View Full Version : slow speeds
2004-01-05, 12:05 PM
I have a problem with the speed of planetside. When I am online with 0 - 10 people around me its ok, but over that, it slows down. My computer is not slow as it is over the recommended speciation for the game, I have broadband at x10 fasters than 56k modem. But I don�t know what is wrong. Any help.
2004-01-05, 03:05 PM
what is your PC specs?
2004-01-05, 04:31 PM
We must have Pc specs to be sure, but turn down all of your video options, it sound like you need less detail, Also try the new Drivers 53.03 for NV 3.10 for ATI
2004-01-05, 06:07 PM
where can i get the new drivers?
2004-01-05, 06:10 PM has 'em, fast DL's to
Remember 53.03's or 3.10's depending on your card maker(there are some beta vesions and things get the regular ones not any customs as you proably don't knwo what your doing)
EDIT: ACK they have 53.04's now you may want to get those
2004-01-05, 06:35 PM
do u think that it'll fix my driver problem
everytime i go near an eventful area i get a warning that says that
one of my drivers is causing my system to be unstable
2004-01-05, 06:47 PM
I do no know, it my not be the Video driver, write down the message and post it next time.
Download the 53.03's to
2004-01-05, 06:58 PM
ok im gunna go play and see what it says
2004-01-05, 07:12 PM
dude you don't have a vid card now that i saw your system specs! don't install it!
2004-01-05, 08:57 PM
2004-01-05, 11:29 PM
i do have a video card i just dont know what it is
im installin a geforce 4 as soon as i can
2004-01-06, 11:12 AM
My speciation are:-
operating system - Me
Processor - AMD Athlon 1.2 Ghz
memory free - 45.2 GB
3D card - NVidia NV15 4x 32MB
Direct X - 9
CD ROM - x8
broadband - 288/576
so, what is wrong.
2004-01-06, 01:19 PM
It looks like you dont have enough ram. But the ram free isnt you actual Ram amount but im guessing you have 256 or 128. IM guessing 256 since you probly couldnt start the game. The minimum specs for the game are based on a different game type(more limited one). Games this big are new and they havent adjusted there minimum specs to account for the difference as well as they should have yet(its ok if you realize the Recommended si double the required but if you think like when you see other games you wont realize how much that will entale realisticaly). You want to have 512 minimum but its not recommended. You should go for 768 or 1 gig. 1 gig is recommended but i think 786 is sufficient if you cant afford more or you computer doesnt support more.
2004-01-06, 02:59 PM
I have 256 ram, is that a problem
2004-01-06, 03:03 PM
2004-01-06, 04:18 PM
yeah that barely enough to run win XP (get XP it helps, the drivers are better and ME is crap)
In todays world you need 512, and if you serious about gaming 1gb of it
2004-01-06, 04:42 PM
You need 512 for sure! I will let you know how 1gig does on Friday ;)
2004-01-08, 11:27 AM
I've turned down all the video options and it only improved it a little. So I need to increase my ram. Do you know anywhere good to get more ram.
2004-01-08, 12:35 PM
I put in that other 512mb and it runs much better. check
2004-01-08, 04:35 PM has good deals on memory
but i doubt they would have to right kind, you need to figure out if its rambus, pc-133, or DDR
2004-01-08, 04:44 PM
those are horrible prices on ram. :p
Go here:
2004-01-08, 06:07 PM
Excellent Quality RAM at cheap(ish) prices ....
Hope this helps
2004-01-09, 12:00 PM
I have a compaq presario 5000 desktop, with 256MB 100MHz SyncDRAM
2004-01-09, 01:18 PM
ergh you need more of computer man. I havea Compaq Presario 2510 with amd-k 6 333 on a 255 intell board and 64 megs of ram. Unfortunatley for you compaq is a FUCKING BUNCH OF ASSHOLES, and probly only left you upgradable to 512 ram. You will want to check but i betcha ;) unless your alread maxed at 256 wich wouldnt surprise me. Either way you need one gig to play without big problems. The minimum system requirments are always the Minimum you can have in a system to play, you should always consider that to be how much free ram you want to be able to run it to though, same with recommended. The recommended is never the needed to play easily, it is the lower/mid recomendation and you once again want to have this free to play at moderate qaulity. You generally want to take into account how much the recommended is over the required, in this case double, so you want to double again to hit hte maximum. if the required was 256 and the recomended is only around 320 then you will probly only ever need 384 in your system depending on hte type of game. But you should always go beyond and take it to be what your likely to have free to use it. In this case about a gig and a half to play without problems, id imagine, and maybe more because of planetsides open ended design. But 1 gig should be sufficient to have very low lag for when it gets more intensive in the game, and obviously none in lesser situations.
2004-01-09, 04:47 PM
Ok you need pc-100 rm witch you can get for cheap at any local comp place. In your situation i migh save teh money and put together a new computer in a while, yours is getting outdated, one thing, do not buy a computer you can get in a store they generaly are crap and have specs that are CPU heavy and Hd heavy to appeal to the people that don't know much about this stuff, and the rest of the comp is not that good. Dell and gateway are better but i don't recomend them unless you are not smart enough to figure out how to plug things in(also good for bargain bind type computers as they sell the low end computers very cheap) these are companies that put FX5200's in the So called "Gaming Computers" (see dinmension XPS). The next step up from then are aplaces liek Alienware and other high end computer places, but these are normaly expensive.
I gig and a half is over kill in gamin, alost you cant do dual channel if you have 1.5gigs best to get 2 sticks of 512. More than a gig is basicaly server sized ammounts of memory. But i woudl say that 512(2x 256) of ddr533 would outdo a gig(2x 512) of ddr400 in ps
2004-01-10, 07:13 AM
I only have 3 ram slots, 2 in use, 1 free
2004-01-10, 07:16 AM
Thanks every one for you help
I have 256 ram, is that a problem
Probably but I'm not sure, when I got Planetside I had 256 RAM as well and the game ran pretty well most of the time but then there would be thoes 5 second lags and stuff. And yeah it got laggy in huge fights.
2004-01-10, 02:20 PM
yea i would personally save up for a better computer.
2004-01-11, 12:28 AM
will ram really speed up my computer? my dads gunna be nice and get me more...
i have two slots total... where 1 is in use and one is free... but the first is removable...
and i can get 1048 mb or somethin per stick...
and my whole syatem can take 2089 or somethin total..
right now i hve 248 mb :(
prety sad huh?
and i installed a new video card and didnt notice much
but surprisingly enough it got rid of my "driver problem"
i didnt notice much of a difference though
exept that im actually rankin up kills... :)
my levels take like 5 min to load though :( :evil:
2004-01-11, 01:45 AM
Yea ram is your absolute necessaty for planetside play right now.
And i meant 1.5 from a literal point not a system one. because one gig can still leave you lagging cause of the system and xp using up enough to put the 900 mbs and the 100 or whatever, from the game and OS, over the 1gig from what ive heard. I was just saying 1.5gigs should literally put you past all your ram problem except in hte most extreme situation, aside from the reality of having 1.5 in your system.
But yea Get all the ram you can get. Atleast a gig if you really want to play. IF those numbers are rigth then you can support up to two 1024 sticks(1gig) for a total of 2048(2gigs). This leaves you the option of finding somewhat expensive single gig chips, if you can find some that are hte speed your comp can handle, which is confusing me right now cause i didnt know they had single gig chip capablities with PC100. But you can either get 2 single gig chips or one of htem, or get a paired 1gig that consists of 2 512ram chips (2x512) with dual channel if PC100 boards support that. Do they Rbstr?
The thing you have to worry about unless im wrong about what i just asked Rbstr is what speed ram you can support. IN which case you probly want the fastest you can afford. Wait is this even DDR? Either way you can get those size chips if what you said is true you just might not be able to dual channel them.
This is of course if you dont just put together a new comp.
Edit: Hows that:confused: I didnt use spelling or grammer??? you mean paragraphs?
2004-01-11, 03:58 AM
i didnt understand a single thing of what u said aitial. its all mashed together with no grammar or spelling.
2004-01-11, 01:02 PM
i didnt understand a single thing of what u said aitial. its all mashed together with no grammar or spelling.
2004-01-11, 04:24 PM
Undetected Edit: Ahhh, i got confused and mixed up him and Hazzers comp specs. :lol: He confuseded me@!!!
will ram really speed up my computer? my dads gunna be nice and get me more...
i have two slots total... where 1 is in use and one is free... but the first is removable...
and i can get 1048 mb or somethin per stick...
and my whole syatem can take 2089 or somethin total..
right now i hve 248 mb :(
prety sad huh?
and i installed a new video card and didnt notice much
but surprisingly enough it got rid of my "driver problem"
i didnt notice much of a difference though
exept that im actually rankin up kills... :)
my levels take like 5 min to load though :( :evil:
I gig and a half is over kill in gamin, alost you cant do dual channel if you have 1.5gigs best to get 2 sticks of 512. More than a gig is basicaly server sized ammounts of memory. But i woudl say that 512(2x 256) of ddr533 would outdo a gig(2x 512) of ddr400 in psME
Yea ram is your absolute necessaty for planetside play right now.
And i meant 1.5 from a literal point not a system one. because one gig can still leave you lagging cause of the system and xp using up enough to put the 900 mbs(from the game) and the 100 or whatever (from the game and OS etc.) over the 1gig, from what ive heard. I was just saying 1.5gigs should literally put you past all your ram problems except in hte most extreme situation, aside from the reality of having 1.5 in your system(IE, Dual channeling etc or whatever). EDIT: if PS uses 900 mbs of ram in alot of the somewhat heavier situations and your system is using 100-200mbs then 1.5 gigs is literally the value you would need to not run over that because 1 gig can still allow the game to use up your ram and cause lag some of the time.
1gig=1024mbs 900+200=1100mbs??? Thats what i meant.
But yea Get all the ram you can get. Atleast a gig if you really want to play. IF those numbers are rigth(When he mentioned his computer specs above) then you can support up to two 1024 sticks(1gig) for a total of 2048(2gigs). This leaves you the option of finding somewhat expensive single gig chips, if you can find some that are hte speed your comp can handle, which is confusing me right now cause i didnt know they had single gig chip support with PC100. But you can either get 2 single gig chips, or one of htem, or get a paired 1gig that consists of 2 512ram chips (2x512) with dual channel if PC100 boards support that. Do they Rbstr?
Edit: in other words does it support DDR(in case of dual channeling or are these dimms)? Does a computer that supports pc100 also support 1024mb chips, or is that the wrong amount he can get. He has two slots for ram and can get up to 2048gigs from what he says. He has to be able to use them if thats tru but i wasnt aware they made that amount with stuff that has PC100.
The thing you have to worry about unless im wrong about what i just asked Rbstr is what speed ram you can support. IN which case you probly want the fastest you can afford. Wait is this even DDR? Either way you can get those size chips if what you said is true you just might not be able to dual channel them.
This is of course if you dont just put together a new comp.
2004-01-15, 05:01 PM
do you know any good web sites that have good ram, preferbly sites.
2004-01-15, 07:31 PM
Your getting unreasonable, most people aren't flowing in a river of cash as you seem to be. and not all mobos' suport 1 gig sticks. a two 512 sticks are far more economical and it is over kill, if you have 2 gigs of memory and the rest of the system is crapy whats the use?
infact if you have too much memory you take a preformance hit because of the timeings and precharge times of the larger chips
and the original poster uses pc100 and that almost definently not availible in 1gb sticks if the mobo could even suport it
EDIT: hazer i'm sorry but i don't know any UK sites most of us live in N. America
2004-01-15, 09:49 PM
yay rbstr your finally listening to me. Honestly i find it hard to imagine that anyone would use more than 1 gig for a non server or data storage operation.
2004-01-15, 11:22 PM
I wasnt saying to get more than one gig i was jsut saying that it can peak 1gig from what i hear in game. And like i said i got Hazzors description of his MOBO mixed with undetecteds stats. I thought hazzor was undetected cause he said he could support 2048. Which is why i was confused.
2004-01-24, 11:20 AM
I've upgraded to 384 MB for the time and the lag has dropped dramatically.
2004-01-24, 11:54 AM
yea now if you get more it will go down even further. The limit id hit would be 1gig.
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