View Full Version : Long live the Conglomerate!
2004-01-12, 04:50 PM
What happened today on werner proves more then anything that nobody, and I mean nobody, can beat the NC. I'm not sure exactly how it happened but the VS and TR had allied against us. when I logged on at around 4:30 GMT I saw each of them had it's home conts locked and searhus had just a few squads of each running around. probably the newbies who didn't know or care about the alliance. on hossin the VS had a full size zerg, the TR did the same on solsar and cyssor. solsar was even more proof of this. the vanu LEFT solsar leaving it the the TR who only then started to attack the vanu bases. they waited for us NC to try to capture them. we had little chance as all 3 had over 100 spots free all this time.
when we had no choice, we all turned as one to cyssor, and as primetime was comming up (it was 5-6pm GMT, parts of europe it's 7-8) we all headed for cyssor. the TR were waiting for us, and it took a zerg that pop locked the cont over 30 minutes to cap the first base's tower. from there the tides changed. we advanced on all three continents, destroying everyone who tried to stop us, and that's a whole lot of people. around 15 minutes ago we finished the job of locking hossin as well, and solsar had the last 3 bases hacked with spawns down, and a TR tower that was being overun.
some of you may say they started to fight each other. think again. I checked the map and although at some point it seemed like it, the moment the few VS on searhus finisged capping an empty cont, there was no sign of fighting on any of the other 7 continents.
it really is sad that the TR and VS are such inadequate fighters they not only have to allie to defeat us, but they also need to do it before primetime because in primetime they still lose.
let this be a lesson to you all. nobody can defeat a man who is fighting for a worthy cause! LONG LIVE THE CONGLOMERATE! FREEDOM OVER OPPRESION!
2004-01-12, 05:21 PM
What happened today on werner proves more then anything that nobody, and I mean nobody, can beat the NC. I'm not sure exactly how it happened but the VS and TR had allied against us............yada yada yada
it really is sad that the TR and VS are such inadequate fighters they not only have to allie to defeat us, but they also need to do it before primetime because in primetime they still lose.
let this be a lesson to you all. nobody can defeat a man who is fighting for a worthy cause! LONG LIVE THE CONGLOMERATE! FREEDOM OVER OPPRESION!
Ok I'm being dead serious now. Do you really believe that horseshit that you just wrote?
I don't and probably never will play on Werner, and I haven't even played in a while, been busy, so I have no proof to backup what I say. First of all you are exaggerating and biased because you're NC. I bet it wasn't half as bad as you say it was, and that alliance bull? That's a joke. Period. Everyday at least one empire is being double teamed, nobody plans it numbnuts.
In the paragraph that I highlighted, you make it sound like all NC just don't play anywhere before primetime, and let the NC and VS take what they can. Just because you didn't play until primetime, doesn't mean your whole empire didn't either. Obviously the NC and VS had to be whoopin' you to bring it to that sad position where you had no home continents. So what? You started winning at primetime due to a full-assault zerg. Talented aren't ya.
The last paragraph? WAKE UP. YOU are not fighting for a worthy cause, neither is any NC, VS, or TR person. Know why? BECAUSE THEY AREN'T REAL. It's just a character on a game made by some money-grubbing bastards.
2004-01-12, 05:24 PM
lol ya ok that was my comic releif for the night....
throws roses and stick grenades onto the stage
2004-01-12, 05:31 PM
2004-01-12, 05:37 PM
I know every night an empire gets double teamed. but usually, it's much less then this. I'm talking about absolutely no fighting between the VS and TR, just small skirmishes on searhus that stopped too a bit later. I'm talking about VS and TR having direct links to each other and not using them, I'm talking about something that has happened before and will probably happen again. as far as I understand it some major outfits on both made an alliance and lead their empires. this doesn't happen allot, but it happens.
as for primetime, you should look at the pop graphs sometime. before prime time there's always ups and downs during which a certain empire has an edge. in primetime it's usually equal. and I live in israel, that's GMT +2, and I can tell you I never log on before 3 PM because the server is quite empty. at 6-7 the real fights begin and last until around 1 am or even later. what I'm saying is that before primetime we had no chance, but when all of our good players came, it was all our forces vs all of theirs. that's still 2vs1 but that's not enough :D
as for the last paragraph. wake up, this is a game with RPG elements. RPG = role playing! I'm just enjoying our victory, and that is one hell of a victory. when we thought back, all other 7 conts were locked! that means there was no fighting on them. so if pops are equal and according to smokejumper's recent posts they are, and with weapons being farely balanced, this means we have both better commanders and better players.
2004-01-12, 05:48 PM
this means we have both better commanders and better players.
Or that all the bitching is correct about NC weapons. Interesting, isn't it?
Red October
2004-01-12, 05:49 PM
heh have no clue.....
Its only a matter of time before the NC get beatin with the Nerf stick...your inadvertantly proving to everyone that the whiners and moaners are correct.
Delusions of grandeur. Yup, sounds like an Isreali alright.Just because Palestinians want revenge for their murdered children doesn't mean there is a conspiracy against you on Auraxis. Here's an excercise for you:
1. Get a piece of masking tape.
2. Write "Virtual World" on it.
3. Stick it to your monitor.
4. When you start feeling you are about to black out, post inane babble on PSU, or start believing the other empires are ganging up on you, read the tape.
5. Read it again.
6. Give your head a shake.
7. Ponder the sad state of affairs that has lead to your absurd paranoia.
8. Vote for somebody different next election.
2004-01-12, 06:20 PM
flame war!
2004-01-12, 06:24 PM
omg ur full of shit!!!!!!!! the nc lose and the vs always wiN!!!!!!!!!! the nc just hav the biggest army with the worst weapons!!! plus ur colors suck arse!!!!!!!!!! fucking zrgin fuckers!!!!1 and every empire thinks the other 2 empires r teamin up! w/e
2004-01-12, 06:28 PM
omg ur full of shit!!!!!!!! the nc lose and the vs always wiN!!!!!!!!!! the nc just hav the biggest army with the worst weapons!!! plus ur colors suck arse!!!!!!!!!! fucking zrgin fuckers!!!!1 and every empire thinks the other 2 empires r teamin up! w/e
2004-01-12, 06:29 PM
hav they scraped the domes btw?
Now I don't have the lamest rebuttal in the thread. wipes sweat off forehead
2004-01-12, 06:33 PM
I know every night an empire gets double teamed. but usually, it's much less then this......some more yada yada yada
as far as I understand it some major outfits on both made an alliance and lead their empires. this doesn't happen allot, but it happens.
but when all of our good players came, it was all our forces vs all of theirs. that's still 2vs1 but that's not enough :D
as for the last paragraph. wake up, this is a game with RPG elements. RPG = role playing! I'm just enjoying our victory, and that is one hell of a victory. when we thought back, all other 7 conts were locked! that means there was no fighting on them. so if pops are equal and according to smokejumper's recent posts they are, and with weapons being farely balanced, this means we have both better commanders and better players.
I hate people. I'm not talking about most people. Just idiots. These kind of idiots.
For the paragraph I bolded....ahahahaahahahahaahaha :lol: First off, "as far as I understand...", clearly you don't understand any father than you can piss. That does not happen. Even though I am not the most experienced player (1 month give or take), I still know that it DOES NOT happen. Unless some above average person can prove me wrong, then I'll say what I've been saying: you sir, are an idiot. Outfits alliancing on different empires.....funny guy...
When all your good players came...again with this. I still highly doubt that it was as much of a 2v1 as you say it is, but just say this is true and also the fact that "all your good players suddenly logged on", what's to say that their good players didn't suddenly log off?
Ok I should of just highlighted this entire paragraph...for once yes, you are right. This is an RPG. And you are 2 for 3 on the next part "RPG = Role playing". Role playing what some of you other half-wits might ask. Role Playing GAME. GAME. Not real. Fake, fiction, virtual reality. Understand? Good. Now since when does a continent being locked stop fighting from occuring on there? How do you think they get retaken? People throw stones from across the warpgate?
Hey I agree with SmokeJumper's posts about populations being equal. But that doesn't mean at every damn moment of the day every single person who has a character is on. People do work, go to school, ya know. There is always one empire with at least a 1/2 % advantage over the others.
Weapons being fairly balanced? I won't even start on that (here in this post :D) but surely even someone raised by wolves such as yourself can see the obvious balance issues. Especially the controversy surrounding the NC.
Please do yourself a favor and don't respond. Just pouring salt on to an open wound.
Or that all the bitching is correct about NC weapons. Interesting, isn't it?
Well put and amen.
Red October
2004-01-12, 06:36 PM
Yeah what he said...this is real as WWE Wrestling...
2004-01-12, 06:39 PM
Deadteddy. you have been owned. Goodnight.
The NC failed to respond to a threat which involved a dominant TR choosing proper targets. (W0lfeh was playing Tr again.) The Vs continued their usual conduct, and in fact came across enemy Tr units which drove us off of NC conts which we intended to capture. The inferior forces you came across were empty continents for the most part. Well done.
I wonder how he knew the number of enemies on different continents anyhow... Does he have.............SUPER POWERS?!
2004-01-12, 06:54 PM
Biiiiitch bitch bitch bitch. <-- Thats my comment about this whole thread. I play NC and I think we suck, at least primetime on Emerald, lol. As for weapons I'm sick of people whining about who has the overpowered weapon. We all think the other side has it better.
2004-01-12, 06:57 PM
Ohh btw cryptica congrats on making it mast Private!
Hey, did you make his sig or did he make yours?
2004-01-12, 08:10 PM
2004-01-12, 08:17 PM
The NC suck.
The TR suck.
The VS suck.
Why? Because when all 3 were fighting I decided to fight for the "neutral" team and went to an emepy cont and decimated every gen at every base! I was un-fucking-stopable... all 3 empires feared to send troops to their inevitable doom and chose to let the superior force (me a.k.a the Green Ripper, a.k.a. the Brown Avenger, a.k.a the Neutralizer!) have the whole cont!!!!
SOE better put in a balance pass through to counter my insane mad skillzzz or this game is dead! NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!
2004-01-12, 08:58 PM
I made both, i got bored one night so i just made them very quickly, why do you like them?
2004-01-12, 11:43 PM
That's nice who cares wah!
2004-01-12, 11:54 PM
Woohoo! I haven't been in a good ol' fashion flame war for a long time.
/me breaks out the gasoline
DeadTeddy = Delusional kid who probably has never "pwned" a condom in his life.
Th3 r35t 0f j00 ju5t sux0r!!!!!111 PWNED!!!!111 I r0x0red your m0th3rs
Ok, now somebody flame me. :D
2004-01-13, 01:44 AM
Delusional kid who probably has never "pwned" a condom in his life.
pwned...a condom?
2004-01-13, 01:50 AM
Wow, I'm outdone.
2004-01-13, 02:09 AM
Woohoo! I haven't been in a good ol' fashion flame war for a long time.
/me breaks out the gasoline
DeadTeddy = Delusional kid who probably has never "pwned" a condom in his life.
Th3 r35t 0f j00 ju5t sux0r!!!!!111 PWNED!!!!111 I r0x0red your m0th3rs
Ok, now somebody flame me. :D
Ok, you asked for it :p
What's with all this 1337 speak garbage? My god folks, think for a second and use a dictionary. Jeeze, you would think that a bunch of nerds who developed 1337 speak were somekind of hero's. They were just a bunch of stupid kids who decided to make it cool to write things down in the most confusing way. I went through this in the 60's with my decoder ring. Sent in the cereal box tops and my .99 cents for postage and handling. God, you are so pathetic, you probably play video games on your computer at all hours.
(hmm, come to think of it, what is more pathetic, a guy who remembers the 60's and plays video games and trolls a forum online to talk about that game. Or a group of kids who write in 1337? I win :groovy: )
Dam, wish I knew how to flame. :doh: Maybe one of you could flame me and show me how it's done. :p
Wow, I just noticed I made corpral. Give me a cookie for being a post ho!!!!!!!
2004-01-13, 02:22 AM
Everything that humans do tends to involve controlling the language. Why do you think kids make up new words for things so quickly? So they can hold themselves over those who weren't there for the birth of the new word, and prove their social superiority.
Fortunately in PlanetSide, with no commodities to control, it's not very important. But try mispeaking yourself at a trade show. Bye-bye contract!
2004-01-13, 07:37 AM
Jagd, you're an asshole. I bet you've never met an israeli in your life. all you know is what you see on CNN which violates human rights. when it's the US soldiers being tortured it's wrong to show it on TV. when it's the poor boy who got shot by the big bad israeli army it's ok. he doesn't have the basic human rights I guess.
well guess what? on our side civilian casualties mount in the dozens as well. only difference is that the kid on our side didn't have a gun in his hands. that's right, the 13yr old kid had an automatic in his hands, probably one that was stolen from the corpse of a soldier who was driving home in his car. the soldier who shot him had no choice. there's another option, the kid was innocent, he was being used by a terrorist as a human shield. they do that.
the guy who was driving in his car and a bomb fell on his head? going in there with ground troops would cause many more civilian casualties then one bomb can ever do. usually the hit is precise enough not to scratch a cat. if a terrorist leader like that is left unharmed, many civilians on our side would die. and yes, sometimes a palestinian civilian gets killed, and I'm sorry for that, but it's part of war, and it's not something e can avoid.
the pregneant women who get searched? it's because some women used that as a way to smugle explosives that later killed civilians.
guess what else? the palestinians don't care about human rights. arafat was and probably still is the head of a terrorist organisation. they manipulate the media by giving high statistics who aren't true and by giving pictures that are illegal and violate the basic rights of the casualties. we could have shown much worse, but we have the honor and dignity not to sink to that level. if you want, I can send you a single picture, I'm sure you'de puke.
even worse then that, there is filmed evidence from spy planes that shows many of those pictures they give are fake. my favourite is a funeral. they carry the dead man on a strecher, he falls off. at this point the "dead man" stands up, gets back on the strecher and the funeral continues. after falling a few more times he gets pissed and goes home!
there are 2 reasons why we are in there, the main is because we have to. the terrorist activity there is too dangerous to be left alone. we catch terrorists on a daily basis. the second is pretty stupid in my opinion as well and that's a rather small percentage of our population who thinks it's part of israel and lives there. the army has to defend all of the country's citizens, regardless of politics. hopefully a good leader will have the balls to take them out of there. but like I said, this is a minor reason.
btw, there is no "palestinian people" most of them were foreign workers brought here in the early 20th century from other arab countries. many others come there all the time. they're called refugees cause comeone decided around 1948 that a refugee is anyone who spent 2 years in israel. it's not like they lived here for hundreds of years.
now for some short history. for over 100 years we have been in israel, jewish-arab relationships always had problems. we always tried to get peace but always were ready to defend ourselves. in 47 the UN (remmember them? represent the world yada yada) decided on seperating what was then palestine into 2 countries. we agreed immediately, the arabs didn't like it and the moment the british left we had to fight 5 countries. we won, and we kept winning at every war since. we didn't start any of those wars. yes we struck first, blew up every runway and most of their planes. but that's not what started the war. wars start with moving troops, not with shooting, and they moved the troops first. all this time we strove for peace.
I don't care what you think as long as you keep those comments to yourself. when you insult me and my country, that's a red line. It's easy to side with the weak, and it's usually what people do. I prefer to be strong with the world against me then weak with the world saying it's with me but doing nothing about it.
so like I said jagd, you're an asshole. you know nothing about the real situation but like to talk allot. goodbye.
2004-01-13, 07:46 AM
Save the whining for the political debate forum.
2004-01-13, 09:19 AM
Back on topic for a second, if that could be imagined. I personally would have been more interested in the fact the NC fought back against great odds if you had proof like maybe a "/who teams" that stated the TR and VS both had 3% more people online at that time than the NC. However, if Werner is anything like Emerald, where I play, come primetime the NC are the largest size force and the TR are usually the underdog since the merge took place. We VS spend most of our time going after the larger more powerfull NC because they have the manpower to put up the most fight, and it gives us the chance to bitch about the surgiles. :P
2004-01-13, 09:23 AM
NC has the population advantage. The devs are doing damage control. If they admit one side is advantaged, it will cause inertia.
Anyone who does /who teams often enough can see that NC has more people. Look what SOE did with SW:G. They lied their asses off about the number of subscriptions, and shut down their official forums when they got called on it.
edit: Notice how there are no tools that the players can access to get the numbers for themselves. It's no coincedence.
2004-01-13, 10:02 AM
Heres what happened on werner yesterday:
The NC got wiped off the map, during primetime. They did not have a single base on the entire world nor did they have a base hacked. We managed to hold it for about 40 mins before the NC got a hack on a cont (cyssor) where the TR CR 5's were spamming for everyone to leave, just to rub it inn and let them cap an empty cont.
Simple undenyable fact, i'm also pretty sure its a first timer for a faction not to have a single base.
Ok Teddy. Keep the cycle going, you've obviously got God on your side. :rolleyes:
2004-01-13, 02:46 PM
:rofl: You said the TR abd VS teamed up? That sounds kinda familiar, on Emerald, the NC and VS will 80% of the time attack a TR continent first. For the past 2 months, on average 5 out of the 7 days I log on a week, the NC and VS will attack TR continents. Yes they will fight each other on Oshur or Hossin or what ever, but at LEAST 80% of the time, they fight on TR continents. Even as an Alt Empire guy I see people say they want to attack the TR more.
2004-01-13, 03:36 PM
jagd, you got me, I carry an m16 in my school backpack and as soon as the bell rings me and my friends go for a joyride in my dad's tank and snipe palestinian babies. sometimes one of us brings a buldozer so we can make pancakes from kids and in biology class we're working on a virus that attacks palestinians.
grow up.
and lonehunter, you're right, TR are much more fun to attack. I'm not sure why but it's just more fun. it's also more of a challenge since VS are more into attacking and TR have great defensive weapons.
Uhm, yeah. Basically I don't know anything about your political ideals, but since you seemed like such a delusional asshat I threw some FREE PALESTINE into the mix cause I knew it would rile you the fuck up. Looks like it worked.
Thanks, and please keep the conspiracy theories coming. As you can tell, they are a wonderful source of amusement to all of us.
2004-01-13, 04:38 PM
but since you seemed like such a delusional asshat I threw some FREE PALESTINE into the mix cause I knew it would rile you the fuck up. Looks like it worked.
As you can tell, they are a wonderful source of amusement to all of us.
Maybe he's not as much as an idiot as I thought, and clearly you are more of an idiot than I thought.
I made fun of his faction, beliefs on the game and even his intelligence but not something personal and something likely to offend him. Don't say shit which you know absolutely nothing about, and even if you did know something, don't say it, idiot.
You like riling up people you on a forum who live halfway around the world from you? Fuckin get yourself a girlfriend or if that's too high on the popularity ladder for you, go for some friends first.
No, it's not a wonderful source of amusement for any of us, just you.
Am I really the only one who likes picking on idiots? Can I get an AMEN here people?
You like riling up people you on a forum who live halfway around the world from you? Fuckin get yourself a girlfriend or if that's too high on the popularity ladder for you, go for some friends first.
Interesting statement, about something you know absolutely nothing about. We've been living together for 2 years now. It seems to me that you like to flame every bit as much as I do. At least I don't try and pretend I'm some kind of nice guy loser.
2004-01-13, 04:51 PM
You have a girlfriend and live together? Good that means you're not a little young act your fucking age. I like to flame, what's your point? You make it sound like a bad thing to criticize idiots. And yes, you sure as hell caught me, I pretend to be a nice guy loser :rolleyes:
2004-01-13, 04:54 PM
Jagd, you're an asshole. I bet you've never met an israeli in your life. all you know is what you see on CNN which violates human rights. when it's the US soldiers being tortured it's wrong to show it on TV. when it's the poor boy who got shot by the big bad israeli army it's ok. he doesn't have the basic human rights I guess.
well guess what? on our side civilian casualties mount in the dozens as well. only difference is that the kid on our side didn't have a gun in his hands. that's right, the 13yr old kid had an automatic in his hands, probably one that was stolen from the corpse of a soldier who was driving home in his car. the soldier who shot him had no choice. there's another option, the kid was innocent, he was being used by a terrorist as a human shield. they do that.
the guy who was driving in his car and a bomb fell on his head? going in there with ground troops would cause many more civilian casualties then one bomb can ever do. usually the hit is precise enough not to scratch a cat. if a terrorist leader like that is left unharmed, many civilians on our side would die. and yes, sometimes a palestinian civilian gets killed, and I'm sorry for that, but it's part of war, and it's not something e can avoid.
the pregneant women who get searched? it's because some women used that as a way to smugle explosives that later killed civilians.
guess what else? the palestinians don't care about human rights. arafat was and probably still is the head of a terrorist organisation. they manipulate the media by giving high statistics who aren't true and by giving pictures that are illegal and violate the basic rights of the casualties. we could have shown much worse, but we have the honor and dignity not to sink to that level. if you want, I can send you a single picture, I'm sure you'de puke.
even worse then that, there is filmed evidence from spy planes that shows many of those pictures they give are fake. my favourite is a funeral. they carry the dead man on a strecher, he falls off. at this point the "dead man" stands up, gets back on the strecher and the funeral continues. after falling a few more times he gets pissed and goes home!
there are 2 reasons why we are in there, the main is because we have to. the terrorist activity there is too dangerous to be left alone. we catch terrorists on a daily basis. the second is pretty stupid in my opinion as well and that's a rather small percentage of our population who thinks it's part of israel and lives there. the army has to defend all of the country's citizens, regardless of politics. hopefully a good leader will have the balls to take them out of there. but like I said, this is a minor reason.
btw, there is no "palestinian people" most of them were foreign workers brought here in the early 20th century from other arab countries. many others come there all the time. they're called refugees cause comeone decided around 1948 that a refugee is anyone who spent 2 years in israel. it's not like they lived here for hundreds of years.
now for some short history. for over 100 years we have been in israel, jewish-arab relationships always had problems. we always tried to get peace but always were ready to defend ourselves. in 47 the UN (remmember them? represent the world yada yada) decided on seperating what was then palestine into 2 countries. we agreed immediately, the arabs didn't like it and the moment the british left we had to fight 5 countries. we won, and we kept winning at every war since. we didn't start any of those wars. yes we struck first, blew up every runway and most of their planes. but that's not what started the war. wars start with moving troops, not with shooting, and they moved the troops first. all this time we strove for peace.
I don't care what you think as long as you keep those comments to yourself. when you insult me and my country, that's a red line. It's easy to side with the weak, and it's usually what people do. I prefer to be strong with the world against me then weak with the world saying it's with me but doing nothing about it.
so like I said jagd, you're an asshole. you know nothing about the real situation but like to talk allot. goodbye.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, did I hear anything that even remotely compares to a human thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it. I award you NO points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Am I really the only one who likes picking on idiots? Can I get an AMEN here people?
Interesting statement, about something you know absolutely nothing about. We've been living together for 2 years now. It seems to me that you like to flame every bit as much as I do. At least I don't try and pretend I'm some kind of nice guy loser.
shut the fuck up and die troll
Wtf is the nice guy loser shit about? You think being an asshole makes you cool?
No, silly. Being an asshole makes my posts funny and people like you into redfaced spaz cadets who think they are making the world a better place by flaming back.
2004-01-13, 06:20 PM
Jagd i would have taken some of your posts with a grain of understanding before looking into your behavior in this forum. Keep insults game oriented keep discussion game oriented race, racism, and other public relations disassters waiting to happen shouldn't be brought up here. As for the werener thing i'm not so sure about that. As for outfits allying with other empires i know some outfits which now play dual empire on a server cause they were origionally one empire on one server and another on a different one bu that doesn't explain werner. as for the weapons leave them alone. well maybe up the accuracy on the beam but that is about it.
Ok Sgt. Whatever you say. :rolleyes:
2004-01-13, 06:30 PM
random guess, you're under 14 years old. if you have something to say which you can back up, you're welcome to the political debate forum, or even to my AA clan's IRC channel #UEOclan at but if you're gonna just insult me, my family and my country then just STFU.
If you're gonna post stupid crap, you're going to get called on it. If you post still more stupid crap after that, then you're going to get smacked down until you shut up and let the thread die. If you don't like it, stay off the internet.
2004-01-13, 06:40 PM
*Spartan']At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, did I hear anything that even remotely compares to a human thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it. I award you NO points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Ah...That's a good movie. (Billy Madison)
2004-01-13, 11:03 PM
Ok, this thread is just getting really out of hand. Lets keep it to the important topics. Like how HORRIBLE KIAsan's flame was. :D :lol:
Ok, you asked for it :p
What's with all this 1337 speak garbage? My god folks, think for a second and use a dictionary. Jeeze, you would think that a bunch of nerds who developed 1337 speak were somekind of hero's. They were just a bunch of stupid kids who decided to make it cool to write things down in the most confusing way. I went through this in the 60's with my decoder ring. Sent in the cereal box tops and my .99 cents for postage and handling. God, you are so pathetic, you probably play video games on your computer at all hours.
(hmm, come to think of it, what is more pathetic, a guy who remembers the 60's and plays video games and trolls a forum online to talk about that game. Or a group of kids who write in 1337? I win :groovy: )
Dam, wish I knew how to flame. :doh: Maybe one of you could flame me and show me how it's done. :p
Wow, I just noticed I made corpral. Give me a cookie for being a post ho!!!!!!!
Ok, obviously you're a flamming newb. Allow me to give you some pointers:
1. Don't be so general in your flamming. You're not dropping napalm here, think of it more like lighting somebody's hair on fire. An effective flame makes personal attacks against 1 person, or a small group of people. See, you tried to flame the entire group of people who use l33t. That's far to large of a population base to flame effectively.
2. Don't use words like "folks" without some kind of obviously sarcastic tone behind them. Only old people use words like that in a serious manner. Nobody will take your flame seriously if you're obviously over 15 years old.
3. Don't say you remember the 60s. Again with the oldness thing.
4. Don't put whole paragraphs in parenthesees. I don't have any real reason for this, it just looks dumb to me. :D
5. If you're going to spell anything write, make sure you spell your damn swear words correctly. Nothing makes you look like more of a newb than mispelling a swear word (like "Dam" in your above post).
6. Always end at least 1 sentence with !!!!11. Make sure you throw some 1s in there to make it appear as though your attention span is so short that you can't hold down shift for more than 3 or 4 key presses.
That's all I'm going to say here. Some of the more potent flamming techniques can be dangerous in the hands of the type of inexperienced fools that troll this forum. :D
Feel free to practice your newly discovered flamming skillz on me. Perhaps you could attack the horrible spelling and grammar in this post.
2004-01-13, 11:05 PM
NO offense to anybody here but PSU hasn't really changed at all since I left :lol:
2004-01-13, 11:10 PM
NO offense to anybody here but PSU hasn't really changed at all since I left :lol:
Tis a curse methinks....
2004-01-14, 03:01 AM
Ok, this thread is just getting really out of hand. Lets keep it to the important topics. Like how HORRIBLE KIAsan's flame was. :D :lol:
How's that???
2004-01-14, 06:17 AM
jagd, check this one out:
KIAsan, needs work.
I also suggest visiting sites like the 3 I'm going to list below and browsing through picture archives. sometimes 1 pic is worth 1000 words. (I think, I hate that site)
2004-01-14, 12:50 PM
You show improvement KIAsan. However, your spelling is still too work on that. Also, you forgot to add 1s after the first "!!!!". Just keep at it. Experience is the best teacher.
2004-01-14, 04:40 PM
can anyone link him to one of those 1337 sp34k translators that you type in something in englsh and they turn it into 1337?
2004-01-14, 04:45 PM
omg ur full of shit!!!!!!!! the nc lose and the vs always wiN!!!!!!!!!! the nc just hav the biggest army with the worst weapons!!! plus ur colors suck arse!!!!!!!!!! fucking zrgin fuckers!!!!1 and every empire thinks the other 2 empires r teamin up! w/e
:huh: yet again homer I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. :huh:
*psst* Let the thread die. :doh:
And sorry teddyruxpin, that site is blocked by the firewall here at work. I'm sure you are a very creative person though, and it must take a lot of brains to use somebody else's skills to prop up an argument you know is lost.
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