View Full Version : Help for a Noob
2003-12-29, 08:41 PM
I Just Got Planetside, and a Radeon 9200, and I'm Probably Going to be installing the radeon tomorrow or on new years and i was wondering if I should Be Vanu Or New Conglomerate, I have narrowed it down to thoose two, the Terrans are ruled out for me, even though i like fast firing weapons, but The Terrans Just seem to piss me off, so Vanu or New Conglomerate? please tell me why as well. Which one is easier to play as well?
2003-12-29, 08:48 PM
The New Conglomerate is he pick for easy play, and, to be frank, power. Both the Gauss Rifle (An assault rifle with a slower ROF than the other but more B4yB) and the jackhammer high-powered shotgun are easy to use, as well as being very good indeed, and iof you're a n00b, you'll probably wanna be a grunt: infiltration and piloting are more difficult.
Professor Frink
2003-12-29, 08:51 PM
Honestly all three are good. We fight over details in these forums but they are actually quite well balanced. I'm VS so I would of course tell you to join us but I played NC for quite a while & their weapons are really fun to wield.
You can have characters for 2 empires on the same server. Make a VS & an NC grunt & play around with the weapons to make up your mind. If you go VS, get the Uni-Max cert. If you find that you like the NC better, get Heavy Assault right away. Many of us here play multiple empires anyway. Good luck & don't get ded!
2003-12-29, 08:51 PM
thx ill create a vs and an nc character on markov
2003-12-29, 08:53 PM
Go Vanu! :D
I play all 3 factions, but the Vanu are by far my favorite. The Vanu specific weapons, vehicles and MAXs are just more interesting to use. The Phoenix is about the only thing the NC have that I actually consider fun. The jackhammer makes me feel dirty if I use it.
My real suggestion is to play all 3 as well. You'll naturally develop a biase toward one faction specifically, but it's nice to have alternate characters when you feel like something else.
2003-12-29, 09:07 PM
They are all very balances except the cycler is better thant the pulsar and guass, and AV is under powered no matter what empire you are on
2003-12-29, 09:25 PM
Yeah, of course the Jackhammer is balanced comapred to the other HA...
Professor Frink
2003-12-29, 09:33 PM
i think it is. now when we start talking about JH/surge, its another story. but we dont want to bore our new friend here.
2003-12-29, 09:56 PM
since u arent up for the TR i suggest that u go for vanu their numbers are going down as well as the TR do not be NC they have WAY to many ppl that ive noticed
2003-12-29, 10:08 PM
since u arent up for the TR i suggest that u go for vanu their numbers are going down as well as the TR do not be NC they have WAY to many ppl that ive noticed Sure ill be vs, since less ppl are being vs, and their weapons seem like the covenent weapons from halo, i loved the plasma rifle, isnt the pulsar just like it? and im sorry if ive offended any tr, its just somthing about you guys
Professor Frink
2003-12-29, 10:31 PM
Pulsar is a solid gun but you wont own like in Halo...
2003-12-29, 10:31 PM
Yep, Pulsar=Plasma Rifle. just one thing: Plasma Rifle=Good, Pulsar=Bad.
2003-12-29, 10:34 PM
Switchflip, there's nothing wrong with the TR except their tactics, and their maxs to an extent. The general TR population simply don't use their equipement the way it should becasue there is very little tactical documentation out in public conerning the TR's use of empire specific items and vehicles. This makes the fodder go TR, fail to see the subtle advantages and exploit them, think TR are crap, then leave.
This may actualy be a good opertunity for you experianced TR. Make a TR tactical guide.
Professor Frink
2003-12-29, 10:42 PM
Yea I suppose there are quite a lot of those damn NC slimeing about aren't there? Join the VS because our armor looks the coolest!
Take what you herar with a grain of salt, these guys are mainly balance whiners.
I suggest you try both, I like the VS more personally, even though I play NC.
Btw, the pulsar is a good gun in my opinion, more for close-medium range though.
Professor Frink
2003-12-29, 11:52 PM
Yea don't listen to us we always whine.
2003-12-29, 11:52 PM
i pwned a NC sparrowMax today when i was playin my VS guy,I was using my Pulsar
Pulsar=pwnage,but just FYI, i had shot him with about 8 rockets in my reaver and he almost killed me , i bailed and shot him to hell! :doh:
2003-12-30, 11:29 AM
Join the VS because our armor looks the coolest!
True, But the NC Armor looks alright too, but vanu definatly has the best looking armor
even though that wont make a difference on how you play.......
or will it?? **plays drumroll**
2003-12-31, 11:43 AM
I am partial to the TR. It seems like we are always the under dogs (most of the time we are lol) but i like the aspect of being under estimated. I like the TR weaponry cept the max's are at the biggest dis-advantage of having to anchor down and be immobile to cause real damage to nme's(that was my little rant) and being pwned easily by a decimator. /redundancy .I agree that someone should document how best to use the TR stuff. :D
Jackhammer with ap rounds owns the poo outta any max when used in 2 fire mode. 3 or 4 shots like that and they are dead.
NC are the most easy empire to play with because of the Jackhammer shotgun but if you go VS you could always use the Sweeper shotgun which is very good.
2003-12-31, 11:55 AM
3 or 4 shots on secondary mode on a JH is enough time to kill him with an AMP
and I have respect for the TR, not as people but as a whole, I like fighting them cause of the challenge. VS is like cockroaches, nothing interesting, just shoot as many as possible and they keep comming. TR is fun cause while some weapons suck there are 2 I fear and they are the pounder and the prowler, and those are fun to fight.
2004-01-01, 02:50 PM
Im a VS on Markov btw my characters name is SwitchFlip :)
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