View Full Version : is it true??

2004-01-09, 07:50 PM
i think i've read something about fighting on sanc's.... is it true?

ect. NC taking all the cont's comming from the vanu sanc, will make NC able to attack the Vanu sanc....

:confused: :confused: IS ALL THIS TRUE! OR DID I JUST DREAMIT :confused: :confused:

althou, if its true.... could u PLEASE link me a site where it says so??

I Hate Pants
2004-01-09, 08:10 PM
Your dreaming buddy. Sanctuary strikes won't be implemented most likely.

Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-09, 08:12 PM
no it would be cool tho

2004-01-09, 08:13 PM
darn! but i just know that i saw that somewhere..... BUHUUU!!!

2004-01-09, 08:16 PM
Long time ago it was an idea that was thrown around for a bit. Till server pops dropped and it no longer really became an issue....

2004-01-09, 09:03 PM
Long time ago it was an idea that was thrown around for a bit.

It wasn't that long ago maybe 3 months or so? Right?

2004-01-10, 12:49 AM
It was thrown around in beta. Obviously it wasn't well recieved by the devs.

2004-01-10, 08:17 AM
It was also announced as an upcoming feature if I remember correctly, but later dissolved into the air of nothingness.

2004-01-10, 08:30 AM
I hope they dont put that in game honestly, and do u want proof that its not likely, DL the three AGN episodes, it will show u how the warp gates we're all started up, and how their is no way for Sanc strikes to be implmemted

2004-01-10, 09:22 AM
I don't think this idea is dead. I remember about reading it is in concept. There was also a post from a dev on the of about this was still on the table. They will probably keep it on the pile, as a last ditch effort to save PS if it starts to sink.

2004-01-10, 02:29 PM
In comments on our dev interviews it sounded like the idea was all but dead, in the words of Smoke the idea was "Seriously Flawed"