View Full Version : An Interesting Hoax?
2003-12-14, 07:17 PM
I wonder if what this guy says will develope to be true or untrue. The outcome of this will prove to be interesting.
It would certianly support people's claims about Azk and crew having infinite surge. but then is that what it was SUPPOSED to do?
Link to OfFor (
For all the non-werner out there, AzK is Werner's GODJoey. And is in fact assotiated with Godjoey (some say he IS him).
Every time you put your cursor over him your pc should do that tune..
"Captain Scarlet, Indestructable"
...that'd be so cool :p
2003-12-14, 07:51 PM
You heard it here first on PSU. IT ISNT A HOAX. I replicated the effect myself. Its effectivness is questionable, considering when I momved it cancedled the effect, but I DID acheive infinite surge.
:jawdrop: :rock: party:
oh yeah bayby. Merry Chirstmas indeed! A patching getting rid of this will certianly be a nice stocking filler :D
2003-12-14, 07:58 PM
By the way, if this developes to be a truley exploitable effect, and they fix it you'll probably see me shut up about the NC.
(azk and his supercronies are NC, and at nearly every battle I engage in, single handedly they can turn a battle as long as it's not zerg proprtion defences.)
2003-12-14, 08:31 PM
whoa triple post, while this is a weird effect, ddont triple post dude....its not cool...
2003-12-14, 08:38 PM
Please use the edit button, and edit your first post rather than creating 30 posts.
2003-12-14, 10:24 PM
PWNED...but thanks for that info...i hate cheaters...>_<
2003-12-15, 12:10 AM
:P i wanna try IF it works ::confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :eek: :eek: :eek: :huh: :huh:
2003-12-15, 12:16 AM
Every kill I got was fair. Every death I took, I took like a man.
I'd rather cut off my thumbs than pollute my rep (shady tho it may be) with cheating.
2003-12-15, 03:44 AM
Please use the edit button, and edit your first post rather than creating 30 posts.
normaly I would have, but at 1am, having been up since 6am doing a CNC report, I wasn't exactly giving my posting behaviour full attention
2003-12-15, 03:49 AM
Please use the edit button, and edit your first post rather than creating 30 posts.
It was actually 3 posts, but man that was worse than me. I only sometimes double post when I can't be bothered to move the cursor a few centimetres.
Interesting little thing, frankly I'll never actually try it. I don't want to do things that aren't cheats but can be classified as cheats.
2003-12-15, 08:36 AM
I don't know about PS but in "America's Army" anything that gives you an unfair advantage is bannable :D
2003-12-15, 09:23 AM
I havent tried America's Army since I upgraded to adsl. It's gone to V2 or above now hasnt it? I'll need to give it a try again. I had a few nice chats with actual soldiers (indicated by the little stars)
I deleted alot of this thread before deadteadies post beacuse it made me look like i was tooting my own horn, but ill put it back in becasue now it looks like im saying im cool cos i talk to soldiers....
anyway, the point was that they apretiated my teamplay, the way I watched their backs, and that same reason is the reason I play planetside. few games promote people to do such back watching.
2003-12-15, 09:41 AM
I've had nice chats with hundreds of soldiers, israelies though. every person over 18 (except for religious guys and ppl who ditch it) is either a soldier or a vet :D
2003-12-15, 10:32 AM
My ex-boss is an Israelie, and an exsoldier.
"chatting" with him isnt something you do. Its like chatting to the harbinger of death.
The things he's said he's done.........
2003-12-15, 11:54 AM
This weekend I was playing my VS on Emerald. I was in a Quasar and chased down this Surge/Agile/HA jackass around 3 corners holding down my beam on him. After the 3rd corner of constant fire where not only I didnt kill him but he didnt lose surge, I knew he was a fucking cheater. I dont know why people need to do this kind of stuff, but its really lame
2003-12-15, 11:58 AM
Cheaters should be raped by rabid goats!
2003-12-15, 01:04 PM
Yesterday I hit a MAX with my magmower at full speed - it didn't die. So I did it again. It didn't die. So I ran over it a few more times (not at full speed though) - it still didn't die. Finaly I just took my battered mag and sat it down next to him just b4 it exploded - and the frikkin MAX still didn't die.
2003-12-15, 01:06 PM
Cheaters should be raped by rabid goats!
I'd prefer if I did it
2003-12-15, 01:08 PM
Yesterday I hit a MAX with my magmower at full speed - it didn't die. So I did it again. It didn't die. So I ran over it a few more times (not at full speed though) - it still didn't die. Finaly I just took my battered mag and sat it down next to him just b4 it exploded - and the frikkin MAX still didn't die.
The explosion should have killed him, but his not dying from being mowed has happened to me in a MAX before. I had one guy run me over 3 times in a battle, the 2nd time I was at 1 health and 0 armor. He ran me over again and it did no damage at all. I can't explain it, he was going pretty stinking fast when he hit me that time too.
Of course 15 minutes later I got run down by a Skyguard and died instantly even though I was fully healthy when it happened. I'd like to think that a gigantic suit of metal would do some damage to a dune buggy, enough to make it not worth hitting a MAX.
2003-12-15, 03:28 PM
Cheating isn't to prove anything to yourself, it's to laugh at the non-cheaters and to show them you're better.
as for your boss tera, my guess is he ain't lying. my dad was a backseat pilot in an F4-E and he killed dozens. that's what war is, and just so you know, israel never started a war. I'm not saying we didn't fire the first shot, but it's not the one who shoots first that starts a war. it's the one that preps his army for one first.
back to the topic though :D
2003-12-15, 03:35 PM
Yesterday I hit a MAX with my magmower at full speed - it didn't die. So I did it again. It didn't die. So I ran over it a few more times (not at full speed though) - it still didn't die. Finaly I just took my battered mag and sat it down next to him just b4 it exploded - and the frikkin MAX still didn't die.
They gimped running people over. I got hit by a deliverer at what apeared to be full speed. I bounced to the side, and it only took 5 armour and about 3 health off me. Likwise I tried to run over 5 tr down in my ams at max speed. I hit them, and not only did none of them die, but my ams ground to halt. All i have to say to that is: bull - shit.
2003-12-15, 03:37 PM
that what happens when you give n00bs full access to the forums and actually take their wining seriously! I remmember the mowing days, I also remmember getting mowed no more then once an hour, and I'm talking neto, none of that waiting.
2003-12-15, 03:39 PM
Cheating isn't to prove anything to yourself, it's to laugh at the non-cheaters and to show them you're better.
as for your boss tera, my guess is he ain't lying. my dad was a backseat pilot in an F4-E and he killed dozens. that's what war is, and just so you know, israel never started a war. I'm not saying we didn't fire the first shot, but it's not the one who shoots first that starts a war. it's the one that preps his army for one first.
back to the topic though :D
uuuhm I really dont want to discuss the matter becasue
1) it would involve me flaming isreal
2) its a matter for a court of international law, not a discusion about a game bug.
that what happens when you give n00bs full access to the forums and actually take their wining seriously! I remmember the mowing days, I also remmember getting mowed no more then once an hour, and I'm talking neto, none of that waiting.
who's the n00b who has full forum access..? Yeah, people get run down all the time. You're MEANT to get run down when hit by a big bloody tank (except maybey hover vehicles like the magrider) not bounce of the bumper
2003-12-15, 08:33 PM
"Message Not Found
The message you are looking for is no longer on the server. Occasionally, we delete old messages to improve the performance of the boards.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you"
The devs vanished the thread about the exploit...
KIAsan, is the infinite implant bug the one you were talking about back then?
2003-12-16, 10:20 AM
infinite implant bug doesn't sound that scary, what does sound scary is that it takes SOE so much time to gather enough info on well known cheaters to prove it. I'm not saying they should ban anyone with a kill:death ration higher then 3 when someone cries to them, I'm saying they should watch ppl who get reported many times and do something.
p.s: yeah, this isn't the place for politics, and I'm use to ppl running us down, you're prolly european, it's what they teach you in school :D
2003-12-16, 02:03 PM
Thats two second parts to your post I haven't understood.
1) whats this about n00bs and full access? where what? who mentioned it?
2) Why have you started going about people running you down?
That aside, I think it would be very hard for SOE to monitor the highest players so it's of little surprise people like AzK go un-touched.
By the way azk, on the off chance that you read this, please stay in that max suit ;)
2003-12-16, 03:00 PM
1)you let n00bs post on the official forums and they will ruin the game. that forum is in need of some real moderators and more rules.
2)"flaming israel" is what you said. forget it, my english isn't perfect, I'd like to see your hebrew ;)
Yup, they sure do love to kill those civilians over there.
2003-12-16, 07:32 PM
I don't think mowing is nerfed right now per se. As I understand it, it's just bugged. You'll notice on the current "To Do" list at the official forums, there's a bug where running over someone with no armor doesnt hurt them. Another thing I noticed, I was in a MAX, full health/armor, and got hit by a mosquito. Instant death (for both of us), yet I had 150 armor left. I thought only Radiator or fall damage could kill a MAX with armor left over? I'm inclined to believe that this also is a bug, and not intentional...
2003-12-17, 07:47 AM
I dont think AzK does cheat, Ive managed to dispose of him many a time :D hes also kicked my a$$ aswell but the best time was when i surged behind him and unloaded a Jacka$$ straight to the back of his head, that was quality :rofl:
2003-12-17, 07:50 AM
1)you let n00bs post on the official forums and they will ruin the game. that forum is in need of some real moderators and more rules.
2)"flaming israel" is what you said. forget it, my english isn't perfect, I'd like to see your hebrew ;)
Ah, ok. I didn't realise you were talking about the offor, ands I had forgotten I'd written that post about Israel.
2003-12-17, 07:55 AM
I dont think AzK does cheat, Ive managed to dispose of him many a time :D hes also kicked my a$$ aswell but the best time was when i surged behind him and unloaded a Jacka$$ straight to the back of his head, that was quality :rofl:
I didn't say he's indestructible. I've killed him a good few times as well, as I'm sure many people on werner have. You're in the minority of people that don't think he cheats.
2003-12-17, 10:29 AM
I was in a MAX, full health/armor, and got hit by a mosquito. Instant death (for both of us), yet I had 150 armor left. I thought only Radiator or fall damage could kill a MAX with armor left over? I'm inclined to believe that this also is a bug, and not intentional...
This has lead to the new kamikaze mossy pilots that I see every stinking night. Not the people who know they're dead and want to take out one more person, the people who are purposefully just afterburning into a MAX and sacrificing themselves to take out the MAX. I have no idea why that would be fun to somebody, but more power to them if it is I guess.
2003-12-17, 10:56 AM
This has lead to the new kamikaze mossy pilots that I see every stinking night. Not the people who know they're dead and want to take out one more person, the people who are purposefully just afterburning into a MAX and sacrificing themselves to take out the MAX. I have no idea why that would be fun to somebody, but more power to them if it is I guess.
I've done it before, but not really intentionally. On the rare occassions I fly a skeeter, I sometimes think I'm still in my reaver. If I see a big column of enemies, I'm typically not sitting around to aim my missiles and try to run, I just run, and maybe try to clip someone on the way out.
2003-12-18, 09:07 AM
like to kill civilians? that's just going way too far! I am going to have to respond to that one.
you know what you see on the news right? guess what, I hear stories first hand. I know that when we try to aprehend known terrorists and take over the places they make missiles it's a suicide mission. that kid you see on TV was probably one of 3 things: 1)holding a gun 2)wearing explosives or 3)shot by an arab!
everything is rigged to explode from buildings to kids and even donkeys. they use their own people as human shields.
they know very well how to win the media war, and since they aren't signed on the geneva treaty they can show whatever pictures they want. we have some respect even for their dead and of course for ours so we don't show all the ppl who die in suicide bombings.
is that not enough? want proof they are lying to the world? a spy plane of ours caught them filming a funeral. that sounds like no big deal, but wait, there's a twist, they guy falls off the thing they carry him on a few times, and guess what, he gets up and lies back down on the thing! in the end he gets tired of falling and walks away!
it's easy to sympaphize with the weak, it's human nature, but use your head before you go insulting people.
I'm not saying we don't kill civilians, but we don't do it on purpose, it's part of any war, weather you like it or not. it's hard to calculate human life but when it comes down to numbers, every time we blow up a terrorist, even if 10 people die in the blast, it saves more lives then it takes. and for some reason I prefer it being civilians from the other side if at all.
just so you know we have a very ethical army, we upheald the geneva treaty even when at wars against 3-5 armies that never signed it!
and just so you know, the terrorists don't want the "occupied territories", they want all of israel, they want to throw us in the sea. they hate us and they hate the west, on 9/11 they celebrate!
if anyone here still wants to prove he's an idiot he can reply, otherwise you can spare me. sorry for such an off topic post but there are some things I just can't pretend I didn't see.
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