View Full Version : PlanetSide Movie

2004-01-13, 08:36 PM
Just thought I'd make a PlanetSide video for fun. I just finished it a couple days ago. It's my first one, so let me know what you think. Enjoy:


2004-01-13, 09:05 PM
im downloading now
BTW ur sig is :withx:

2004-01-13, 09:17 PM
Yeah, I think DicePoint is down or something cus they were working just a couple days ago. =\

2004-01-13, 09:19 PM
heh, nice video, i liked how it was on all 3 empires, only thing i hated tho was u were mostly killing NC , even with ur OS :P~

2004-01-13, 09:26 PM
Holy moly 57mb's! its good, what are your system specs that was the smoothest i've ever seen PS

2004-01-13, 09:27 PM
hehe, yeah. I wanted to get a perspective in there from all 3 empires. I was truly able to do that with VS and TR, but was unable to really give NC their fair share since my main chars on Emerald and Markov were VS and TR, and I didn't feel like waiting 12 hours to use them again. So all I could really do for NC was go to the test server, drives some vehicles off the bridge of doom on Ceryshen and OS myself while I danced on top of vehicles, lol. I DID run around with a JackHammer though as VS, if that's any consolation for you=\ And no, I'm not saying all NC do are use JackHammers. Just a joke:)

Next time, I'll make sure NC get their fair share of killing on film :)

Yeah, it's 57MB. I suggest watching it streaming if you can download fast enough. The quality is the same either way.

2004-01-13, 09:27 PM
great job

2004-01-13, 09:32 PM
WHoly moley I keep restarting it while im streaming it its awesome nicely timed with the music too ::although the selection of music leaves something to be desired:: pretty cool

2004-01-13, 09:33 PM
yea ...i thought something was wrong when i saw u with a JH , but all the VS names were green and u were shootin at NC :\

2004-01-13, 09:36 PM
if its any consolation xmodum towards the end it does look like he kills you while your in a max suit kinda quick so i cant be sure but it looks like your name over the max

::just corrected xmodum's name::

2004-01-13, 09:41 PM
was buffering at 1% per sec. no thanks.

2004-01-13, 09:42 PM
hmmm, ill watch it :) and if it is me ... ill hunt u down and take u hostage , then make u eat flesh of ur buddies .
EDIT: ok sry, my name was not here , btw do u play on emerald ?

2004-01-13, 10:13 PM
Btw, Rbstr, my system specs are:

P4 2.4GHz
Radeon 9800 Pro 128
1024 MB of PC2700 RAM

PS usually runs pretty good for me when I'm not recording except when the battles get massive and I'm in the thick of it, then it can slow down from time to time. When I'm recording though, I'm either at 30 fps or lower=\

As for the music, yeah, I probably could've chosen a better selection to go with the video. I think the only downfall to it though was the lyrics as they really didn't match up with what was going on in the video. Next time, I plan on using maybe some SOAD, POD, Disturbed, or some other really good rock bands.

And Xmodum, I play Markov mostly, but I play Emerald every now and then too as would show in my stats if DicePoint were up. Grrr.

Markov VS - WNxKujo - BR20/CR2 - Primary
Emerald TR - WNxKujo - BR17/CR1 - Secondary

The only thing I didn't like about the server merge is now I can't switch to play some NC without having to wait 12 hours before I can play an empire again, but it's no biggie.

2004-01-13, 10:40 PM
Pretty good I give it two of these :thumbsup:

2004-01-14, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the compliments, guys. I'm glad you like it :)