View Full Version : HART Timer idea
2004-01-14, 06:28 PM
It�s pretty simple actually, but why not make the HART timer based on the time the player is in the sanctuary rather than on a set schedule (every 5 minutes) like it does now?
The way this would work is your personal HART times starts when you get to the sanctuary. So if the times is say 5 minutes, you have to wait the full 5 minutes to get onto the HART. This would ensure the maximum wait time per HART use and cause groups that recall to HART drop at different times. So those global �everyone recall and drop at location X� CR5 commands won�t be as effective because the drops will be individually timed and not come in huge waves. Finally, I�d bump the HART timer to perhaps 8 or 10 minutes. However, I�d grant one time grace period for someone who just logged on so they could launch immediately provided they have been logged out for more than 10 minutes.
To implement this I�d ditch the HART shuttle animation and just have a simple animation of individual pods launching from the launch bay area. I think it would look cool to see a whole bunch of staggered launched from the sanctuary. Also, I believe this would be effective at reducing HART usage because if you choose recall as your transportation method you know you are in for a full timer count (5, 8, 10, or whatever is decided) wait.
2004-01-14, 06:31 PM
i favor just raising it to 15 or 20 min, because the timer makes it to hard to drop in concert if you can't go by vech
2004-01-14, 06:35 PM
i say just raise it to 15 and no personal timers but a 15 minuet wait woud make more traveling by vehic. the time you can get on should be longer too
2004-01-14, 06:37 PM
Yes lets add another script to add lag whooo! Just make the hart 20min so we can make some orginzed attacks and not just all drop from the sky.
Red October
2004-01-14, 06:43 PM
How about making it a little in real life. Have it return at different intervals of 5-10-15 minutes and none of the other HART areas are synchronized. A HART can have mechanical problems, come under fire, atmospheric conditions, crash, etc. and may not always be their at "scheduled" time. Just like our airports today.
I don't like the idea because then you would have to drop at different times then the rest of your squad.
2004-01-14, 06:44 PM
i favor just raising it to 15 or 20 min, because the timer makes it to hard to drop in concert if you can't go by vech
I think a 20 min wait would be a bit much... it's convenient for GAL pilots and crap for everyone else, especially if you just joined a game. You then find out your friends are on Ish at base X and now you have to wait 20 min just to join on the fun. MAX and infantry and cloaker based cert sets will get owned by this change... vehicle or pilot based cert sets will just drive/fly to location... Mossy pilots will laugh at the timer and Rexo/HA/SA troopers, UniMAX guys, and tricked out Infiltrators will cry.
To me the problem with the HART is that if the timer is short enough people choose this as a primary means of transportation. If the timer is too long then it becomes a drag. But, if it was only set to prevent use as prefered transportation without making it suck for people just joining the game then I'd be all for it.
That's the root justification I had for my individually timed HART timers. If you just joined, no problem, join right in. If you are already on the continent and want to travel to another the HART is an option, but ground or air transport would be a faster/better option.
The staggering drops was a secondary effect of this implimentation, good but not the primary goal.
2004-01-14, 06:47 PM
Yes lets add another script to add lag whooo! Just make the hart 20min so we can make some orginzed attacks and not just all drop from the sky.
Lag? Where in the sanctuary? LOL, who cares. Perhaps you don't mind joining the game to find out you just missed the HART... 20 minute wait to play? FUCK that.
2004-01-14, 06:50 PM
Yeha you shoudl wait 20 min or drive yourself there. you can get into a max armor when you get there. why would infils cry? most have ATV or skeeter
2004-01-14, 06:57 PM
Yeha you shoudl wait 20 min or drive yourself there. you can get into a max armor when you get there. why would infils cry? most have ATV or skeeter
My Infiltrator build:
Adv Med
Adv Hack
Inf suit
Special Assault (to kill spitfire turrets and MAX units)
So you are suggesting I drive my AMS from the sanc through a "home" continent to a linked continent just to catch up with my squad? That would take 20 minutes by itself and I'd probably get busted by enemy air at least once on my quest like trip. FUCK that. LOL
More than likely what you will see is I'd drop my AMS (team support cert) for a better ride for ME like ATV or a "disposable mosquito"... lame.
This change will just force more pilot cert builds. Rexo troops are completely screwed by this... every go Rexo hiking? LOL Now that's a quality gaming experience!
2004-01-14, 07:03 PM
If I had to guess, I'd say that when the broadcast warpgates go into effect, they may raise the HART timer, at least back to 10 minutes. In any case, driving/flying into the cont may turn out to be the preferred method over HART drops once the broadcast warpgates finally make it in.
2004-01-14, 07:16 PM
yeha the broadcast WG's let you go to any cont that one of your locked const goes to. This game is not about droping in to just start killing people ther are other things to keep i minde like tactics and transportation. AMS's aren't that slow anyway.
2004-01-14, 07:17 PM
If I had to guess, I'd say that when the broadcast warpgates go into effect, they may raise the HART timer, at least back to 10 minutes. In any case, driving/flying into the cont may turn out to be the preferred method over HART drops once the broadcast warpgates finally make it in.
Yeah, I hope so. My only real beef with a long ass HART times is for when you first join the game. That sucks. When I used my 7 day trial last october the 15 min HART timer stopped my 2 friends from playing the game. As luck would have it the first 4 or 5 times we decided to join and play together a while we just missed the damn shuttle... so we sat there watching 14+ minutes tick by... so that's at least 2 players that are playing another game now directly because of that long timer. Hard to recover from a "this sucks" first impression...
2004-01-14, 07:18 PM
AMS's aren't that slow anyway.
Ok then YOU get from point A to point B on a cont like Cheryshen or Serahus in an AMS
2004-01-14, 07:51 PM
leave the HART the way it is 5 min enuff people arent paying $13 a month to wait around.
2004-01-14, 08:09 PM
leave the HART the way it is 5 min enuff people arent paying $13 a month to wait around.
Good Point :clap:
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-14, 10:17 PM
And what about those people that like goin' solo? alot of them don't have vehc, they are tripped out infantry, so they get screw'd. They either have to join a squad, but they want to go solo. Or wait around a long frigggin ass time to get on the HART. not cool. The HART was made so fast transport can happen from sanc to distant loc. The bloody thing is called the Higgh Altitude RAPID! Transport. what good is it to wait 20min to reenforce yer buddies if by the time you are ready to drop, they lost the foot hold. The trans. vecs are more for intracontinental travel anyway. And also to add that extra power of a tank rollin' into the field. I say keep it how it is, everyone seems okay with it now anyway.
2004-01-14, 10:31 PM
DONT LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE, keep it as it is so you can get in on the action fast, why the hell would you want to wait around! Waiting around and having to find a gal piolet and orginizing this big tranportation deal just to get to action is NOT FUN.
If are busy posting in this forum on how to make people in game the game not have fun then you are messed up.
2004-01-14, 11:06 PM
I dont care what any one says the galaxy needs to be alowed to be a major form of transportation!! :p
2004-01-15, 12:43 AM
The HART was 15 minutes for a long time. Nobody seemed to mind it back in beta. I think it's much too short now. I could even deal with 10 minutes, but 5 is too damn short. The sancturary is all but pointless these days. You might as well just use instant action because you're going to HART into the battle anyway. When the timer was longer the benefits were as follows:
1. It was EASY to form or find a good sized squad in the sanc.
2. It was easy for SLs to find the people with the certs they need to form an effective fighting force.
3. You could load up the whole sqaud into a gal, or get any vehicles you wanted and move out as a group. This promoted orginization.
4. You could tell people where they could find a good battle without taking them from one they were already involved in.
Now that the timer is so short, the benefits are as follows:
1. You don't have to worry about instant action sticking you in the middle of nowhere.
There, that's about it. No real benefits, just getting your worthless infantry ass into battle a little faster, and thus being blown up by a vehicle or group of enemies just a little bit faster.
Now for the cons of having a short HART timer:
1. It's next to impossible to form a good squad in the sanc. It is all but impossible to form a decent sized platoon, and then organize an attack.
2. Idiots constantly drop on big battles in their worthless agile suits, then get blasted by a max or a vehicle. It would be INFINATELY more beneficial to the emipre if they had joined a group, got some real firepower (a tank, reaver, a squad of guys in a gal, etc) and then joined the battle. But no. That never occurs to these idiots. They think they are doing something worth while by endlessly zerging the enemy with infantry. Most battles could be easily handled by a single platoon (which would be easier to form in a sanctuary like we had before the short HART timer) of organized people using armored units effectively. Instead, it requires 3 times that many brain dead morons who drop in with no squad and no real firepower. The short HART timer pormotes stupidity AND the zerg.
3. It's impossible to keep a squad organized because people don't need transport anymore. They just recall and hart in to the next base or whatever base they feel like going to.
4. Attacking a locked continent is a nightmare. The retarded zerg will move into the locked continent from the continent providing the link. When all their vehicles have been destroyed, they just continuously zerg infantry from AMSes and towers. It takes 5x longer to cap the enemey base than it should because a few enemey vehicles and maxes can mow down the infantry 10+ kills to 1 death.
BTW, those of you who want fast action all the time are in the wrong damn game. PlanetSide is supposed to be a war game, not a deathmatch. If you simply can't stand to "waste" 10 minutes forming up a squad, picking a target, and moving to that target as a group, then go play UT2003 or one of the other 10,000 or so FPS games made specially for kids with A.D.D and no sence of teamwork.
2004-01-15, 02:52 AM
BTW, those of you who want fast action all the time are in the wrong damn game. PlanetSide is supposed to be a war game, not a deathmatch. If you simply can't stand to "waste" 10 minutes forming up a squad, picking a target, and moving to that target as a group, then go play UT2003 or one of the other 10,000 or so FPS games made specially for kids with A.D.D and no sence of teamwork.
Great attitude. And that's exactly why there was a server merger, why the dev team is being consolidated to San Diego only, and why cash was pulled from the bandwidth expendatures. The 15 min HART chased away many good players... the 5 min was done too late to save the servers and whole dev team. Now we all will make due with less because the decision was made to "force" a certain game play e.g. Galaxy usage over HART drops.
Let me share with you my first 3 Galaxy rides...
1. merciless "we need passengers" voice spam until we finaly fill up... we fly for what seemed an eternity and then the pilot lagged/went AFK (who knows) and we flew into the water... we all drowned.
2. After fooking around for about 7 min we finally filled up enough for the pilot to take off... 8 passengers... we encountered enemy aircraft and had to bail out... I landed and got mowed by a Magrider (my 2nd PS battle experience)
3. Similar to #1 above but we crashed into a tree... as I waited to respawn I debated deleting the 7 day demo and just finding another game... my 2 buddies did and never played again... their parting comment was along the lines of: "great, we can wait forever for the stupid HART or some jackass can get us killed" followed by "This is stupid, I'm deleting"
Yeah let's bring that back and savor in the "teamwork".
Personally, I wanna have teamwork when I'm in the action. I don't want to have to rely on teamwork just to start playing the damn game.
2004-01-15, 03:04 AM
The monthly subscription is irrelevant. Keep the HART the way it is and you kick a different group of people in the balls.
The HART should only drop you in friendly SOIs. The HART should never be used as a tactical insertion vehicle. As long as it is, it's an NPC, and you guys know how you feel about NPCs.
I'm sick to death of my towers going enemy cause people are HARTing behind the lines.
2004-01-15, 03:37 AM
The HART should only drop you in friendly SOIs. The HART should never be used as a tactical insertion vehicle. As long as it is, it's an NPC, and you guys know how you feel about NPCs.
I'm sick to death of my towers going enemy cause people are HARTing behind the lines.
Ok, now THAT is a good idea! Leave the timer to 5 min and have it ONLY drop to a friendly SOI.
2004-01-15, 04:23 AM
Badash, I feel I should share my most recent galaxy experience with you.
Ish was in the middle of it's customary three way invasion, and we were fighting against the NC. Once the Enkidu spawn room fell our squad rallied at Akkan and decided to galaxy down to marduk and kill the gens. We met in the courtyard, our gal pilot pulled out a gal, set it down, and in under thirty seconds we took off with a full load of assault infantry and MAXes. We jumped on the backdoor of the base, rushed down to the gen room and had the gens down and were ready to defend in less then 45 seconds. Making extensive use of advanced medics, a few of the much maligned DC maxes and good old fasioned riflework (only one of use had HA,) we held out for maybe 5-10 minutes (wasn't really watching the clock) against at least as many enemies and i would guess maybe twice tops (Vick would know how many.)
Then we respawned and did it again, only this time we were short one spot, we had to dodge a reaver on the way in the door and it took us a minute to load up since we took the safe route and rallied in sanc. We didn't hold it as long that time around since there were still a few there and they weren't exactly happy with us removing there ability to spawn Vanguards.
Short HART timers directly discourage this type of gameplay, it discourages teamwork, encourages soloists, encourages zerging and impedes the development of higher tactics. Maybe after your friends stood around waiting for the hart a few times, they could have picked up a Transport cert, or a tank cert, or joined a squad forming up at sanc. Yes, people actually used to do that instead of running around alone xp whoring.
2004-01-15, 11:16 AM
Short HART timers directly discourage this type of gameplay, it discourages teamwork, encourages soloists, encourages zerging and impedes the development of higher tactics. Maybe after your friends stood around waiting for the hart a few times, they could have picked up a Transport cert, or a tank cert, or joined a squad forming up at sanc. Yes, people actually used to do that instead of running around alone xp whoring.
There is nothing wrong with going solo if that's what you want to do. If you join a random public squad its pretty much everyone is solo, except one solo guy gets CEP for base captures. You might get some way points, but that�s usually all the �leadership� you will get from some random SL. So, your example is nice but has a pre requisite of it is having a squad of organized friends or outfit buddies. Also, you did not mention what happens when a new guy joins. He would be stuck in the sanctuary until the HART came. Unless the Gal pilot was willing to fly all the way to the sanctuary to get him and come back dodging enemy aircraft the whole time. A single mosquito can kill you both. If he gets behind you he will rip you apart. When you bail you will die with 12mm holes punched through you. Should more people waste their time and provide escort or perhaps fill the gunner positions?
What you want to do is discourage the HART from being your preferred mode of travel once you get in the action. But slapping some massive timer on it will affect more than just that. Many players prefer to solo and this does not consider them. Many players have no vehicle certifications, especially the lower level guys who want to fight. This does not consider them. Alienate them and you can lose a lot of your player base. I suspect this has already happened. The change to 5 min was too little too late.
2004-01-15, 01:01 PM
Crack babies will never groove with PlanetSide. The HART does less to please them than it does to offend the heart and soul of the game - the loyal, patient, team-oriented players.
2004-01-15, 01:12 PM
This game is not about soloists, if you want to solo, go pick up UT2k3, and i'm not proposing putting a massive timer on the HART, i'm proposing axing it completely. Public squads used to be relatively organized compared to what they are now, they grouped up and moved out en masse for sanc with transport, although the ones formed in the field were often scattered, and they often scattered when they arrived. The whole throw down a waypoint and pray is a relatively new development because the 5 minute HART impedes organization.
If a new guy joins, he makes his way to the front as best as possible, he can either take his own vehicle to the front, or if he is a lower br someone with light scout or transport would withdraw and help him out. No need to fly the whole damn squad back when you only need to send one guy. The twenty on the back of the gal can deal with most any enemy aircraft as long as the pilot is smart and dodges the bulk of the enemy force and flanks them, or is accompanied by escort craft.
I really don't care if it alienates soloists, this game is not about soloists, it's about teamwork. The five minute hart drives away experienced soldiers who know how and want to work as a team. The HART as a whole makes chokepoints worthless and nullifies the benifits of holding terrain, it makes disruption tactics nearly useless, ambush tactics useless and simply ecourages a style of play where battles are won by the number of rifles (or rather, shotguns) fielded rather then the tactics used.
2004-01-15, 01:25 PM
Agree 100% with Incompetent's view. Why should a crack baby arrive on the battlefield as quickly as a squad-based player? Aren't there supposed to be advantages to organization? Surely Mr. Crack Baby isn't a strong enough political force to dement the game towards the Quake mentality. At least I hope to God it isn't.
2004-01-15, 02:36 PM
Great attitude. And that's exactly why there was a server merger, why the dev team is being consolidated to San Diego only, and why cash was pulled from the bandwidth expendatures. The 15 min HART chased away many good players... the 5 min was done too late to save the servers and whole dev team. Now we all will make due with less because the decision was made to "force" a certain game play e.g. Galaxy usage over HART drops.
Let me share with you my first 3 Galaxy rides...
1. merciless "we need passengers" voice spam until we finaly fill up... we fly for what seemed an eternity and then the pilot lagged/went AFK (who knows) and we flew into the water... we all drowned.
2. After fooking around for about 7 min we finally filled up enough for the pilot to take off... 8 passengers... we encountered enemy aircraft and had to bail out... I landed and got mowed by a Magrider (my 2nd PS battle experience)
3. Similar to #1 above but we crashed into a tree... as I waited to respawn I debated deleting the 7 day demo and just finding another game... my 2 buddies did and never played again... their parting comment was along the lines of: "great, we can wait forever for the stupid HART or some jackass can get us killed" followed by "This is stupid, I'm deleting"
Yeah let's bring that back and savor in the "teamwork".
Personally, I wanna have teamwork when I'm in the action. I don't want to have to rely on teamwork just to start playing the damn game.
Well then maybe you should have gotten a transport cert of your own. Did that every cross your mind?. I've been in my fair share of galaxy crashes, but I learned to deal with it. If I think the pilot is a newb then I just grab a mosquito or reaver and fly air support. You should realize that part of playing a team based game is that your team is made of other people, and they may or may not be idiots. Good luck finding a team based game that isn't full of idiots. The trick is to find ways to deal with them, or avoid them.
Personally I'd rather have 3 servers full of team players with brains, as apposed to 10 servers full of A.D.D newbs hyped up on anphetamines who can't even fathom the concept of team warfare. If PS becomes just like every other FPS then it will lose players from that too. Do you have any idea what the average lifespan of a normal FPS is? It's less than a year. HARTing into a zerg fest and dying every 10 seconds gets f*cking boring after a while. That is where the team based stuff comes in. You survive longer, and thus have more fun if you're smart enough to work as [b]part[/p] of a team, instead of running infront of all your teammates just so they can shoot you in the back. It's dumbasses like that who ruin the game for those of us who actually use our brains.
Just because you had THREE bad experiences with the gal doesn't mean that it's a bad thing, or that cutting the hart timer by 66% is the solution. They should have implimented broadcast gates from the start. That is not a new idea, it was floating around in beta, but it's taken this long to even get to "in concept".
2004-01-15, 02:37 PM
I am a huge advocate of removing the HART all together. I can imagine all the whines though...
How about just letting a user access the HART once every 60 minutes?
2004-01-15, 02:39 PM
Still doesn't solve the problem, it's instant access to the front, one good base fight can last more then an hour anyway. The only way i would support keeping the HART in the game is if you had to capture an orbital platform to use it (there would only be one of course) and even then you could only hart into friendly SOIs. And give it a failure rate, one in ten chance you get owned back to sanc because the pod melted or something.
2004-01-15, 02:42 PM
The monthly subscription is irrelevant. Keep the HART the way it is and you kick a different group of people in the balls.
The HART should only drop you in friendly SOIs. The HART should never be used as a tactical insertion vehicle. As long as it is, it's an NPC, and you guys know how you feel about NPCs.
I'm sick to death of my towers going enemy cause people are HARTing behind the lines.
Still the best idea. Leave the timer alone. HART used to get to a friendly base near the front lines with your squad-mates, and galaxy takes it from there.
2004-01-15, 02:57 PM
Agree 100% with Incompetent's view. Why should a crack baby arrive on the battlefield as quickly as a squad-based player? Aren't there supposed to be advantages to organization? Surely Mr. Crack Baby isn't a strong enough political force to dement the game towards the Quake mentality. At least I hope to God it isn't.
I solo about 40% of the time I play the game. To facilitate better soloing I picked up a mosquito certification and I have no problem being a one man show. I do however take care of my empire/team. How you ask? I take the time to kill any enemy spitfire turret I see to assist infantry invading a base or tower. I listen to the CR5 globals and assist where I can. I�ll escort ANTS and Modules and attack the bases they are directing our attention to. Many times I find I�m the only one on escort duty and end up single handedly saving an ANT or AMS from enemy Reaver(s). Where are all of these wonderful squads and players who are enlightened to the true meaning of the game??
When on foot I focus on keeping all the towers under my empire�s control and do team oriented tasks such as patching up MAX units which always seem to be neglected.
I find that soloing I can actually be more of a help the my empire in some cases because of my extreme mobility and rapid response capability. In my experience Squads can sometimes be rather selfish. On many occasions I�ve been denied transport due to vehicles being locked or me being kicked from the vehicle by it�s owner. Why? Because I was in another squad and not theirs. Many Squads are like this. It�s mostly a squabbling thing over BEP I suspect. Teamwork to them is limited to their Squad only so it�s pretty much �group soloing�. Ask yourself this: How many times have you been in a squad and the SL is NOT doing what the CR5�s are asking for?
My point is soloing in PS is just fine. The problem here is an intolerance to people who have different preferences. Rather than allow for both methods of enjoying the game you�d rather just make one so handicapped that it�s useless. To me the beauty of this game is the variety is allows. You can solo, squad, platoon, attack, defend, raid the caverns, capture towers, sabotage, infiltrate, drive vehicles, pilot aircraft, etc. Nerf that variety and you damage the game as a whole.
And please spare me the rhetoric about what the game was designed to be like. The �solo� is a selectable squad preference option. It�s built right into the user interface. Seems to me the game was designed to allow for that. So please stop clouding the issue by applying labels ("crack babies" and "quake mentality") and taking a phony �morally correct� posture that somehow your preference set is superior and �right� to someone else�s who is inherently �wrong� because it differs from yours.
You did bring up a valid point in this thread about the HART being used as a tactical option. Having them be deployable only in a friendly SOI would eliminate that use of the HART and also help defenders arrive at a base that needs help. So recalling just to HART would be a defensive strategy ONLY and not an offensive one like it�s currently used for. That change alone would nerf zergs and help fill Galaxies at the same time. I like it.
I would like to see a consideration made for people who just joined the game. They should not have to wait around.
2004-01-15, 03:08 PM
leave the HART the way it is 5 min enuff people arent paying $13 a month to wait around.
you said it perfect!
2004-01-15, 03:16 PM
On many occasions I�ve been denied transport due to vehicles being locked or me being kicked from the vehicle by it�s owner. Why? Because I was in another squad and not theirs. Many Squads are like this. It�s mostly a squabbling thing over BEP I suspect. Uh, no, i never let a non-squadie in my vehicle and very few of the people in my outfit do. It has jack shit to do with BEP, it has to do with he can bring it to a complete and total halt if he gets spooked and wants out.
leave the HART the way it is 5 min enuff people arent paying $13 a month to wait around. I'm not paying $13 a month for fucking Quake.Where are all of these wonderful squads and players who are enlightened to the true meaning of the game?? You know those little lightning bolts that show up all over the map, yeah, thats them. Any moron can drive an ant and these days theres ussually three or four for most bases, and most organized squads bring ants for there own ops or essential bases.
And theres no reason not to join an outfit and squad up with them to coordinate your ninjaing of towers.
2004-01-15, 04:06 PM
You know those little lightning bolts that show up all over the map, yeah, thats them. Any moron can drive an ant and these days theres ussually three or four for most bases, and most organized squads bring ants for there own ops or essential bases.
And theres no reason not to join an outfit and squad up with them to coordinate your ninjaing of towers.
So based on your comments in this thread I and conclude that you want the game customised to favor your game style/preferance at the expense of all others.
That is crap game design. Changes need to account for everyone and what is in the best interest of the commnunity as a whole. Catering to a only select will kill the game.
Your above quoted comments sound very much like a rogue or �solo� squad. Non-members don�t get transportation in the extra seats in your vehicles and other members in your empire (ANT drivers) don�t get your support. You are too busy blowing generators to be of real use. Oh, and congratulations on using an entire squad to do the work a lone cloaker could accomplish. Very efficient.
2004-01-15, 04:31 PM
Non-members don�t get transportation in the extra seats in your vehicles Hey, if they couldn't bring it to a screaching halt in the middle of a firefight i wouldn't give a damn, it's called safety, not risking my squad for someone else.You are too busy blowing generators to be of real use. Say that the next time the vanguards can't be replaced, oh, interesting fact, repair crews are often comprised of the best members of the enemy empire, thereby drawing the most experienced and most dangerous enemies away from the front.Oh, and congratulations on using an entire squad to do the work a lone cloaker could accomplish. Very efficient. When was the last time a cloaker held the gen room, and who says the entire squad is in one place, hell, most of the time were scattered in groups of 3s and 4s around the continent. And where, pray tell, did i say that is the ONLY thing we do? We also specialize in ITOS ops and defense among many other things.So based on your comments in this thread I and conclude that you want the game customised to favor your game style/preferance at the expense of all others. Uh, yeah, i'm not wasting 13 dollars a month to play quake with more people, i'm spending 13 dollars a month to be part of an epic battle, against people who think. And its nice that you can speak for everyone, very rare talent.and other members in your empire (ANT drivers) don�t get your support. Why would i help them when a flier can do it faster, better and easier, no reason for me to stop doing my job to do someone elses. Thats NOT my job, i am a support grunt, i babysit maxes and infantry, not ants.
2004-01-15, 07:09 PM
Well Incom,
I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
IMHO PS should be a squad team game and a solo game combined as it is now. The beauty with PS is the choice you have. Some people think it should be squad only and others think it should be solo only. Neither extreme view appeals to me too much.
You can't change the game rules to force or "encourage" a specific playing style. Eliminating player choices will eventually eliminate players. Playing solo is just as valid as playing in a squad. Both are clearly allowed by game design. If you prefer squad only play, that's fine. But, don't be intolerant to people who choose to play solo.
I mean you are Incompetent not Intolerant right? ;)
2004-01-15, 07:12 PM
I'm intolerent too, but it's about time for this thread to end anyway, nice arguing with you.
2004-01-15, 07:35 PM
I'm intolerent too, but it's about time for this thread to end anyway, nice arguing with you.
Same here, at least things did not get too nasty :) Though from now on I think you shoud refer to me as "Solo Bitch" and I should address you as "Squad Whore"... lol ;) This way we can stick to more conventional forum flame war style methodology.
2004-01-15, 07:37 PM
2004-01-15, 09:14 PM
Whatever happened to the "Orbital platforms"? I remember reading about these before (or maybe it was all a dream). Now that would be nice. Leave the HART timer the way it is, but you have to switch to the drop pod in the orbital platform. That of course would also take some time, but would be infinitley more fun than just staring at some big clock counting down. During that time, you could still see messages that were broadcast in sanc (thus allowing you to still put together squads and offer GAL rides). But, it would give us poor players something else to do while we waited.
I for one wouldn't mind all the waiting, as long as they made it fun to do so. Finally, the idea of dropping only in friendly SOI's would be great. But, you would need to lock out SOIs that were already hacked.
As to folks who drop on empty bases, kill the gen, and then camp it. I think the entire debate about force domes was to stop this style of play. The dev's point seems to be they want to force folks to the FEBA (Forward Edge of the Battle Area) and not behind the lines. The comments I have seen were about how this was unfair to defenders, because to only way to stop it was to position guards at each base (which means lots of folks pulled away from defense for guarding a base that may not get hit). That would be really quite easy to accomplish. Just need to throw a force dome around all bases that drops when the connecting base is hacked.
But, there I go mixing threads. Poor posting on my part, but hey, you guys started it.
2004-01-15, 10:38 PM
/em raise hand
Um...I'm paying $13/month to play quake with more people...not to think...
/em shrug
2004-01-15, 10:50 PM
why are you paying $13 to play Quake? Quake is free.
I think you have too much money to spend.
You should do something good, like donating your money to starving drunken university students.
2004-01-16, 12:02 AM
Keep the HART the way it is. Some of us don't have 5 hours a day to wait around for 20 fucking minutes to even start playing. 20 min is 1/6 of my total play: that's assuming I take only one HART trip :huh: . No. Fucking. Way.
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