View Full Version : I had a wet dream last night about planetside
Got Haggis
2003-01-22, 08:59 PM
I had a wet dream about sniping while jumping out of a dropship in a motorcycle. stunning.
2003-01-22, 09:00 PM
that was no wet dream :eek:
2003-01-22, 09:01 PM
I hope I was in it atleast :cool:
2003-01-22, 09:02 PM
It wasn't too planetside based. You cn't shoot out of dropships or go on motorcycles! How would someone fit into a motorcycle? And still be able to stay on a dropship and snipe? Heh, sorry, JK. I know what you mean though.
2003-01-22, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Ahemuro
I hope I was in it atleast :cool:
well Im hoping that means your a girl ? if not thats just wrong
if you are a girl HELLO!:D
2003-01-22, 09:16 PM
Or maybe he's just realy weird about sex. Or he's gay.
2003-01-22, 09:22 PM
Ill pretend its a girl:rolleyes:
2003-01-22, 10:08 PM
Got Haggis
2003-01-22, 10:45 PM
how do you know i'm not a girl?
2003-01-22, 10:50 PM
I dont know but with a name Like "Got Haggis" im guessin your not but if you are a chick you probably like the ladies as much as I do :D
2003-01-22, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Got Haggis?
I had a wet dream about sniping while jumping out of a dropship in a motorcycle. stunning.
There are many things i could go though life not knowing, and not wanting to know. Ever. This is one of those things.
2003-01-22, 10:59 PM
2003-01-22, 11:04 PM
Let me just say.. you aren't the only one ;)
Isn't this lounge material?
Arglaar where the heck are you?!
Nazi this now! :p
2003-01-23, 12:54 AM
BTW, no I don't have haggis. I have had haggis and I never want to have haggis again! :sick: :ugh: :O_O:
2003-01-23, 12:18 PM
I've never had haggis. MMMM!!!STOMACH
2003-01-23, 02:20 PM
Aye, your post wants to give my post AID's.
2003-01-23, 02:25 PM
:rofl: Gaydar, BTW, that pic is screwing with the forum's table
2003-01-23, 04:10 PM
You guys are all talking lucid nonsense. I was ravished by the sheer implausibility of that last statement. Now look what you've made me do...
2003-01-23, 05:13 PM
Thy sun shall rise upon the wings of men ,to each he see,s the world gone mad ,and though I see what cant be seen ,I know not what is but what can be .
:D ok I just made that up and it makes no sence:clap:
2003-01-24, 01:06 AM
Actually, if you made that up, it's really good. Lit was always one of my fav subjects. Simple traslation, even in a world gone mad or without order there are still hopes and dreams of man that are possible. Does that help to make sence?
2003-01-24, 03:01 AM
I suppose I just like to pull stuff out of the air :D
never put any merrit in meaning :clap:
Got Haggis
2003-01-24, 07:47 AM
if you have had haggis before and didn't like it...then you didn' t have good haggis!'s actually quite good, assuming it's made by a good butcher. Just don't think about what it's made of! heh
HAY dudes what's going on
2003-01-24, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
I know not what is but what can be .
say that three times fast
Love that pic Yuyi! :D
And why hasn't one of my nazi heroes moved this thread to the lounge yet???
2003-01-24, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Got Haggis?
if you have had haggis before and didn't like it...then you didn' t have good haggis!'s actually quite good, assuming it's made by a good butcher. Just don't think about what it's made of! heh
I love the direction for making Haggis. "Boil the lungs with the windpipe handing over the side of the pot to allow the juices to flow out." Mmmmmm flowing lung juices.
Haggis Tastes nasty period. Sheep organs cooked inside of a sheeps stomache is not my idea of fine dining.
BTW I used to work at a scottish pub that occasionally made haggis (not cooked in a sheeps stomach because it is illegal for meat companies to sell sheep stomach in America). It was the kidneys and spleen that were really killing me.
2003-01-24, 01:09 PM
Off with the academic gown, and on with the antic pants!
2003-01-24, 02:36 PM
I feel dirty after reading the first post of this thread
2003-01-24, 02:37 PM
I always feel dirty. I don't shower often.
2003-01-24, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
I always feel dirty. I don't shower often.
too much info
See why i need to be mod?
Move this, clearly lounge thread, to the lounge please!!! :mad:
2003-01-24, 02:50 PM
YUeah, it slipped through the cracks of Hamma's SWAT team like efficiency. Make one of WAMS a mod!
2003-01-24, 02:50 PM
:rofl: @ sputty. HAMMA PLEEEEAAAAASSE NAZI THIS POST! it is warping our nations young and fragile minds (and americas but iu doubt they cn gt ne worse :p
pps u guys r jst...scary you cam change a convo bout wet dreams to one bout a scottish delicacy (dont read anythink into that last sentance cus if you do you might wanna go kill ureself)
lol i was thinkin so hard about what not to rite in that last sentence i forgot wot i was gna rite then had nuthin left to say apart from the thing i was not gna
2003-01-24, 02:52 PM
:huh: Someone needs their ritalin.
2003-02-15, 11:18 AM
sometimes I come back here to read old threads....and usually I end up finding some useful information/fun, but this is just disturbing.
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