View Full Version : Tips for newbie commanders, anybody got some?
2003-12-13, 01:01 AM
I'd like to start commanding, how should I go about getting started?
2003-12-13, 01:12 AM
1: Realize that your squad is composed of people who just logged on, have been playing for an hour, and have been playing for "way too long". Don't expect them to all have the same energy level.
2: Keep a goal in mind, and allow that goal to change if need be. Some people will complete a goal long after they should have switched agendas. Stay flexible like the palm tree (hehe).
3: Use your continent chat and global chat, but proof-read the text before you send it and never use it for personal things like "hey Joe what's up kekekekeke".
4: Let your friends be figurehead Squad Leaders to buff their CR to 1 so they can set waypoints if need be. Promoting someone quickly so he can waypoint an enemy AMS is not unheard of.
5: Learn your squadmembers' abilities and give them assignments, or let them do their own thing if you trust their judgment.
6: Keep your chin up. There are a lot of players who don't realize the stresses of command. If they become aggressive, kick them out.
7: Certify a crew vehicle. Nothing breeds loyalty like letting your squaddies gun for you. Driving is a skill, too, and one every commander should have.
8: Know your limits. When you get tired and just want to shoot stuff, let someone else be Squad Leader. Your troops will appreciate the trust you put in them.
9: At higher command levels, use Reveal Friendlies and Reveal Enemies as often as you can. You can easily find enemy AMS with this tactic.
10: Encourage feedback from your men and local allies. A good commander will have a constant stream of intel if he properly encourages it.
That's all I can think of.
2003-12-13, 02:01 AM
First goal of commanding would probably be to get CR1 so you can use waypoints,
2003-12-13, 05:28 AM
Best tip i can give is simple, have the balls to command.
Course be polite, you aint a sarge in the army so don't scream at people.
2003-12-13, 06:46 AM
I haven't ran squads for a while, but the best tips I can give you (on top of the tips already given):
-Don't get caught up in infantry zerging. Try and keep your squad together at all times (make a macro, /macro RGP /s Regroup at WP1) and regroup often.
-There will always be a few people without a ride, so pickup ground transport (deliverer+sunderer for 2 certs = win) so you dont have to worry about squadmates fallin behind.
-Make sure you have at least one adv medic in a squad (pick it up yourself if needed). If you keep your squad together often, one adv med will make a huge difference, as you won't have to regroup at often.
-If any of your squadmembers have tank/buggy certs, make sure they are driving a tank/buggy most of the time with a squad gunner. 1 tank in the field is better than 5 infantry coming from an AMS.
2003-12-13, 10:14 AM
Best tip i can give is simple, have the balls to command.
Course be polite, you aint a sarge in the army so don't scream at people.
Only scream when you have to make a point.
If you want to give a seperate direction to someone in your squad, just do CTRL + there number, itll bring up the /tell message, but you dont have to type it out.
*it might be ALT + there number, i can't rember.*
2003-12-13, 10:28 AM
check the articles theres a commanders guide
2003-12-13, 10:32 AM
It's Alt = number
1. Remember that you are human and you will make mistakes, when you do own up to them.
2. Be firm and keep control of you squad, if one mbr is contantly chatting / contradicting / wont follow orders then /tell thenm and warn them
3. Use words like 'We will' 'We are' 'Go to' 'Next target is' 'Regroup at' - you must appear like you know what you are doing and that you have the conviction of your own decisions.
4. Never use words like 'i think' 'we really' 'what about' 'how about' - don't be lame assed about it. If you are in command, you call the shots.
5. Be fair, and listen to other's suggestions, viewpoints and needs.
6. If you set a plan, follow it through and dont change unless you can see that it really is hopeless.
7. Communicate with your squad so that they know you are on the ball.
8. Think one step ahead and always ensure that your squad has a target, 'Go to wp1, once taken hit backdoor at wp2', or 'TOH is 5.00, in 1.00 be prepared to move out', or 'Go to cy, we are loading up to move out, get Prowler, I will get a Sundy - wp's to follow', or 'Recall now and HART to wp1'
9. Encourafge, when a battle is taking a long time or is a hard fight.
10. When you succeed, praise the squad and thank them. But dont overdo it.
Cauldron Borne
2003-12-13, 02:59 PM
Before you get CR1 is the hardest part for commanders that don't have good outfits. Ask a few people in the sanc if they'd like to go on some easy small squad action missions. You'll find many people would like to. Lead the zerg to a base and when you cap it wait for the hack, then move on. When you first begin to command it is important that you have SOME kind of transport, even if it means loosing another cert to get it. Many grunts don't vert in deliv/sund or gal, so they rely on their leader. Also remember what it is like to command when you decide to take a break, give you SL support, and do as he says, even when it seems stupid. Be the master seargent(sp?), to the SL and guid him along, making helpful suggestions. They'll greatly appreciate it, but make sure it is from /tells so they are not embarrassed. Don't be a jerk to your troops, and don't stay with a jerk of a commander.
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