View Full Version : You know you have been playing planetside too long when...
2004-01-18, 09:38 PM
Yeah I'm sure people have done something like this before, but I'm taking the liberty of making a new one (flame on if you want, I don't care)
You know you have been playing Planetside too long when:
1. You try to patch up your car with a caulking gun
2. You run around your neighbor hood trying to "cap" people's houses
3. You attempt to open your door with a laser pointer.
4. You can't add to this list because you are playing Planetside.
Other good ones I've heard (but didn't make up):
5. You break down and cry uncontrollably every time you see a backpack.
6. You call for someone to come and kill you when you get stuck in a shower stall.
Feel free to add to this list if you can think of some more.
2004-01-18, 09:52 PM
one that ive heard
you know you've been playing ps too long when you find your left hand is always resting on wsad even when you're not playing
2004-01-18, 09:55 PM
yep been done. still funny
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-18, 10:00 PM
7. You complain that the checkout lady should get adv hacking because she is taking to long with the scanner,
8. Your version of heaven is: <Click here to choose a respawn location>
9. You pay your employees according to there Br and Certifications
10. Instead of saying something is unfair you start ranting 'OMFG! NERF TEH <insert>!!'
11. You start speaking in 1337 speak.
12. 'yes' and 'no' questions are answerd with 'vva' or 'vvn'
13. You call the freshmen at your school n00bs
14. You sit at bus stops wonderin' why the HART is taking so long
15. When you get lost you look up in the sky looking for beacons of light.
16. When you lose your bus money you tell your friends 'It's no problem, I'll just recall'
17. When the wind suddenly picks up you wish for DLV because you thought you saw a cloaker.
18. You think the other guys on the track team are using serge
19. You tell your friends to meat you on: Emerald, Ceryshen bridge at 5:30 EST
20. You call people who hit-and-run 'rotten tk'ers'
I can probably think of more, but not right now.
2004-01-18, 10:05 PM
13. You call the freshmen at your school n00bs
i call every inferior being a noob
2004-01-18, 10:09 PM
21. You get in a car accident, and claim "It was lag".
2004-01-18, 10:13 PM
when you war and you think if you die you can respawn in the bathtub back at home.
I Hate Pants
2004-01-18, 10:16 PM
I've been playing too much PS when I wake up the next morning and my eyes look like piss holes in the snow.
I think i've said that one already.
2004-01-18, 10:58 PM
When try to access for weapons and armor at ATM's
2004-01-18, 11:14 PM
When try to access for weapons and armor at ATM's
2004-01-18, 11:29 PM
25. You carry around a striker when you go outside instead of buying mosquito repellant.
2004-01-18, 11:47 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
2004-01-19, 12:01 AM
26. You go sky diving but don't pack a parachute, telling your buddies that your "kinetic dampeners" should kick in any second now.
2004-01-19, 12:07 AM
27. You sit in the checkout line of a store, trying to decide between two items, because you know you're stuck with one for 24 hours until you can forget it.
28. You rush to the scene of a car accident, shouting to the people, "Don't respawn, adv. medic here!"
29. You once again sit in the checkout line of a store, silently hoping an enemy cr5 will OS the pad, shortening the line.
30. You start your car and wait for it to auto-drive off out of your garage.
2004-01-19, 12:12 AM
28. You rush to the scene of a car accident, shouting to the people, "Don't respawn, adv. medic here!"
2004-01-19, 12:38 AM
2004-01-19, 12:47 AM
31. You dodge for cover everytime a commercial airliner passes by, thinking it's a Liberator.
32. You look at commercial airliners and think, "Hey! He's cheating! He's flying way higher than the 400 m air ceiling!"
33. You start driving on the sidewalks in an attempt to mow people down.
34. You start looking around your house and think, "We really need to get some modules for this place."
35. You try to stop a guy robbing a bank with an AK-47, thinking, "Oh, he's just using MA, I can handle him fine."
36. You're surprised when you find out that you can't.
37. You try to sqeeze into a manhole, thinking it's a GeoWarp.
38. You get frustrated each time you sqeeze into a manhole and find no one in the sewers, thinking that everyone should just buy Core Combat.
39. You look at the pictures coming from the Mars rover and think that they must be sneak preview screenshots of an upcoming Space Combat expansion pack.
40. You become worried when you see your buddy napping, thinking he's link dead.
41. You try to /cabbagepatch
42. You accidently knock out your friend while playing football and your greatest worry isn't about him, but your grief count.
2004-01-19, 01:37 AM
43. The phone rings while your at the PC, and every time you talk on the phone, you press your teamspeak push to talk button. ( i have actualy done this O_o )
44. You see tanks on the news and think "pfft, my magrider would kick that's ass."
45. You go to the local supermarket and remark how lag free the world is today, since the automatic door opened so responsivley.
46. Get out of bed and wait for your implants to activate before leaving the bedroom
47. You cant understand why your car wont start. It should start when you get in.
48. You hit the central locking mechanism to throw your mother in law from the car, and start writing a /appeal when it doesnt work.
49. You jump down the stairs and wonder why the hell your leg broke.
50. You start shouting "We need a medic." "We need repairs." and wait for someone to come to heal you, and start mumbling about bloody n00bs when they don't.
2004-01-19, 01:48 AM
51. After you total your truck you laugh and say ah 5 more minutes and ill get another one.
2004-01-19, 06:19 AM
52. You hurl your carpool out of the car, saying "sorry, it's for my squadmate"
53. You go to your closet, change your clothes, then change back, to refill your armor.
54. You steal someone's car, and wonder why its colors dont change.
2004-01-19, 08:59 AM
you see your inlaws and yell "Incoming MAX units!"
2004-01-19, 12:57 PM
You might be playing too much PlanetSide if:
After you've placed an order, you swear the McDonalds drive-through lady asked if that was the best you can do.
You're going to pwn some Vikings in Valhalla when you die.
You're playing baseball and try to steal a base by crouch-walking, hoping the nme team won't notice you.
You've overclocked the office's pencil-sharpener to reduce lag.
You've spent more than $500 on PC upgrades needed to play a $50 game.
- You put soda cans under peoples feet in an attempt to boomer them.
- You hope they don't see the green glow when you put the soda can down.
- You crouch-walk when you're trying to sneak up on someone.
- You stoped playing PS and still post on PSU because you've been there so long you love the community.
- You've made/helped make a movie.
- You get up in the morning and put your clothes on confused, because you can't find the key that makes you cloak.
- You get locked out of your car, but think thats no problem, because you got adv. hacking.
- When you enter a room, you crouch-walk first, looking for any enemies.
- When you're sneaking up on someone, and they catch you, you try and turn surge on, and sprint away, through multiple doors, because you think that they have DL.
2004-01-19, 01:37 PM
When u start looking for a cert terminal so you can use that nice new microwave of yours
2004-01-19, 01:46 PM
You've overclocked the office's pencil-sharpener to reduce lag.
You know you're a computer geek when you think that upgrading the electric motor in an office supply is called "over-clocking".
2004-01-19, 02:08 PM
You put your Certs on your Resume
2004-01-19, 02:55 PM
I get urges to camp pregnant women.
2004-01-19, 03:06 PM
I get urges to camp pregnant women.
you ruined our nice thread, oh well.
I do tha wasd thing all the time
2004-01-19, 03:39 PM
When your mom tells you to study for your drivers exam, but you say youve already learned the cert.
2004-01-19, 06:48 PM
When you read this thread, and say "Wait... What's wrong with doing this stuff?"
2004-01-19, 07:10 PM
When you post in this thread. period.
When you wonder why the police, FBI, etc. don't do a /who to find criminals.
a pink punk
2004-01-19, 08:04 PM
(for hardcore infils)
when ever you are done using a term, you hit your cloak button. no matter what amour you are in.
EDIT: you are reading this stuff and know what it means.
2004-01-20, 01:01 AM
When you hit Z and wonder why youre not zoomed in
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-21, 05:17 PM
WHen you respond to people's insults with a non-chalant remark of how they are just stupid flamming n00bs.
2004-01-21, 05:28 PM
When you wonder why no one comes to help you when you shout V-V-V!
When you actually remember what V-V-V is off the top of your head...
2004-01-21, 11:03 PM
V-V-Y, I do, :'(
2004-01-22, 12:53 AM
when you use emotes (fantastic! - huh, not bad - cool!) in normal conversation.
when you spend your free time plotting planetside-related comics or debating the latest patch notes.
2004-01-22, 12:58 AM
I have dreams with PS references in them every day.
2004-01-22, 10:30 AM
when u read this thread at school and send a reply with ur teacher right behind u and get in touble
2004-01-22, 10:43 AM
When you wonder why no one comes to help you when you shout V-V-V!
When you actually remember what V-V-V is off the top of your head...
I blame teamspeak for my inability to remember that off the top of my head...of course now when I get on tonight that will HAVE to be the first thing I hit so I can stop trying to picture it in my head :mad:
2004-01-22, 11:19 AM
When you were purple clothes and try to jump over high stuff with your jetts.
2004-01-22, 03:51 PM
When you accidentaly replace decimal with demimator in math class.
2004-01-22, 04:18 PM
2004-01-23, 11:57 AM
When your friends ask you why you are waiting to get in your car and you tell them you are 13 out of 20
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-23, 12:07 PM
^ when he replies w/ 'bummer, another zerg?'
2004-01-23, 01:41 PM
When you're driving down the road in your car, hit a bump and immediately look to the lower left of your windshield to see what your armor status is.
2004-01-23, 01:46 PM
when you see a garden light/sprinkler and crouch walk so you can sneak up behind the turret and not have it shoot you.
when you go into a gun shop and ask, where do you keep the jackhammers?
When you constantly try to hit f1 to turn on surge when you want to get away from someone
When you go into a drugstore and ask, where do you keep the health canisters.
when you try and go over the water in your suv and wonder why your deliverer doesnt float.
2004-01-23, 05:13 PM
:lol: those are good ... btw Dhark.... nice siggy ........ i noticed how its mine , but red with dharkbane in it :P~
2004-01-23, 11:07 PM
When you keep hitting 'g' but wonder why you don't get in the car.
2004-01-23, 11:09 PM
When u go to ur locker at school and wonder y u dont have ur pile of maelstroms in there
2004-01-24, 08:44 AM
this is some one elses
When you run over to your neighbors house in the middle of the night, kick their air conditioning and then yell out "Generator Destroyed!"
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-24, 09:39 AM
my left hand is always on wasd because i used to play t2 and it just got stuck that way
btw xmodum the reason your sig was pwned was because u had 2 statsigs and the sig i made you, that exceeds the limit and u were pwned, i warned you
2004-01-26, 01:29 AM
When you keep track of the number of Mosquitos you've killed at a BBQ.
2004-01-26, 01:36 AM
2004-01-26, 02:36 AM
my left hand is always on wasd because i used to play t2 and it just got stuck that way
But T2 used ESDF (those crazy Dynamix/Sierra bastards!)
2004-01-26, 03:55 AM
gah, when I try to play T2, I always end up fucking up in a firefight because I hit WASD, damn my mad skills!
In caves, you go into any light source and claim you're charging a pain module.
Whenever you see a spork you start bowing and hailing uncontrollably.
2004-01-27, 10:25 PM
too much when..
You suddenly come to realize you've wasted your youth sitting infront of a computer shooting at adolesents in some FPS on steroids. With a second epiphany that you are 40 years old, still living with your parents, still got your Slim Shady and Korn posters and worse yet, still a virgin.
Tribes 1 had so many useful tertiary commands that I changed the layout to ESDF. 90% of players did. Maybe that's why they used it for the sequel.
Anyway, I keep trying to use planetside commands in other games, and even other programs entirely. Like Microsoft word--why won't it let me purchase my favorites?
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