View Full Version : A little something to think about...

2004-01-11, 08:13 PM
Who is really the good guy in this game? The three empires each can be good or bad, and they each believe they are the good guys to some extent... but still, who is really right?

The Terran Republic-If they are the good guys, they really did nothing to the VS or the NC, and they are trying to reunify and restore peace to the world
-If they are bad, they stifled human rights, killed any who complain about it, and are trying to destroy the other empires to gain total domination

The New Conglomerate
-If they are the good guys, then the Terran Republic, or atleast someone in power, are bad. The NC could be trying just to establish a world where everyone is free.
-If they are bad, their agenda is to destroy government and create chaos and anarchy on Auraxis. They could be trying just to bring down government, and then possibly rise up from the chaos and rule all of the people of Auraxis

The Vanu Sovereignty
-If the Vanu Sovereignty are good, they are trying to use technology to better the human race. They see the Vanu artifacts as gifts to the humans and are trying to unlock their secrets so all of humankind can live better
-If they are bad, then they are simply using the technology to corrupt the human race into mindless slaves bent to their will.

so, whadaya think? Post your opinions, including the ones that say i'm just thinking too much about the game...

2004-01-11, 08:44 PM
You thinking too much. There is no "good and evil"

2004-01-11, 08:47 PM
I think that the good or bad is better with just the TR and NC. The VS seem to just be there because.

2004-01-11, 09:19 PM
NC are in the right DUH!

I realy don't thinm any one is suposed to be evil, though the TR are alot like comunists, the VS are kinda like a weird religious cult(and natzis somewhat, the perfect race part) and The NC are a bit like the Americans just a bit more radical, on the whole freedom thing.

Though all of those are subject to some flaws

2004-01-11, 10:18 PM
Well I don't know. Yes I agree that everything is pretty much relative, people always think THEIR side is right. However, I think that for me the NC are the good guys opposing the opression of the TR and the VS represent yet another faction that rebelled against the TR, if for a different reason.

Why do I think this? I think it not because I PLAY the NC, I thought this well before I could even play the game. I think it comes from reading the articles, and seeing how the NC motto is "Liberty Over Opression" or some such thing. Sounds like my kind of thing.

2004-01-12, 12:19 AM
At the end of the day it all comes down to who eats the babies.

2004-01-12, 04:34 AM
let's the VS want to take over the world, remake man kind, and destroy the very things that make us human. they want war.

the TR are even worse, they don't have ideological reasons, just a bunch of commies trying to keep the USSR from falling apart (no offence, I have no problem with you guys, my dad's girlfriend is from the ukraine)
people don't start a rebelion for no reason, if they're happy they don't fight to the death. yeah the vanu have the whole tech thing, but what do the NC have? all they want is to end the opression.

which brings us to NC. a bunch of people who want to be free, so they go to their own little continent to start a new life, and then 2 empires declare war on them. I would definately say NC are the good guys. they didn't take anything from anyone, and they still have to fight.

2004-01-12, 05:15 AM
The Vanu Sovereignty
-If the Vanu Sovereignty are good, they are trying to use technology to better the human race. They see the Vanu artifacts as gifts to the humans and are trying to unlock their secrets so all of humankind can live better
-If they are bad, then they are simply using the technology to corrupt the human race into mindless slaves bent to their will.

Here i believe there is a 3rd option. If they are Good but Wrong about the ancient tech, they may end up creating a planet of mindless slaves for the Vanu (the actual ailens).

2004-01-12, 08:10 AM
If the NC are a load of radical Americans then I'm happy being a Nazi. "Hail Vanu!"


And like the different countries/races/religions in the real world, there's all good and bad points about their beliefs.