View Full Version : Some things i like to see added
2003-12-12, 01:19 AM
Special Operations cert. best when combined with other certs see what weapons require other certs for access 3 point cert
- Penatrator .50 cal Heavy Pistol (common pool) (medium assult cert required)
10 round clip ammo box of 30rds. rate of fire slow cof average damage high range short to mid.
- Finch silenced pistol (common pool)
20 round clip 9mm rate of fire average cof small damage average range short special abilty presilenced no modifations needed
- Shredder machine pistol (common pool)
30rd clip 9mm rate of fire high cof average (gets bad but not to fast) damage average range short to mid. most effecive short
- Stunner Heavy pistol (VS) (medium assult cert required)
7rd clip vs std. ammo rate of fire slow cof small damge high range short to mid long with higher stamina drain special resets implants
- Sneaker "silenced" pistol (VS)
17rd clip vs std. ammo rate of fire average cof small damage mid. range short to mid. special disables implants but need 2 hits in 4 seconds
- Specter machine pistol (VS)
32rd vs std. ammo rate of fire high cof low mid (doen't get to bad) damage medium extra stamina darain range short to short mid
- Rapier heavy Pistol (TR) (medium assult cert required)
.50 cal 12 rd clip rate of fire medium cof high average, damage high range short to mid
- Retty silenced pistol (TR)
9mm 24rd clip rate of fire high average cof average damage average range short short to mid.
- Vengy machine pistol (TR)
9mm 34rd clip rate of fire very high cof high (gets bad fast)damage average range short
- Dual Barrel Scatter (NC) (medium assult cert required)
same as the current scatter mag with 2 barrels and 12 rds and a mode selecter to fire both barrels at once but with larger larger cof the other one barrel at a time aka mini jh but with extreme short range effeiveness (can't add a silencer) (medium assult cert required)
- Hatchet silenced pistol (NC)
9mm 18rd. clip rate of fire average cof small damage average range short
- Chainsaw machine pistol (NC)
9mm 32rd. clip rate of fire high cof high (gets bad) damage average range short
- Perforator (common pool) � 9mm clip of 34 rate of fire high COF small to medium damage average range short to medium long (best used indoors though)
- PK MP-5SD (common pool) � 9mm clip of 34 rate of fire high COF small to medium damage average range short to medium long special comes pre-silenced with folding/extending butt stock and laser site
- ***** (VS) � VS standard clip of 34 rate of fire high COF small damage average range short to long special extra stamina damage
- Broadsword (TR) � 9mm clip of 40 rate of fire extreme COF medium to high very fast damage low average range short to short medium
-Revolution (NC) - 9mm clip of 34 rate of fire medium COF medium stays decent damage high range short to medium long
- SA-90 (common pool) - 9mm clip of 30 rate of fire medium COF medium damage medium range medium to long
- M-5 (common pool) - 9mm clip of 32 rate of fire medium COF medium damage medium range medium to long special pre-silenced with 4x scope, laser site and flip clip load system
- Mini Pulsar (VS) - Same status as the pulsar except takes 2*3 instead 2*4 and COF a bit larger requires medium assult
- Mini Cycler (TR) - Same status as the cycler except takes 2*3 instead 2*4 and COF gets worst faster requires medium assult
- Mini Gauss (NC) - Same status as the Gauss except takes 2*3 instead 2*4 and rate of fire slower requiers medium assult
Heavy Weapons
- M-240 (common pool) � 9mm clip of 100 rate of fire high COF high damage average range short to medium special bipod requires heavy assult
Assult rifles (requires medium assult)
Assult rifles
- M-14 (common pool) - 9mm clip of 34 rate of fire below average (can only be fireed in single shot semi or 3rd burst and can't go from fireing a single shot to 3rd burst like the jh) cof small to medium damage high range medium long best used out doors or fighting down a long hallway
- M-17 OICW (common pool) - 9mm + air burst gernade clip of 34 + clip of 6 airburst gernade luancher rate of fire high if in full auto (has single shot 3rd burst or full auto) fire rate on the nades are average (12rds per minute) cof medium for both damage for 9mm average gernade same as frag or what is used range medium to long range for airburst medium to medium long special fires a air burst style gernade which flies like a rocklet rocket but with a limited range and a few smart fetures. weapon comes with laser site range finder 8x scope and nade luancher nade specials can explode behind, infront, above, or on impact thanks to the laser range finder. even better is the target tracker system in the scope this way you can hunt down a single person in a crowd (I will be posting spec and pics of the real oicw later)
2003-12-12, 01:20 AM
Had to break it into 2 post
- C-17 Plastic Explosive (Common pool) - can be sent in laser trip mode remote or timer mode and timer with link trigger mode (timer starts when last one is placed or all link ones share the same count time timer but once in inventory will reset when they hit 0 unless they are armed) sticks to any surface can be set or thrown blast radius large damage extreme
- M-7 flash bang (common pool) � blinds all enemies and friendlies not wearing eye protection in the blast radius for 15 seconds to 20 seconds and gets a ringing sound for the an addition 5 seconds closer to the blast radius the longer the blinding effect. (friendlies not effected are agile armor all MAXs, reinforced and only NC and VS inf. (sucks to be a TR inf))
- M-8 concussion (common pool) � drains stamina, knocks all in the radius on their butts causes those effected to sway and wobble for a few second, and causes a ringing in their ears.(friendlies not effected by the ringing unless in basic)
- HE AI Claymore Mine (common pool)- infred trip laser is the trigger and can only be scene with the new thermal vision implant or thermal goggles this mine is uneffected by jammers but takes only a bullet to set this shaped anti personal weapon off. remeber it has a front and a back you can stand behind it but be at least 3 feet away or you may take a small portion of back blast damage. has iff so it won't be a grief monster (when shot it goes of unlike what he and boomers do now when shot)
- HE AT Claymore Mine (common pool)- same as the HE AI Claymore Mine but fires a armor penatrating slug which is also the front plate on the mine (the plate bends into the shap of the slug do to the design of the mine and the plate and the force of the explosion
- Breaching charges (common pool) (requires combat engineering) - place on a door and stand back as you hit the button to blow the doors inward with such force that it shot the doors down the hall and into any one there
Weapon mods
- laser site
- extended scope up to 8x
- folding/extending butt stock - for all weapons except for jh mcg and av weapons (decreaces recoil and improves cof at the cost of some extra space pending a review of weapons)
- Silencer - used on all balisitic weapons but not shotguns and heavy weapons
- Quitener - can be used on any Vanu energy weapon negeates the sound of the capasiter discharge and decreases the sound of beam forming but not the hiss when airborne
- Bipod
- Flip clip equipment - can't be used on shotgun types cycler, heavy weapons except lasher, av, special, pistols, and bolt driver decreases reload time dramaticly
- Standard gernade luacher - doen't take up any extra space 1 shot at a time can not be attached to sniper rifle Heavy weapon or weapon that has one already
- Airburst gernade luacher - same as standar but add 1*2 extra space to the weapon 6 round clip
head gear
- NV goggles - for when every they get around to adding perfect night time requires battery in your inventory recharges when not in use
- Thermal goggles - same as NV but sees heat sigitures and can allow the wear to see thought walls but limilted site range
- rebreater - allows for extended time under water at least till the filter goess out (doen't recharge/repair when out of the water) for use when you don't have your swim gear
- Laser range finder - for giveing info on targets out of curret weapon tracking range and doen't requier your weapon draw also gives speed and bearing in a 3d world great for identfying and relaying ams locations or convoyes for lib or atry bombardment
extra stuff
- scuba gear decreases land movement but allow you to swim (instead to walking across a river) in the water and long perions of under water time
- Wall scaleing gear; Tr get spring boots- extends the jump but requies the jumper to hold down the jump key to increase the distance jumped (down side may end up jumping to high and head first into a branch or haveing it do nothing ) - NC get a gappling hook disadvantage can't climb the rope with weapon out (get those newb hammers while they are busy on the wall) - Vanu get jump backs we can jump just like out maxs can sweet. rechaged after us but must have battery in inventory (doesn't matter it is the size of a ace)
melee weapons Tr get a Long sword, and Broad sword - Nc get a Hatchet and Axe - Vanu gets a Kytana and Dia- Kytana can only have one
- T-3 trap (common pool)- requires combat engy and medium assult (best when you have sniping) a robtic tri pod that you can equip most weapons to and fire remotely (photo to come)
- Bullet proof shield (common pool) - not really bullet proof it is ecenatlly 50 points worth of max type armor forward faceing though only alows the user to use pistols when out take us a rifle slot (This is what that 3rd rifle slot on the heavy rexo is for) discarded after destoryed if hit with a desy user takes what ever the shield didn't take up soft armor modifires apply here
sniper rifles
- Pinger-1 (common pool) 9mm rifle special box of 10 clip of 5 rate of fire average semi auto sniper rifle cof same as bolt driver damge high (one hit to rexo armor leave 50hp and take 10 more amor then bolt driver that is if he is fresh) range any best at long and extreme special come with bipod, silencer, laser range finder and thermal and nv scope
- M-80 (common pool) .50 cal rifle special box of 10 clip of 10 rate of fire average semi auto cof same as bolt driver but gets very bad after fired and no time to reset and kick the user out of scope mode after the shot damage etreme (fresh rexo will be left with at the most 2 hp and about 75 armor and about 50 stamina) range extreme special can only be fired when in prone postion and not moveing great max killers comes with bipod laser range finder and thermal and nv scope can't equip silencer also can punch though 1 fresh rexo target to hit the person behind it or up to 6 infs
- new ablity
- can have 2 pistols drawn at a time
2003-12-12, 01:22 AM
New heavy weapon ideas (should increase the ability of defence)
Thunder (common pool): .50 cal, box of 100 rifle rounds size of an av ammo box, clip of 100, rate of fire average, cof average (when crouched undeployed (can only be fired when crouched or prone, and standing but must had deployed the bipod)), damage high, range medium to long (most effective when defending with short to mid range combat) special bipod
Partasain (Common pool): 9mm, box of 200 rifle rounds size av ammo box, clip of 200, rate of fire high, cof low average (when crouched undeployed (can only be fired when crouched or prone, and standing but must had deployed the bipod)), damage average, range medium to long (most effecive when defending with short to mid range combat), speical bipod 4x scope
Heavy Pulsar (Vanu): Vs standard but box of 200 units, clip of 200, rate of fire high, cof average (when standing (no need to deploy crouch or go prone to fire)), damage same as pulsar, range medium to long, special bipod 4x scope (can equipe quitener)
Heavy Guass (NC): .50 cal, box of 100 rifle rounds size of av ammo box, clip of 100, rate of fire low average, cof high (when crouched undeployed (can only be fired when crouched or prone, and standing but must had deployed the bipod)), damage extreme, range medium long (most effective when defending with short to mid range combat) speical bipod
Heavy Cycler (Tr): 9mm box of 200 rifle rounds size av box, clip of 200, rate of fire extreme, cof high average (when crouched undeployed (can only be fired when crouched or prone, and standing but must had deployed the bipod)), damage same as cycler, range medium to long (Most effecive when defending with short to mid range combat)
2003-12-12, 01:23 AM
Av mines, av mines Av mines... oh, and AV weapons too while your at it, thanks.
2003-12-12, 01:24 AM
Oh and i know spork has some of these ideas but here are mine. Oh and i am thinking of removeing the cert cuase i was thinking of haveing it cost outfit points.
Naval warfare Certs
all the big ships can be automated and their weapon systems can be brought to bare witht the use of the command uplink or any command device. Also the big vessels cost outfit points
- Boomer Sub 5 cert point must be cr 5 to see the cert: This silent running underwater missile platforms an call in some heavy missile support, Armorment 2 forward torpedo systems, 1 aft torpedo system, and 2 Missile block systems forward and 2 aft for long range presion attack, and 1 forward missile block for sub to ship attacks.
- Hunter Killer Sub 4 cert point must be cr 5 to see it: This silent running vessel is ment to engadgeing other vessel. 2 forward torpedo systems and 2 aft systems, and 1 forward block of sub to ships missiles and 1 aft sub to ship systems.
- Command Carrier cert 3 must be cr 4 to even see the cert: This is like a mini floating base with spawn room/armory with a cc point, Bridge with command gear and 1 of the 3 cc points, engineering with the second cc point. This base has 4 airpads all able to construct gals on the aft section of the vessel this way you can land near the front to pick up passangers. 4 ground pads on the lower deck lvl which with rams leading up to load a gal or down to the Hovercarft loading area ( in the case of hover vehical they can bypass that and go strait to the water. also 4 water vehical pads are advaible to create water craft up to the large hovercarft transport. Nice abilty if the command carrier is to allow cr 4 and 5 to increase range and rate of using reveal enimes and friendlies and allow to drop and os any where on the cont. This is a spawn point when all else fails on a cont. The only way to get rid of the vessel is for the owner to bring it to port and decon it. in the case of the opostion to get rid of it thye must sink it or capture all 3 cc points. also ams can't be deployed on it carrier deck. Vessel arment include 4 Flak batters, 2 Romb type SAM system, 2 Avernger type SAM systems, 4 5inch point defence guns, and 6 35mm defence guns, all can be automated or manned.
- Dreadnaught 4 point cert must be cr 4 to see the cert: This large vessel is ment for shore bombarment or engadeing other vessels. same interanal layout as command carrier minus the constrution terms. armorment 4 3 barrel turrents each barrel is 16 inch, 4 8 inch defence guns, 4 20mm rottery guns for point defence, 2 sets of torpedo systems 1 forward starboad and port other stern starboard and port, 8 SSM ship to ship guide missile sytsems, and 2 SSM block for accurate deep shore bombardment and one rear airpad.
- Destroyer 3 point cert must be cr 3 to see the cert: ment for ship on ship engagements and close shore bombarment. Armorment, 2 forward 8 inch guns and 2 aft, 4 SSM Ship to Ship missile systems, 2 sets of torpedo systems 1 forward starboad and port other stern starboard and port, and 1 SSM block for accurate deep shore bombardment. Also one air pad aft for light vehicals
- Crusier 3 point cert must be cr 2 to see the cert: the picket ship ment to close in fast hit and move out also air defence. armorment 2 forward 5 inch deck guns, 1 aft 5 inch deck gun, 2 SSM Ship to Ship missile systems, 4 Avenger SAM Systems, and 2 20mm rottery defence guns. And one aft airpad for small aircarft.
- Patrol boat 3 point cert: shallow draft craft ment for river patrol. armoremtn 1 forward 5 inch deck gun and 1 dual 12mm gun, port and starboard armed with torpedo systems, aft has 1 dual 35 mm and depth charges.
- Skirmisher craft 2 cert points: shallow draft craft, call go up shallow watter ways, armoremnt 1 aft Javelin missile system and 2 forward fixed 25mm.
- Hovercraft transport 3 cert points: this craft can go over land and water and get it contenst there has room for 4 medium tanks and 30 ppl. armorment 4 20mm rottery defence guns and 2 35mm rottery defence guns.
2003-12-12, 01:34 AM
You mean this DraygoKorvan -->
- HE AT Claymore Mine (common pool)- same as the HE AI Claymore Mine but fires a armor penatrating slug which is also the front plate on the mine (the plate bends into the shap of the slug do to the design of the mine and the plate and the force of the explosion
2003-12-12, 10:04 AM
HOLY crap thats a lot of stuff..........
2003-12-12, 11:03 AM
I really like the explosives and naval stuff hope the PS devs see this thread
2003-12-12, 11:48 AM
Remote control spitfires. Primary mode is like a normal spitfire turret. In secondary mode a window pops up similar to a scope or the window for the Phoenix. This would allow the CE to remotely target the Turret.
Also, the option to load AV ammo into a turret.
2003-12-12, 12:56 PM
I like the idea of heavy weapons that need to be deployed, making them good for defending and giving suppresive fire.
There are way too many different weapons on that list... every time you bring something new into the game you have to ask "what role will it fill that isn't already covered by an existing weapon?" Most of those weapons are covered by the standard AMP, suppressor and punisher and their empire specific counterparts. There would be too much redundancy.
2003-12-12, 01:16 PM
I like the idea of heavy weapons that need to be deployed, making them good for defending and giving suppresive fire.
There are way too many different weapons on that list... every time you bring something new into the game you have to ask "what role will it fill that isn't already covered by an existing weapon?" Most of those weapons are covered by the standard AMP, suppressor and punisher and their empire specific counterparts. There would be too much redundancy.
I totally agree with you, you just saved me 10 min of typing examples lol. Most of those are just VERY slightly modified guns of what are already in game, and are really not necessary.
2003-12-12, 01:50 PM
I like the weapons and stuff here, but not the bias. NC has grappling hook that they can't use weapons with, the folding stock is only available for the VS HA and not NC/TR, and all of the NC pistols seem to have short range and low damage. And the machine pistol is already in the game - its called the AMP. :rolleyes:
2003-12-12, 04:59 PM
The new machine pistols are a bit different in design and have far better cof and rate of fire then the amp cuase of a better balance. The shredder is based lossly on The Mac-11 giveing the rear side of the gun more balance then the current amp. And the faction designs add extra flare. The NC have short range but have high damage. and the only reason the VS HA can get the Folding Stock Cuase it is fired from the shoulder while the JH and MCg are fire from the Hip. The M-17 OICW is like the Punisher in away however when fired the nade goes strait to the target unlike the punisher you have to angle to hit your target. And to use the nade more accuratly you have to use the laser targeting system properly.
Happy lil Elf
2003-12-12, 05:12 PM
Lots of stuff. Very few of the weapons would be new at all. You also sort of failed to stick witht he concept behind the various empire specific weapons.
2003-12-12, 08:52 PM
New empire specific weps like an Advanced MA would be sweet, make it a new cert for 2(or 3 in place of MA, but you don't get the Sweeper or punisher if you do that) points that gives you customizable versions of the Guass/Cycler/Pulsar and a new Common wep. Heres how i see it, give each wepon a pick of 2 customizations and a max of 4 or 5 to pick from.
NC: Guass 2.0, its a true guass gun no more coil assisted regular rounds
Uses new ammo: the Fin stabilized Discarding Sobot Tungsten 10mm round carries only 25 per box
Or Guass scatter ammo that acts lie a shotgun (about as fast fireing a a sweeper with a mix of AP and AI damage)
Clip of 25
Damage uped a bit from the regular guass, does both AP and AI damage(two in one).
New zoom that has a built in targeting computer, you put you crosshairs over the enemy and hit "j" and it puts a target were to shoot to hit that target. It gets jammed by jammers and does not work on cloackers or people in standard armor
Possible add ons:
Heavy secondary Capasitor bank - gives a second fire mode that fires like a sniper rifle there is a charge time after firing that is a bit shorter as the snipers reload (has about half the power of the sniper)
Expanded clip - gives it a 50 shot clip
TR: Shreader - Cycler with 4 barrles for extreme Fire rate (lower calliber tough)
New ammo - 7 mm AI or AP rounds in a 60 rounds per box
Clip of 70
Fire rate more than MCG
Damge per bullet less than AMP but does more over time
Possible add ons:
Liquid cooler - allows even higher fire rate(no over heating)
Target tracker - gives enemy health info when zoomed so you don't waste ammo(it will be a big problem with this wep)
VS: Maser - microwave lazer
Pulsar with agrevated damage and It also deals damage though MAX and Vehicles(similar to the radiator)
No new ammo
Clip of 30
Fire rate of pulsar with one less shot a second
Possible add ons
Remote turret - allows you to place the wepon down anywere and fire from up to 100meters away with a remote(even in doors)
Heavy Compulsator - ups the Radiator type damage and Allows it to fire a charged shot that explodes like a plasma nade(on bounce seting)
Upgrade for all AMA Weps but the Overlord
Gyro Stabilizer - lowers the COF and COF bloom of wep
Slung under Grenade launcher - a punisher GL (avalible on all AMA empire specific weps)
Common Pool: Overlord - This is a ps port of that airburst Assultrifle teh Military is testing
New ammo - 40mm airburst shell - box of 20
Clips size of 20
Damage like a mini frag nade (kills in 4 direct or very near hits)
It burst on proximity to a target(secondary fire) or on impact the; proximity burst goes off if it comes within half of its damaging area or if it impacts somthing
Damn Connection is not working, i would be playing PS but this is the next best thing
Anywho what do you think?
2003-12-20, 04:49 AM
The base idea of the weapons in the special operations cert is to add a different sytle of play. You say i missed the point of Empire specific weapons, I think not you need to read though it a bit more carefully. NC have high damage but average rate of fire and a decent COF, Tr high rate of fire with a high COF and average damage, VS have the same standard energy box and built in ap mode while their damage is average cof small (thanks to low recoil) average rate of fire and some nasty extra effects to make up for the lower damage then the other pistols. I personaly don't like the only machine pistol in the game, but i am stuck to using it when i am a cloaker. Also for got to edit the fact the SMGS are also 2*3 and the carbines all requeire medium assult to use. The reason behind not haveing Empire Specific assult rifles in the post was due to the fact i didn't have any insperation to create them. But all the ES weapons can be modifed to be like the M-17. That is what the modifcations are for. And those that want the remote controlled spits you should read the info on the T-3 Trap.
TO Shin1gami I know some of the weapons in the list might be already cover the use of a current weapon in the game. I just wanted one with a different look feel and sytle. The suppressor is a nice weapon and is classifed as an smg but its size is of that of a MA weapon. So the smgs and carbines are a bit different in the fact they are a bit smaller and alow you to carry say one more box of Nanite in your agile pack while flying. (I didn't post it here but i suggested to have the glue gun resized to 2*3 to make more room in the pack) The M-17 yes has the nade luancher but fires differently and improves nade accuracy out doors. So say if you have an enemy pinned down behind one of those bearicades and he is suppersing fire with the MCG but he is out of the luanch range of the punisher, just use the airburst nade luancher. Aim for the bearucade set nade to detonate above target and pull the trigger. Nade flys on a strait line just above the laser site target and goes off.
2003-12-20, 04:57 AM
Sorry, none of these ideas will make Planetside more stimulating.
2003-12-20, 06:40 AM
Oh please,
YOu missed his point entirely, his point is that they are superior to the piece of tech in game, which is barely balanced as is and therefore should be kept that way. Its a well known fact that the devs sat down and said "Ok if you want COF controll and stopping power, take a rifle" This is not fire arms, this is not Americas Army, i dont care what you based them on because half that shit i've played around, and I really dont want them in planetside. The other stuff, plastic explosives etc yes I'd like to see them, (and have posted to that extent) but for right now lets elave the weapons alone.
2003-12-20, 02:58 PM
I came up with these mainly during my down time. And again the M-17 is like the punisher but with better cof, rof, and a better nade system. And by the way spec ops is ment as an elite battle rank cert if they ever get around to implmenting it. Most the ppl i work with ingame love the ideas cuase they took the time to read the details not just skim over them. FYI there is more info then what is posted here. I have nearly every thing over in the wish list forum.
Personaly i would love to have weapons that do the jobs of some of the other weapons in the game if they do it better then the current ones. Great weapons with great skill can make a person hard to kill but not uber like the current skilless surgile. :p My suggestion point out what you don't like so i might just show why they are the way they are. Every thing I put in to it has a counter even counters to the counter you just need to be aware of what goes on around. not mindless run around killing stuff. :lol: So read over the spec ops and post why and what is wrong with them and i will post my explantion of why they are that way when i get back.
2003-12-21, 01:02 AM
Sorry, none of these ideas will make Planetside more stimulating.
2003-12-21, 01:24 AM
sounds good but real av weaponry would be good
deployable cameras- simlirar to T2 ones. they allow users to see in the direction placed with a slight turing cone.
2003-12-21, 02:47 AM
Remote control spitfires. Primary mode is like a normal spitfire turret. In secondary mode a window pops up similar to a scope or the window for the Phoenix. This would allow the CE to remotely target the Turretdeployable cameras- simlirar to T2 ones. they allow users to see in the direction placed with a slight turing cone. :love:
2003-12-21, 03:27 AM
Where's the non-Flail artillery?
There is so much that can be done with it:
2003-12-21, 03:42 AM
That pictures needed its own post, so here are some more real examples that would be cool to see in PS:
Area Denial Artillery Munitions (ADAM), M692-L and M731-S: Fired from a 155mm gun, they deliver 36 antipersonnel mines that are spread by centrifugal force after ejection from the rear of the projectile. Once settled on the ground, arming takes place, and 7 trip wires, each 2 feet long, are deployed. If disturbed, a grenade is propelled upward detonating 2 to 8 feet above the ground projecting 6 1.5-grain steel fragments in all directions. In this triangle is the code (L or S) for the self-destruct time of the mines. REMEMBER: The self-destruct times are pre-set and unchangeable. Mines begin to self-destruct at 8% of laid life. (4 X .8 = 3 hours, 12 min) If projectile is coded "S" the self-destruct time is 2 hours; with an "L" the time is 4 hours. 100% of the mines self-destruct by the 2 or 4 hr mark as appropriate. Regardless how the mines land (right side up or up side down) a liquid propellant accumulates at the base to detonate the shape charge and propel it upward.
Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAMM), M741A1-S and M718L: They deliver 9 antitank mines to delay access to a particular area for a specific time period. The time period is found on the projectile as an S or L in the yellow triangles (same times as for ADAM). The mines sense the magnetic signature of the vehicle as it passes over the mine. Just after the signature peaks, the mine detonates. Some mines have anti-disturbance mechanisms that discourage hand removal of the minefields (1 in each projectile). Neither the ADAM nor RAAM are certified to be fired with the M203/A1 Super Charges, both use only the M577 fuze. If the mines are upside down or angled at more than 3 degrees the effects are reduced.
Smoke WP, M825/M825A1: The projectile dispenses 116 WP impregnated felt wedges. It is used to produce screening smoke for .5 to 1-min duration. The concentration of smoke is thicker and longer lasting then normal HC/WP. Build up time is also quicker than HC. Upon fuze function, a thin wall steel canister, containing the wedges, is expelled. 100 milliseconds after expulsion, the bursting tube functions, rupturing the steel canister, exposing the wedges to air and they begin to burn.
HE, M864; DPICM: The projectile contains a total of 72 dual - purpose grenades (48-M42 and 24-M46). The base burner unit contains a propellant that ignites upon firing of the projectile ("base bleed"). If desired, the expulsion charge may be replaced by a spotting charge designed to detonate the entire projectile as if it were a HE projectile. The M864 can be fired from the M198, and M19 series howitzers. It is also compatible with the standard M4A2, M119A2, M203, and M203A1 propelling charges. The M864 compliments the M483A1 by providing increased range capability to 27 km.
Sense and Destroy Armor: (SADARM)
SADARM artillery munitions are identified for full-scale development using the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the 155mm Howitzer. SADARM, whether delivered by projectile or rocket, will dispense submunitions over a designated target. The submunitions orient, stabilize and descend by parachute over the target area. When a target is identified within the submunition scan area by millimeter wave or infrared sensor, an explosively formed penetrator is fired from the submunition into the target. These munitions are primarily employed against counterfire targets. Additionally, they will have a supplementary role against other targets in close support, attack in depth, and suppression of enemy air defense.
This is where I got ^^^ that stuff.
2003-12-21, 05:36 PM
I'm sorry to say this, but I think Omega and Fenrys, no offense to them, missed an important point about Planetside: That it is NOT a realistic game. If you want to be realistic, go play some POS WWII reinactment game, and don't try to fucking mess with my beloved PS :) .
2003-12-21, 07:10 PM
these are my favorites:
- Airburst gernade launcher
- NV goggles
- Thermal goggles
- rebreater
- Laser range finder
- scuba gear
- Wall scaleing geari would love a "real" night so hard... with big floodlights and NV goggles and functional headlights on tanks and and and ... ::gets excited and runs off for cupcakes::
2003-12-21, 08:51 PM
would love night and night vision along with a whole naval setup
2003-12-22, 03:06 AM
I just want to rain down minefields from my Lib...
2003-12-22, 11:45 AM
I just want to rain down minefields from my Lib...
if your bombadier and/or pilot has CE cert, this would make perfect sense. a different type of liberator bomb, the CE Lib bomb. avaliable in boomer and mines. sweet.
2003-12-22, 12:02 PM
Yea I'd like to see that, you'd have to redo the mine limit though, actualy I'd just like to see some sort of minelayer vehicle.
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