View Full Version : Lancer

2004-01-20, 03:23 PM
when i first certed the lancer long ago, i hated it. i certed it again the other day just to give it a try...the lancer friggin rocks! get adv target and use the lancer from a distance, you'll be taking out MAXes and vehicles easily-especially in larger battles becuase the enemy is not sure where their damage is coming from.

2004-01-20, 03:30 PM
its not that good, but its better then nothing when your up against ground vehicles.
Unlike otherEmpire's AV weapons, the Lancer is useless on normal troopers & close ranges, less then helpful indoors, and can't hit an Aircraft unless its a low stationary hovering Galaxy or a Cow (Lodestar).

Really, it needs some changes to it, Vanu suppose to have the most advanced technology and the only thing it can come up for Anti-Vehicles is a basic plasma plinker with no secondary mode? :huh:

Vis Armata
2004-01-20, 03:47 PM
The term anti-vehicular implies, at least in the absence of realism, that the weapons are useless against infantry. The only AV weapon that is passable against infantry is the Phoenix, and even in that case the weapon takes longer to kill than if using just a Gauss. Really, no AV should do any damage to infantry. MA is fine for that job.

I never had all that much luck on moving air targets with a Lancer, but I always liked the direct fire it offered (great on tanks and far-off MAXes). I would stock em, but finding Lancers these days is hard.

2004-01-20, 03:47 PM
Unlike otherEmpire's AV weapons, the Lancer is useless on normal troopers & close ranges, less then helpful indoors, and can't hit an Aircraft unless its a low hovering Galaxy or a Cow (Lodestar).

Really, it needs some changes to it. =/

I agree. i hear it used to be awsome against infantry-too awsome, and sony nerfed it. but, from a range against MAXes and vehicles, its great imo.

2004-01-20, 04:00 PM
I agree. i hear it used to be awsome against infantry-too awsome, and sony nerfed it. but, from a range against MAXes and vehicles, its great imo.
I used to cert it back a while ago, and it was a 2 shot infantry killer. It was great for sniping off of base walls and the such. I dropped it because it pales in comparison to both the Striker and Phoenix. I was just constantly getting killed by anything I attacked with it. I would almost pick up AV again just for the hope of stealing some Strikers. As I pilot I fear no other hand held weapon more.

2004-01-20, 05:12 PM
its not that good, but its better then nothing when your up against ground vehicles.
Unlike otherEmpire's AV weapons, the Lancer is useless on normal troopers & close ranges

both of the other AV weps do squat to infantry or at close ranges. The whole cert is broken and it need to be fixed, and thats simple, make them all do way more AV (not air/max) damage, give the pheonix 50 more meters of range, make the striker fire faster, and i personly fee the lancer would be awsome with that extra damage, i used it for a while and that was the only thing that keapt it from being great.

2004-01-20, 06:36 PM
Yeah and add a secondary that charges for like 4 seconds and shoots all 6 shots as 1 big one for hella damage.

2004-01-20, 07:02 PM
I really like that idea. Solves the weak hitting power, but makes you think about how much ammo your going to waste if you miss. :groovy:

2004-01-20, 09:01 PM
I love the lancer as TR I always love pulling them off vanu corpses :D