View Full Version : Will planetside run on my new laptop?

2004-01-08, 06:15 PM
Hi guys

I have recently bought a new laptop and was wondering if you could advise if Planetside will run on it without problems...

My system spec:

Win XP Pro
120 GB 7200 RPM HDD
1GB RAM DDR266/PC2100
128 GFORCE FX GO5600
Intel Pentium 4 3.06 GHz Hyper-Threading Technology
1MB BroadBand

I will be running the laptop using the power lead so the performance decrease due to running of the batteries shouldnt affect it, but what sort of performance should I be expecting...

I am currently d/l the 30 day free trial software and am going to try this when I get home, but wanted something to gauge how good I should be expecting the game to run...

Thanks for any replys :D

2004-01-08, 06:19 PM
You should be able to run PS like a hot damn, although like most people you may have to tweak the video settings ingame to get everything as smooth as you like.

2004-01-08, 06:39 PM
Err i dont like the sound of the 3.06 Ghz cause you will probally be running it faster than everyone else and be tagged a cheater. Which isnt your fault but SOE's. Also is this a Dell laptop? if so disable Speed-stepping.

2004-01-08, 06:41 PM
Its an acer aspire 1705SMi laptop

Seriously, they would think i'd be cheating ....

How come?

2004-01-08, 07:15 PM
Ignore him.

2004-01-08, 07:33 PM
i said i bit in the tech forum, but speedsteping with laptops makes you go incredibly fast sometimes among other things, there were Speedhacks and the fix they put out for this makes speedsteping laptops crash and stuff but if as you said run it on the AC cord, you shouldn't see any problems.

2004-01-08, 09:13 PM
lol u lucky bastard! nice laptop, but bad news, PS wasnt designed to run on a laptop, so if there are any problems, then the tech support cant help ya, but with that you shouldnt need any help

have fun!!!

2004-01-08, 09:49 PM
due Laptops are PC's just smaller

2004-01-08, 10:10 PM
hell yea PS will fin run on ur laptop.

2004-01-09, 08:06 AM
Thanks for the advice guys

Appreciated, It rns smooth, but does get hot, so I will have to get around that another way, but thanks again :)

2004-01-09, 01:04 PM
You're gonna have to play inside your freezer with that thing . . .

2004-01-09, 06:05 PM
Put it this way-it ran semi ok on medium settings for me with a 2.5 GHz P4, 32 MB Mobile Radeon, and 512 MG RAM....about 10-20 in zergs, can drop to 8 with shelling, some stutttering....my play went up drastically when i got my desktop, i doubled my pathetic 350 kill count in about 3 days of playing for a few hours a day or so