View Full Version : 'Skateboards get the chop"

2004-01-17, 10:25 PM
I found this in the newspaper today and I just found it be incredibly funny.

'The skateboard has become the latest victim of the worldwide war on terror. The European Commission yesterday branded the boards a weapon that could be used to a hijack an aircraft, along with golf clubs, pool cues and fishing rods. All have been included on the commissions list of items that passengers will be banned from carrying on aircraft taking off within Europe. The commission admitted it had no evidence that terriost group al-Qaeda was stockpiling skateboards, but insisted they posed a real threat to airlines. "They have wheels that you could unscrew and use," a spokeswoman for the commission said. "And you could use [one] to break a window."

End of article....

No this isn't a joke, I found it in the paper, not off the Internet.

2004-01-17, 10:51 PM
Osama can 900 I bet.

2004-01-17, 10:55 PM
have you ever seen what happens to a plane that gets punctured at 30,000 feet?....squeeky, find the video.

2004-01-17, 10:59 PM
yea i was watching myth busters on discovery channel and they shot out a window and wow guess what nothing big happened...

2004-01-17, 11:00 PM
well, i never said i saw what happend either :p

but then again, i think it was squeekys DIE thread v2 with the video of that kid with the skateboard, they can do some damage.

2004-01-17, 11:32 PM
Yeah but I just really liked this line.

The commission admitted it had no evidence that terriost group al-Qaeda was stockpiling skateboards

2004-01-17, 11:37 PM
well, how often is it that someone brings a skateboard onto their carry-on luggage?

2004-01-17, 11:48 PM
Exactly, a kid can't expect to be skateboarding while overseas. Therefore most children won't bring one. Therefore, no harm or terriost attacks.

2004-01-17, 11:57 PM
plus, how often do you see an osama clone dragging around a skateboard...u would think that would be a huge umm red flag...lmao

2004-01-18, 12:03 AM
well, how often is it that someone brings a skateboard onto their carry-on luggage?
I know one, and he'll ride it thru the isles...or atleast do kickflips by his seat.

2004-01-18, 02:46 AM
I'm sure Pro stakers that fly around the world do or used to carry on their boards probably.

2004-01-18, 02:47 AM
well ya...but as i said.... carry-on luggage, kinda goes over the space restrictions.

2004-01-18, 03:09 PM
I dont know why you would bring a skateboard on a plane...

Anyway, I dont like skateboarding, the whole industry can go fuck itself.

2004-01-18, 03:18 PM
thats as funny as the RIAA raiding that dude's home.

and sk8ing is another thing where i know i dont have the patience pain tolerance or time to mess with it. Plus i just dont see the point in it.

2004-01-18, 11:24 PM
yea skateboarding is gay, i know this is at the bottom but i must tell you all, rollerblading telefrags skateboarding

2004-01-18, 11:43 PM
I hate you Skunkpunk, Skateboarding > Rollerblading