View Full Version : infilltrator in need of help
2003-12-23, 10:56 PM
Everytime i use my infilltrator and im in a heavy battle i stay back , but when i have massive friendlies to back me up i run into the tower or building , but when i get inside all my friendlies rush in after me and start fireing at the nme , which is so intense they usually TK cuz im infront and they dont notice me sense.... well im invisble :p and they dont look for the nametag in a battle like that , they look for their team colors.Any tips on how to keep me alive longer in infilltration suit?
on another note, shouldnt we have more camo style suit? its way to easy to spot a NC , little bit harder for VS and TR but still , we need some white and green suits , just make the friendly tags always on or come up closer to ur CoF better ,make nmes come up faster 2
my 10 cents :huh:
2003-12-23, 11:21 PM
Don't go in first, there's your problem. If you got many friendlies behind you, it's best to let them clear out the floor, and move up behind them, then spam the fact that your an adv. hacker (if you are one) and make em move. Or, you could go downstairs ahead of them, and give info on what opposition is coming.
Dont use infiltration suits in zerg-size battles, unless you're suicidal.
As a cloaker, your goal is likely to have adv hack, and combat engineering. That way, you can sneak off to a tech plant behind enemy lines, lay down some boomers, hack a term, lay some more, hack a term, lay some more, jammer grenade in the gen room = no tech plant benefit.
2003-12-23, 11:34 PM
but 1 thing is , sometimes i will go in after every1 and still die, cuz they find another nme infilltrator , the infill runs , i kill him but the idiot chasing him has a jackhammer, fails to notice me and kills me a split secong after i killed the nme infill :(
2003-12-23, 11:46 PM
As an infl ur playing with a different strat. than the rest of your team. Where normally its best to follow the zerg that is now not your job as a cloaker.
In an initial assault or in a non-heavy combat situation, it is your job to hack everything and anything you can or to scout ahead, but in a tower rush like the one you're talking about you have no buisness going in to do that... unless ur coming in from another direction, i.e. a hotdrop from the roof.
In major assaults, your duty shifts from hacker to being the bigest pain in the ass u can be. Work the sides of the assault and take out any enemies trying to pull a flanking attack or move around behind the enemy to take out their long range supression (snipers/av or those guys waitin on vehicles)
Most important thing to remember as an infl is that you're more vulnerable than your fellow troops so play using your brain not your brawn... you can get so you get 20+ kills to a life but it'll probably take 4 hours to do so, but thats the life of an infl.
I Hate Pants
2003-12-24, 01:26 AM
My word Deadlock. You are very wise in the ways of the infil. :eek:
2003-12-24, 01:39 AM
Another tip, when enemies are around, never run, never think that just because your cloaked they can't see you. You run and your extremely visible, even though you wouldn't think so. Then again, some people are stupid and think just because there is a lot of friendlies around that the little distortion on the screen is a friendly. Just try not to run into me if your running around cloaked. You won't live :)
2003-12-24, 02:01 AM
rayder, i know that little point:P thats how i get most of my kills , stupid infills thinkin i cant see , then i turn on my DL and kill their asses :D
2003-12-24, 02:07 AM
Another tip, when enemies are around, never run, never think that just because your cloaked they can't see you. You run and your extremely visible, even though you wouldn't think so. Then again, some people are stupid and think just because there is a lot of friendlies around that the little distortion on the screen is a friendly. Just try not to run into me if your running around cloaked. You won't live :)
LOL i see that all the time, some guy who thinks hes invisible to the world in a big battle starts booking it through the field. To me that stands out more than some TR or VS grunt running... only thing is that they have no armor, so its an easy kill.
if you ever get spotted, flick on surge and run your ass off. oh ya, and always have surge.
dont ignore boomers, boomers are the single thing you can carry as an infil that allow you to simultaneously kill more than one enemy at a time. i've gotten up to over 10 kills with a single boomer.
have favorites for different combat situations. ie, if you're in a major zerg situation, go for pretty much a REK and 4 ACE's(at least thats what i do). Go after their background attackers, as Deadlock(btw nice to see you posting some more :) ) very nicely put it(ie snipers, av guys, vehicle campers).
Always try and travel by yourself, and take abnormal routes to get to places.
And always, ALWAYS crouch walk when going into possible enemy occupied areas. ALWAYS.
2003-12-24, 09:14 AM
It's the cloakers like you who up my grief every night. You play as if you are in a Max suit. Of course those stray bullets will find you, especially with no armor. Please do us grunts a favor and stick to sneaking around.
2003-12-24, 10:14 AM
If you are going to run in the middle of/in front of a zerg (and it can be done), have your weapon holstered and have surge on. If you are able to time it correctly you can get in before the bullets start flying, and if you're really luck the majority of the enemy will quickly become preoccupied by the guys with guns rolling in behind you and forget all about the blur that ran past them. Have a goal that you're running for, don't get hung up on anybody and expect to take a few bullets. You'll end up respawning a lot, but the times that you make it to your goal you can have an awful lot of fun.
Battles that are drawn outside of bases are where you can shine. I can't tell you how much I love bridge battles just because you get a chance to focus on the sniper/AV guys who undoubtedly are packed together on the shore on the other end of the bridge. You aren't going to do squat to that enemy tank rolling down the bridge, but you can surely put a dent in their AV to insure that when your tanks come rolling there's a few less things shooting at them.
In a tower, always crouch walk. Even if there isn't a motion sensor I guarantee there's somebody using audio amp. Keep in mind that the current Interlink bug will get you killed a bunch, if they have Interlink then you're showing up on their HUD period. They don't need motion sensors or spitfires, your little red dot is clear as day even without them. As an added benefit, you won't get the little 'radar' warning that you normally get when you set off a motion sensor so you really won't even know you're screwed until somebody without DL mows you down without hesitation.
2003-12-24, 04:46 PM
:) thx for ur replys guys , On my NC infill i an br7 so i have infill suit , adv.hacking and Scattercannon Max, just incase things get a little rough:pso when i get 2 more br's i was goin to give up the max for CE , even before i made this thread cuz i saw to many nme infills with CE , so i just thought i would be good :Dso , hes on Emerald , so when i get my boomers , guess ill be blowin a few of u guys to hell :lol: thx for the posts , i got alot of good stuff i could use on the Battle feild, now if my dad would get the F**K OFF THE COMP!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
EDIT:O , and thx for noticing that im back 1024 :p , i was just playin PS a little more and i forgot to post stuff , but dont worry , im not the thread spammer i was before :lol:
2003-12-24, 06:37 PM
In my opinion, the trick to being an infiltrator is playing with an entirely different set of tactics than your zerging grunt teammates. The way I played my old infil, during large battles for a base, I tried to take the routes that were least patrolled into the very interior of the base. In order to do this, you will need to be extremely cautious, and really, really unobvious. A good idea is to always stay crouched: even with a weapon out, crouching makes you almost invisible. For certs, go for a mix of the suit (duh), H and AH, E and CE, and Air Cavalry/Tactical Support/Tank. Go for an inventory mix of 2 Boomers, 2 Jammer 'Nades, and 1 REK, unless your already a commander, in which case you should replace one of the 'nades with an Uplink Device. This mix allows you to wreck widespread havoc (Boomers), destroy enemy infrastructure ('Nades), and just generally sneak around inside (REK). Alternatively, you could go with an AMP, REK, 1 ammo case, and 2 jammers. The first of these builds involves wrecking havoc behind enemy lines, and opening holes in the enemies defenses to allow your allies to move forward. This build will endear you to many of your teammates, and does help la the groundwork for quicker base caps. However, this build is not likely to gain you much exp, unless you manage to lay a successful Spawn Room Boomer. The second build is more suited to the role of a loner inf, who strolls around Auraxis capping abandoned towers and focuses on kills as a primary means of experience.
In my opinion, the first build, with the CE, nade, CUD, and REK, is the best build. In my mind, while I do find sneaking around fun, it is strictly a support role, and should be played as such. So I feel that is essential to always be helping your teammates in their given objectives, rather than soloing pointlessly.
2003-12-24, 07:12 PM
This is all good advice, and I agree with Mad Cow about that interlink radar bug, it�s a nasty one. I play more of a cloaked stalker than a true �infiltrator�. I specialize in harassment of enemy lines.
My equipment load out is:
1 NC Scatter Pistol
2 Boxes of shells
1 REK Tool
1 Medical Applicator.
My certification load out is:
Infiltration suit
Advanced Hacking
Armored Assault
My implant load out is:
Melee Booster (when I hit BR18)
I focus on killing snipers, AV troops, people stuck walking with no ride, other infiltrators, and people repairing vehicles. While doing this I keep an eye out for targets of opportunity. If I spot an AMS I report it�s location and then attempt a hack or hack/deconstruct. Hacking an AMS or a Tower is the only real time I put myself at risk. A well timed AMS ot Tower hack and turn the tide of an attack...
For clearing mines I just equip my medical applicator and �tough guy� the mine if there are spitfire turrets in the area. If there are no spitfire turrets in the area you can run and jump over the outer perimeter if the mine�s detonation zone and take 0-10 damage. Either way a few seconds of medical application and you are back up to full health. The only �trick� here is not to actually step on/over the mine, get it to detonate before you move over it and make sure the area is clear of enemy troops first.
I have Armored Assault to drive away in a hacked enemy tanks after I kill the crew while they repair. I usually drive it to a friendly base and hit my �Free Tank� macro, leave the tank in the CY, and head back out to continue my sabotage/harassment. Also, if you see an enemy tank pull over for repairs let them patch it up a bit before you kill them. You don�t want a half dead tank now do ya? :) This can be a huge help to your squad/empire especially if your tech facility is lost...
If you get spotted you have a split second to decide to fight or run. Either way you will need surge so make sure you can toggle that on and off reflexively. I bound surge to �mouse wheel up� and darklight to �mouse wheel down� for rapid use. If you fight use a surged circle strafe and get close so your AMP or NC Scatter Pistol can do it�s job. NC Scatter pistil kills a fully armored Rexo in 3 shots, 5 shots if he turns personal shield on. That will be your toughest fight. If you decide to run use surge and weave in-between any object you can find. Never run away in a straight line� The Lasher is your biggest problem here, I usually just surge run away� you are faster than the Lasher rounds travel so just leave.
I�ve found that the NC Scatter pistol or common pool AMP are the only 2 effective pistols. I�ve turned around and killed enemy Cloakers who tried killing me from behind with Repeaters and Beamers. In my analysis 2 pistols kill and 2 annoy your enemy. I�d rather have dead enemies than annoyed ones.
When you get a kill or two in the same area LEAVE when the opportunity presents itself. Return when things cool down a bit. When you come back and you see that someone spent the time to set up a massive parameter of deployables you know you are doing your job right. Remember that location and the next tank you jack park behind them and switch to the main gun position and kill them all and their deployables. Then just sit back and savor the hate tells that will roll in.
A lot of infiltrators will swear by boomers, but I find them too limiting. You can only possibly carry 5 and how many kills with that get you? Plus not everyone carries ACEs to loot replacement ones. With my load out I have enough killing power to take down 22 Rexo heavy infantry and many of them will carry shotgun shells or bullets� and your full medical applicator is enough to restore you to full health for near death more than 12 times� assuming you can�t loot a nice replacement by then. But, remember I play a stalker infiltrator... if you are defending a base against a ZERG the boomer becomes priceless and getting replacements is just an equipment terminal away...
thx for noticing that im back 1024 :p
um, sorry, but i was talking about deadlock.
Good post Ash. I do alot of the same stuff, just more of it and faster!
Ive got an AMP/medtool loadout kinda like yours, a triple ACE with medtool favorite, and one with a CUD for striking.
My FPS dies in big fight so I try to stay away from the zerg, I like to defend bases solo and stuff. With surge + medtool + amp I will take on 4-5 enemies at once. I can surge in, AMP away, surge out, heal myself if needed, and repeat. If a MAX shows up I surge away and grab my trust Falcon MAX to take him down, then I switch back for more surge whoring. I use boomers against spawnrooms and defenders when I am in a big zerg, sence I lag to much for my AMP to be effective.
One good tip for the AMP: Use it alot, and learn to count how many rounds you hit with. I can count the times I see it hit, so I know exactly when to break off. If it is a little laggy I end up running away before the even register as dead.
2003-12-24, 11:25 PM
Ed the MAD
2003-12-25, 02:57 AM
i can't even begin to tell you how many times i got TKed because of some idiot who saw my blur and shouted "CLOAKED NME DETECTED!!!" before shooting me with some shootyhurt. the trick is to do your best to avoid dumbasses. oh wait, that's impossible. their like tornadoes, you never see 'em comin' till it's too damn late.
2003-12-25, 04:02 AM
Also, if you have advanced targeting(I switch to it every once and a while) you can look for injured maxes and try V-V-X and plant a boomer at their feet.(As seen in revllers video:))
It wont always work though,but I just keep spamming V-V-X!:p
2003-12-25, 02:30 PM
Umm, isn't it V-V-H? Just wondering...
2003-12-25, 07:11 PM
wuts V-V-H, or V-V-X, sry i dont read forums or listen in chats , im just a run and gun kinda guy :p
2003-12-25, 07:57 PM
There are a series of hotkeys that can be activated to say things in-game. For example, if you hit, in order, V, V, and then H, your character salutes and says 'Hail!'. You can look these up in the manual that came with the game, or you can just ask. Some of the most useful include V-N-M ("I need a Medic!"), V-N-R ("I need Repairs!"), V-W-I ("Incoming Infantry!"), and V-W-M ("Incoming MAXes!").
2003-12-25, 11:19 PM
oooo , ok thx noob , didnt know they were talkin bout that , i know now
Silly me!!
2003-12-26, 01:41 PM
NP man, just helping out :) .
2003-12-26, 03:30 PM
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