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2004-01-19, 08:30 PM
One of our members made this intro:



2004-01-19, 08:34 PM
Not bad, not bad at all...but I know of another wartime organization that used propaganda...The Nazis!!

Still, that was alright

2004-01-19, 08:34 PM
Very propagandistic for New Conglomerate. Very well done too! Very simple and gets the point across. :)

2004-01-19, 10:25 PM

2004-01-19, 11:27 PM
I wonder if the guy that made that realizes that the Vanguard is the same size as the Prowler, only a little shorter...

PS mainpage, screenshot #23


The Vanguard is the little one in the front right, just below the magrider of the same size.

As opposed to this grossly inaccurate image found in the Blackhawk propoganda flick:


2004-01-19, 11:39 PM
Put a stop code in the flash so it eliminates the loop. Prob want to end with the link to the site or whatever but the loop is unneeded.

2004-01-20, 09:26 AM

what server was that pic on? cuz i remember on markov i donated vangaurds to some TR Prowler Raid. I got like 25 Prowlers in return :brow:

2004-01-20, 09:28 AM
what server was that pic on? cuz i remember on markov i donated vangaurds to some TR Prowler Raid. I got like 25 Prowlers in return :brow:
last time i tried to donate a 4 Mags and 7 stolen Vans we got attacked by the prowler force, damn backstabbing TR hippies

2004-01-20, 09:29 AM
They didnt kill me. not even once. they were real nice bout it all. :)

2004-01-20, 09:40 AM
Some of the tiles went to fast to really look at and read. I would slow down the presentation slightly. Otherwise nicely done.

2004-01-20, 09:44 AM
A dev just cloned those Prowlers.

Also, Prowler has a higher Z-axis, making it an easier target for AV.

The more you know...

2004-01-20, 12:17 PM
A dev just cloned those Prowlers.

Also, Prowler has a higher Z-axis, making it an easier target for AV.

The more you know...

So really then, when they say "You can tell the men from the boys by the size of their toys", and the Prowler is actually larger... hmm, makes you think.

2004-01-20, 03:01 PM
So really then, when they say "You can tell the men from the boys by the size of their toys", and the Prowler is actually larger... hmm, makes you think.

Well if you want to use a Prowler annalogy(sp?), we could consider that those tanks are usually a man light, or to say, are missing something up top :)

2004-01-20, 05:56 PM
At least they're not full of shit, like Blackhawk Vanguards.

:rofl: J/k kids