View Full Version : Hotheads

2004-01-02, 03:46 PM
I'm sorry, but I love people who get incensed when you kill them. I get such a kick out of people taking things so seriously, I just love it. The other night I had set a spitfire and had gone to a neighboring hill to set another on the outside of one of our bases. Before I can lay the second one, I hear the first one firing. I watch as it gets blasted after getting a few shots on the guy on the hill. I'm outside DL range and I see him do a quick DL sweep and then go back behind the hill, obviously to heal/repair. I surge over and AMP him and give him a quick VVZ for kicks.

I forget all about it at this point, business as usual. Then I get the tell from him. "You wish. I'm gonna school your ass." Now this is too fun to leave alone, is it not? I put together a nice comment about how he might want to lay off the estrogen, and get a return that the player has me on ignore. One kill, one voice tell, ignore. Now I know that I've bothered him. A few minutes later inside the base he gets the drop on me and runs me through. He gives me a VVB, no biggie. I then turned around and killed him the next 3 times, with the highlight being him and about 20 NC buddies camping spawn. I spawn in with supressor blazing and pick a single target, who I drop before the other guys get to me. The guy I killed just happens to be him. My only regret is that I couldn't rub a standard/supressor kill on a spawn camper in his face ;)

2004-01-02, 04:06 PM
haha yea I love these.

a few weeks back I was in my Vanu AA MAX and blowing up planes as we are known to do when it starts getting personal between me and some reaver pilots. They try approaching from every angle possible (but as you know this doesnt matter) and get shot down anyway. Even the spamrocketsfromsofarawaythatyoucantseethereaver tactic was failing them. I guess they were not aware that Vanu AA MAXs use trees to stand on top of instead of the tower so as to be immune from bombers, flails and all other types of distant targeting.

Well, finally this guy just starts trying to kamakaze me, making death run after death run. Of course Jump Jets > Reaver pilots so it was just making him more careless till finally he sucessfully rams me and sends me a tell something like "See, that is what I do to you tree ****" Well, he failed to notice that I got XP for killing him and was only killed by his debris crediting no one for the kill :rofl: So I just replied, "Whatever, thanks for the xp"

2004-01-02, 06:15 PM
I like to get in the NC sanc on Emerald and send VS propaganda. I usually send a message once each time I'm back at the sanc. It's very enjoyable as people take it way to seriously. It's funny how people can hate a fictional faction so much.

2004-01-03, 03:32 AM
I like to get in the NC sanc on Emerald and send VS propaganda. I usually send a message once each time I'm back at the sanc. It's very enjoyable as people take it way to seriously. It's funny how people can hate a fictional faction so much.

I've got to say, your post inspires more sympathy for the people you're trolling than you. I wouldn't get too worked up over your broadcast spam, but it's not a particularly cool or humorous thing to do.

2004-01-03, 04:41 AM
Never got one.

2004-01-03, 10:22 AM
Even though i would never do the propaganda trick (lmao) it is hilarious to see how some of the ppl react when someone else does it (rofl)

2004-01-03, 10:28 AM
Never got a hate tell, did exchange humorous tells with people that killed me or vice versa in a humorous manner.

Although before the "mower nerf" when the developers put a stop to massive mowing, I was fond of jacking Magriders and then mowing over Vanu, then sending tells like "How's it feel now sucka?"

Which I now reserve for NC that I kill with their own Jackspammer. :D Taunting tells are so funny when one kills an enemy with his own toy. Because I am a prick.

2004-01-03, 10:34 AM
I get them all the time while sniping.

Usually along the lines of,
"Oh that's skill you pussy come and fight"
"Can't handle the big boys up close huh?"
or my favorites
"That's so cheap you wuss!"

After each of these I was ignored so couldn't reply with things like, "I got 2 hits on you from 200m while you were surging, I thought that was pretty good"... nope, THIS PLAYER HAS PUT YOU ON IGNORE.

Well... when I can hit you from 200m away and you can't hit me what do you want?

2004-01-03, 11:34 AM
I don't waste my time sending /tells or taunts to the enemy. I kill them, move on or am killed by them and respawn. If a guy owns me in a particularly skillful way, I send a /tell congratulating him.

2004-01-03, 12:36 PM
I get /tells from sweeper users all the time! Apparently they surge right behind me and unload in my back. I guess they don't realize that there is a bug that prevents them from hurting me at point blank range. The /tells normally appear like this "Hey u Cheating bastard I would have pwnt your ass if you werent cheating, I unloaded all 8 in your back," or the ever so popular "hey fuck nuts stop cheating ass wipe shit head poo poo butt fart knocker, your mama sucks and your aunt has a dong!"

2004-01-03, 01:41 PM
In my times sniping, i find that people come back to the same spot over and over and constanly are killed by me, then they send nast tells like "Your a Campin Asshole that won't let me live!" or
"How the hell do you hit me every time?"

And recently with my newly aquired Personal Shield
"You cheater i put 10 cyclerround in you before you ever turned to kill me"
"I saw that bule thing flick on, your cheating i'm /appealing you"

2004-01-03, 01:46 PM
I used to do vvz after every kill but it got old. I still send a vvg after every death though.

2004-01-03, 02:11 PM
i do both about every time :D or vvb

2004-01-03, 02:24 PM
I get so many tells, I ignore most. I could be using the game as an expensive chat program.

2004-01-04, 03:11 AM
The only hate tells I ever send are refering to the VS never starting an offencive of their own anywhere except for Hossin. They always piggyback on the TR's invasion.

This happens a rediculus amount and is extreamly annoying because even though the NC on emerald pull exelent defence if called to the area in time, we still remained stalled out on cyssor trying to push both the VS and TR zergs off at the same time.

2004-01-04, 07:41 AM
VVZ after kills is a n00bish thing to do. It's unlikley that the kill annoyed him, it's the fact that you acted like a 2 year old about it. Every so often when I get killed I'll /tell them saying something like "Ouch. Didn't see that comming :(," and the only thing I tend to say to players after I kill them is "Unlucky m8" or if I got a cheap kill "I hate it when that happens to me :(."
When some asshole VVZs me it's just irratating and I loose any resepect for the player.

Try to remeber that this is a game and people play it to have fun. Think how you would feel in a freindly football match at school/uni/work to have the guy who scored come right up to your face and go "yeah bitch. you like that?! You suck!"

2004-01-04, 07:52 AM
Hate to burst your bubble but... they do that, and what if it's fun for the killer to VVZ the victim? Think about that one bud.

2004-01-04, 08:12 AM
Maybe Americans do, but generaly in the UK that would get you carded, suspended, or fined (doing such a thing would cause a crowd uproar and you'd get nailed for aggrevating the crowd)

Maybe it's fun for them to VVZ? Probably it is, but so does cheating probably. They are both displays of total lack of consideration for other players.

2004-01-04, 11:02 AM
I killed 2 guys in a tower with a Sweeper and got a tell "damn surging agile bunny hopping noobhammer cun.t". Yeah, except I wasn't using a JH, I didn't jump and I wasn't using surge. I was using agile though, right 1 out of 4.

2004-01-04, 11:28 AM
Maybe Americans do, but generaly in the UK that would get you carded, suspended, or fined (doing such a thing would cause a crowd uproar and you'd get nailed for aggrevating the crowd)
You can get fined for scoring a touchdown against the hometeam?

2004-01-04, 02:44 PM
VVZ after kills is a n00bish thing to do. It's unlikley that the kill annoyed him, it's the fact that you acted like a 2 year old about it. Every so often when I get killed I'll /tell them saying something like "Ouch. Didn't see that comming :(," and the only thing I tend to say to players after I kill them is "Unlucky m8" or if I got a cheap kill "I hate it when that happens to me :(."
When some asshole VVZs me it's just irratating and I loose any resepect for the player.

Try to remeber that this is a game and people play it to have fun. Think how you would feel in a freindly football match at school/uni/work to have the guy who scored come right up to your face and go "yeah bitch. you like that?! You suck!"

I get VVZ'd or VVB'd probably 50% of the time I'm killed, and get direct rude tells a good amount of the time as well. It's a part of the game, and it's really not worth stressing over. I enjoy yanking the people who can't handle it themselves. The n00bish thing to do is flip out over it, it's just a part of the game. I'll give a VVZ or VVB maybe one out of every 30 or so kills, usually if I've watched somebody DL an area to insure their safety and then I still get the kill on them. If you want to call it n00bish, that's cool with me. It means about as little as the people who VVZ or VVB me anyhow.

2004-01-04, 02:49 PM
You can get fined for scoring a touchdown against the hometeam?

Not "Armoured Rugby for the faint hearted."

Though, even in rugby, ditto. They keep viloence to violence and not petty name calling.

2004-01-04, 03:01 PM
Hahaha, my favorites are the tell I get after killing like 5 guys indoors with a sniper rifle. Sometimes I'm too lazy to go back into a tower to switch weapons and end up owning like 5 ppl. I usually get at least one tell for that.

2004-01-04, 03:13 PM
I was testing out the standard + Surge + JH combo on my NC char, JackH0re, and, surprisingly, I dont get that many hate tells. I am of the opinion that once the victim sees the Jackwhore admit to his whorishness, then they are appeased.

However, I get tells ALL THE TIME on my MuffinMan character.

[tell] guywhoiveneverseenbefore: I know him.
DoYouKnowTheMuffinMan: LIES!

3/4 the time thats it, however, there are a few people who continue to talk to me after I call them liars.

2004-01-04, 03:42 PM
Not "Armoured Rugby for the faint hearted."

Though, even in rugby, ditto. They keep viloence to violence and not petty name calling.Just call it soccer dammit. Rugby uses "armor" too fyi, mind you it's like 2 inch foam, but it's still "armor."

The padding in football is a hindrance as well as a form of protection, whereas in rugby, you are basically 100% free to move around.

2004-01-04, 05:51 PM
Frankly I got to agree with TeraHertz here,I don't know what it's like on other servers but on the Werner server theres barely any name calling after kills. The only times I can remember have been from NC for some reason :\ I think its very immature and irritating for the victim.
Actually I got one tell from a TR who was angry with me for doing an OS on what was supposedly a TR and NC fight. My only reply was "I've got an OS to use I might as well use it somewhere decent."

2004-01-04, 06:13 PM
I get VVZ'd or VVB'd probably 50% of the time I'm killed, and get direct rude tells a good amount of the time as well. It's a part of the game, and it's really not worth stressing over.
Odd, I've been playing for a few months, and have rarely been sent rude tells or seen text taunts...

2004-01-04, 06:30 PM
Odd, I've been playing for a few months, and have rarely been sent rude tells or seen text taunts...

Maybe you click to spawn faster? Or maybe people are irritated with infiltrators more? I'm sure a portion of it is the fact that I'm often in areas where I'm literally without any friendly support trying to sneak around and mess with the enemy and/or take one of their towers before the zerg can arrive. When I get discovered and killed, there's really no battle that people need to worry about surviving. Their free to taunt me knowing that their tower is now secure.

2004-01-04, 07:21 PM
VVZ after kills is a n00bish thing to do. It's unlikley that the kill annoyed him, it's the fact that you acted like a 2 year old about it. Every so often when I get killed I'll /tell them saying something like "Ouch. Didn't see that comming :(," and the only thing I tend to say to players after I kill them is "Unlucky m8" or if I got a cheap kill "I hate it when that happens to me :(."
When some asshole VVZs me it's just irratating and I loose any resepect for the player.

Try to remeber that this is a game and people play it to have fun. Think how you would feel in a freindly football match at school/uni/work to have the guy who scored come right up to your face and go "yeah bitch. you like that?! You suck!"
if the devs thought that this was disrespectful and stuff ... THEY WOULDNT HAVE PUT IT IN THE GAME duh
i think they might have put this in there to do a little more than just say it infront of ur squad and stuff , thats y people use it after they killed some1 ,becuz they put it in the game for that
think about ur argument

2004-01-04, 10:33 PM
The devs think Christmas is a worthy of censoring.
Their judgement is flawed ;)

2004-01-05, 12:36 PM
I agree with TeraHertz.

I don't mind a VVZ if I have been owned skillfully, the killer has earned it. In that case then the VVZ is justified. What I can't abide, and what I think belongs to the Noobschool of Dickheads is those that VVZ when the odds are overly are stacked in their favour.

Example : Oneshot JH kill from behind, when it's a 5NC Vs 1TR battle. Don't send a VVZ cause you have not earned it.

2004-01-05, 12:44 PM
"Oneshot JH kill from behind"

Well technically... there really IS "Zero Chance" when that happens! :lol:

One time someone VVZ'ed me, I kept looking for him and killed him 6 times afterwards. That was a good day.

2004-01-05, 12:48 PM
Getting VVZ'd by a Vanguard gunner, while trying to run someplace as an infantry is also beyond n00bish. Hell, Vanguards ever doing VVZ is just plain n00bish. I have actually been TK run over by a basalisk and been VVZ'd ROFL :rofl:

2004-01-05, 01:10 PM
Getting VVZ'd by a Vanguard gunner, while trying to run someplace as an infantry is also beyond n00bish

I got shelled by a VG while I was running somewhere in reinforced, and the gunner actually sent me a tell: "OWNED!". I couldn't stop laughing, it was like he couldn't have been prouder to defeat me against all odds.