View Full Version : New Mini-Movie

2004-01-06, 06:29 PM

Have to kick the encoder down some to get it to run on agn TV but, let me know what you think pretty good video quality. Getting ready for the big video shoot in march. Dont forget to sign up in the fourms or contact me on AIM or MSN at Biohazzard56, or [email protected] if you want to help out with the planetside videos

2004-01-06, 06:31 PM
god. so mean to the NPCs. WHY!?!?! they save your ass from the germans and now your filling them with shrapnel?!?! Good day, sir.

2004-01-06, 06:35 PM
Just testing :p

2004-01-06, 07:01 PM
BTW I think the reason they didnt die is because they're probably involved in a scripted event somewhere down the line. its fun to play a level for the 2nd time, throw a grenade at 2 guys, one dies, the other lives because he has to tell you where teh 88mm flak gun is.

what compressor is that?

2004-01-06, 08:38 PM
Video for broadband in windows movie maker