View Full Version : how about an advanced cloacker cert?

2004-01-11, 05:06 PM
I've recently become a cloacker and I understand what all the fuss is about. I had an idea that might help solve this problem.

This is a 1 or 2 point cert that requires cloacking. I know cloacking already costs around 12 certs ( adv. hack, CE, cloack) but what the hell. I'm bad with names but electronic infiltration could be nice. it gives the user the ability to have 5 minutess in which they disappear from radar, don't trigger spitfires, motion alarms, or mines and reset implants on anyone within darklight range. when the time is up the suit needs a certain recharge time in which it acts as a normal infil suit.

this will give a cloacker the ability to sneak into a base undetected and unharmed by CE deployables, hack/destory something, and get out. the problem with this would of course be they will have to run to make it, so they will be much easier to spot.

also, unless it's already in and I haven't noticed, make jammers make cloackers flicker for a few seconds making the implant reset not too bad.

if you haven't played infil, don't reply. if you have, comments/suggestions/flames/donations/sexual invitations would be gladly accepted.

2004-01-11, 05:12 PM
Basic hack (worthless): 3 certs
Advanced Hacking: 2 certs
Infiltration Suit: 2 certs

Total: 7 certs.

IE, basically any BR4 can do this. You don't need CE to be an effective cloaker/infiltrator, but if you're going to be a saboteur, then by all means get CE.

HOWEVER. None of that will fix the problem. The way to fix this, is to make SILENT RUN just that- you're invisible and stealthed. Crouched/silent run should nullify the Motion-Alarm/SOI/Interlink-lattice-link.

2004-01-11, 05:15 PM
and then you get stuck at a backdoor with no jammers cause you prefer to carry a hacking device with you along with the amp and ammo so you can't carry more then 1.

2004-01-11, 05:19 PM
and then you get stuck at a backdoor with no jammers cause you prefer to carry a hacking device with you along with the amp and ammo so you can't carry more then 1.
What would I need a Jammer for? I can carry a Jammer, a REK, an AMP, and a spare box of ammo. That allows me about seven reloads, roughly... an infiltrator that uses his weapon won't need that much ammo.

If I have silent run and I am crouched, the Jammer should be unnecessary if the implant worked right. Fixed implant means I don't need a Jammer, unless some asshat spots me and I want to disable his DL. And if THAT happens (presuming the implant works), then I as a cloaker wasn't doing my job right. And that's a matter of skill and professional pride.

2004-01-11, 05:26 PM
does silent run avoid mines? I honestly never tried it.

2004-01-11, 05:41 PM
If I got stuck at a back door then obviously I avoided the mines.

Silent Run doesn't avoid mines. But going around them does, as does trying a different entrance.

2004-01-11, 06:17 PM
Thats why it is incorrect that CE isnt needed to be an effective cloaker. If you have an ACE, you dont need to waste space on a jammer and it is 1000x more usefull

Here is what I have found to be the most versatile infil loadout:

Weapon: repeater

Pack: REK, Ammo, ACE, Med applicator (replace box of ammo for another ACE depending on circumstances)

You can hack, kill maxs, remove obstacles, place turrets, kill groups of grunts, heal yourself so well that you easily can live through plasma and other splash attacks, Rez others, and of course have a pistol for single trooper killing

2004-01-11, 07:14 PM
you can do all that without sacrificing strength for stealth by using agile or rexo.

Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-11, 07:19 PM
im down with it

2004-01-11, 07:32 PM
I don't think we need any adv. cloaking or anything else. The only reason infiltrators are having problems is because of the bugs tha plauge them. Silent run not working, the interlink bug, video card problems that don't render the cloak texture properly (thus making cloakers stand out like neon lights), darklight not showing up on enemey names when it should, etc. If they'd just fix the damn bugs infiltrator would be much better than it currently is.

2004-01-11, 09:11 PM
The only time I carry Boomers in my infil suit is when I am Flail hunting. Or rather, on my way to a Flail, since they are not hard to find.

And then...

you can do all that without sacrificing strength for stealth by using agile or rexo.
Stealth is my strength. Stealth is what allows me to silently dance by your Spitfires and turrets. Stealth is what allows me to run faster than you when you're chasing me in your rexo with DL on- I kick on my surge and move out of your DL range. Stealth is what allows me to waltz all over your base, hacking terminals for the sheer joy of denying you the terminal use. Stealth is what allows me to make three successive trips from a wall locker to your generator and spawn tubes to plant Boomers and drop Jammers on them. Stealth is what allows me to prance right up to your snipers and do a "Hail!", then drop three rounds of looted Mag-scatter in your skull.

Have a nice day.

2004-01-12, 12:26 AM
Boomers in gen rooms is bugged. You have to set them off 1 at a time now if i recall.

Thats very annoying, jammers do help though (if they feel like working, which they havnt the last few days)

2004-01-12, 01:00 AM
Except fire, cloakers that get near me = dead. I don't let them get away, and I'm usually 97% of the time the first and only person to see them, with and without DL. So, if I do see you, and you see me seeing you, and you run away, well, I got my Pulsar + surge.

2004-01-12, 01:06 AM
Don't give the devs something else to make, find out theres 50 million bugs with it, and ignore. Let them fix the current infil suit, then we can talk.

2004-01-12, 10:11 AM
With what you're describing, I'd be way overpowered and I'm just an average player. If I can move around freely at the tower that another CE took a bunch of time to try and make secure, and I don't have to concern myself with their spitfires, that's a huge shift. You're basically talking about making deployables a useless deterrent against infiltrators which is where they are probably most useful now. A CE can force me to crouch walk a long way, assuming there is no interlink benefit, increasing my chances of being caught by one of the many random enemies who can freely run through the same area I'm crawling through.

Fixing the bugs would be nice. Making Silent Run worthwhile would be more than I could hope for.

2004-01-12, 02:00 PM
instead of making cloaking better, make it so you get a new inf suit that carrys just a little bit more, two pistol holsters would be nice =)

2004-01-12, 02:35 PM
I'd rather have an adv engy cert that can repair enemy shit.

2004-01-12, 04:09 PM
instead of making cloaking better, make it so you get a new inf suit that carrys just a little bit more, two pistol holsters would be nice =)

While Combat Engineering isn't mandatory for a cloaker, not having it is like not carrying an AV weapon or a Decimator with your grunt load out. Who likes having to run like a schoolgirl every time they come across a MAX?

If they added another pistol slot and fixed the bugs, life would be a lot more fun when I'm in my spandex. Something like 20% of all PS players cert the infiltration suit, and it's kind of appalling that they haven't actually done any work on these bugs! According to their weekly dev activities they have had cloaking bugs on the list for like 2 months straight now, which is obviously a lie. Why obother pretending it's on the event horizon, SOE? WHY!?!?!

2004-01-12, 04:46 PM
Welcome to the dark side, Jagd.

2004-01-12, 05:16 PM
Oh I've been here for awhile... Remember our posting frenzy when the FLB came out? You guys inspired me to give infiltration a shot, and I haven't decerted it since. :D

2004-01-12, 05:36 PM
Oh I've been here for awhile... Remember our posting frenzy when the FLB came out? You guys inspired me to give infiltration a shot, and I haven't decerted it since
Welcome to the darkside indeed. I love it so much I have 2 Infil characters devoted to nothing but infiltration and associated certs. One as an NC on Markov (fuk the scat pistol is uber) and one as a TR on Emerald. I also have grunt chars on each server in the respective empires but didnt want to spend days recerting when I enjoy both styles of play. Of course I dont get to play them nearly as much as I would like to because of the grevious imbalances and bugs that are present right now

I want to get on my soapbox for a minute about Infiltration. I really dont appreciate the lack of attention that the Devs have given us in relation to bugs and balance. I realize that our bugs can be the most difficult and that "squeeky wheel gets the grease" keeps Infiltration concerns on the back-burner almost indefinately, but it is far past time to fix some of this stuff.

The Interlink Facility Benefit was not intended to invalidate cloaking as I understand it, rather, it was to allow for much easier base defense from waves of troops. I think that idea rocks, but no one can make an acceptable argument as to why this should apply to cloaked infils. If defenders are so lazy that they cant even spare some troopers to watch the critical areas of thier base then I just dont know what to say. If I can exploit lazy defense and inattentivness making it all the way to the console for a Hack then the defenders deserve it. It is not like the combination of Darklight, Audio-amp, and 0 armor make defending against ninjas even close to difficult. Not being able to crouch walk anywhere near spitfire turrets in bases, not even to mention FLB linked towers not even in the base SOI as a cloaker is absolutly unacceptable. Hi, lets all go shoot the crouched, cloaked red dot that is not moving and has silent run on. Considering every cont has what 2 or 3 interlink bases and this is a problem every single time you log on to play this game. Then there are the bugs that are very well documented such as the gamma snipe, and spawn room bug. It is high time these things were looked at.