View Full Version : Gamenikki Core Combat Review

2004-01-13, 11:14 AM

2004-01-13, 11:34 AM
Teh truth has flowed that freely few times in history.

The pay expansion seems ludacris when compared to other game franchises, huh?

2004-01-13, 11:35 AM
geez, he said the vanu are underpowered, and that their max is inferior to everyone else maxs. just another noob chanting nerf the TR and NC.

2004-01-13, 11:55 AM
He's got a point. Core Combat gives you relatively little for $30 compared to other FREE expansions. That's part of the reason why I refuse to buy it.

Vis Armata
2004-01-13, 12:19 PM
Just someone else's opinion.

2004-01-13, 12:34 PM
look other than the fact that core combats cost is to high, that was one of the worst reviews I have ever read. some of it was irrelevent comparison of PS, and more of that jibberish was hard core personal opinon. now granted i'm no game critic or editor but that seemed like rubbish to me.

2004-01-13, 12:49 PM
i agree w/ nikki, and have since i beta'd CC. it's teh bad.

2004-01-13, 01:57 PM
You can't compare PS with a game like UT. It's a different genre. That's like comparing Half-life 2 to Pacman.

Now excuse me while I wash the bullshit from my nostrils.

2004-01-13, 02:01 PM
I'm with OMA/Hezzy on this one, shit, didn't Unreal 2 ship with something like ten hours of gameplay?

2004-01-13, 02:45 PM
The only part of that review I read was the part on this site. A white background with grey lettering... who the fucking hell are these dumbfucks? Not to mention the size is like 3. They didn't even get their info right. "Only one map is available at one time" Two caverns are open at one time you retard.

2004-01-13, 02:58 PM
too bad they didn't have anything current to talk about..


2004-01-13, 03:07 PM
the review is done completely from a money standpoint; that is, what you get for your dollar.

so obviously, no expansion pack that costs $30 can compete with a free one that has more stuff. the review doesn't say anything about planetside's gameplay time or how the concept itself rules, just that the $30 isn't worth it, in the modern world of expansion packs.

2004-01-13, 04:35 PM
Yeah that was just some bitter Vanu's tirade. CC was a rip, but all that other stuff was just stupidity. Imagine if that article was a post on here, buddy would be torn to shreds.

2004-01-13, 04:38 PM
he has some points but comparing it to unreal is ludacrist, PS isn't your average go to a server load a map and shoot type thing, IT"S NOT A FRICKEN MAP IT'S A WHOLE DAMN CONTINENT!

caps just aren't that fun are they?

2004-01-14, 04:00 PM
I don't get how some ppl can not face it that CC is biggest rip off in gaming history :confused:

2004-01-14, 04:26 PM
stupidest review, evar. But seriously, comparing Planetside to free shooters is extraordinarily ignorant. Yeah, it fucking costs more because it�s like 100x better to begin with and part of what you are paying for are the servers. You don�t need a PhD to understand that. Keep your ridiculous 15-30 man shooters with aimbots, we are all well beyond that

2004-01-15, 10:50 AM
stupidest review, evar. But seriously, comparing Planetside to free shooters is extraordinarily ignorant. Yeah, it fucking costs more because it�s like 100x better to begin with and part of what you are paying for are the servers. You don�t need a PhD to understand that. Keep your ridiculous 15-30 man shooters with aimbots, we are all well beyond that

100x better? Core Combat? I must have got the gimp version.

2004-01-15, 04:14 PM
CC is a rip off when you compare what it gives to how much you payed for it. However, it's one hell of an expansion if you look at what exactly your getting.

You get 3 new vehicles

One's a mobile artillery piece which owns anything it hits.

Another is an infantry transporter that can save your ass during a zerg, or help out during an attack.

The Switchblade... well it's a good AI turret if your next to a repair silo.

3 new weapons

Maelstrom, an insane weapon, great at taking out groups of enemies and also for 1v1.

The Spiker is good for taking out enemies quickly.

The Radiator... well it has a cool explosion and it can damage the guys inside of vehicles.

6 modules

Shield mod which is by far the best of them hands down, allows you to generate a shield in all linked bases that stops all fire and enemy ground vehicles from getting inside your CY, save for Lode drops.

Healing module allows infantry to regenerate lost health while in the SOI of a linked base, it also gives you an extra 20 health.

Pain module is good for keeping out pesky infiltrators that get away from you, they also alert you to them if you can't already see them.

Vehicle mod allows you to get the AT vehicles and halfs the time wait after you get one.

Speed mod increases foot speed and halves time wait for MAXs.

Equipment mod allows for the access of the AT weapons.

6 new fields of battle which aren't all that special, altough Andulivan or whatever is pretty snazzy.

2004-01-15, 06:14 PM
Sure, the reviewer has a point when he says that Core Combat is a piece of crap and that it is in no way worth $30. However, the rest of the articele is pure, undiluted bullshit. May god help the kind of person who thinks that TR MAXes are better than VS MAXes :rolleyes: :lol: .

2004-01-18, 01:49 AM
I was emailed this info:
It was recently pointed out to me that the review of core combat had been linked on your first page.

Figure you might as well least know who the author was


Though I did lose 3 other characters in the Merge.

Alright, Flame Lines are open.

2004-01-18, 03:19 AM
Wow, the reviewer's main character is VS...I never would have guessed.

Seriously, I'm shocked...


2004-01-21, 01:12 AM
Main Character VS? Try again little child known as Unknown. I lost 4 other characters, 2 NC and 2 TR in the server merge. I only had/have 1 vanu character. But I had 3 NC and 3 TR characters. What does that tell you about what my main characters are?

Tells me that your making assumptions about events that you really have no grasp upon.

As to the rest of you, you missed the point.

Planetside will be compared to Unreal. It will be compared to BF1942. Like it or not. Sony screwed all the people who purchased Core-Combat over big time. Free mods by teams with far lesser money behind them have created far better games. Need I point to the Teams behind the winners of "Make Something Unreal" ? Need I point to the extensive mods done with the Half-Life engine? Need I point to the number of people now creating content for Epic/Id/Valve/etc. that came from modding backgrounds? Need I point to "real" expansion packs from Sony before like the EQ packs? That contained entire new worlds with multiples of new abilities and everything else? Even by the history set by Sony Core Combat is a rip.

And give it up. The Vanu get screwed over by Sony. The special abilities are next to meaningless in real battles. Wether or not you like it, that is fact. And it is reality.

And I'm sick and tired of seeing people whining about it and calling it Bull-Shit.

Grow up. If you will not listen voluntarily, I will FORCE you to listen. And I will not leave you any choice except to either agree or log-out and go home.

Quit fighting amongst your selfs. Quit fighting over petty items like whose stronger or who'se got the best weapons.

Start focusing on the actual content. I could care less if the Vanu are weaker in power if the special abilities made it up for it in how they could be used.

I could care less if the TR have overpowered weapons if the architechure of the game only allowed those weapons to come into play within certain aspects of the gameplay.

I could care less if the NC had far better defenses if the architechure of the game allowed the other natural abilities a way around.

I stated this before. It is obvious to any new player that Sony has not taken the time to balance the game and how Planetside is played. Almost all of the plans made to balance the gameplay out and "stop" the zergs, like outfit bases and the force domes, are junked. Sony has given up on Planetside.

Sony no longer cares about who does what or who fights or how.

I've seen Customer Service Reps log out people suffering from glitches but allow known, confirmed, confessed hackers to continue to play with doing nothing to their Accounts.

I wrote my article as a slap at Sony itself. Sony has got to wake up and realize that there is a growing amount of unrest within the Planetside world. Players are demanding more content. They are not getting that content.

Players are demanding changes in the way the game and empire are structured. And Sony is outright ignoring those changes.

Sony had the chance to address some of the issues with a shelf-space product. A product called Core-Combat. Sony did not.

Sony only addresses the issues in it's own site, and to some extent here. But the issues are continously laid aside and cancelled. Your average gamer is not going to realize the internal turmoil that exists in the Planetside forums or the game. They are not going to understand the feelings that flow in each of us about how we play the game.

They will pick up the box and compare it to the next game on the shelf. Need I point out the number of other titles that FPS that came out last year? How about upcoming titles?

Sony needs to aggressively attack the content issues of Planetside. They need to aggressively address the cheating issue. Sony needs to aggressively address what differs empire from empire.

And Sony is not.

So what is it going to be? A bunch of cries of "bullshit" and "n00b" and "he doesn't have a clue" and "he's biased" and "well, I like it this way so lets not change it" ??

Or is it going to be a concertated voice knocking on Sony's door saying. Hello. We are your gamers. We are paying you $13 a month. We want more.

I know what my choice is. I wait to see what yours is.

2004-01-21, 01:31 AM
Uhm, before they fixed the StarFire speed VS DID have the worst Maxes.

Anyone remember how pitiful Comet and Starfire used to be?
Quasar with it's 40 clip of Beamer shots.

2004-01-21, 02:34 AM
The VS have the worst infantry (excluding maxes) however the fact taht thier armor is pure and unfettered pwnage makes up for that fact. CC is worthless for 30 bucks. And if they dont make it worthwhile for defenders then I dont think ill register my account. Besides Fulltime Job+School+PS = no sleep. I agree that there needs to be more content. PS is getting tediouse and im only on the third week. Empire balance will never be perfect. Just cert this Infil+CE+adv hack+unimax+med+Air Calvery. Best VS setup EVER!

2004-01-21, 02:49 AM
^^ Uhm you could cert Mosquito alone, but otherwise that'd be one cert too many :p

2004-01-21, 03:14 AM
Whoa dude, chill. That was said largely in jest, based on what little information I had, and the general theme of the review that was posted (or the end of it at least). If there's one thing I've noticed in the entire span of PlanetSide (from Beta to present day), it's that most people think their empire of choice is gimped completely, while the other two empires are gods in comparison. An "Underdog Complex" if you will, people tend to feel like their empire of choice are the underdogs even though the game is quite well balanced.

I play mainly VS myself. I played NC in beta and do have an NC alt char but I rarely use it. I switched to VS when I got the game and haven't looked back since. I love the VS weapons and special abilities (jumping useless? You can jump the walls and clear enemies off of them much easier than you could from the ground, or jump to the top of a tower and get in when some random newbie opens the door for you and work your way down, and you can dodge decimators and vehicles trying to mow over you). Our vehicles rock as well. The Magrider is currently the best tank in tank vs tank situations in the game, and not a bad infantry killer either (though not that great at it), and the hover ability rocks. VS are the kings of module transport.

As for the weapons, the Lasher is great. It tears through infantry with direct hits and does some damage (though not that substantial) even when it misses. It's even moderately powerful against armor with no ammo swapping required. The lancer is the best AV at range in many cases, some call it a MAX Sniper rifle. Granted, it runs out of ammo quickly and isn't all that powerful against armor, but all AV suffers from that. As for the Pulsar and Beamer...they do seem weaker than ther other MA/pistols, but they do excel at longer ranges.

Finally, "For the most part, the forums are filled with members of the TR and NC armies who love to do nothing but create flames all day long" didn't gain you any points for being an unbiased reporter. Frankly, the forums are filled with whiners and flamers from all empires, stupidity is not limited to NC and TR.

2004-01-21, 03:35 AM
Uhg, explain to me how Pulsar 'excels' at range. Thats the Gauss Rifle.

Pulsar competes with the Suppresor at long range. As you can see on the new ReExo it's losing that competition past 40m range.

Killspeed over range (http://www.planetsideimages.com/uploads/killspeed.gif)


As for Beamer at long range, it's no better than the Repeater. The marginally higher CoF and lower damage at range are more than made up for by the larger clip and 67% faster fire speed.

2004-01-21, 05:38 AM
The Vanu weapons do less damage than either the TR or NC weapons over a period of time, and also suffer from a Cone of Fire (where the shot goes) disparity from the equivalent NC and TR weapons. The Vanu power armor ability of Flight is next to useless in real battles, while the NC Shield and TR lockdown abilities can easily turn the tide of battle.

The CoF disparity is in favor of the VS.

Both the NC Shield and TR Lockdown have no tactical value, but being able to jump over walls or rocket up to breech the 3rd floor doors can't be overrated. In a 1-on-1 MAX fight, the NC Shield is nice indoors, VS Jumpjets are a little better outdoors but not of much use inside a base (letting you avoid damage while still being able to shoot), but TR Lockdown is a good way to commit suicide.

PlanetSide and Core Combat maps simply are not built to allow the amphibious assault to be of any real use in an actual battle.

Have you ever been a gunner in a Magrider on water? The benefit of the amphibious capability is NOT being able to attack from unexpected places - as you've stated. It's the tremendous increase in firepower granted by having a perfectly stable firing platform and the defensive bonus of immunity to splash damage.

The new player will also quickly feel un-empowered in the PlanetSide forums.

The forums exist and SOE staff use them regularly to keep their playerbase informed.

Compair this to the way Microshaft handles their MMOG's - firing anyone who communicates in any way with the playerbase (outside of regularly scedualed, corprate-approved and censored patch notes).

The main problem with PlanetSide is that the game updates frequently with new materials and new ideas, but if you don�t like these updates then you�re stuck

This is true of ALL MMOG's, and not everyone considers adding new content to be a bad thing.

Quite simply, Sony needs to learn that expansion packs costing $30 cannot be released with so little content

Right on.

2004-01-21, 05:43 AM
"I don't get how some ppl can not face it that CC is biggest rip off in gaming history"

Go own some fools with a Flail and then see if you're willing to say that Core Combat is worse than the likes of Big Rigs: Over the Road or Star Wars: Galaxies.

2004-01-21, 12:01 PM
They can write a public review but can't take criticism of their writing :o