View Full Version : Airsoft anyone?!
2003-12-21, 10:10 PM
Well I admit I have now fallen into the sweet embrace of airsoft... will be joining a league pretty soon. Precisly... as soon as I can rake up the 1000$ for the gun and the uniform: M4A1 and US Woodland camo suit.
Anyone here play or have a pic of their gun(s)!?
Here is my future baby... I fell in love when I saw it! *drools*
2003-12-21, 10:18 PM
this is the one my buddy got
this is the one i want
2003-12-21, 10:31 PM
I'm happy with paintball, but airsoft is OK. If I played, I'd go for the G3/SG-1 with a mini scope. Forgot which company made it.
The main reason is that I'm already putting cash into my paintball marker.
2003-12-21, 10:34 PM
Oh yeah, a cop will slam on his breaks and blow your brains out if you are walking down the street with that thing :)
2003-12-21, 10:37 PM
More like: a cop will slam on his breaks and youll blow his as out if you are walking down the street with that thing :)
2003-12-21, 10:38 PM
I'm happy with paintball, but airsoft is OK. If I played, I'd go for the G3/SG-1 with a mini scope. Forgot which company made it.
The main reason is that I'm already putting cash into my paintball marker.
The one your talking about is probably made by Tokyo Marui. Good company. My friend has the G3/PSG and he doesnt regret it. Great combo for sniper/assault rifle. He has a 4x scope on it and upgraded it to 450 fps wich at less then 50 feet penetrates the skin... :ugh:
2003-12-21, 10:40 PM
More like: a cop will slam on his breaks and youll blow his as out if you are walking down the street with that thing :)
Rofl Oni. I don't think I'll blow much up with that. The M203 under it basicly blows a nade wich shoots about 180 small plastic bb's. The gun has a high cap of 500 rounds... all plastic bb's.
2003-12-21, 10:42 PM
Shove it up his ass and fire away.
Thats a very nice lookin gun though :thumbsup:
2003-12-21, 10:57 PM
Stupid question, but are I am assuming that gun is metal right? How far do plastic BBs fly, and how much are they affected by wind? The thing I love about paintball is the balls can fly a good distance, and they are heavy enough that small winds do not mess with them... Even cruising at 45 mph you can hit things!
2003-12-21, 11:06 PM
never heard of it.
2003-12-21, 11:15 PM
Only got springers at the moment :(
Had a Metal Walther P99, great gun, very accurate, but eventually It died :(
Was made by a good company (not Tokyo Marui) but I can't remember the name
Currently got a Glock 17, feels pretty cheap, but its a solid gun, accurate as fuck as well ;) Just a cheapy one though :(
Next thing I'm after is a full auto MP5K, with mini scope and Laser, look so freaking cool :D
2003-12-22, 12:14 AM
Screw airsoft i'm making me a coil gun, it will pwn your puny little air powered things.
J/k though i am making a coil gun, i was at the sporting good store today and i saw miny paintballs you could shoot with those things(i think) what are some good sites about this stuff
2003-12-22, 12:53 AM
Where I got some of my stuff...
I run a Tokyo Marui M4
I advise against the under-mount nade launcher, the utility is limited, and honestly they kinda suck.
Instead get an undermounted pump-action shotgun... then also cary at least 1 side arm and/or an SMG
I run 2 KSC M93r II and they are the pimp... Nice tight weapon with a great feel and kick ass recoil.
Also don't underestimate the need to buy MAgazines. We will sometimes go out and have battles that can last up to 5 hours with no down time (living on the edge of a national forest has it's advantages!)
As to accuracy questions, I've found that even with a lower FPS then some koffers Airsoft shot are so small that they cut through the wind, while the weight of Paintball is an advantage, the size makes them more prone to being blown off course... at least in my experience.
Personel record is about 130 yards in the middle of winter, and this is Colorado, so the wind always blows!
2003-12-22, 02:27 AM
ok i put togeter my package of armerments:
Main wepon
Full custom sniper system based on the G3 platform, the MSG90 employs an MSG90 custom foregrip with integrated lower rail system and no front sight post to get in the way of a scope. Custom moulded PSG1 style pistol grip adds greater comfort for precision aiming. Extra long PSG1 style outer barrel houses an equally long precision barrel for greater power and accuracy. Harriss bipod provides a more stable platform. Low profile scope mount provides a sleek platform for the scope. Large battery is housed in the fixed stock - up to an 8 cell 9.6V battery
Tokyo Marui Colt M733
Depending on situation
Backup arms:
for the sniper
for the m733
But my coil gun will still own anything there.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-22, 02:33 AM
pfeh, the AR-15 is a whore. the Berreta 92 is a finicy bitch. and no one i know would be caught dead with an H&K arm. and belive me, that's just how they'd be caught. dead.
give me a bullpupped M14, an FN/Browning Hi-power, and a KA-BAR bayonette.
2003-12-22, 02:47 AM
u wear titanium when u play this thing right?
2003-12-22, 10:33 AM
The guns are usually made out of a strong plastic resin and some metal parts. But with a small kit and 30 minutes you can change it to practicly full metal.
The BB's aren't all that affected by the wind cause like pilgrim said the BB's are so small (still big enough to feel and see about 5mm diameter if not a bit more or less depending on the weight you get... you can get from .2g to .35 graphite coated heck to .5g.
My league plays in woodlands with some open field and that's why I want the M203. I really don't recommend the MP5 either... more of a CQC fights, but those leagues are kinda rare since you need to find a building of some sort. The desert eagle I don't recommend either. Simply because it's too large/bulky and heavy to carry around when you could get the same power from a M9 SF pistol or a Glock 17.
As for side arm this is what I'm getting
This pretty M92F Military. Will get a supressor and an underlight for it.
2003-12-22, 10:53 AM
Wait am I reading this right, you shoot BB's at each other in the woods?
2003-12-22, 11:04 AM
Plastic bb's
They can welt pretty good, I wear my head gear from paintball, and wrap my neck in cloth
All the rest is just bdu's
You know when you've been hit, and it will on occasion leave a small bruise, but as long as you have no real bare skin, and eye protection it's shockingly safe!
No one of the group I play with has ever gotten hurt by being shot, falling off cliffs and tripping, but not from getting shot. (got about 150 guys local who get together in different size groups, then sometimes we get everyone together in the summer and do a camp out, night fighting, and day scenarios. Pretty awesome!)
And spider, if you are going to get metal replacements for teh AEG then I recomend just doing it yourself but if you do it for a GBB then strongly consider getting a shop to do the conversions (again, redwolf while pricey do really good work)
Sorry lingo allert
AEG= Auto Electric Gun (most rifles)
GBB= Gas Blow BAck (the non spring cock pistols)
Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-22, 11:45 AM
this i wanna try, except my parents hate guns, they wont even let me play paintball the son of a bitches, well they wont let me buy a marker, but i can borrow one and play, but this airsoft thing sounds cool, i think ill get one when im older
2003-12-22, 11:50 AM
just sucks that theyre so expensive, Paintball guns dont cost this much.
2003-12-22, 11:52 AM
I have the same problem as Neon...also it never seems like anyone around here plays airsoft....
2003-12-22, 11:53 AM
Yeah, my rents were similar.
I bought my first PB marker at 19 and have never stopped. Although I now do more Airsoft then PB just because it's a bit more realistic (no spray painting while yelling "check yourself"
If you do play, get with a group of people who want a realistic environ, it helps... we all load our weapons to the spec max of ammo, not what the weapon can hold. Makes reloading, and spare Magazines a necesity!
As to expense, you can get a decent AEG for under 200... that's with all the trimings you need to play pretty competitive. You can pick up a Bolt action Sniper rifle, and a spring pistol for easily under 150.
And when in doubt just get a GBB for around 50 and play with that.
Compared to a good marker it don't. Last Marker a buddy of mine bought was $1200 or so. I could rig a primary and 2 sidearms wih mostly metal bits and tons of spares for that!
2003-12-22, 12:00 PM
I assume it is all based on the honor system to determine who is "dead" right? Do any of you ever have problems with people not going "out" when they are hit?
Is it usually CTF games, or is airsoft played with a different scenario?
And lastly, I am assuming plastic BBs are nearly free right? Paintballs are cheap, but can still add up to $10 or $15 for a few games.
2003-12-22, 12:11 PM
Airsoft has alot of scenarios... a couple of them:
Downed pilot: Big force after a downed pilot with leg injury, they can't kill the pilot but they can incapicate him and he has a pistol. Small force dropped off somewhere doesnt know where pilot his they both have radios and try to find each other to make an extraction or killing the opfor.
Corn field: Two teams or more are placed in random corn field areas, at the signal they go hunting for the other team(s).
Normal hunt: Two forces ram at each other... some rules are one death your out... some make you wait about 30 minutes then your back into action...
The scenarios are really up to the imagination of the group.
With 1200$ US I could get my M4A1 with all the mods the metal body kit. A full metal M92F with all the mods I need and the US woodland camo with tac gear.
2003-12-22, 12:11 PM
bb are cheap as long as you aren't buying tracers.
As to the honor system, well... all the people I play with are over 18 and kinda over the "no you didn't" mentality. It's just like wipers in Paintball. There will always be an asshat, but if they don't feel like acknowleding hits then you make them very aware you hit them.
As an example there was a guy who kept playing the "no you didn't" game (and it is possible to not notice a hit, we play it as the target acknowledges, not the shooter) but this guy was just being a tool. My entire team decided on a simple sollution to this problem. We all aimed low. Seeing as this noob didn't think to wear a cup to an event where things were flying at high velocity he was never able to deny a hit again. I also got the back of his neck a few times, it was exposed and left these lovely red welts. We didn't see him again! :)
But that really is the only problem we've ever had.
As to games, it depends. We play pretty much all the smae games as paintball, CTF, and King of the hill. But we'll also run scenarios and mission based games. that's just fun.
Durring large games we'll establish objectives, and you have to hold the objective for a certain amount of time. There is also a death timer, so after getting nailed you can come back...
But again it depends on your local play group, and the area. We go from organized to deathmatch of doom!
Very fun
2003-12-22, 12:20 PM
Oh right forgot to talk about the cost of BB's.
The BB's go for about 10$ for a bag of 1000 .20g. you can get discounts for large orders about the same for the magazines... my league can get hi cap mags for about 30$ if we get 10 people to order. We can get bags for about 5$ since we order ALOT of it.
2003-12-22, 12:27 PM
Wow that sure does sound fun... Are there any big airsoft fan websites that would post local events? I would have no clue where to look around the Detroit area for other people wanting to play Airsoft... And at $500+ for a gun, I won't be able to get 20 people together myself :)
2003-12-22, 12:29 PM
Hmmm I know alot of leagues in Canada... but for detroit... sec... lemme do a quick search.
2003-12-22, 01:51 PM
this sound cool, i'll have to look into it this summer after i get my job
2003-12-22, 02:47 PM
Didnt find a detroit league :ugh: might want to do a google search for states around you and cities etc.
Mine is Ontarian and Quebec... as long as you can get the uniform and work as an american unit.
By the way if any of you are looking to join the military this type of activity isnt overlooked. For it doesnt give you the real weight of the gun it gives you the basics and a will to survive. :D!
2003-12-22, 03:37 PM
Also check at local surplus shops, and knife/gun stores. it's probably the best place to find players, the place where they buy their gear.
We here actually don't run as a league we just play for the fun of it (although there are factions and groups within)
Kicks arse!
2003-12-22, 04:05 PM
Sounds fun as hell, but expensive and hard to break into unless you got friends who play.
2003-12-22, 04:11 PM
true that
But like I said, you can get in for pretty cheap, and build up. There are guys like me out there who own 5-6 primary weapons because we build up, and buy better as we can.
Figure out who the big seller is in your area (and if you're in Cali it should be pretty easy. Airsoft really started in Japan... and they are INSANE there!) Go there, and ask if there is a group that plays... hook up with them and ask if they'll loan you some stuff to try it out.
Guaranty you'll be hooked in a few minutes.
And if you want to go cheap instead of quality then check Yahoo shopping. My little brother got all his gear there for under 120. Sure it's not the best but it's servicable.
2003-12-22, 11:58 PM
I have a Spyder TL Plus with a Boomstick and camo outfit for less than $400.
2003-12-23, 12:38 AM
I have a Spyder TL Plus with a Boomstick and camo outfit for less than $400.
Dont you dare pollute this thread with paintball! We are talking about the real gun sport now! None of that sissy paint!
2003-12-23, 12:41 AM
We are talking about the real gun sport now!
REAL guns? My dad has (with license and all)
Steyr AUG
AK-47 (semi-only)
Three Glocks
At least 6 other handguns...
A bolt-action precision (sniper) rifle.
2003-12-23, 12:44 AM's hard to believe. And I have no proof. So go ahead, laugh.
2003-12-23, 12:45 AM
pfft....airsoft is paintball's whiny little brother. :rolleyes:
2003-12-23, 12:51 AM
Pftttt let me cock up my M24 with a 650% spring that's right... you'll be eating 700 fps BB's!
Even at 100 meters you'll be getting red bleeding welts!
That's if it doesnt penetrate your skin! Unlike paintball the thing doesnt burst to lash out perty colors!
And Aztec... don't worry I beleive you. I have an impressive collection of weapons here too... all of my guns except for pistols need to be locked at my local shooting range.
2003-12-23, 04:07 AM
What do you think about this one?
P-90 (
2003-12-23, 09:19 AM
The P-90 is a great sub machine gun. I reccomend it over guns like the MP5.
Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-23, 09:26 AM
wtf? i thought i could get like a steyr aug for like 70 bucks online, i never knew they were 1k+ dollars
2003-12-23, 09:32 AM
Sec lemme give you a couple of site!
You should find what you need for a reasonable price... nothing in the 70$ range thought... an AEG that's not a pistols goes for 200$ +
2003-12-23, 09:55 AM
And just to clear up a little misconception
Just because a gun is kewl in steel does not make it kewl in airsoft.
If anyone out there wants to just start out then the best recomendation in the world is to start out with a Tokyo Marui MP5. It's one of the best arisoft guns ever made, with a ton of support, upgrades, and features.
And given the average engagment range, even in a field battle an MP5's greatest disadvantage of slightly shorter range, is offset by it's reliability and accuracy.
Just my oppinion, but never forget that the MP5 is the best selling airsoft gun in the world for a reason!
2003-12-23, 10:46 AM
Man, this looks incredible! I'd LOVE to get into this. My dad has a post-ban AR-15 that's sorta tricked out, but I'd love to get an airsoft gun and beat the hell outta people in tactical situations... any players in Phoenix, AZ?
2003-12-23, 11:28 AM
I do admit the TM MP5 is a good seller but I'd still advise against it.
TM does really great guns and not taking advantage of the better guns is a shame. For me, I'd suggest renting a gun for starters. Once you get used to the gun itself maybe consider buying one of the same company/model. You really don't wanna spend 500$ on an MP5 to realise it's not the kind of gun your looking for and that you need something like an M16. For my part I need to stick to NATO (i think...) guns. Mainly because my team is a military simulation team. So we mostly have M16's, M4's and SR16's. But our armoury does include a couple of Steyr's and Famas and one PSG1. (A couple of M24's if I'm not mistaken...)
2003-12-23, 12:29 PM
I have a stupid question, but bear with me because I'm not familiar with the airsoft guns quite yet. How do the shotguns work? Do you only get buckshot round? I'd assume so because slug rounds wouldn't quite work properly. Could anyone please clarify how the shotgun rounds fire? Thanks!
Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-23, 01:25 PM
do they have m249s or PKs? thos things pwn
i think i was looking at spring guns then
2003-12-23, 01:30 PM
Depends on the model of Shotgun
Most use a special air preasure shell that fires multiple pellets at once. They're pretty kewl but buggy.
As to the TM MP5... I've fired alot of different Airsoft guns and real ones in my time... gotta say that for Ease of use, reliability, and adaptability, the TM MP5 is the best.
The one I had (and sold :( ) I used the silencer to house a longer barrel so that extended my range out to about another 20-30 feet or so. Also Never had it Jam (the Hop-up on the TM M4 tends to get a little odd every now and then)
As a starter primary it's where everyone really should start. Cause even if you do get a bigger and neater looking primary you can sling the MP5 and use it as a secondary to great effect.
2003-12-23, 02:15 PM
I have an autococker outkast w/ e-blade trigger frame, which basically makes it the same as teh nightkast. I feed the paintballs with a VL eVLution2 loader, getting about 18 bps, my nitro is a small 45/45 psi tank.
2003-12-23, 02:47 PM
I have an autococker outkast w/ e-blade trigger frame, which basically makes it the same as teh nightkast. I feed the paintballs with a VL eVLution2 loader, getting about 18 bps, my nitro is a small 45/45 psi tank.
Anyways here's what I'm looking at... I'm gonna get it all once I have the money...
M4A1: Supressor, Sling, M203, retractable stock, Hi-Cap mags and full metal body.
M9 Special force pistol: Silencer and LAM (light under the barrel).
Benelli M3 combat shotgun: Sling and ammo rack on the side (small diagonal rack where you hold slugs).
If I ever go sniper I'm probly gonna use the M24 mentionned above with a changeable scope for night vision (gonna raise the price a good 700$).
2003-12-24, 04:26 AM
i think i might be getting an autococker for Xmas, lol my dum mom didnt erase the history on her compute :P not sure wich one tho, i saw pics of the 2003 stock, and the nightkast... couldent find the order though, right now ive got tippmann 98c flatline, VL200(older model) i dont got an airsystem on it cuz my old one got mashed up... with Respone trigger and rear cocking venturi bolt... if i get an autococker ill send u a PM bout what upgrades im looking at... btw u damn americans.. aztec, how the fuck does ur dad have all this shit? arent AKs illegal and like M4s and shit... i mean im canadian i dunno bout ur laws but... yea and why do you airSOFT guys have so much beef with paintballers, its like rollerbladers and skateboarders, i rollerblade. i dont giv a shit if the boarders dont like it why do they care what i choose to do, copy and paste but add the word paintball in there somwhere
2003-12-24, 05:59 AM
Airsoft is too expensive. It's also easy to cheat.
2003-12-24, 11:30 AM
AK's etc arent illegal as long as you have the license or if you purchased it before the ban.
I have an AK that was pre-ban but when I bought it and I brought it to my locker at the shooting ranger they registered it.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-24, 04:23 PM
airsoft sounds like fun, but i prefer paintball. with that you can actually see where you've been hit without taking your garment off. however, if you're like me, and you can't stand the PC grooming of the game(what with the markers not looking like actual firearms and all) you can buy special Simunitions(tm) for your firearm. they're basically the same thing as actual amunition, exept they need a special mod kit to be chambered into your weapon, and they're filled with paint. so it's like the perfect blend of paintball and airsoft. because they go at greater range, and they hurt just like paintballs.
as for the AK, pfeh, i'd rather have a springfield M14(M1A). it has better range, accuracy, pennetration, with the same reliability. hell, in 'nam sharp shooters would use the M14 to hit VC that were hiding behind hundred year old trees! an M16 couldn't do that. nor could a kalashnikov.
Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-24, 04:32 PM
spider where do u get all the money for this
are you like the head of the French-Canadian Mafia?
2003-12-24, 05:10 PM
spider where do u get all the money for this
are you like the head of the French-Canadian Mafia?
Hehe you laugh but the Quebec mafia exists... but it sucks and it's basicly just a bunch of drug dealers and organized crime members.
I get payed by my godfather to do oddjobs for him plus the pension he gives me... I'm not sure how much I clear per year but I'm bassicly their child since my parents passed away (were killed). They could both adopt me but they prefer that I keep my name. So they have no children of their own being baren (sp?).
I'm their child and they spoil me! :lol:.
Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-24, 05:12 PM
wow ur livin the high life :cool:
2003-12-24, 05:19 PM
Has it's highs and lows just like anyone.
I still have to work for him. He has a huge field behind his house that he uses to drive golf balls... bastard made me mow the lawn with a crappy lawn-mower.. took me over 2 hours and a half to make most of it in the burning sun. I do that every week the summer and alot of other oddjobs like cleaning his pool woring at his pharmacies and running packages for him.
He had given me a hummer (more like lent) some odd time ago as a birthday present was about to sell it when he told me to give it back because it wasnt actually mine... now I own a corvette '82. Much less gaz guzzling...
I need to get a webcam to get pics around the apartement I'm in...
As for lows, I have no parents. My holidays are spent alone, mainly by choice. I miss-manage my money and get debts :ugh:. I'm scizho and depressive... so my life is pretty much balance... I'm happy but I wouldnt say it's the high life.
Neon Apocalypse
2003-12-24, 05:21 PM
Wow but still thats not so bad, he must be very rich then.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-24, 05:22 PM
i'd take a Yamaha Virago over a hummer anyday.
2003-12-24, 05:24 PM
No shit sherlock.
The guy has freaking pharmacies everywhere in Quebec and in his homeland, Italy. He has a couple of apartement buildings and penthouses that he rents out. I live in one but I still pay rent and I have a room-mate costs about 600$ per month heated and lighted... (both of us pay 600$).
2003-12-25, 01:33 AM
AK's etc arent illegal as long as you have the license or if you purchased it before the ban.
I have an AK that was pre-ban but when I bought it and I brought it to my locker at the shooting ranger they registered it.
Exactly, but finding one that is pre-banned is difficult and it costs an arm and a leg to buy one. But it'd sure be SWEET.
2003-12-25, 08:38 AM
Not really all that sweet. You have to keep it locked in an armored box wich is difficult to acess and it has to be use on private property or shooting range. Problem! Getting it to the shooting range.. I actually have to do it in secret if I get caught all my licenses are removed or I have to call a company here called Securicor. It's kinda like rent-a-cop but they deal with minor security crap... like taking money from the wal-mart and bringing it to a safe.
Ed the MAD
2003-12-25, 07:13 PM
Exactly, but finding one that is pre-banned is difficult and it costs an arm and a leg to buy one. But it'd sure be SWEET.
the last gun show i went to had tables lined with Kalashnikov variants. dare i say there were more AKs than ARs.
2003-12-25, 11:30 PM
the last gun show i went to had tables lined with Kalashnikov variants. dare i say there were more AKs than ARs.
I know. AK's are alot cheaper to make too. But AK's are nice guns anyway. Bulgarian, Romanian, or Hungarian AK's are made well. I'd take an AK anyway. A friend of mine has about 3 and they are great little guns. I just prefer the AR-15 because of the ability to have so many different variations. Just my opinion. :groovy:
Ed the MAD
2003-12-26, 03:12 AM
I know. AK's are alot cheaper to make too. But AK's are nice guns anyway. Bulgarian, Romanian, or Hungarian AK's are made well. I'd take an AK anyway. A friend of mine has about 3 and they are great little guns. I just prefer the AR-15 because of the ability to have so many different variations. Just my opinion. :groovy:
the main problem with all AKs is accuracy. of course, if you want a superb AK variant, you best grab yourself a VEPR. that is the best AK variant. ever.
most civillian Ars are complete shit. when i was at the range one time, some guy had this really sweet looking CAR-15. after one shot, not only did the thing jam, but the magazine fell out of the gun! i couldn't stop laughing. then the guy had to go home because he had to take the whole damn thing apart to un jam it!
don't get me wrong, i like the AR. it's just that it too damn fragile. you have to clean it ever single chance you get! the milspec Ars are much better, what with the crome-lined barrels and all, but they still suck compared to other rifles. meanwhile, the AK is so rugged, you could pour sand in the breech, the slam in a fresh mag, empy that sucker down range, throw it in a locher for a few months, come back when it's good and rusted, kick the bolt open, pop in a fresh mag, and that sucker will still fire!
however, i'll still take an M14.
don't even get me started on the Berretta M92!
2003-12-26, 03:40 AM
ph34r t3h Barret M82A1 , .50 cal>*
Ed the MAD
2003-12-26, 05:37 AM
indeed. the barrett light fifty owns all!
2003-12-26, 01:28 PM
Light 50! FFS That gun can rip your shoulder apart if you don't fire it well!
Ed the MAD
2003-12-27, 06:16 AM
an M14 will do the same thing. it's all about how you hold the rifle.
2003-12-27, 06:44 AM
I want to play airsoft but iam to young and they dont sell airsoft here, but if i do play iam gonna get an AEG G36C, a sturdy weapon think it has 2 rail mounts or wat ever. If u want a pic check out
2003-12-27, 12:46 PM
so the point of this game is what? shoot the other person till he decides to say hes hit?Until hes bleeding? I odnt get it,guns look cool and all but to me the sport seems kinda stupid.I think I'll stick to paintball,much funner.
2003-12-27, 04:32 PM
the fun is usually in the games...firefights, tactics etc.
2003-12-27, 09:11 PM
Anyone in San Diego, CA wanna take me airsofting? ;)
2003-12-28, 12:40 AM
Yea, got to the 3rd page and i'm insanely jealous...only problem is, how old do you have to be to play? Im thirteen but a better shot then most, my dad was a green beret in Vietnam and taught me how to shoot, the basics of aiming, etc, but i doubt alot of 20-? year olds would want me playing with them, so are there any leagues for people my age?
2003-12-28, 12:44 AM
Airsoft guns aren't firearms, there may be age restrictions on buying guns but playing is all ages, like paintball.
I wanna go shooting.
With bullets.
At targets.
2003-12-28, 01:25 AM
Thanks Aztek, I dont have any problems with getting an Airsoft gun, except gonna go do a google search for leagues in my area.
2003-12-28, 12:31 PM
Most leagues will be able to rent some to you. As for age... if your under thirtheen most leagues won't accept you... maturity issues etc. but if you can prove your maturity I'm sure they would be willing to accept you.
Wow, didn't know you were that young, you'd probably pass any maturity test they gave you, just don't start yelling poopy or anything. That tends to make people think you're a little immature...
2003-12-29, 06:08 PM
2003-12-30, 03:03 AM
Sorry bout that Mag, it was late at night, and I was feeling poopy-ish. Blame them awful beans from pop-eyes, they usually taste good, but...not. that. night. yea...
2003-12-30, 10:53 AM
Screw airsoft paintball forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
2003-12-30, 11:30 AM
Screw airsoft paintball forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
I don't like extremists like Spider or PaintballBoy. I like both, but have only played paintball.
2003-12-30, 01:18 PM
I don't like extremists like Spider or PaintballBoy. I like both, but have only played paintball.
What what? I'm sorry christian fanatic boy what was that?
2003-12-30, 01:23 PM
yes and playing with fake guns and religion are totally related topics
2003-12-30, 01:25 PM
No it's because he said he hates extremists... but if you saw a couple of months ago the religious threads that were made O_.
He was practicly: "Infidel! Thou shalt burn in the fires of hell that burn but do not consume! Now die *insert allalalalalalala sound here*"
2003-12-30, 01:49 PM
But don't you think its a little more tolerable if you feel strongly about a religion than which type of fake gun you play with? Shouting infidel is a little too far but you catch my point.
2003-12-30, 04:41 PM
But don't you think its a little more tolerable if you feel strongly about a religion than which type of fake gun you play with? Shouting infidel is a little too far but you catch my point.
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