View Full Version : n3rf.

2003-12-15, 10:50 PM
The week before christmas break. Easily the most useless, and unproductive week in schoo, next to the week before summer vacation.

nerf dec. 15-19

2003-12-15, 10:59 PM

2003-12-15, 11:39 PM

2003-12-16, 12:01 AM

2003-12-16, 12:23 AM
I have no school on Fri. I'm not going tomorrow either.

2003-12-16, 12:33 AM
Fuck, I've skipped for 4 weeks, no point in going,

2003-12-16, 12:33 AM
i concur.

2003-12-16, 12:46 AM
Fuck, I've skipped for 4 weeks, no point in going,

I thought you got kicked out

2003-12-16, 12:48 AM
Got kicked out of my old school, sent to a "alternative" school full of stoners and gansters

2003-12-16, 12:56 AM
Um, if you got rid of the week before Christmas break, wouldn't that mean the week before that week is now the week before break, thus making you get rid of it until the only week left is the break week, which you'll have to get rid of due to the fact that it is the week before Christmas break, thus ending life on this planet as we know it...? Or just end up confusing that stupid groundhog.

2003-12-16, 03:41 PM
Got kicked out of my old school, sent to a "alternative" school full of stoners and gansters
How can someone get kicked out of school? Its not that hard.

2003-12-16, 03:46 PM
Ahhh did you have a good time at school today? I just woke up :)

2003-12-16, 03:47 PM
Stupid exams. If only I cared enough to study, I wouldn't have to take them.

2003-12-16, 03:48 PM
<--- Wishes he still had Christmas Break. I'm still a temp at my job. No vacation, no sick pay, crappy paycheck. But hey, it's better than no paycheck. **Shrug**

2003-12-16, 06:54 PM
Got kicked out of my old school, sent to a "alternative" school full of stoners and gansters

ugh...I know those...my dad bought this building in downtown providence that had something like that on one of the floors...we kicked their asses out. I dont know how you get kicked out of public school without shooting someone or calling in a bomb threat.

2003-12-16, 07:00 PM
Ahhh did you have a good time at school today? I just woke up :)

you must die. have fun at the doctors? Jurell missed you ;)

I have finals all week (except friday which is no school) and they're all 1/2 days.

2003-12-16, 07:08 PM
I wasnt at doctor's >_<! that was a cover up my mom told you >_<

2003-12-16, 07:13 PM
uh-huh... sure.

you wernt awake when I called, so how would she know to "cover up" where you were?

2003-12-16, 07:32 PM
Sorry Corrossion, but you sound impressed with yourself. I don't know if you are incredibly shortsighted or so ignorant to believe that you can accomplish much in life without even a high school diploma?

2003-12-16, 07:38 PM
Errmmm... you sure you're talking to Corrosion?

2003-12-16, 07:44 PM
I have hard-as-balls finals all this week. I'm actually going to all-night today's (Honors Biology).

Nerf the fucking teachers.

2003-12-16, 08:59 PM
Sorry Corrossion, but you sound impressed with yourself. I don't know if you are incredibly shortsighted or so ignorant to believe that you can accomplish much in life without even a high school diploma?

WTF? you don't even know me. The reason I didnt go to school was because I had to be at the <removed>. I'm not doing bad in school either, so if I were you I would get your facts straight before judging me, asshat. The reason I'm not going to school on Friday is because THERE IS NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY.


2003-12-17, 09:26 AM
Damn, my error corrossion, I meant Dharkbayne. He is the one who hasn't gone to school for four weeks and doesn't think it is a big deal.

I just got your names confused when I was writing the post. Sorry Corrosion, I didn't mean to insult you at all. My error.

Dude, Dharkbayne - WTF is up with you? See my above post. What the hell do you plan on accomplishing in life?

2003-12-17, 10:00 AM
professional PSU whore

2003-12-17, 10:48 AM
I agree, kthxbye.

2003-12-17, 11:09 AM
yea, nerf school altogether, stuck here right now...

*edit* woah, stop bashin people man, if u dont want a future, dont get one if u do good for u... i dont giv a shit what u do with ur life, why the hell does it matter what oter people do? but yea n3rf teh sch00ozorZ

2003-12-17, 02:10 PM
The week before finals (which was the week after Thanksgiving) is known as dead week. I think I went to half my classes... Ahh, the joys of being a student.

2003-12-17, 02:11 PM
Lazy ass.

2003-12-17, 02:13 PM
You know it! But hey, I still pulled off a C- in Tech Editing, the class I was always ditching.

2003-12-17, 03:48 PM
Well, when I posted this, I thought that we'd have a completely irrelevant week. N007 Z0!!11

Nope - Tuesday is Concert, cant ditch that day. Wednesday is Chem test, teacher is a nazi, prolly wont lemme retake if I miss, cant miss. Tomorrow, Math quiz, teacher is a pushover, so I think Im ditching. Im dead atm. Friday, I have test in ALL of my classes, and finals aint till january! :mad:

Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-17, 03:56 PM
meh, mines easy enough, english test 2morrow along w/ paper due, brochure for spanish due fri, the rest is cake.