View Full Version : Anti- Air Max Armor <==Boring
2003-01-24, 02:58 PM
Does anyone know if MAXes can carry more then one weapon? Imagine how boring it would be as an AA MAX. Talk about specialization!!
2003-01-24, 03:05 PM
Do you have any idea how many people intend to be mosquito/reaver/galaxy pilots?
So far there appear to be a lot more people intending to be pilots than drive ground vehicles - I'd much rather be an AA MAX than a AV MAX.
Besides, we don't know for sure which of the AA weapons can be fired at people/vehicles as well.
Mosquito = fly, AA MAX = flyswatter.
2003-01-24, 03:32 PM
Dude, if a flak cannon can take out an skeeter it can prolly rip a soldier a new one!
2003-01-24, 03:33 PM
Like every other weapon in this game, each one hurts everything, but some are more specialized and do a little more damage. MAX's won't be in any lack of offensive ability in any situation.
2003-01-24, 03:39 PM
Well, I hope you all are right if MAXes can't switch.
Do you think it will be a progression with prerequisites (Infantry -> Vehicle - > Air) or just each weapon will be effective for everything but just more so for its area.
2003-01-24, 04:24 PM
im pretty sure that MAXs come with the whole package AA, AI, and AV weapons standard on it. If not thats stupid.
2003-01-24, 04:27 PM
Furio, I think somewhere in this thread (
Dave says that there's a progression.
2003-01-24, 04:31 PM
Oh man, well I suppose its ok but i think it would be better if it came standard since you have to spend so many certs to get it to that armor level anyway
2003-01-24, 04:32 PM
I am pretty sure AA weapons can kill ground vehicles and soldiers. That was my favorite thing to do in BF1942, hit people on the ground with the Allied AA cannon... :D
:ncrocks: :vssucks:
2003-01-24, 04:36 PM
Doesn't my sig rox0r!?
2003-01-24, 04:51 PM
:spam: :spam: :spam:
2003-01-24, 04:59 PM
Many of the MAX config descriptions we have don't mention whether or not you can fire without a lock.
Non-seeking weapons... no lock required. And no mention of any... save that the Vanu MAX has the option to fire seeking projectiles (INFANTRY SEEKING... eep).
All mention a lock. The Vanu again states that they can fire without one, in this case for reduced damage.
TR & VS are non-seeking. NC makes no mention of firing without a lock.
It's unclear if MAXes without specific details can fire without locks.
I'd hope so (so they're not defenseless against infantry and the like), but ya never know.
Given what we know, the VS maxes will all be just fine without locks.
IF the TR AA max can fire without a lock, I'd expect it to be quite effective against infantry, but not so much against vehicles (who can, as a rule, take more damage than ground units). And if they detonate on contact, it should be quite effective against infantry ("DANCE MOTHER F*#$ER!!!")
I'd expect the NC AV MAX to fire a relatively slow/unmanuverable missile... so if it catches a slow-moving air unit by suprise, it may still be able to land a shot... particularly against Galaxies.
2003-01-24, 06:37 PM
I've read that each specialisation of MAX armour requires its own certification to use. Ouch.
2003-01-24, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by GunboatDiplomat
I've read that each specialisation of MAX armour requires its own certification to use. Ouch.
Considering how powerful they are compared to non-MAXes, I'm actually GLAD they're relatively hard to come by.
A world full of MAXes would be dull. Being in a MAX when they're few and far between will be a thrill ("oh &$@#! Here he comes!"). If you're just one of many... yawn... business as usual.
2003-01-25, 01:42 PM
Yeah, that's true.
2003-01-25, 06:45 PM
I doubt there will be to manny MAX's around... look at the poll on the frontpage of PSU... only the standard issue armor has fewer votes than the max ones.
yeah yeah i know 1200 votes isn't alott but it should be big enough to give a pointer at how it will be... cept that i doubt that 7% will use standard issue armor after getting agile hehe.
Call it a left nut feeling but i doubt there will be boatloads of us MAX wearers around. I think it will be around the ratio of the carry capacity the Galaxy/sunderer.. 1 or 2 MAX's pr 9ish other armors.
2003-01-25, 07:34 PM
No, Zatrais, that's incorrect. The poll tells you absolutely nothing about how the game will end up being. Think about it: You have a tiny, miniscule portion of the player base, voting on things without even having played the game. How exactly can someone honestly say what armor they'd prefer if they know next to nothing about how the armor will truly function within the game?
2003-01-25, 07:38 PM
Lemme straighten this out to anyone who doesn't realize it yet: No max can be anti infantry, anti air, and anti vehicle all at the same time. It is possible to have all those certs, but when you leave the base you can only carry one of those. Meaning you can never have more then one gun at a time as a max. Having more then one cert makes you kind of versatile since you can choose what you want to be doing before you leave the base, but as a medium soldier you can take out infantry, air, and vehicles with the equipment you take outside the base. Infantry can also heal, hack, lay mines, set turrets etc. giving them a superior advantage over maxes.
edit: they can also turn faster, move faster, and chuck grenades which i think will be a key feature to taking out maxes...
2003-01-25, 07:48 PM
i never said it WAS corrected and thats how it will end up. I however feel that the poll is big enough to give a general pointer.
As for why i think most wont use MAX, it's just a guess that i made because in most games i play the majority of people prefer either flexibility or more mobility over slow and armored.
And well, you might have a small portion but when major statistic companies do surveys they use a small sample of the general population. Here, the standars is about 10 000 people out of norways 4.9 million is used to give a pointer at the publics opinion. It's mathematicly proven to work, whit a normal uncertanly of roughly 5%. Sorry but i don't know the english words for the secution it goes under in math.
lets say theres 5 thousand pr server.... thats 25k players, 1200 of those are a big enough sample of the population imo.
An example, you don't ask 4.9 million people when you can call 10 000 and have the same result about wheter or not they want thing a to be legal/illegal.
You read stuff, listen to the interviews, get some vids and look at some screenshots and you can roughly identify whit the armor that suits your playstyle.
I still think that the poll is a nice pointer, but thats just my own personal opinion. You're welcome to disagree =)
edit: yes yes, no official number on the server capacity has been released or what they expect each server will hold is AFAIK. the 5000 was used as an example.
2003-01-25, 09:21 PM
No, they cannot tell what will suit their style by watching videos and whatnot. They haven't played it for themselves, so they can't tell what it's really like. Right now, people are basing their opinions off of incomplete data, and having a poll asking people what vehicle they'd use or what have you is really just a bit of fun. It has no bearing. It doesn't indicate a single thing about how the game is going to pan out in the end. There's really no middle ground here. There are no opinions on this. It's pure fact. Polling people when they know so little about the game is less than worthless -- it's misleading.
2003-01-26, 02:01 AM
Zatrais youare right when you say that you dont need a very large sample to know what the whole population thinks. Gallup poll uses 2500 people as a basis for what American public opinion is. However Warborn is also right, the poll on PSU is like Gallup calling up people and asking them whether they will vote republican or democrat for the 2020 elections. They might have an opinion, but it can easily change. The other problem is that the only people who have done that poll are hardcore Planetside fans who have been following it for the past few months/years. When Gallup does a survey they have to break up the population into different groups. If you only interviewed vegetarians for example about the 2020 elections you would get a very different result then if you broke up the population into different groups.
I think that the poll could give a relatively accurate view of armor usage for the first week, when most non-hardcore players will not have Planetside, and the people who know about it want to try out the armors they voted for, however those players will then try out some of the different armors and decide what they really like so it will probably change. And then the casual players will come in and they will make a huge impact on the game as there are probably more casual players than hardcore.
2003-01-26, 03:49 AM
MAXs might be people's alternative armor. Say you have a mosquito/reaver pilot that has already lost both crafts and can't respawn new ones yet. Then he goes out in MAX armor.
Same with tank pilots. They need to be in Agile armor, but if they can't spawn any tanks at the moment they might hop in a MAX.
I voted for Agile, but if I go vanu, I will get atleast one max cert.
2003-01-26, 06:27 AM
Er, Lex.
Max is at the top of the armour tree so you'll need all the other armour as pre-req's. All in all alot of Certs spent.
Aircraft have already been mentioned as having very high cert point value.
The likelyhood is you won't have the cert capacity to have aircraft certs on a character who has max armour. And I'll be glad of that. It sounds like there's more specialisation involved.
So unless you have a secondary MAX char on hand at the spawn-tube your aircraft char is bound to you will not be able to deploy your MAX armour against the same target. The logistics are all wrong. It'd involve HART insertion which, obviously, takes a fair bit of time.
2003-01-26, 06:32 AM
Nope, no one of the people in the poll has played the game.
However what makes you say that people won't be able to identify whit the armor they want to use prior to playing the game? Just because they havn't tried it it dosn't mean that they don't have a playstyle they know they prefer and will get the armor accordingly. Sure peoples opinion can change, so what.
If a person has always loved to play say HW guy in TF and hates to be a spy, now whats the odds that the person will make a MAX and not a cloaking char. I'd say pretty high because it's the playstyle that person prefers. Same goes for people who love to fly, drive etc.
You don't HAVE to eat a chilli dish if you know you hate spiced food. You know you won't like it. This is the same thing. People are capable of somewhat identifying whit their playstyle and vote accordingly due to the large amount of info thats out on PS.
Annyways, this is what i think. I'm not stating it as a fact, it's just my opinion and the reasoning for it. :)
2003-01-26, 12:01 PM
Someone on the first page generally said that "More people will be flying planes then driving ground vehicles" or something like that, and they said that the AA max would be more useful than AV max. But you must remember that maxs are treated like vehicles, anti vehicular weapons are more effective against them than infantry weapons (or so I heard).:cool: ;)
2003-01-26, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by RageMaster
Er, Lex.
Max is at the top of the armour tree so you'll need all the other armour as pre-req's. All in all alot of Certs spent.
Aircraft have already been mentioned as having very high cert point value.
The likelyhood is you won't have the cert capacity to have aircraft certs on a character who has max armour. And I'll be glad of that. It sounds like there's more specialisation involved.
So unless you have a secondary MAX char on hand at the spawn-tube your aircraft char is bound to you will not be able to deploy your MAX armour against the same target. The logistics are all wrong. It'd involve HART insertion which, obviously, takes a fair bit of time.
There are only 10 certs that I want (9 if grenades come free). These 10 include the tree leading up to the MAX (which is only agile and reinforced). So, unless all of my certs cost 2 or more I will probably have enough certs to hop into a MAX.
I'm sure you wil be able to pilot both MAXs and a few aircrafts like the reaver and mosquito, most likely you won't have any support certs like hacking and stuff but i would think forcing someone to choose between a MAX or piloting aircrafts would be dumb.
2003-01-26, 06:19 PM
Well i'm going max all the way as they sound grat..lik the guy said "SHIT! here he comes again" i want to hear people say that eheh
2003-01-27, 01:04 PM
SJ has stated that the Agile armor is a pre-req for the other armors... nothing about needing reinforced to get MAX.
Prediction #1: EVERYONE will end up with an agile armor cert. Not getting it is just dumb. Extra 25 armor, extra pistol slot, access to other armors.
I think that once people figure out how effective MAXes are, they'll flock to them, if only as a secondary role. Defenders all respawning in MAXes will be quite effective in staving off attackers ('cept they need a hacker if the attackers have reached the command console). And some support personnel to repair and heal them would be handy too.
I'm thinking an anti-infantry MAX will be worth at least 3 regular infantry. Three infantry (in reinforced armor) can take a total of 600 damage ((100+100) x 3 = 600). A VANU max (the most lightly armored) can take a total of 750 damage (650 armor + 100 health). And I wouldn't be suprised to find that a MAX can dish it out as fast or faster too. PLUS, if the infantry, as a group, have soaked up several hundred damage, one of them is probably dead. That means less firepower.
Now if all three of those infantry have force field impants, the damage total swings more in their favor (300 total damage each, where the MAX only gets an extra 100 total)... even so, it doesn't look good for them.
Sucks to be infantry. According to that (potentially inaccurate) assesment, a squad of MAXes can handle a whole platoon of regular infantry.
Possible causes of inaccuracy:
healing/armor repair: An all-max group can't help itself like that, infantry can. Easily remedied, but ANY soldier might be able to help out the person next to them.
Damage over time: Several infantry weapons (anti-vehicular weapons) will probably dish out considerably more damage than a single hit from a MAX. 3 devestator hits may be enough to drop a MAX (but don't count on it). And they all have to actually hit.
MAX role: Joe Random Max may not be suited up for infantry, making them far less effective than they might be otherwise.
MAXes still rule. Therefore, they will be popular.
I wouldn't be at all suprised to find that MAXes can keep up with some of the slower vehicles, particularly the AMS. I can easily envision a platoon of mostly MAXes, accompanying a deliverer and an AMS. That group would be TOUGH to beat... even if you caught them out in the open.
2003-01-27, 01:46 PM
thinking back to my shattered galaxy days... i love my turbo boosted ground-to-air manticores. the truth is, just when you think GA is obsolete, you'll see enemy hordes flying on top of you.
2003-01-27, 05:12 PM
I will also go anti infantry mostly as i want to become known as a max not to cross 8)
2003-01-27, 10:04 PM
I still dont think you'll have the capacity to pilot and MAX on the same character as it'd also defeat the whole idea of having four character slots, and Im quite confident in the assumption that Galaxy pilots won't ever get into MAX armour.
The way the devs seem to be talking about the cert system is that each cert has a BEP cost, the more valuable the cert the higher the cost, as they've talked about aircraft being, in terms, more 'expensive' than other certs. They have also hinted that character-specialisation will occur. Correct me if I am wrong.
What we're talking about here is getting all the certs to pre-req for your suggested loadout, and then getting the certs for MAX and mosquito themselves. It's safe to assume these are two of the most expensive certs in game.
Going by the logic, if you had the capacity to create a MAX/Pilot, the point cost would probabally allow you to create a medic / engineer / hacker all under the one character.
Preview material I have read also backs these assumtions up. Previewers of the game reporting on their specific experience with PlanetSide all seem to stem from a specialisation.
If you can create a MAX/Mosquito, you're combining the hardest infantry unit on the game with the fastest air unit in the game. I just think it would cause imbalance. Its too much for one character to do, I dont think it'd work this way.
2003-01-27, 10:13 PM
Wouldn't it kinda stink for a Skeeter to fly overhead, chew up your armor, land, a guy pops out, sprints to his locker, grabs his MAX suit, and proceeds to destroy you?
2003-01-27, 10:18 PM
Er... locker?
2003-01-27, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by RageMaster
Going by the logic, if you had the capacity to create a MAX/Pilot, the point cost would probabally allow you to create a medic / engineer / hacker all under the one character.
Yes, this is very possible, but it will be at the expense of flying vehicles, tanks and buggies.
2003-01-28, 11:45 AM
As much as i LOVE all the vechles i'de rather become a feared max than a bad driver hhe ho keeps cashing his reaver into the ground eheh
Originally posted by Flameseeker
Wouldn't it kinda stink for a Skeeter to fly overhead, chew up your armor, land, a guy pops out, sprints to his locker, grabs his MAX suit, and proceeds to destroy you?
how long do you actually think thats going to take? if you're guessing less than a minute, you're dead wrong.
think about it. for that to happen you'd have to be outside of a base. so after the pilot lands, he'd have to run inside the base to a terminal (dont think you can change armors at a locker), switch armors, then run out and find you.
so if you haven't been shooting at him this entire time, and you're still sitting there waiting for him when he gets out, its better off that you're dead. it would probably help out your team to get rid of such a bad player.
2003-01-28, 01:33 PM
AHAHHA afex your soo funny and soo right ahah
2003-01-28, 04:35 PM
I plan on having all my characters have a MAX cert. When it's time to throw down, I'll be ready. Maybe not right away, but definitely by level 10.
And it's only gonna cost me an extra cert (though probably a relatively expensive one).
Everyone is going to have an agile armor cert, after their first few levels. It's a gimme.
And SJ recently stated that the agile suit is the pre-req for all the other armors.
So yes, I'll have a grease monkey, pilot/driver, infiltrator, and commander that can all suit up in a MAX and be ready to open up a can. They may lack certain broadness in other areas (not everyone will have hacking or medic certs, for example), but I think the MAX cert will be worth it.
So if my pilot gets shot down (and bails out), but can reach an inventory station before you kill him, you'll have to deal with one PISSED OFF MAX.
Note that I said "if". It's certainly not a given that I'd survive the trip. Long run, recent fall (depending on how inertial dampeners work), getting a vehicle shot out from under me... all likely to make life difficult. But I WILL be in an agile armor, and I will be packin some heat.
2003-01-28, 07:05 PM
Yes, this is very possible, but it will be at the expense of flying vehicles, tanks and buggies.
Think about it. A character that can hack into vehicles, maintain them, plant 4 persistent world turrets (plus all the other engineering benefits - repairing armour, mine-laying, explosive charges, darklight scanners) AND heal teammates? Its to much scope for one character, even if he does have to be driven/flown around, and even if he doesnt do combat in a big way. He has too much at his feet to kick ass and score big XP with.
As would be the MAX/Mosquito. Way too much scope.
Team wise, you'd need only a relatively a small amount of players in a squad to have every cert covered! Potentially you could change the functionality of a 4 man squad ENTIRELY just by getting to the vehicle/armour/weapon points.
I think the misconception is the uber-character. Unless I'm misinterpreting the dev info its going to be focused on character specialisation. If you wanna get your MAX you have to be transported by others...
... it makes sense for there to be a trade-off for such hardcore armour.
And Napalm, agreed on the agile armour ;-)
2003-01-28, 09:22 PM
there is no limit to how many certs you can have, tho. Alzo, if you BEP and CEP are per account, you could just load any character at a terminal as quickly as you could change gear.
I was under the impression there is a limit to the number of Certs you can get. Otherwise the players who skip food to play would be able to create a super soldier who could do literally everything.
2003-01-29, 12:39 AM
21 certs
2003-01-29, 01:47 AM
21 cert points, not actual certs as some will cost multible points.
Originally posted by Moloch
there is no limit to how many certs you can have, tho. Alzo, if you BEP and CEP are per account, you could just load any character at a terminal as quickly as you could change gear.
yo dude, try actually learning how the game works instead of spouting off inaccurate info and confusing the newbies.
2003-01-29, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by RageMaster
As would be the MAX/Mosquito. Way too much scope.
let see...
Mosquito has no pre requisite and lets say it costs 3 cert points.
Lets say Agile costs 3 points as well(an obvious over estimate).
lets say reinforced costs 3 points (probably another over estimate).
Lets say each MAX costs 3 and I get all three.
That leaves me with 3 cert point to spend on other things and I have all the MAXs and the mosquito.
If Mosquito + three MAXs is doable, then why is it so hard to believe that someone who is a mosquito pilot will be able to use just a single MAX.
With a single MAX cert and a Mosquito cert, that leaves me 9 cert points + however much I over estimated. That 9 points + seems like enough for an assault rifle, a hacking cert and a healing cert.
2003-01-29, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by RageMaster
Team wise, you'd need only a relatively a small amount of players in a squad to have every cert covered! Potentially you could change the functionality of a 4 man squad ENTIRELY just by getting to the vehicle/armour/weapon points.
I think the misconception is the uber-character. Unless I'm misinterpreting the dev info its going to be focused on character specialisation. If you wanna get your MAX you have to be transported by others...
I don't see your problem with this.
Just because 4 people have all the certs covered doesn't mean the 4 will be able to use all of them at once.
If someone is in a MAX, someone else has to transport them. (you can't pilot other vehicles while in a MAX suit.
You are not going to have the inventory room to to carry a REK, a med aplicator, a repair tool, suplies for the med applicator, supplies for the repair tool, deployable turrets, an anti vehicle weapon, a short range weapon, and ammo for both weapons.
So when I am going into battle I will only be able to serve one, maybe two main functions. What is the problem with my character not being limited to working only one or two jobs when I have reached Maximum level?
2003-01-29, 03:51 AM
I agree with Lex, I think the devs want to focus peoples characters, but they also want them to have some flexibility. Would you say its unfair to have reaver, galaxy and skeeter certs? Probably not because its obvious that they are different vehicles and only one can be used at a time, so whats the big deal with skeeter and MAX? The MAX cant be used at the same time as the skeeter, it has to be equipped at an inventory station. If you are doing recon in a skeeter and find a force moving towards a base you can warn your team and land/suit up in a MAX in preperation for the attack. If you get shot down far away from a base, or even near to one, your probably screwed.
As long as you cant be all your different roles at once, it is fair, this is similar to carrying weapons in your inventory, it may seem unbalancing, but in reality you cant really carry too many weapons due to ammo/support roles.
2003-01-29, 10:06 AM
Ah, I see the logic in the last two posts... I see how that could work now. Thanks for a different angle on the whole cert business. Though I suspect you might be under-estimating in your cert point costs, regardless, over-estimation on cert costings would probabally still give you a Mosquito/MAX.
And I see now how balance would be bought to PlanetSide through inventory space. Thanks for your input.
Point conceeded ;-D
2003-01-29, 10:35 AM
Nice discussion, folks.
To answer the original post, yes, anti-air MAXs can fire at vehicles and soldiers. They do less damage and they can't achieve a guided lock, but they can defend themselves somewhat.
And to just make a note about the most recent discussion, yes, our goal is to create flexible characters that have specialty areas, as mentioned.
For instance, my current incarnation of SmokeJumper (BR11, I think) is an Infiltration Suit (pre-req of Agile), Combat Engineering, Advanced Hacking and Wraith. Doesn't seem like a lot, but he's a VERY flexible character. My standard four Favorites (configs) I use are:
Stealth Saboteur: Carries a REK and four ACEs. Infiltration suit, of course. I sneak into bases, blow things up, lay mines in annoying places, hack terminals, and otherwise make defenders run around chasing their tails. All my stealth configs are set up for maximum flexibility and they "depend on the generosity of others" to be tennable inside a facility. (e.g., I loot corpses a lot.) Usually take the Regen implant so I can heal easily.
Stealth Attack: Carries an AMP and several varieties of grenade. I don't use this config very often, but it's useful in one-on-one situations where I'm trying to find a lone attacker in a facility. Often take the personal shield implant, if there's time, because it increases my survival odds in a firefight.
Agile Assault: Suppressor, REK, grenades (multiple types), minesweepers, bullets (both types) and a couple medkits. I often take Range Magnifier with this config because I'm often on base defense (because of combat engineer ability) and range magnifier helps me determine threat farther away. Most times, I use Second Wind with this if I'm near a Bio Lab to change out.
Pure Deployer: This is my "get the defenses out" config. Agile armor for max armor space, a Suppressor and nothing but ACEs. Surge implant, if available for speed of deployment. And then, go, go, go.
Hope this helps. Remember, this is a Battle Rank (BR) 11 character, so it's not as flexible as it will become eventually, but has more than a starting character.
Also note: I change SmokeJumper all the time. Don't expect me to be a stealth engineer forever. :)
2003-01-29, 10:41 AM
Interesting. I'm guessing you have no empire specific weapons at your feet other than the pistol atm. But going on BR20 as the cap you could fit quite alot more into your final character I guess. You've thrown alot of light onto the subject :-D
Thanks for your words, its food for much more PlanetSide thought :-)
2003-01-29, 10:45 AM
Yup. In my vision of this incarnation of SmokeJumper, I would probably pick up a Mosquito cert (probably the last thing I'd buy), and consider doing things like buying weapon skills to get me more flexibility...and maybe the ability to use a Bolt Driver so I could be one of those sniping yahoos as a change of pace. :)
On the other hand, I might pick up some support vehicles (like AMS/Deliverer/Sunderer) because those would make me more valuable to Squads.
I have another character that's investing heavily into nothing but vehicles to see if I can become a "Swiss Army Knife" for an Outfit, getting them wherever they need and with whatever support. Not sure how useful that will be, but it's fun anyway. ;)
2003-01-29, 10:49 AM
Hold up a minute here....
You're using the supressor whitout anny weapons certs?
And if you don't mind... how manny cert points does it take to get a MAX? hehe had to ask, dying to know
2003-01-29, 10:52 AM
Everyone gets the Standard Assault cert. PlanetSide-Universe lists the Supressor as Common Pool Standard assault, which means you get access to it by default as soon as you start your character :-)
2003-01-29, 10:56 AM
just noticed it and this SS shows it there aswell.
learn something every day hehe
2003-01-29, 06:27 PM
hehe, sorry never read the cert limit stuff, don't know where it is.
Question: Are your BEPs and CEPs recorded to your account, or per character? I would hope per account, so you don't have to reagain BEP and CEP with each new server and character you try. Prob a stupid question, but I didn't know for sure.
2003-01-29, 06:35 PM
BEPs and CEPs are earned individually for each chareter on each server on each acount.
so having a BR 20 char won't automaticly give you 4 BR 20 on each server.
2003-01-29, 06:42 PM
I gess I'll be seein the same VR training over, and over, and over again. That's gonna suck, 4 times doing the same training on 1 server.
You dont need to have 4 characters. If you play for a long time you probably will, but it certainly isnt neccesary. As SmokeJumper said, the characters are designed for flexibility. 2 characters, maybe 3 will be enough to fill the roles you want to play. Unless you want to have a character for absolutely everything, that might take 4.
2003-01-29, 08:28 PM
Yeh, I know it ain't necessary, but it would be useful to have the loadout thing like T2 without having to redo training for each character, so yas don't have to do drag&drop inventory every time you want a major loadout change
2003-01-29, 08:32 PM
Training isn't required at all...but is HIGHLY suggested your first time into the game.
The amount of xp you get through training is probably equivalent to 3-4 good fights. So if you want to have fun attacking bases instead of doing training, then go for it...but that's kind of a veteran option.
If you're a newb to the game (and you ALL are), then I highly suggest the off-line training (yup...we're working on it after all) and/or the on-line VR Shooting and Driving ranges for practice.
It'll also teach you a LOT about capping bases, using inventory, the characteristics of the various weapons and vehicles, etc. and you'll be a much better player because of it.
But after the first time? Skip it unless you just want to blow through it for the easy xp.
2003-01-29, 08:36 PM
2003-01-29, 08:39 PM
So that means you cant get PS and play offline training without having to pay!? Sweet, who needs that online crap anyways. Im gonna be the best offline player ever!
2003-01-29, 09:24 PM
How long will it take to go through the training stuff?
2003-01-29, 09:38 PM
Nice, offline training :D
Thats cool :)
2003-01-29, 09:42 PM
They must've decided on that recently. Thgey said the exact opposite about a month or so ago.
2003-01-29, 10:13 PM
This is a good idea. The easier they can get noobs acclimated to the game, more noob retention they will have. The more more noob retention, the more successful PS wil be. :D
2003-01-29, 10:24 PM
Unless it is faster to go kill for the levels than do the training, I will always repeat the training. Even if it is boring, it still carries an advantage.
Meh, i prefer fun over l33tness, even if i am the l33test whore of them all(you don't count Hamma, you're staff! :p) so i'll probably do training a bit but mostly i'll just hop on the free vehicle or get a vehicle cert and go out to kill some peeps. :D
2003-01-30, 05:38 AM
SJ called us all noobs, i'm honored hehe
2003-01-30, 05:43 AM
All your bickering finally got my question answered...
2003-01-30, 11:30 AM
cant wait for some
2003-01-30, 04:18 PM
HAH! I KNEW it! I tried to tell you but noooooo! No offline they said! CRAP! I said. well, he who laughs last was too dumb to get the joke! So hah!
Anywayz, thats nice. I assumed training would be *essentially* mandatory for the BEP but if you can get the equivalent with only a few fights, I'll do alot offline, then when I can pay, I'll buzz throught the online to get one set character, then just duke it out from the start with my newer ones.
2003-01-30, 10:00 PM
True. I reversed my decision to not have off-line training after we spent a lot of time making great on-line training...and then decided it just wasn't enough.
So now we have the best of both worlds. Off-line scripted training, and on-line VR training which is more free-form.
Plus, we give first-time help tips when you get close to terminals, we have mouseover help available, and we even have one of those "General Help Indexes" that you can call up on demand.
Dang...I hope someone uses all of that work. :)
2003-01-30, 10:02 PM
SJ's back. How long does it take to train at this point? A few hours or days, or whatever?
2003-01-30, 10:02 PM
Well, I myself am a complete idiot. So, I plan on using whatever help you provide.
2003-01-31, 05:12 PM
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