View Full Version : PS comments

2004-01-04, 08:57 AM
Well I played PS for a few days now and I definatly have to say the game has not only lived up to my expectations it has execeeded them beyond my wildest dreams.

Good stuff first:

Huge battles are fun and getting to BR7 was a breez. I enjoy the depth of the game and the rush of getting killed by a squad of reavers. I like how one infantry cant make anyheadway on his own, no matter how good he is, without the support of a team. I like how the team system works, how it needs a balance of players (because 10 guys with HA and no decent respawn are worthless). There is more but I dont remember it all right now.

Bad stuff:

Ok the recert system needs to be reworked. This nonsense of one cert every 24 hours is absurd. It should be that you can forget a cert, some certs, or ALL certs just make it take 24 hours to get your Cert points. There are so many things that I want to try out but with my measly 11 CP I cant try them without sacraficing my ability to get more BR. Thats the only thing I dont like in this game.

Now i have some questions.

What determins how much xp you get from a base cap? I was flying around in my lib with a bomber. We killed about 9 vanguards that were en rout to the base. So i head back to get the cap with 3 min left and I get no XP! Granted the kills were outside of the SOI but does that matter?

This ones kinda general. I need tips for flying. I suck with the reaver and my bomer was doing the bombing and the flying practically.

2004-01-04, 09:34 AM
Want to try out a cert? Test it out in the VR area. You should be able to get a feel for how it's going to work for you in the battlefield.

2004-01-04, 09:43 AM
XP is determined by the number of kills inside a bases' SOI.

2004-01-04, 10:39 AM
The way base hack exp works is essentially the number of (unique) kills you get and witness while in a base soi. CEP is similar, although its based on what your squadmembers see too. (that is why I go for 2-man squads and try for 2970's rather than a less predictable number with a larger squad.)

2004-01-04, 03:07 PM
One thing I don't like is the cert thing too. I think you should be able to forget 1, more, or all of your certs and THEN have the 24 hour waiting period before you can reforget again. Thatway you can switch (EX) Inf and CE and get HA. Its a waste to just be able to forget one of those, then you are wasting a cert and can't get anything in return for 24 hours. This idea would also keep everyone from being able to switch between things when the moment called for it, because you could still only do this once a day.

2004-01-04, 03:25 PM
the recert system is fine

2004-01-04, 03:29 PM
they got rid of the unique kill thing. don't you remember the less cap BEP outrage (though they made outside base fights more worth it)

Now the base time 15 min before its hack till its caped is devided into pieces. eac pices is given a EXP value if you are in the SOI during htat time you get the EXP from that slice of the hack pie after the base is caped (you don't have to be in the SOI to get your hack bep just on the cont) The pie slice value is determined by enemy activity in the area (CEP works to same way but with modifiers for larger squads).

The maximum is 5k but its been a long time scence i've seen one of those

2004-01-04, 03:30 PM
No, its not, because you can't trade in a cert unless you'll end up having enough to buy the next cert you want.

If I want to get HA, and forget CE and Inf alltogether, I have to choose which one I want to waste for 24 hours and which I will keep (pretty much being a waste without the other i am forced to forget). You should be able to forget both at one time, then get the 24 hour period.

2004-01-04, 03:36 PM
the recert system is fine

The recert system is fine if you don't like to change things up and just play the same old thing every day.

I have to admit it was a bit annoying for me to recert my character when I decided to do a complete change over from the Cloaker/adv med/CE/adv hack to a Rexo/HA/SA guy. It took me 6 full days to make the transition and in the mean time I was in this "limbo" state inbetween what I was and what I wanted to be.

I think perhaps a system of "saving" your recert times might help. Perhaps if once every 24 hours you could get a credit for unlearning a cert. Put a cap of say 10 credits that you can save up to spend anytime you want. This way people who tire of playing the same thing can change over completely. Also, this will help people like me that have to go out of town for weeks at a time. I could return and have 0 Grief and be able to recert :)

2004-01-04, 03:48 PM
There should be a "Nuke all" button to forget all of your certs. Then, wait 48 hours?

2004-01-04, 03:49 PM
No, its not, because you can't trade in a cert unless you'll end up having enough to buy the next cert you want.

If I want to get HA, and forget CE and Inf alltogether, I have to choose which one I want to waste for 24 hours and which I will keep (pretty much being a waste without the other i am forced to forget). You should be able to forget both at one time, then get the 24 hour period.
CE and Infil alone are not a waste. Try them out, don't just say because you don't get to put boomers down behind enemy lines, or you don't get to put boomers down at all, that it's a waste.

2004-01-04, 05:05 PM
There should be a "Nuke all" button to forget all of your certs. Then, wait 48 hours?
:D :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :p :cool:

2004-01-04, 05:05 PM
I decided to do a complete change over from the Cloaker/adv med/CE/adv hack to a Rexo/HA/SA guy.

eeewwww! down with HA!

2004-01-04, 05:36 PM
CE and Infil alone are not a waste. Try them out, don't just say because you don't get to put boomers down behind enemy lines, or you don't get to put boomers down at all, that it's a waste.

I know, i was just giving an example. I have inf and don't even have engineering on my one char and i use it all the time. I'm just saying for those who want to change over from something, to something entirely different, they should be able to cut out the middleman.

If your main purpose of getting inf, was so you could lay down boomers, then yes, dropping inf or CE and having the other left over, IS, to that person, a waste.

2004-01-04, 07:12 PM
i think the recert should be this
u can forget anything , but when u buy something u have to wait 24 hours to forget only that 1 cert ,but in that 24 hour time u can forget another cert but wut u buy next cant be forgoten till the 24 hour time runs out
there its fixed dundundun!!!!

2004-01-04, 08:41 PM
While testing out certification synergies is difficult under the new system, you could always just do what a lot of people do and have multiple characters. It's easier to level up a few diverse characters to BR12 than it is to have one that does it all.

That way, if you want to test something out at least one of your characters will have a couple of the necessary certs anyway, and you can do it inside a day.

Think about it, in every other MMOG you pick one thing to do and work obsessively at it. I prefer PS's solution

2004-01-05, 09:52 AM
While testing out certification synergies is difficult under the new system, you could always just do what a lot of people do and have multiple characters. It's easier to level up a few diverse characters to BR12 than it is to have one that does it all.

That way, if you want to test something out at least one of your characters will have a couple of the necessary certs anyway, and you can do it inside a day.

Think about it, in every other MMOG you pick one thing to do and work obsessively at it. I prefer PS's solution

Thats the exact reason why I never played another mmo for more than 2 weeks. The skill/spells you got were just more powerful forms of your older ablilities. PS has very limited "Skill tree" development, for this reason I expect PS to be a long term addiction. :D

Also, does no one have Tips for flying? Im ok at the actual aireal (SP?) acrobatic stuff its just the combat I dont understand. I think its mainly because flying is more like sailing and less like actual flight.

2004-01-05, 01:19 PM
I'm a n00bish piolet as well. The only advice i have for you is this:

Against missle locks, fly low and fast. Practice flying low by skimming water in with an outside camera view. When your aircraft starts leaving a wake behind you (nice effect devs, btw ;) ), you're low enough. Switch to your inside camera and get a feel for where you are in relation to the water so next time you don't need to switch camera views mid-battle and loose your targeting reticle. When the missles start comming in, the best place to be is behind a mountain.

Against other aircraft, fly high and slow. In PS, as in real airial combat, the best place to attack from is above and behind your target (esp. against Gals and Libs since their tailgunners can't aim high). I've also noticecd that whenever I loose sight of my targeted nme aircraft, its usualy directly above me (where I can't see them, but they can angle down farther than I can angle up so they can still shoot at me).

So when you start getting shot from the air, put your nose in the air, max your speed, hit the climb button, and when you're near the ceiling, jerk around as fast as you can (a short burst of afterburners helps) and slow down.

2004-01-05, 02:29 PM
the recert system is fine

2004-01-05, 03:00 PM
Folks you keep forgetting that this is sposed to use a niche model, the system is designed, and succeeds at, forcing people to fill a roll and rely on others. In that respect it works fine and need snothing more nothing less. Honestly, how often do you totaly recert your char