- This game will not work on bread alone. It also works for peanuts!
- REDRUM AMMAH!!!!!!!!
- i give this game a shiling!
- Christina Applegate is hot!
- MMMMOOOOOOO damnit!!!
- Whoa! That guy
- Der! If you dont stop pointing that at me.....
- Everyday i come here, i get a little dumber.
- MMMOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
- Am i supposed to get headaches everytime i look at this site?
- What did you say? No i dont like squeeky toys!?
- Help me, i live in a box!
- Hey you, get out of the way, my triger fingers stuck!
- La la lala lala... la lala la la Dum Dumdum dudumdededum. O'de to a smurf!
- Can you see me?.......... think about it.
- Shoot me and die!
- I'm hungry more qoutes
- I have a 100% rejection rate!......well almost
- Crack the planet!lol
- Home of the STFU and stop posting qoutes that say "Home of the".
- Can you see me!.......... think about it.
- I know where you live Strygun!
- I'm watching you Squeeky!
- the asses get a kickin, and a keep on tickin!
- Come get me, I dare you!
- I control the vertical, the horizontal.......
- I will consume you all!
- I own your mind now!
- You can't escape me Hamma!
- Stop rejecting qoutes Hamma!
- Some things are just none of your damn business.
- With new bubble scrubbing action!
- look at that thing go!
- You have to much time on your hands
- This qoute has been rejected!
- Where shit on a shingle is given an entirely new meaning.
- Remember, only the realy stupid qoutes get accepted.
- Hamma automatically rejects my qoutes!8)
- Has anyone ever actually seen Hamma?
- That qoute really sucked!
- The next qoute sucks!
- These qoutes suck!
- Do i smell something cooking or is it PSU.8\
- Why does he keep saying prawn?
- Sigh!!!!
- Where there are less vanu than a barrel of monkeys.
- You can hear it, but it can't hear you,
- Qoutes.., what are qoutes?
- We dont play this game, we just pretend to!
- We dont play this game we just pretend to.
- Hey my porn is here....oh you!!!
- UPS for the slighty dislexic!
- It's ticking, why, why is it ticking!!
- It's brown, it's in a box, and it comes with a delivery charge.... wait!?
- PSU: It's ticking, why, why is it ticking!!
- PSU: UPS for the slightly dislexic!
Here, I removed the really stupid ones, but read at your risk! 8)
2003-12-11, 05:14 AM
2003-12-11, 05:18 AM
That wasnt that many! and thats my damn Smiley!
2003-12-11, 07:29 AM
These are my accepted. No reason for me to post my rejected, they were rejected.
- Planetside: The Movie, with Tom Cruse as "Hamma"
- Brain for Sale. Hardly used.
- This quote will self destruct in ten seconds.
2003-12-11, 02:09 PM
I just reject quotes from Dhark auto, I dont even read them.
2003-12-11, 02:11 PM
May I remind you that I STILL hold the record for most rejected quotes.
2003-12-11, 03:19 PM
PSU: Hamma,Man...Mystery...Monster (Ain't it the truth?)That one was mine :lol:
2003-12-11, 03:32 PM
Ait'al you spelled quote wrong in every single one of your quotes lol.
It's quote, not qoute. Just some advice ;)
2003-12-11, 04:08 PM
I just reject quotes from Dhark auto, I dont even read them.
Hes not the only one! 8)
2003-12-11, 07:00 PM
Awaiting approval:
- Running for CA governer 24/7
- If you can read this, still get rid of your 56k.
- Is your father
- = Santuary
- :brow:
- /me dies
- Rejecting quotes before PSU.
- Easy as 1-2-3.
- Aimbot, sigbot, and shazbot?
- Why You Little!
- Where breaking through the back door is not a robbery.
- If your g/f doesn't play it, nothing will!
- I think I left the keys in the Harrasser again.
- Nerf Sigbot
- A third implant? But I already got 2.
- Does the Galaxy have a food cart?
- I lost 30 pounds playing PlanetSide!
- Even NC call 911
- VS: Very Stupid
- Donate money for Hamma's new webcam!
- 4 out of 4 think PSU is great, the 5th guy was killed.
- Houston, we have lunch break.
- We want you to drive the big brown truck.
- No rejections in 2 days....o I mean 10 seconds.
- I live in CA, but I use to live in VS.
- The best thing since the wheel.
- Where jacking vehicles isn't steelling
- Where vehicle manslaughter isn't a crime.
- Where hacking isn't illegal
- Invalid user, access denided.
- Order of the Phoenix
- Making Vanu MAXs with gun like penis' since 2002.
- If god kills a kitten when someone masturbates, how come Sputty still has a kitten?
- TR components, VS components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!
- Kills more Mosquitos without Propane Tanks!
- Rated AO for Adul-o wait, wrong videogame
- TR: Tribal Retards
- Could male MAXs use the toilet standing up?
- If your still here, you've been playing PS too much.
- Making couples split since 2003
- If you could read this up here, still get rid of your 28k.
- Buy vanguards here and get a 5 minute warranty free!
- Sound is a bastard, his name is Squeeky.
- Wears thongs even in a swimsuit.
- If I die and respawn, do I still have to go to the hospital?
- My gun is heavy, you carry it.
- So where's the cheats?
- Ever shook hands with an enemy cloaker?
- I left my porno mag's in the locker!
- These goggles make me look fat.
- Now sells boots that lock themselves to the ground!
- God made me do it.
- Look! Its Viagra!
- More popular than Rosie O'Donald.
- Red and blue wires, why not also a purple one?
- Aww look at he admin, its so cu-AHHH!!! IT'S BITING ME!!! GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!!
- No if anything I'm more like Han Solo, and your....chewbacca.
- Hamma god? Nonono he's more like one of the wise men, like Elvis.
- I got owned by Hamma and it feels great!
- If PlanetSide gets Game of the Year, will it over throw DisneyLand?
- I have a Kondike bar, rich creaming ice cream filled with chocolate.
- Red or blue wires, why nt a purple one?
- Red or blue wires, why not a green one?
- I had a dream, but Hilary thought I had sexual relationships with that woman again.
- I own a dog, but I'm not sure about you.
- ....freezer....
- I smell queer, where's the queer? Oh theres the queer.
- The F*ck should be a football team!
- Pelvic Senoirs United
- wants more than thongs.
- Words of Wisdom From Admin Hamma
- I smell queer....
I'm gona try to beat Dharkbayne without the auto reject. :D
2003-12-11, 10:22 PM
- This is the 10th qoute i could submit today. So i wrote this.
- The Appocolypse is comming, and we have front row seats!
- We have on our right mates, two ants crawling on each other in a passionate love wrestle. Kriickey!!!
- We wont be here as long as you, but we sure as hell will try!
- This Qoute has been submitted by Hamma!
- Im naked, touching myself, and thinking about you, right now!
- How many times have you double posted a qoute and had it rejected?
- If you ever see two Hammas on this forum report it to Hamma imediatly!
- Let the sounds of war haunt your dreams. 8)
Where they that bad!?
2003-12-11, 10:23 PM
2003-12-11, 10:24 PM
too many spelling errors. polish them for hamma before you send them in.
2003-12-12, 01:14 AM
- Rejecting quotes like this since '03
- Life is a bitch, her name is {{eMaGyN}}. Not this quote again!
- Dammit Hamma! Put some pants on!
- ph34r the shoutcast delay
- Home of Hamma's Techno Hour
- I don't speak Mexican
- Porn-Side Universe?
- Nerf the sigbot!
- We have polls about polls!
- I'm drunk, how about you?
- Way better than being stuck in a spawn tube with Hamma.
- Where people know how to pronounce ROFL.
- Does your mother know where you are?
- For lonely, lonely people.
- We invented bacon scented candles!
- Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs
2003-12-12, 01:26 AM
- Some people are like Slinkies -- not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs
:rofl: That is great. Must have been too long or something.
2003-12-12, 01:47 AM
- 4 out of 4 think PSU is great, the 5th guy was killed.
:love: that one
2003-12-12, 02:31 AM
It should have been 4 out of 5 people think PSU is great, the 5th was killed.
2003-12-12, 02:06 PM
u guys are kinda sad, is all you can think of is quotes off this site, some of ya are actually trying, but most are PSU quotes
Just wanted to start a thread about some of the funniest quotes you see on PSU or just anywhere else...Tetso inclueded PSU quotes when he started this thread.
2003-12-12, 04:16 PM
Hamma when encountering a sucky thread "This is going into the POL forums because it is a suck thread and the POL forums are where suck threads go." :rofl:
2003-12-12, 06:13 PM
Shutup and eat your cheese sandwich
2003-12-12, 07:26 PM
- Where sarcasm is taken seriously!
- "Is it just me or do the TR's chicks boobs look bigger in that pic?" -Hamma
- Quit denying my quotes dammit!
- Do you wish to pre-order Planetside: Core Combat?
- Nerf the "u" key.
- Do not remove under penalty of law.
- Can be used as a floatation device.
- Where NC's egos are bigger than their guns!
- Hold still We're trying to light you on fire
2003-12-12, 09:18 PM
*** Now talking in #jesus
<God> Ive come before you today, to say Im calling it quits.
<God> Ive created the universe..
<God> It was a mistake
<God> I didnt really like it from the beginning..
<God> This is just to inform you, the 'universe' project will be terminated shortly, it was long overdue.
<God> Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
<God> ta.
*** Parts: God
2003-12-12, 09:20 PM
2003-12-12, 09:26 PM
Lol, not exactly a quote, but it's funny, so, whatever.
added: I'm dumb
2003-12-12, 09:27 PM
Ever read It's a quote alright buddy.
2003-12-12, 09:30 PM
Er... doh... 2:30 and few beers, my bad...
2003-12-12, 09:31 PM
"So close, yet so far away." +1 Corrosion point to anyone who guesses where that's from
2003-12-12, 09:38 PM
From George Orwell? I dunno... looked on Vivisimo (screw Google) ... didn't find much... too many people say "so close, yet so far away" on their pages... get it right?
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