View Full Version : your views on the 3 empires
2004-01-03, 02:37 AM
im just wondering about this: which empire do you think is underpowered?
2004-01-03, 02:45 AM
TR is WAY underpowered jus look at are maxs,tanks,buggy,AV weapon
2004-01-03, 02:46 AM
vanu cant be underpowered cuz i play for em.
my logic > all
2004-01-03, 02:48 AM
its fine.
2004-01-03, 02:49 AM
dude, TR?!?!?! i can kill friggen ANYTHING with an MCG. MAXs own on there. Striker is pretty balanced it seems. actually i agree the Starfire is a little overpowered because if one locks on to me im dead if i dont bail...
2004-01-03, 02:50 AM
I only say TR because their MAXs suck monkey dung through a straw.
2004-01-03, 02:50 AM
armorwise: MagRider, Prowler Vanguard. Prowler does most damage over time. i dont know why im posting this :P
2004-01-03, 02:51 AM
I only say TR because their MAXs suck monkey dung through a straw.
it's really the straw that counts, here, btw.
2004-01-03, 02:51 AM
what do you think makes TR MAXs suck?
I don't think any empire is really underpowered.
2004-01-03, 06:50 AM
If you multiply the Van's damage times the internal area of its splash radius, you'll find out that the supposed "damage over time superiority" of the Prowler is bullshit. I'd bet a kidney that they based that number on direct hits alone.
The TR MAXs are obviously underpowered. Think VS MAX crash raid.
Marauder's clip is ludicrously low. I think Thresher got the ammo buff that was meant for it.
Striker gimps for itself.
The population numbers speak what partisans won't: TR is taking its turn in the stocks.
2004-01-03, 06:51 AM
I'd say their ok balanced now. The TR underpowered? they just contunue to run around trying to copy the NC with surgile HA still.
2004-01-03, 08:27 AM
If you multiply the Van's damage times the internal area of its splash radius, you'll find out that the supposed "damage over time superiority" of the Prowler is bullshit. I'd bet a kidney that they based that number on direct hits alone.
The TR MAXs are obviously underpowered. Think VS MAX crash raid.
Marauder's clip is ludicrously low. I think Thresher got the ammo buff that was meant for it.
Striker gimps for itself.
The population numbers speak what partisans won't: TR is taking its turn in the stocks.
if a prowler can kill a running healthy NC max with shields on at full power with 2-3 shots I doubt the splash damage is too low, and with a higher fire rate then the VG it gets those 3 shots in. don't forget the if you miss one shot in a VG you might not get a 2nd chance, never a 3rd, cause ppl can run away. in a prowler you can get 5 shots.
the MAX suits are ok, they just have a different role, you can't expect every empire to have the same weapon in a different skin. pounder is feared by all, yeah it can't walk around inside base tunnels killing people, but it can definately lock any door it wants.
I won't talk about the marauder since it's not something I've seen around lately, my guess is cause it's an assault buggy and nobody uses them anyway.
striker is lock on. that's an advantage to itself since you can scare off anyone you want, and that's a major plus. all AV weapons suck, they've become antimax. that's a different subject though.
stop this whole omg! I got killed! my weapons must be underpowered! in werner where the population is quite the same the TR hold their own. I don't know where you play but maybe the weapons are different there.
2004-01-03, 10:03 AM
The only thing that i can say about the TR weaponry that is wrong, is the MCG, personally i think a little sacrifice in rate of fire would be worth some range on the thing (even tho sometimes the rate of fire is what saves you)
2004-01-03, 10:22 AM
I say TR because a) the MAX suck, b) the Marauder sucks now, b) the Striker sucks now, and c) we seem to get tag-teamed every night except last night where the NC and VS fought for hours over Ishundar while TR invaded Oshur and Cyssor, while locking its backyards (con exepto de Ishundar)
2004-01-03, 10:52 AM
ya, TR on emerald always gets pwnd by the NC and their n00bhammer...or atleast that is what happens when i go in, we will be fine on a cont with a 10 man squad...then one or 2 NC will come in with those things and wipe us out badly, and we are usually packing MCG/Sweeper/ is sad really, at least we can hold our own with the VS
2004-01-03, 11:25 AM
Sorry man, if 10 guys can't take out 2 NC that means those 10 guys really really suck not that there weapons are no good.
Although facing surgiles + Jack I would expect to lose a few guys, but not 10.
2004-01-03, 11:30 AM
I'm not NC by title alone, I had a fun run with the TR and I switched up. I will be the first to say that Van is a titan compared to the other empire tanks. Some of you may not be aware that there have been stealth nerfs on these tanks. Check out the Mag's COF now. It's not the tank it used to be.
Van's armor is ludicrous at nearly 6,000. Van drivers can make glaring mistakes, like failure to withdraw for repairs in time, and live to tell the tale. I've never killed dozens upon dozens of people with such ease. Two engineers in a Van is a trail of ownage that only unchecked Air Cavalry can effectively end. A single Skyguard escort and all that remains is the miniscule damage from Strikers, Lancers and Rocklets, which can be totally ignored in many cases. Only Decimators, mines and enemy tanks pose a threat, and since those tanks are a pale shadow of the Van's AI power, they tend to be fielded less.
TR needs help. Not a lot, but some. Anyone who voted that NC is underpowered doesn't know their empire.
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-03, 11:35 AM
I was sittin' in the CC of a NC base yesterday on Fors. there was a full squad in there with weapons galore. TWO NC came in and Ithink we got 3 shots TOTAL in before we were wiped out. You can not, in all honesty, say that all eight of us sucked ass that much. 4 mcg's 3 sweepers and a boomer (By the way I think i was the only one who killed w/ that boomer - only got one though) should take them both down, no matter who's using them, that kind of close quarters weaponry should wipe the floor w/ intruders.
2004-01-03, 11:37 AM
Van's armor is ludicrous at nearly 6,000.
I was under the impression, which comes strictly from those who claim to be "in the know" or "know where to find it", that the Prowler had the heaviest armor.
Where do you find the armor points at?
2004-01-03, 11:41 AM
I calculated it by how many 32 point shots from my NanoDispenser it took to repair it. It takes almost 2 full canisters, 200 x 32 or thereabouts.
Prowler has far less armor.
2004-01-03, 11:59 AM
I was sittin' in the CC of a NC base yesterday on Fors. there was a full squad in there with weapons galore. TWO NC came in and Ithink we got 3 shots TOTAL in before we were wiped out. You can not, in all honesty, say that all eight of us sucked ass that much. 4 mcg's 3 sweepers and a boomer (By the way I think i was the only one who killed w/ that boomer - only got one though) should take them both down, no matter who's using them, that kind of close quarters weaponry should wipe the floor w/ intruders.
Well, you all shouldn't have been in the CC room is my best advise. I mean, the cc room is tiny, and you are up against a tripple barreled shot gun....come on, thats suicide no matter how you look at it. Spread out man, best bet against the jack, kill em before they get close.
I know surgiles make it a pain the ass to do but its only thing you can do against the NC. Adapt or die.
2004-01-03, 12:42 PM
The Prowler was supposed to have more armor after the BP, and the Van the most dps. Now though, the Van has the most armor and dps, and the Prowler just has dot which isn't that great, although having a seperate gunner to deal with air is pretty nice.
2004-01-03, 12:47 PM
The only thing that i can say about the TR weaponry that is wrong, is the MCG, personally i think a little sacrifice in rate of fire would be worth some range on the thing (even tho sometimes the rate of fire is what saves you)
i was killed by a mcg today from a very long range, it took him awhile plus all i had was a niper with no shots :mad:
2004-01-03, 12:48 PM
Well X, I really wouldn't say carrying a niper around is such a good idea... especially one with no ammo.
2004-01-03, 01:07 PM
Sorry man, if 10 guys can't take out 2 NC that means those 10 guys really really suck not that there weapons are no good.
Although facing surgiles + Jack I would expect to lose a few guys, but not 10.
2004-01-03, 01:46 PM
damnit why cant' you people shut up about this, it getting fucking annoying every week there a new bitcher making a thred about how there empire sucks.
There about as equal as they are going to get, look at the way the battles go, i see and equal share of TR, VS and NC wins. And the wepons are NOT!! desined to be equal! the JH is Uber up close but take it outside and you will get owned by that Lasher/MCG/Cycler/Pulsar. The only beef i have is the AV weps don't do enough AV damage, the AM/AA/AI is good but the AV part needs a buff.
And the prowler has more armor than a van
if it was not destroyed how could you accuratly calculate the Armor value, if its all gone the tanks is destroyed
2004-01-03, 01:49 PM
The Vanguard is nothing short of a rolling fortress. It is described by my faovirte quote from the official PS forums is it would "take ten guys with deicmators choreographed by the Wachowski brothers to take one out quickly". I sure wish I remembered who wrote that origiinally.
The Jackhammer's ability is well documented and often spoken of. I think some of the perception surrounding it is because to 'win' at planetside you are forced onto the Jackhammer's 'turf' as it were. That being close quarters in and about a CC, for example. As the above fellow posted it is very hard to kill people using them. I've also seen two to three 'surgiles' take down eight to ten adversaries without much issue. Particularly in towers where the warp bug favors them the most.
2004-01-03, 02:19 PM
just remove the triple shot, or at least make it so you cant regular shot-right click-triple shot (instagib) in a fraction of a second, and the JH is balanced, IMO.
oh and yes, the van has much more armor than a prowler, the prowler has speed and the extra gunner position. unfortunately, the prowler's speed doesnt help much because it has a much larger profile than the vanguard or magrider, making it much easier to hit. in fact, i remember reading someplace that the prowler high speed/low armor was so that prowlers would be better at hit-and-run tactics, or something to that effect.
2004-01-03, 02:22 PM
And the prowler has more armor than a van
Okay there Spork-Junior. What empirical data do you base this claim on?
I think tonight I'm going to test this on the test server and see for myself. I bet you my results are the same as Veteran's results.
2004-01-03, 02:24 PM
your getting it mixed up the van was suposed to hae bigest gun, and medium speed and armor.
Prowler has most armor slowest speed and 2 gunners for more fire power
Magrider has most speed least armor and carzy wepons that slaugheter all but tanks(but thats ok becasue they get owned by other tanks so it ballences a bit)
EDIT: Taken directly off this sits vehicle section(
Source: Terran Republic
Type: Medium Tank
Role: Attack
Primary Weapon: 100mm Cannon
Secondary Weapon: 12mm Rotary Chaingun
Occupants: 3 (Driver, Gunners)
Handling: Poor
Cert Cost: 3
The Prowler is the largest Main Battle Tank. Having the most armor for a Tank and a 360-degree capable dual 100mm heavy tank turret, the Prowler is certainly able to devastate many targets in short order. The secondary gunner is able to control a dual Rotary Chaingun which is a small turret stacked upon the primary turret. Naturally the sheer size, weight, and firepower of this tank makes it slower than any of the Main Battle tanks.
Source: New Conglomerate
Type: Medium Tank
Role: Attack
Primary Weapon: 150mm Cannon
Secondary Weapon: 20mm Recoilless Cannon
Occupants: 2 (Driver, Gunner)
Handling: Average
Cert Cost: 3
The Vanguard is the main battle tank for the New Conglomerate. Generally well balanced, the Vanguard brings decent speed, solid armor, and hefty firepower to the field. The main turret pivots 360 degrees and houses a 150mm Tank Cannon. The gunner can also switch to a limited pivot 20mm Recoilless Cannon for infantry supression.
Source: Vanu Sovereignty
Type: Medium Tank
Role: Attack
Primary Weapon: Heavy Rail Beam
Secondary Weapon: Light Pulsed Particle Accelerator
Occupants: 2 (Driver, Gunners)
Handling: Good
Cert Cost: 3
The Magrider is the Vanu Sovereignty's Main Battle Tank. Built upon Vanu Alien technology, it has the ability to hover across both ground and water. This propulsion system also gives the Magrider the ability to strafe left or right. The drawback, however, is that the Sovereignty has not perfected the anti-gravitic drive yet so weight is still a critical issue. Because of this, their primary weapon, a heavy energy rail beam has a limited forward pivot. The secondary weapon system, which the pilot controls, is a light Pulsed Particle Accelerator, and is mounted on the front of the vehicle.
2004-01-03, 02:47 PM
yeah the PSU vehicle, weapon, implant and armor pages need to be updated...
Dual-Cycler (Anti-Infantry)
Pounder (Anti-Vehicular)
2004-01-03, 03:00 PM
Van has more armor, and more DPS
Prowler has less armor and better DOT
Mag has least armor and insanely inaccurate cannon at more than 200m
2004-01-03, 04:07 PM
i've tested this before right afte the BP, and the prowler took more damage before being destroyed. There have been no changes sence the BP to Vehicles armor that i remember.
A Van when damaged most of the way does not take two whole cans of glue, i know because i only carry 2 cans, one in my gun one in the pack, and i have repaired plenty of vans on that much alone.
2004-01-03, 04:12 PM
DOT makes all the difference when you have a prowler facing a vanguard.
as for the JH, 2nd mode is supposed to be a one shot kill. they nerfed it because ppl couldn't realise this game requires teamwork, you die, friend kills NC, adv med revives you. not to mention that secondary mode has such a large COF you need to hug the target, so if he got that close, 9 out of 10 times you can only blame yourself.
and although the maker of this thread cleverly tried to hide the nature of this thread with a nice title, it's still just another thread about balance.
just give it a rest already, like I said, I play werner, empire populations are nearly the same and the TR has it's share of victories.
Professor Frink
2004-01-03, 04:13 PM
I'm VS primarily just bear that in mind. I remember a time when the TR rolled everyone on a nightly basis. No more... I don't believe any of their weapons are very underpowered, but maybe the problem is that they have no uber type weapon. NC have the JH & the weak but extremely easy/fun to use Phoenix. We VS have the best Maxes no matter what anyone says. Those factors keep us in it. The TR are in my opinion quite balanced but have no one weapon that gives them an advantage. I say BUFF THE REPEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004-01-03, 04:58 PM
Mag has least armor and insanely inaccurate cannon at more than 200m
It's a line of sight weapon, of course it's insanely accurate
2004-01-03, 05:01 PM
Buff The Beamer!
And the mag's weapon in INaccurate at long range. Its limited splash damage and lack of a balistic arc makes it almost useless at long range.
2004-01-03, 05:02 PM
DOT makes all the difference when you have a prowler facing a vanguard.
as for the JH, 2nd mode is supposed to be a one shot kill. they nerfed it because ppl couldn't realise this game requires teamwork, you die, friend kills NC, adv med revives you. not to mention that secondary mode has such a large COF you need to hug the target, so if he got that close, 9 out of 10 times you can only blame yourself.
and although the maker of this thread cleverly tried to hide the nature of this thread with a nice title, it's still just another thread about balance.
just give it a rest already, like I said, I play werner, empire populations are nearly the same and the TR has it's share of victories.
i did NOT make this thread to rant about balance. i have not complained about ANYTHING so far, i just wanted to figure out who thinks what via a poll.
2004-01-03, 05:05 PM
Ok i just tested it a little and it seems as if the Prowler had less armor(looking at the green bar above the tank) but when i when to repair it i used up more glue (i shot 9 decis at each and measured the glue needed to see if the absorbtion was different) repairing it than the van, i attribute this to lag most likley but it seems kinda odd, it does take the same amount of decies to kill each though. So the tanks have been added to my list of things that don't realy matter that much but would be nice to have fixed (MA-pulsar and guass suck, and AV not doing enough AV are the others) but the fix is simple give the prowler better absorbsion and a lower speed(like 48 or 47, i never realised its only 3kph slower than a van)
also i can see why the devs would sortof stealth nerf the armor on the prowler, having two independant guns makes it able to defend itself from infantry while still hitting the other thing with its cannons. and the 100mms on a whole are not that much less powerfull than the 150 and if it retained its original ratio of armor with the van it would be unstopable now (if the AV was fixed then i could see its armor getting put back were it should be)
2004-01-03, 05:06 PM
It's a line of sight weapon, of course it's insanely accurate
i believe he said insanley "inaccurate" btw :)
2004-01-03, 05:10 PM
if you make a line of sight weapon of that magnitude accurate at range, you make it overpowered. a van and a prowler usually miss half the shots, that thing wouldn't unless the game helped it miss.
2004-01-03, 05:23 PM
TR, slightly, our maxes need some minor tweeks, the marauder needs some ammo tweeks, the prowler needs an armor buff as well as the twelves replaced by 25s and the Van needs an armor nerf. Then all would be well.
Edit: also implies that surge gets hit with the nerf bat and HART gets axed
2004-01-03, 07:12 PM
not to mention that secondary mode has such a large COF you need to hug the target, so if he got that close, 9 out of 10 times you can only blame yourself.
and it's so hard to close in on someone in this game...
2004-01-03, 07:33 PM
I read about this recently and like the idea. Its about TR maxs first axe the pounder dump it completely and put the DC back into its role. I was in beta and loved that damn DC max in its AI role and max a new AV MAX the Dual striker. I mean sure make it unable to do a long distance lock on aircraft and make it unable to lock onto maxs but give it a dumb fire mode so it can at least have a chance of shooting back and of course lock-on fire on ground vehicles.
Another Idea I liked was to axe the anchors on TR maxs and give them a capacitor like the other maxs. that enables them to fire at high speeds for awhile. Also making them able to dodge the decis instead of being bait for them.
2004-01-03, 07:36 PM
My thoughts on the tanks....
I don't like seeing the Van or prowler come over the ridge. What as an infantry man can I do? Nothing, which is fine, but I've driven a Mag a little, and perhaps it is based on my lack of driving skill, and it's lower armor allow it to be capped by infantry easier. Perhaps I am incredibly unlucky I don't know.
Do the TR and NC dread seeing the Mag-rider come over the hill?
As for AV weapons anyone who complains about the AV weapons of the TR should try usin' the ultra cool lancer! woo hoo! Man that think rocks. No guidance, sorta slow, minimal damage, why would anyone use such a weapon when you could have decimators?
All in all, been awhile since I played, I think we are pretty balanced for the most part. It will never be perfect, unless the VS are given the ultra powerful wepons we deserve :)
2004-01-03, 07:40 PM
You do the lasher that thing is a pain in the ass indoors I prefer to fight Jackhammers myself.
2004-01-03, 07:41 PM
Honestly the Magrider isn't all that great anymore. It can mow, that's all. It's gun does not kill infantry, it's gun is too inaccurate to kill enemy armor at range (which ironically is the only way a magrider has any chance against a prowler or vanguard). The magrider does however have a significant edge in anti-air and anti-max abilities. MAXes seem to die just as quickly as infantry, and once you learn to lead your targets, reavers and mosquitos drop like flies.
Despite this I don't think any empire is underpowered or overpowered. I really wish these threads would stop. I don't mind the debates on individual certifications, but the big picture will never be perfectly balanced. As long as all empires get their share of victoires, as they clearly do, there is no reason to worry about balance.
2004-01-03, 07:51 PM
I honestly think the 3 empires are pretty balanced but I wouldn't so no to the devs making my mag more efficient against infantry. :P
(which ironically is the only way a magrider has any chance against a prowler or vanguard).
On a bridge battle, I was gunning for one of my squadmates' Mag. I mowed through 10, 11 vans easy. No splash damage = Useless Vanguard.
Yes, the van has superiority on a dry continent, but, on a damp one, like hossin, you will be pwnd.
2004-01-03, 07:58 PM
i belive the vanu r very underpowered! the tr ive been and their medium weapon is amazin and same with their heavy and their maxes own! so whats the problem? just their prowler sucks! but vanu maxes r very weak and their lancer is bollox its like a laser that does nothing and the vanu med assult weapon sucks and the lasher is amazin but needs better recoil
2004-01-03, 08:01 PM
The mag has a definate advantage at any place with water, like Spee said. If they're near a river or lake and they take heavy damage, they just run away to the other coast, repair and come back to haunt us. In regaurd to the MAX discussion, I have 5 times more VS max kills then I do TR maxes.
Professor Frink
2004-01-03, 08:12 PM
In regaurd to the MAX discussion, I have 5 times more VS max kills then I do TR maxes.
Because TR don't use maxes as often as we do...
Mags might not be as accurate as a bolt driver but put two or three on a ridge and its hell on earth. Regardless of accuracy, you cant dodge that rail beam! It has weaknesses but I still love it.
2004-01-03, 09:29 PM
My opinion, based on a lengthy study of Barney and Cong attack movements, is that the TR are massively over-powered. Why do I say that? Simple!
It takes both of them to make any headway on the TR! The Barney and Cong together are able to just barely make some inching headway on the terrible and overpowered TR. One on one they are just outgunned. More and more the two underpowered empires have been forced to rely on teamwork between them to defeat the forces of the TR. This is sooo unfair to the Barney and Cong empires. Someone needs to nerf the wicked TR so that the other two won't be forced to rely on each other as teammates. Horrible, horrible TR!
2004-01-03, 09:40 PM
this is totally off topic here but...did anybody realize everybody's nickname on here is from some kids show?! Elmos, Barneys, and Smurfs! :huh: :doh:
Professor Frink
2004-01-03, 09:40 PM
My opinion, based on a lengthy study of Barney and Cong attack movements, is that the TR are massively over-powered. Why do I say that? Simple!
It takes both of them to make any headway on the TR! The Barney and Cong together are able to just barely make some inching headway on the terrible and overpowered TR. One on one they are just outgunned. More and more the two underpowered empires have been forced to rely on teamwork between them to defeat the forces of the TR. This is sooo unfair to the Barney and Cong empires. Someone needs to nerf the wicked TR so that the other two won't be forced to rely on each other as teammates. Horrible, horrible TR!
You have a real gift for satire. :lol:
2004-01-03, 10:15 PM
damnit why cant' you people shut up about this, it getting fucking annoying every week there a new bitcher making a thred about how there empire sucks.
Agreed. But while we're on this topic...
You can say the mag is insanely inaccurate past 200m, but the prowler and vanguard are absolutely useless past 200m, unless you are shelling a base or tower and can see that far.
inaccurate > useless.
And I still get shot out of the air quite plenty in a reaver while AB'ing away and jerking the mouse around erratically from a Magrider. So I always have a rule now: I only attack a Mag if there is a vanguard engaging it(and you wouldn't believe how many Mag gunners try to shoot at me instead of the vanguard, even turning the turret 180 to get me), or when they're really damaged or being repaired by the driver.
2004-01-04, 03:11 AM
I'd wager most often the Magrider gunner has a better chance of spalshing your Reaver than the Vanguard. Particularly at the closer ranges where the Vanguard has the Magrider at a disadvantage. I would probably swing my turret around if I thought I could swat you down as you fittingly deserve. You represent the least and most 'deal-with-able' of the evils at hand in that situation. :D
However that's just one possiblity, I may decide to still try and hurt the Vanguard as much as possible before we go down because it's a bigger threat by a large margin.
I Hate Pants
2004-01-04, 03:17 AM
The game is pretty balanced for the most part now. But there is still some tweaking that is nessecary. I choose the TR because from my experiece the prowler, maxes, and Marauder all need help.
Oh yeah, and the JackHammer shoots too far. If they slightly reduce the range on it. I'd be happy.
2004-01-04, 03:37 AM
The idiocy and ignorance in this thread is painful.
Vangaurd= Highest armor, lower DPS than Prowler, and medium speed
Prowler= Medium armor, lowest speed, highest DPS
MAG= Lowest armor, fastest, lowest DPS on main cannon, but driver's connon does vicious AV damage as well, can hover over watter and no arc to cannon.
Vang= Driver can be crap because it it mostly reliant on armor to survive. Gunner must be good because if you miss, it means a lot of damage/time lost.
Prowler= Needs good crew to opperate at highest effectiveness. Gunner can afford to miss a couple shots without too much worry.
Mag= inertia killer means less, so mow mow mow. Main gun is hard to miss with.
Striker is NOT gimped you morons. Not, it's not the l33t pwner that it once was, but it actualy makes a good weapon against aircraft and light vehichles. You can reaquire lost lock from a missle, so just try to keep your cross hair on it. the only thing I might change is increase the lock-on range.
TR MAXes need a slight boost, and the VS MAXes a slight nerf and the empires would be balanced.
In all of my expirence playing planetside, if you think a weapon(aside from the beamer) sucks, you're not useing it properly. Grief magnets are selective use weapons, sucky weapons are most often used by less than skilled players. I wish more Vanu used the Lancer, I would love to loot some.
Oh, yeah, you should have put a "They are balanced, quit your bitching already" option.
2004-01-04, 09:47 AM
I agree about the "you should have put a "They are balanced, quit your bitching already" option."
but I do think the NC's supressor needs a serious boost, knife too. the TR and VS suppresors and knives are uber compared to it.
2004-01-04, 10:05 AM
Uh, Trout? I think the 150mm is stronger than the 100mm. Also, Van has lowest DOT, Prowler medium, and Mag highest.
2004-01-04, 10:15 AM
but the mag's DOT doesn't really matter does it? cause it really isn't about stand offs, it's about hit and run.
2004-01-04, 11:07 AM
I agree about the "you should have put a "They are balanced, quit your bitching already" option."
but I do think the NC's supressor needs a serious boost, knife too. the TR and VS suppresors and knives are uber compared to it.
The hell are you talking about?
I Hate Pants
2004-01-04, 10:13 PM
What's DOT? :doh:
2004-01-05, 12:55 AM
I agree about the "you should have put a "They are balanced, quit your bitching already" option."
but I do think the NC's supressor needs a serious boost, knife too. the TR and VS suppresors and knives are uber compared to it.
i thought they were the same??? DOT=Damage over Time(did i get that right?)
Oh, yeah, you should have put a "They are balanced, quit your bitching already" option.
i will be sure to do that next time :D
2004-01-05, 03:28 PM
Did anyone notice that the TR all say that they are underpowered and the VS and NC just try and cover each other up? I mean look at the poll people. TR is underpowered. The Striker is only capable of killing anything besides a MAX unless you put about 3 clips into it. Sure you might kill your stray damaged reaver but otherwise you are blown through. I've gunned for a prowler before and a mag or van always mean death. We are outgunned in HA and no one can say different if they were truthful. The only thing thing I can kill the should-be-nerfedhammer with is 3 good grenades from a thumper. The pounder is a tower owner but 1 hotdrop and they are gone. The other 2 MAXs suck compared to NC and VS.
2004-01-05, 03:44 PM
You get killed in a Prowler by a Mag? You either a) suck at gunning b) have a shitty driver c) your opponents are 10x better than you or b) all of the above
The Mag is the weakest tank armor wise, best suited for long range attacks at large objects and AA, otherwise it's fodder for the Van and Prowler.
You aren't ment to be able to take out a tank on your own with AV weapons, they're ment for groups, for teamwork.
The MCG is an awsome heavy assault weapon, your probably just using it wrong. It isn't ment for long range, the same goes for the JH and Lasher, the empire rifles take care of that. The MCG is the only HA that can take out a MAX in one clip (not sure about JH though, can it do it in 16 with AP shells?). It's ment for spraying as many bullets as it can in the shortest time possible. Learn how to use it.
Now, it seems to me that you are NOT a skilled player. Get some skill, the try killing the "should-be-nerfedhammer" user. They aren't that hard to kill, their movements predictable because they have to get in close to use that shotgun, take them out before they get to you. Also, try using their tactics against them, if you find a corpse with a JH on it, grab it, turn the tide of war, use their own invention against them.
The Pounder is a great AI MAX, it's not the best for 1v1, but you get a crowd of infantry together and they're dead, unlike the Scattercannon and Quasar, who are better at 1v1.
The DC is great at killing enemy MAXs, and is also good for putting suppression fiire down.
Burster is great at taking out air as well as infantry and vehicles.
You should note that all the TR weapons are ment to put as much fire into the air as possible in the shortest amount of time. They're also the best group killers. Try to learn about things before you go and attack them.
2004-01-05, 11:40 PM
Uh, Trout? I think the 150mm is stronger than the 100mm. Also, Van has lowest DOT, Prowler medium, and Mag highest.Never said the 150 was weaker than the prowler on a shot-for-shot basis, that would just be retarded. Also, I belive the Mag has a lower DoT than the vang and definately lower than the prowler(not counting driver's gun)
2004-01-06, 03:07 AM
I agree with rayder, and as for the AV max, all 3 are worthless, good luck killing a wraith with those. the AA maxes, well the VS one is pretty good, the NC has great potential but locking on is bugged, and the TR is a spam weapon, use it right.
2004-01-06, 03:33 AM
I put the TR as my vote but only a tiny fraction.
TR maxes have a crappy special and a generally are teh suck. Prowler has the biggest profile and is slow like the Vanguard. I don't really care about the Maruader since hardly anyone uses buggies anyways; at least it can transport 3 people. The Striker only sucks compared to how it used to be (which of completely over powered), the striker is in line with how it should be. The MCG is good, I agree with whoever said to give it some range rather than rof.
I also want to say that anyone who says the magrider sucks/is underpowered is huffing glue. It has the smallest profile and floats above the ground making it the hardest to hit with dumbfire weapons (how many times does a decimator go under a mag?) It has 2 guns, 2! This means it can either engage multiple targets or bring the pain on 1. The main gun is direct fire, who needs skyguards when you just have to put your crosshair over a reaver (at any range) and pull the trigger; this also makes it the best tank at range. It can go over water, avoiding mined bridges and bottlenecks; plus, it's 1000x harder to hit on the water. It can climb the highest slopes and is the fastest so it can get away. I don't think the mag should be nerfed but people who complain about it make my blood boil.
2004-01-06, 04:12 AM
Jee, this is really getting old. TR whine about their weapons, NC and VS blame the TR and say they are all noobs who can't shoot straight or need to learn the game. Then you get the leet dudes, who played their TR dude for 1.2 miliseconds and is now an expert on every weapon there is.
Simple, there is a problem out there folks, or you wouldn't see all these threads about it on here and the OF. The problem is growing so acute, that TR populations are starting to suffer. As the popultion drops, the devs are going to take notice and do something to reverse the trend (hmm, I smell balance pass here). Does this all seem familar somehow? Now I personally don't mind TR or the weapons. As long as the population stays about the same, the battles are going to be fun for everyone. But with the dropping population, it starts to suck to be TR.
So, what do we do? How do we fix this? Shit, you can't fight peoples perceptions, so you need to address them directly. Don't nerf the other guys stuff, do some slight buffs to address the complaints and be done with it.
The other way is for all you NC and VS leet dudes who claim there is nothing wrong with TR, to switch to TR. Thats right, take that 1.2 milisecond played TR dude and make him your primary character for a while. We are not talking long term here, just a few months ought to shore up TR long enough for all those noobs that fled to NC/VS to come flocking back. I mean, you leet dudes are so skillful, you will own the NC and VS in days. Then we won't have to worry about the devs getting involved with their nerf/buff stick. Otherwise, quit whining about the TR whiners and back a call for the devs to buff TR.
2004-01-06, 04:16 AM
from my experience id say
NC own with there heavy assault (slow rate of fire my ass)
TR are second in heavy assault with there chain-guns
VS ..well i hardly ever see any1 with a lasher and wen i do i usually see them die os soon as they enter a building
anti-vech..well id say
NC win again becoz they never use there AV weapons against tanks or iv never seen it happen all i see is noobs hiding inside a building opening the door running bak and firing there rockets out and guiding to men or MAX's
(i have played all 3 empires to see which 1 was best b4 i chose my main 1 and thats all i saw wen i was NC)
TR..wen i tryed out reavers the only empire that made me fly away was TR once they locked on u its ver hard to escape i found the best tactic was flying as low as poss to ground with afterburners on
VS well there anti-vech is kinda powerful but unless the vech ur shooting at is stillor moving slow its hard to hit seen as it travels kinda slow
NC well there MAX's have the same armour but they ALWAYS seem to kill EVERYTHING in buildings including other MAX's kinda overpowered id say
TR there MAX's arnt crap i like them the only weapon i dont like is the Cycler it does some damage inside but not enuff really but saying that the AA and the AT weapons are devastating inside the AA wepons can take down any aircraft relativly fast and as some1 said they At weapon can keep anydoor firmly lock coz u die as soon as it fires
VS i like the VS MAX also its main feature is the boosters this makes them great for assault and i often see them overused the AA wepon is good but if the aircraft uses afterburner to escape then the plasma it fires never really hits the Anti-tank wepon is ok but is usually used agains troops and MAX's and i very rarly see the anti infantry wepon used but wen it is its devastating
NC have a ok tank it caused alot of damage on 1 shot but fires way to slow
TR causes alot of damage and fires fast very good tank
VS muhahah my fav tank drives fast and has 2 guns like TR and they always seem to live longer than any other tank
Pistols..NC hardly any stealther use NC's pistol it fires to slow the person ur trying to kill usually turns around but darklight on and ur dead most use the common 1
TR i liked this pistol i used it alot and then realised not that many others use it they use the common 1
VS same as the other 2 most use the common1
(i hate the common1 it to inaccurate but saying that if ur right next to them and they dont move then its east to kill everytime)
bleh thats wot i think my fingers are numb now
btw i chose VS ..and i chose to be a sniper (alot of VS have snipers)
my overall view is NC overpowered (weapons fire to fast)
TR stop moaning ur not underpowered (not on werner anyway)
VS good wepons (but slighlt to slow)
2004-01-06, 04:50 AM
this also makes it the best tank at range.
That title belongs to the vanguard. It may need a few tracer shots, but thats better than a magrider's horrid CoF.
2004-01-06, 06:28 AM
i agree with JuSCHiLLiN Mag is easily the best tank i have seen so many times wen im defending a base 2 or 3 mags go flying out of the base every1 shooting at them hardly any hits coz of these speed and they either run ppl over or shoot them and nearlly always they all come bak heal and go do it again if the Van or Prowl try this most always get blow up...slowness
2004-01-06, 05:05 PM
from what I hear, it seems there are 3 reasons ppl are leaving TR
1)weapons aren't much fun
2)most CR5's are somewhere between sucky and azzholes
3)ppl are opening these threads and leaving TR
werner TR is alive and kicking, that means something don't you think? probablly has to do with the fact they don't have the 2nd reason.
I've noticed many people (including me) cert the phoenix despite it's ineffectiveness. indoor max killing is the deci's job and no AV weapon here actually hurts veichles. it's just cause it's fun, and many people wouldn't give it up for the world. TR don't have such a thing.
2004-01-06, 05:14 PM
I've noticed many people (including me) cert the phoenix despite it's ineffectiveness. indoor max killing is the deci's job and no AV weapon here actually hurts veichles. it's just cause it's fun, and many people wouldn't give it up for the world. TR don't have such a thing.
I agree with that (although they are effective at MAX killing). I certed a n00b NC and had an absolute blast with the Phoenix just because it's so different from anything else you do in Planetside. That and it never gets old hearing the screaming remotely when you hit somebody with the killing shot...
2004-01-06, 05:58 PM
I have only a few comments about TR being slightly weaker (and we are). I have a lot of experience with the MCG and frequently have run-ins with SGswift and that gang, as well as some other highly skilled NC players. I don't have a big problem with the jackhammer being stronger in the MCG match-up, which it is and that is by design. My problem is the relative ease with which an NC player can win the battle. I'm a little scared by all jackhammers because I know if they get that 3-shot on you, you're toast. It's best to keep a little distance on them if you can, but sometimes that's just impossible. Nearly all of the real fighting goes on inside. Defend the generator! Defend our spawn room! Hack their control console! Sound familiar? The jackhammer is the bees knees in this situation. Sorry if this is all a repeat. I'm not very active on the boards. But I think the JH needs just a tiny nerf. Maybe increasing the time to switch modes would even be enough. Games are tough to balance and I'd say that this is the best state the game has been in. It always is a challenge to play TR on Emerald, but that's part of the attraction for me. I'd rather be gimped than uber, because your trash talk carries more weight! :)
Caudill - TR Emerald
Muerte Rojo
2004-01-06, 06:06 PM
striker under powerd? along with every single other av weapon that bites ass. all av weapons need a buff
2004-01-06, 06:20 PM
I bet if you got just 2 friends to join you with strikers, you guys could get a lot more kills than alone. I agree on the earlier comment that it's a team weapon. I thought sniping was terrible in this game until I realized it's a support position, like it is in real combat. Most snipers are not assassins. Try pairing up with a buddy for best results.
2004-01-06, 06:23 PM
Magrider has 2 guns
Vanguard has 2 guns
Prowler has 4 guns
Mag and Prowler can fire their guns at the same time, Van has to switch.
Magrider is best suited for AA and range, but that doesn't mean it's best at range. The Vanguard takes that award, with it's damaging 150mm cannon, every shot hurts. The Mag's railgun is a joke, 3 shots to kill infantry? and thats when they get a direct hit. The drivers' gun is rather damaging towards the Prowler, due to it's high frame.
But, in the end, it still comes down to who has the better gunner and driver.
2004-01-06, 06:48 PM
The Mags main cannon seems to kill your standard trooper as quick as a max, about 3 direct hits, which is a little odd.
But then this is one of the mags weaknesses (and partly why we mow a lot in it :) ) , all the tanks have their weaknesses, the vanguards cover against aircraft is not as good as prowler or mags, and the prowler has the largest profile and slow speed making it the easiest to hit.
So I'd say the tanks are fairly balanced, its just a case of acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses and using them in the right way, fleeing from bad situations and taking on more suitable tasks.
Thats my views on the tanks (being a bit of a tankaholic myself)
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