View Full Version : Too many CRs!!!
I Hate Pants
2004-01-05, 09:51 PM
Well as I see it now. Everyone wants high CR! And you know what... IT SUCKS!
It sucks because everyone wants to be a high ranking commander. What about the grunts you guys?????????? An army is built soley on its grunts. Its suppose to be the few lead the many. Not the many lead the few.
If you ask me this whole thing with having more commanders than grunts really make PS lose its feeling of an actual army.
What also sucks is that alot of these guys just want to be CR leeches. They work thier way up with like 2 buddies of thiers, and don't even act as if they deserve CR5.
We need to find someway of making a grunt just as desirable as being a Commander. I don't know what exactly. But this can be an issue. Before you know it the global chat will be the next broadcast chat.
We atleast need to find out who is a CR5 because they WANT to help their empire win. And whos there just to bragg and make an ass of themselves.
Its like what one of my outfit members said. " We have too many chefs, but not enough cooks."
I personally am not interested in gaining CR. I like the idea of just being another soldier in a vast army and being told what to do. I don't like giving orders and being in the spot light. Anybody else feel the same way?
Yeah, I only have CR because I like to SL for my outfit. No real Cr5 ambitions.
2004-01-05, 10:09 PM
I would aspire to CR1, really, only so that if I were SL i could give waypoints. I feel the same way man. I think everyone is so intent on doing their own thing and being some goshdarned hero that they don't wanna do teamwork if it doesn't fit their own needs. If I gain CR, yay, but I don't really have any ambitions other than to permanently kill the Vanu, lol.
Professor Frink
2004-01-05, 10:13 PM
Agreed. But there are quite a few of us who are content to follow. Being a SL is a pain sometimes especially when dealing with noobs who keep asking what button to press to reload their supressor.
I Hate Pants
2004-01-05, 10:19 PM
noobs who keep asking what button to press to reload their supressor.
2004-01-05, 10:57 PM
I Hate Pants
2004-01-05, 11:14 PM
:no: I pity you. The least you could do is try and understand what it is were talking about here.
Professor Frink
2004-01-05, 11:33 PM
I think we should make the CR5's complete a battery of tests on a monthly basis to screen for ineptitude. Multiple choice questions as well as a bake off.
2004-01-05, 11:42 PM
Ah, just because someone has a backpack they don't lose the ability to shoot. High CR players are more of an asset to there team, no reason to have a CR5 leading a squad and wasting the xp when you can get someone else up and have a spare OS when you need one.
2004-01-06, 12:17 AM
How about the CR levels just become open with no cap? Instead of making all CR5s capable of Braodcasts, make it only the top 10% of CRs or somesuch. That way, if you don't lead, or don't lead as many people, then you get less cxp and don't advance as quickly and lose abilities. Granted, that might piss some people off, especially casual players, but it's the best I got.
There are too many CR5s around anymore. Everytime I'm in sanc I see someone saying "BR17 CR4.7 LFSM"
2004-01-06, 12:26 AM
:no: I pity you. The least you could do is try and understand what it is were talking about here.
:D :D :D :D :D
2004-01-06, 12:27 AM
I'm BR8 CR 0.7. I want to get to CR2 so that I can assign waypoints, and it looks better to have TWO shin pads than just one. Think about it. Who the fuck wears just one shin pad?
2004-01-06, 12:49 AM
I've been playing since launch and I'm cr2. I spent (way too) many hours buffing the CRs of my friends, and I have crap to show for it. I also paid full price for the game and the expansion, and now you get the game free.
Maybe they need to look at the fact that loyalty = zilch on good ol' Auraxis.
2004-01-06, 01:23 AM
Maybe they need to look at the fact that loyalty = zilch on good ol' Auraxis.
My thoughts exactly!!
2004-01-06, 01:30 AM
I try to advance as far as possible like I would in any other game.
2004-01-06, 09:09 AM
Man, I'm always seeing more CR5's these days. I just got CR 3 because I love to lead a squad within my outfit, they are the best squadmembers you could want. I see alot of CR 5's also fighting just like grunts, I see Ash drop out of his Reaver on to towers all the time to look at the situation and take the tower, it's nice to see the leaders killing some people.
2004-01-06, 09:44 AM
As I have told my outfit, I have little or no desire to lead, since there are those in our ranks far more experianced and capable of the job.
Instead I will be a grunt who can keep an eye out if anyone is in the base that has it's power down, then act on it if neccessary.
I will jam enemy reveal enemies and clear mines when on raids.
I will have an OS available for them to call down. Rather than simply reporting AMS positions, I'll nail it srtaight away.
Admitedly, CR5 wouldn't be neccessary for me, CR4 would do just fine for my purposes.
2004-01-06, 10:07 AM
How about the CR levels just become open with no cap? Instead of making all CR5s capable of Braodcasts, make it only the top 10% of CRs or somesuch. That way, if you don't lead, or don't lead as many people, then you get less cxp and don't advance as quickly and lose abilities. Granted, that might piss some people off, especially casual players, but it's the best I got.
There are too many CR5s around anymore. Everytime I'm in sanc I see someone saying "BR17 CR4.7 LFSM"
That's a GREAT idea. I like that alot. It will give outfit relationships more importance, becuase that's who you look to first to get your exp.
And to rebut what you said about pissing off casual players. If you are a casual player maybe you shouldn't be leading any way, right!?! If you aren't playing enough to be in tune with the game or the "I haven't been on since before CC" you shouldn't be leading hundreds of dedicated soliders.
I for one wouldn't mind CR5ing for a while. I have lots of good ideas and would keep the zerg or army moving instead of sitting around after hacks. The leaders on Konried always asked who the squad leaders were and always based their judgements on squads, none of this "Solsar is hacked we need to get it back" the CR5's on Konried would say, "Solsar is hacked I need 2 to 3 full squads to check it out and report back". This is must better becasue it's not the mass exodus that is constantly preached on Emerald and it allows for a more controlled atmosphere, keep pressing Searhus until you hear back that Solsar needs reinforcements.... etc etc.
2004-01-06, 10:56 AM
I can't wait for CR 5 to start leading the zerg, woopie..
2004-01-06, 11:06 AM
What if that top 10% are people who left and then have come back and dont really give a ccip about leading? Good idea in an ideal world though.
I think I'll keep my mouth shut once I hit CR5, and just go along with what they say. There are some very good CR5s, who am I do disagre with them.
2004-01-06, 11:42 AM
The major problem is that CR in no way reflects the actual ability of that person to lead. I have seen numerous CR5s that have no concept of what a strategic battleplan is and evidently just got there by being a SL during the zerg.
It's really sad when the best the leadership can muster is to tell the army what every competent soldier (the ones who will actually be able to accomplish the objective anyway) already knows. "Need an ANT for Base X"...when there are already people driving back because they noticed the NTU level at 30%. "Repair the gens at Tech Plant Y" which people noticed that and are responding when they couldn't get their battle tank anymore.
There are very few times that I've actually seen CRs (any empire/server) lead in an effective manner, but one really stands out in my mind on Markov. The VS were fighting on Amerish against both a TR big zerg and an NC baby zerg. The CR5, Hanse I believe, actually did a good job of coordinating the various parts of the battle (raids, black ops, reinforcements, flank moves, etc.) without even resorting to Global Spam and in the end the VS literally pushed both zergs off the continent (Amp Station Verica was held against both NC and TR assault for over 3 hours).
I think the main problem is that the CR5 goes and gets mixed up in the fight, therefore making their assessment of the situation suspect. How many times have we seen a CR5 put out a Global for people to leave continent X and go to Y (where they just *happen* to be fighting)? I've seen numerous offensives and tenable situations go to hell because of some lame-brained CR5 who cares more about getting their own base hacks then actually fighting (because far be it from them to go where the fighting is...they're CR5 after all!). I especially love the ones who call the people who don't immediately rush to their side traitors and useless.
How do you fix that? I don't know, because no system would ever be perfect. I think the way to do it would be to have a method of giving player feedback on a commander and having that information somehow accessible. If a leader is always spamming and not really contributing anything useful to the battle, the players would make their ranking low, so other players would know to look sideways at his/her orders. Likewise, leaders who do a good job and are respected would have high ratings. That system is very open to abuse however so there'd need to be some mechanism to address that.
I just hate having to wonder if when the CR4-5 gives out a message if he's worth listening to or not. If he's just some kid who thinks he's great because he got a lot of other good players to fight for him, then I sure as hell don't want to listen to him. If he's a decent commander and usually knows what he's doing, then I'd like to go with what they say as it may help the overall battle. Alas, we have no such indicators at the moment.
2004-01-06, 01:43 PM
Cr5's are just normal players like everyone else :p
2004-01-06, 01:44 PM
If only they remembered that from time to time ;)
And geez Hamma, when are you going to stop goofing off and just get the BR20 CR5 thing going? Lazy good for nothing TR :D j/k
2004-01-06, 02:00 PM
I intend to someday make CR5 and never make a global or continent broadcast. Some people like it, and few of those are good at it. I don't like it and I don't think I'd be good at it, but at least I'm able to recognize it.
I just wanna OS...
infinite loop
2004-01-06, 02:02 PM
I think too many people assume that once you hit cr5, you stop playing your role. I haven't changed as a player since I got it, I am still a grunt that gets in the thick of the battle. I see cr5 as a tool for better communication, with other cr5s, that opens up the door for more organization. That and the cool CUD toys you get are the biggest thing about cr5. You can't say that having OSes isn't a boon for the empire. I think globals are mostly useless and only needed in certain situations. Non-cr5s don't realize that most of the time, alot of coordinating and planning is going on behind the scenes in command chat. Until they get a better method of communication in the game, I hope that we keep getting more and more cr5s that are willing to work together. I don't see having too many as being a bad thing.
2004-01-06, 02:33 PM
The problem with more and more CR5s is that no one wants to agree. I never suggest a target, instead I agree with one that has already been presented. Until most of the CR5s are willing to swallow their pride and go with somebody else's plan, the problem will remain. Last night we could not decide between Foresal, Ceryshen and Ishundar as next targets. On Foresal, one of the CR5s did a /comfo for everyone to recall as we had been pushed off. Moments later a bunch of spam happy CR5s in the sanctuary said, "I'm going to Foresal," or something similar. In addition, another 5 had already globaled for troops to Ceryshen and we had people starting on Ishundar.
In my opinion this is unaccetable. I logged out immediately after the guys in the sanc did /comsans about Foresal. More CR5s is only going to further the problem. It makes me sick.
2004-01-06, 03:31 PM
I'm a CR5 on Emerald for the TR and I also forsee problems with the increasing numbers of CR5s. I suggest they implement an approval rating system where each player gets one vote "Approve or Disapprove" for each CR5. The ratings could affect how far your cont-alls go on the map and maybe if you have more negative than positive, you lose /comall until your rating improves. I have several CR5s on ignore because they refuse to discuss plans with others and will do many of the extremely rude things mentioned in this thread. I've been a big proponent of holding votes and showing solidarity among the CR5s. I think our win percentage has improved in proposion to that cooperation. Together, we can make a difference!
OL of Muerte Rojo
Random guy who doesn't post on boards very much...
2004-01-06, 03:33 PM
A voting system would be a bad idea in general because well, people are idiots. But something should be done yes
2004-01-06, 03:42 PM
Well Hamma, I believe in people and think the respectable gamers far outnumber the griefers. There would be a margin of error, for sure, but I think it would mute people like Klar, for example and keep those who are walking on thin ice, like *certain* CR5s, from getting too out of hand. Leadership is very political in the real world and I see no reason why the game cannot emulate that. In fact, I find it rather exciting!
2004-01-06, 04:31 PM
I for one dont want my gaming experience determined by other gamers the majority of which are probably under aged :lol:
2004-01-06, 09:25 PM
Well, I can understand your perspective on that, Hamma. It could go badly in that system. Anyone else have any other ideas? I think most agree taht the game is headed for disaster in its current way of handling command. Though the /ignore command is a great stop-gap measure, it won't last forever and can be hard to manage. When I have certain people on ignore, I wonder if they've just contradicted a global, sending newer players into a lack of confidence in both commanders. We must show solidarity.
I Hate Pants
2004-01-06, 10:09 PM
From what I've read in this thread. It appears that im going to be the only hardcore grunt here. Dissapointing :tear:.
What im suggesting is not decide who deserves CR and who doesn't. But how can being a grunt be made more desirable to other players? So not as many people will feel the need to level up thier CR.
Otherwise it'll be a matter of time before everyone is CR5 and it won't feel so special when someone reaches that rank. Because just about every other player is already CR5. You know what im talking about?
I Hate Pants
2004-01-06, 10:16 PM
Another issue I see with too many CR5 is this. Who are we gonna listen too? With a majority of players about to reach CR5 everybody will figure they know whats best for thier empire. Everybody will pretty much listen to themselves. Simply because they think they know whats right because they are CR5. There are players like that out there.
CR5 won't seem so special either when thier are practically no grunts to command. Because alot of people are CRs. All the more people should see this as an issue for this game.
2004-01-06, 10:28 PM
How about your CEP slowly decrease whenever you are logged in but not leading a squad (or for higher level CRs, a platoon) to a point where you lose CR if you've gone too long without actually leading? Players might be able to rise in CR rank, but if they don't at least attempt to lead people, they won't be able to keep it.
Only reason I'm CR1 is because the SL left mid battle, and no one else wanted CEP. I haven't lead a squad since, and really have no desire to. Commanders get the glory, but it's the soldiers that do the real work! ;)
2004-01-06, 10:32 PM
I for one dont want my gaming experience determined by other gamers the majority of which are probably under aged :lol:
Define under aged?
Vis Armata
2004-01-06, 10:41 PM
Hey, the real commanders are the ones that gain the respect of their troops and other commanders, regardless of their CR. That's my primary test.
2004-01-07, 12:35 AM
First off, you should not implement (and SOE will not) a voting system on who gets CR5. I played my hours to get that backpack and I have every right to have the same benefits that come with it as everyone else. Certain outfits have more CR5's than others, so the outfits with maybe one CR5 will become dominated. In otherwords, my $15 per month are just as valuable as everyone elses.
Secondly, leading sucks, it is a rare individual that actually enjoys dealing with the zerg. You have to deal with people telling you what you should do, and it is more than likely these people have only been playing for two weeks tops. You're going to get hate tells; you can be nice as humanly possible and do everything right, but someone thinks they know better than you and they will let you know it.
Finally, command isn't about leading the zerg. A good CR5 understands that his abilities lie in command chat. An outfit without a CR5 is mostly unimportant and holds little or no coordination. A No Outfitter is mostly concerned with exp and cares little for the global view of things (aka just zergs to nearest base). It is far easier and more efficient to talk to someone in command, get a gal, find someone else in command that has an ant, and get the two working together, than it is to global, "I need someone with a gal" and then have to find an ant.
2004-01-07, 07:09 AM
I'm sure you're not alone Ihatepants, a lot of my outfit just want CR1 so that in them situations where they end up as SL for whatever reason they can do a fairly decent job of leading the squad.
I wanted to become CR5 because I can take part in the decisions on where to take the army, how many we need defending Amerish and how many we need opening a new front on Hossin for example. It is also useful for me as in our outfit theres only 2 CR5s, and thanks to the discussions on the command channel theres never much wondering where to take the outfit.
Theres a few features of the higher command ranks that draw people who generally don't enjoy leading much, most obvious being the Orbital Strike. Apart from things like that theres really not that much difference between a CR5 and a grunt, apart from the sexy backpack of course :P I still drive around in a tank, get out and assault indoor positions on foot with my special assault weapons, or even snipe from a distance. All these things are great fun and can be done as a grunt so I hope theres lots more people like Ihatepants who aren't interested in CR.
For me though before Planetside I was a counter-strike clan leader, very different but essentially leading, my outfit started when I was on the 2nd day of my trial, so have always been considered one of the leaders of the outfit. A high CR had been one of my goals from the beginning.
2004-01-07, 08:47 AM
That's why I'd like a system similar to, for lack of any other example, eBay's feedback rating. If you feel the orders the commander is giving make no sense, you can put a negative feedback (if they're always spamming global going "WHY WON'T YOU GUYS LISTEN!? I'M CR5!!"), if you feel the orders make sense but you're don't think they're useful (i.e. - telling you what you're already doing or simply zerg herding) then be neutral and if you think they're doing exactly what they're supposed to, you can leave positive.
The problems I see with such a system would be when some outfit with a lot of members decides they don't like a CR5 for whatever reason and try to damage their rating just to do it. There would need to be some sort of safeguard against abuse like that. Perhaps every person can only ever have one rating of a person, and can change it when needed? No feedback can be left on a CR5 who is not logged on. Perhaps weight the feedback so that feedback from each progressive CR rank carries more (as they see more of the person in question). This would also combat a bunch of bitter grunts from messing things up too much. Any other suggestions on that would be nice.
The reason I like this idea though is that it gives the average grunt a chance to know how effective a person has been in the past at leading, but beyond providing information it does not impact the CR5 themselves. You can still do Global, you can still do OSes and still talk in command chat and everything else that by rights you have earned. Since there are no negative impacts to abilities, it basically boils down to getting people to listen to you. It's somewhat self-correcting as even if there are a few asses out there, if you generally conduct yourself as a competent leader, the general populace will cancel them out.
In the end though, regardless of how good the orders are, it's the grunts that win the war. :D We rule because we're the best!
2004-01-07, 09:19 AM
My problem with CR5s has nothing to do with their leadership abilities and evrything to do with their poor grasp of basic tactics. Maybe a run-down of the basics would help.
1. Do not get between two enemies if at all possible. Backhack, intentionally lose bases, take strategic enemy basis, or do whatever else it takes to get one of your enemies in the middle of things. Trust me, it makes a ton of difference.
2. Do not gobal spam about needing help anywhere. If someone is on a continent fighting, they almost certainly are trying to accomplish something, and have comrades their. Encouraging people in the fight to leave their comrades is stupid. Try telling it to the sanctuary. Global spam is annoying and shows which CR5s care only about their own battles.
3. When your forces are zerging a continent, and suddenly there's a real enemy force to be dealt with, try actually telling the troops which base is next. Don't leave it up to the individual, because they'll basically split your forces.
4. Tech plants are primary! Whatever you can do to get one, do it. I think most CR5s know this, but I thought I'd reiterate.
5. Do not broadcast ro global messages of frustration! Many troops leave battles with a CR5 bitching at them. If the battle is going poorly, blame yourself and fix it!
6. Do not ever contradict another CR5!
Well, hope that covers the basics. Here's on possible decent solution to the CR5 issue. On each continent, the CR5 that arrives first is in command, and only he/she can do a continent broadcast. That way, the CR5s would have to basically report to this person in order to get anything done. This person should be able to relinquish their command of course. What you think?
2004-01-07, 09:53 AM
I don't know...that system seems more open to abuse. Hamma goes scouting and becomes the leader...then it never occurs to him and he goes to grab dinner while hiding out in the corner and nothing gets done command-wise. Now, take the illustrious Hamma out and put in random miscreant X who does the above on purpose. That's why I don't like a system that requires the system to enforce things, because systems don't always work. A system that merely provides information is effectively player-enforced (you choose to listen or you choose to ignore...but at least you know how other people feel about this leader), and those would tend to work better (I think we'll all agree that we know a heck of a lot better what's going on at any given moment in-game than SOE does ;)).
And generally a lack of good leadership is caused by a failure to understand tactics (in the scope of PS especially)...if you yourself don't know what to do, how can you tell others what to do? ;) Of course, some CR5s have the rank just to cause havoc. Going back to the suggested feedback could have a toggle for people to ignore CR5 globals and cont. broadcasts from CR5s with a negative rating, though you'd still get local chatter from them (a downfall of the /ignore solution). Sure, that could mean that you'd never hear a CR5 broadcast again...but given the general quality of messages that come across global, I'm not sure that's a bad thing. :D
2004-01-07, 10:05 AM
Frankly I could care less about CR. The only CR I have is what I've gotten because the SL bailed and I was in position 2 and didn't know I had been promoted. The only thing about CR I would like is the ability to OS :) but that is mostly because the other night the base I was defending got OSed 8 times in one 30 minute period.
2004-01-07, 12:09 PM
I agree there are too many CR 5's, but there certainly isn't a CR 5 every other person. In fact, if youlook at dicepoint, you'll probbaly only find that there are between 50 and 100 cr 5's per empire on emerald. I think the TR has like 70? Of those only 25 or 30 actually participate in the command chat, and out of those only 20 or so do globals or cont alls to direct troops. I haven't been on in 14 days, so I assume everything is the same as iti was before Christamas.
Besides of course hamma spam :p
2004-01-07, 12:16 PM
I'm starting to /ignore a lot of CR5's now on Emerald.
Usually the only ones that make any sense are Destino, Malorn, Kaya-k, and a couple others I don't recall their names.
Some people are just dumb, like BigKosmo trying to get the NC to break into Hossin the other day when its locked by the VS and there is still a VS zerg there with 20 Mags and 30 reavers camping the warpgate.
infinite loop
2004-01-07, 12:26 PM
From what I've read in this thread. It appears that im going to be the only hardcore grunt here. Dissapointing :tear:.
What im suggesting is not decide who deserves CR and who doesn't. But how can being a grunt be made more desirable to other players? So not as many people will feel the need to level up thier CR.
Otherwise it'll be a matter of time before everyone is CR5 and it won't feel so special when someone reaches that rank. Because just about every other player is already CR5. You know what im talking about?
I think I finally understand what you're trying to say. Let me explain why people don't seem to want to be only "hardcore grunts." You are saying you want to find a way to make being br20 cr0 a desirable thing? Well, the way the game is set up, that will never be desirable. As long as there is another way to level, it will be desirable. There are plenty of cr5s who never wanted cr, but once they got to br20, they changed their minds. It's basically impossible to not be tempted to gain cr when it's there to do. Therefore, cr5 in itself, is not something special, it's really just another level you gain. It's how that person got there, and what kind of respect they've garnered that makes it special. Good leaders are known, and the cep whores are known equally. But don't worry, most of us are still grunts at heart.
I Hate Pants
2004-01-07, 12:37 PM
Maybe they should make it so that you can only start leveling up your CR once you reach BR20? Therefore experienced players will only be able to level up thier CR. Therefore having more experienced CR and a decent amount of grunts. Just a thought.
It makes sense too. Well have veteran players becoming Commanders. People who are BR8 shouldn't even be allowed to advance in CR.
2004-01-07, 12:52 PM
How about your CEP slowly decrease whenever you are logged in but not leading a squad (or for higher level CRs, a platoon) to a point where you lose CR if you've gone too long without actually leading? Players might be able to rise in CR rank, but if they don't at least attempt to lead people, they won't be able to keep it.
I like this idea a lot blackhawk. Make it like the grief system, where you can compile your CR. I think you shuold still be CR5 but you have to have a certain level (of confidance/competance?) to send continentals and globals.
Another thing many people are missing is many people get CR to get EMP at 3, and OS at 4 & 5. The power of the OS is what lures most people to pick up CR. IF it were just the leading I would have stopped at level 1. Though I like writting on the map at 3 :)
2004-01-07, 03:46 PM
How about if we use a system like Star Wars:KOTOR where you are only allowed to level up to 20 ranks, therefore if you want to be a CR 5 you can only have 15 BRs? That way if you want to get CR5 you would have to sacrifice 5 of your cert points, but it would make being an only grunt more attractive since you would be able to spend those points in a couple certs that would help you to be more versatile in the battlefield?
You could be a BR19 CR1 and at least be able to give waypoints to your squad in case you were promoted to SL. What do you think?
2004-01-07, 03:50 PM
Had they thought of that back in the start, it'd have been, they'd have to make it 25 levels so people with CR5 would be stuck at BR20...but you can do anything you want at that level basically.
Good idea, but you'd hear endless complaints if you took away 5 BRs from all the CR5s (and rightfully so, they earned both after all).
infinite loop
2004-01-07, 03:52 PM
How about if we use a system like Star Wars:KOTOR where you are only allowed to level up to 20 ranks, therefore if you want to be a CR 5 you can only have 15 BRs? That way if you want to get CR5 you would have to sacrifice 5 of your cert points, but it would make being an only grunt more attractive since you would be able to spend those points in a couple certs that would help you to be more versatile in the battlefield?
You could be a BR19 CR1 and at least be able to give waypoints to your squad in case you were promoted to SL. What do you think?
No thanks. The last thing we need is to lose br/cr levels. If anything, they should increase them!
2004-01-07, 04:33 PM
increase plzkthxbai
(good idea) :)
2004-01-07, 05:46 PM
I don't know what it's like on the US servers but on VS on Werner, whilst there is a lot of CR5s, the problem isn't that evident.
There is a fair bit of organisation and we often make one CR5 the "continent commander", anyone else with ideas can discuss in the command channel and relay information to the continent commander. Of course there are still flaws with this system but its a step in the right direction.
Despite all this there are still some CR5 atrocities...
I agree with infinite loop about how BR20s start getting CR5 because the levelling up side of the game is pretty key to them, something feels missing when you stop looking how much left you have till the next rank. But I found once I reached the rank caps I still enjoyed the game as much as before, if not more, as now I can play purely for the fun of it, not having to worry about trying to get as much XP as poss.
There are some people who have CR in their interest from the beginning, I was SL for most of my playing time and reached CR4 before BR20, and like mentioned by infinite loop there are some who only go for CR after reaching BR20, another rank to increase.
Bad commanders can come from both of these types of course, but I think it is the latter group of people which is the reason why there is so many CR5s, mainly because everyones' battlerank is increasing all the time, after people reach BR20 the only other goal is CR5.
A good analogy for this is a conveyor belt, with peoples ranks increasing all the time as they go along, but providing they keep playing, falling off at the end of the conveyor and pileing up in a big heap of BR20 CR5s :)
2004-01-07, 06:27 PM
I like the idea of making CR cost cert points. Perhaps limit it to 1 CR every 4 levels. At levels 4 .. 8 .. 12 .. 16 .. 20 you are granted the option to purchase the next higher CR. Of course you could Forget a CR if you needed the cert back...
Also, the Command Uplink Device need to be redone. The devs need to make a new window that displays other CR5's, outfit leaders, and platoon/squad leaders that are on the same continent. Create new /t's to send requests to those particular people and remove global chat.
Those thingies are in development as we speak. Search the old PSU news posts and you will find the link.
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