View Full Version : The Terran Alliance's Armor
2004-01-21, 03:01 AM
Since Planetside has come out I have been trying to do something which very few have taken the time to do, if any and that is field a coordinated and effective armor force.
I have finally accomplished my goal and am now enjoying the fruits of my labor.
Each one of my tankers can flat out take on any armor force out there of equal or greater numbers. (Really trying not to to sound cocky, just proud)
We run 12 prowlers 3 skyguards per a platoon, which is 4 tanks main gunners only and 1 skyguard per a squad with each person on teamspeak which is provided by the terran alliance.
We are a non-outfit based armor force which is ready to take on any zerg anytime anywhere.
Here i will give you our tank manual, just email me. Take it try to impliment it really doubt you can, I challenge you to try. At least I will have something to fight instead of a bunch of newbies rolling solo in tanks.
Anyway here are some pics of us in action, more soon to come. Hope you enjoy.
Tanker pics are of course under the section titled Patton's Third armor the god of all tankers.
2004-01-21, 07:46 AM
Shouldn't you post this in the recruitment forums? If you are not recruiting then what are you doing? Showing off? lol sorry not being arguementative.
Nice pics btw i will not like to meet you in battle :scared:
2004-01-21, 12:02 PM
nah not really recruiting, just showing what could be done with this game if you take the time.
2004-01-21, 01:48 PM
off with u foul recruiting demon, blah
2004-01-21, 03:18 PM
More Pics added today, Will hopefully get a lot more from the upcoming raid this saturday.
If you would like a tank manual which contains basic tank formations and tactics send me an email at
[email protected] or look for me ingame on markov. Name TheRedx.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-21, 03:42 PM
i have a tactical suggestion, when the armor is on the move you travel single file, why not travel double file, that way you have twice the killing power, so if you have enemys on both sides you know which side will attack the attackers on their side, it would be much more organized and you would have each tank arriving at its destination with less time in between, the only problem is you would be a bigger target for enemy air, but you would have more killing power
2004-01-21, 03:52 PM
Oooh, wonder how well that would work with NC and VS Armor forces.
2004-01-21, 04:38 PM
please try it i need a challenge.
Also to answer neon's question there are such formations, sadly I dont have a good pic of us moving in a company wedge except from one. Just drop me a line and ill send you a tank manual, I have diagrams that show both platoon and company formations.
2004-01-21, 05:25 PM
Oooh, wonder how well that would work with NC and VS Armor forces.
I occasionally see the NC field Vanguard convoys, and they are especially dangerous. But Vanguards do just fine soloing, which is why I think most NC split up and try to rack up the kills without having to worry about the other Vanguards stealing them.
Never seen a VS convoy, though, but I would imagine that such a group would be very powerful. They'd have enough speed to really blitz through a war zone.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-21, 06:32 PM
VS armor doesnt do much, we dont really use it against enemy armor, because we will most likely lose, if we do use it vs enemy armor its to slow down that enemy armor. killing a prowler or vanguard is very hard to do in a mag. we mostly use them for mowing down infantry and max units, and when we use them we dont use formations, we just scatter and kill. the devs really nerfed our tanks, we take out enemy tanks with infantry and air units, and scramble for cover when the enemy armor comes in, its pretty easy hiding from enemy armor, i havent been killed by armor in a while.
2004-01-21, 06:48 PM
Ya, I'd say that TR tanker groups are the most powerful. Like UD said, Van's have a tendency split up, most likely because they can , and the Mags have been uber-nerfed, atleast for Anti-Armor purposes. The way I see it, Mags are much more powerful when used as mass infantry suppression: A mixed force of Mags and Reavers would be powerful indeed. :eek:
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-21, 06:49 PM
threshers are gr8 for mowing down infantry too, but their armor sucks and they tend to get destroyed by enemy armor quickly
im really pissed how the devs nerfed everything we have, our mags arent even tanks anymore, the lancer was our primary AT weapon and it sucks now, the beamer is a glorified laser pointer, the lasher is meh, and thats pretty much it, we are the underdogs, and the only way we win is using tactics, luck, and skill, i love being vanu, but we have nothing to be proud of but ourselves, our weapons and vehicles arent anything special, VS quasars are the only things that im proud of
2004-01-21, 06:59 PM
Those Vans are pretty nasty when they work in pairs, but what I tend to see them do is charge the enemy then swerve to the right and left and fall back.
We try to use the prowler to its full potential which is infantry surpression/confusion by stripping all the 12mm and loading it with all main. I just tell them to hold down the darn trigger button and shoot anything that moves.
Then we move as one so that the enemy has a hard time picking a target because he is constantly getting shelled.
2004-01-21, 07:11 PM
Red, stripping out the 12m would be crazy. IMHO, the 12mm is absolutely necessary for both AI sniping and AA. And without AA suppression, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye.
2004-01-21, 08:02 PM
heh thats what the skyguard is for, I run 4 tanks mains only and 1 skyguard per a squad. That skyguard is worth all those tank chains.
2004-01-21, 08:48 PM
I have to agree.
A few times I've tried to pick off a few Vanguards, and suddenly I find it's escorting a Skyguard.
You run or die. Usually die.
One skyguard is definantly well worth it, but they tend to be a little flimsy and low on ammo. How do you cope with that?
2004-01-21, 08:55 PM
Heh lemme guess
ReExo, Glue gun + 1 ammo, Sweeper/MCG, 6 flack boxes, Repair tool
2004-01-21, 09:47 PM
When I run a tank platoon what I do is have the skyguard strip out all its 12mm ammo and load all flak ammo. Also I usually have someone with a trashcan waiting at a predesignated location called an Alpha Alpha. That way when we run low on ammo we have a place to get repaired and reloaded quickly which allows us to get back on the battlefield.
Also the driver and gunner battle carry extra flak ammo just in case they run low.
As for them being poorly armored I tend to keep the skyguard to the rear of the tanks when engaging enemy forces that way we take all the hits and the skyguard can concentrate on the enemy air.
2004-01-21, 09:55 PM
the devs really nerfed our tanks, we take out enemy tanks with infantry and air units, and scramble for cover when the enemy armor comes in
Magrider is fine.
And all those prowlers look intimidating, but ugly as hell. :D
2004-01-21, 10:47 PM
One thing which would be a nice addition to the game is for the drivers of tanks to get kill credit for the people his gunner destroys.
I understand you get exp for the kills when in the same squad, what I am talking about is to have it put into your stats.
For example if your gunner kills a van you get a van kill credit in your stats, but its just a thought.
2004-01-21, 11:19 PM
Nah, not kills.
Kill XP regardless of squading, DEFINANTLY.
I don't want to invite 'SomeGuyIntheCourtYard' to our teamspeak squad just so I can get some XP from driving.
Could also use a better method of flagging down gunners/passengers.
Perhaps change the "Looking for Squad" thing right below your name to "Looking for Passengers" when your driving.
Or better yet, change the HUD color of the vehicle when it's parked and you say "Looking for Passengers" or "Looking for Gunners"
Or both :)
Oooh, and Sunder could really use the ability to Hotdrop it's Gunners/Passengers.
2004-01-22, 01:11 AM
no red don't get NC or VS to get armor they have enough :)
btw it's not a recruiting post. REDx's tank platoon is a mix of alot of outfits. It's not a outfit, just ppl working together.
Redx's tanks own on Markov and spearhead TR to victory anywhere they roll :D
2004-01-22, 01:19 AM
Hey TheRedX, go here please: :D
WOW I've never seen that many prolwers in a row! Great work on making the group.
Edit: And what server is this group on?
2004-01-22, 07:19 AM
Markov is the server that I play on.
Also Grey just send me an email.
Any more questions Comments?
2004-01-22, 10:54 AM
i like ur tank platoon i was wondering wud u be intrested in letting me and my m8 tag along with some infantry?? wed probs bring 2x sundarers with a full load out of infantry maybye bring some ai or at maxes that wud make u guys prob unstopable.just a thought post if u wanna talk about possabilities of us tagging along with ur squads.
see u on the battlefields!!
2004-01-22, 11:00 AM
Come to Emerald and run with our ( tank formations. I'd be interested in sharing ideas with you. We base ours loosely on US Army and US Marine tank "doctrine". I put a thread on here somewhere about it, it's probably about ten pages back by now.
Try 23 pages back. (
2004-01-22, 11:53 AM
This Friday at 10 pm eastern, I will be forming up the tanks and taking them out. Just send me an email with your game name so that I can add you to my ingame friends list. Or if you are lazy send me a tell while ingame and ill invite you to the platoon if there is room available.
I fill a platoon pretty quickly so you might want to come a little early since I give out positions on a first some first serve policy.
Also log onto teamspeak prior to signing on. The ip is chat room pattons 3rd armor, sub channel tank platoon 1.
You must have teamspeak in order to drive/gun anything.
2004-01-22, 11:56 AM
Except that I'm not on Markov. I have one, count-em one, character. TR-Emerald.
2004-01-22, 02:12 PM
Simply make a temp TR character on Markov
2004-01-22, 02:19 PM
right k ill try to get on with my m8 he will be playing under the name of Xcalibure or something we both have teamspek so ill log on him the same if there is any probs ill reply here as i am still fixing my comp at the moment and am using the rubbish 1 to post and monitour things.
hope to see u out there sounds like itll be fun.
2004-01-22, 03:07 PM
Any more Questions?
2004-01-22, 03:12 PM
Oooh, and Sunder could really use the ability to Hotdrop it's Gunners/Passengers.
We can, it's called LOCKED. Pop open your vehicle tab and lock that sucker while you cruise through the CY, and out they all go :D
2004-01-22, 03:20 PM
Alternately, break out the Galaxy and do the same thing over the base.
2004-01-22, 03:50 PM
Not the same.
Coasting to a dead stop right infront of wall turrets, and guys armed with Decimators before you can have passengers exit is NOT a HotDrop.
Also RedX you haven't posted your email, and it's not on your profile.
2004-01-22, 03:58 PM
Only the new pilots have to coast to a stop. And while you're in-flight you can equip whatever weapon you want.
2004-01-22, 04:04 PM
I think he is refering to the sundy firefly.
2004-01-22, 06:36 PM
2004-01-23, 01:13 AM
New Pics added from this thursdays outing, check them out. Just give me a little time will be called Battle Of Amerish. Need to Still add the captions but Pics are up.
More to come!!
2004-01-23, 12:17 PM
The Last of the pics are up, Captions added. They are all on the second page.
Any questions/comments feel free to email me. Tonight this Friday we will be heading out at 10 pm eastern, feel free to send me a tell ingame if you would like to tag along.
2004-01-24, 04:36 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! damn man, i just meet up with your boys and man DO THEY SUCK! i was by meself in a reaver and i killed all of them... i caped the skyguard first... dumb asses... :) thanks for the 1500 somthing exp it was fun :groovy:
i was just flying around when i see three tanks... so i sliped behind them and blasted the skyguard and the tanks paniced... i did straffing runs as the TRYED to SHOOT ME DOWN with there cannons! what dumb fucks! hahahahaha!
2004-01-25, 12:27 AM
? Anyway, does anyone have a better way to organize there armor I would like to know. Or get your input.
2004-01-25, 12:38 AM
You've described the perfect TR tank formation. I shiver to think what you could do with Vanguards.
2004-01-25, 10:08 AM
if you think about it that was not a bad formation... i just found them off guard and hit them heavy on there only anti air. i would have died IF you had people in the minigun turrets but you boys shot at me with your cannons.
i know for a fact that you cant use your formations with magriders or reavers. they have to flow a smei flight plan and be fluid with there movments... always crossing over each other, always ducking into the forest and through the trees... takes more practice.
2004-01-25, 12:23 PM
You sure do claim a lot, too bad for the past few night we have been rolling with 5 skyguards so it is highly unlikly that you have done jack shit, nice try though.
Also you haven't been listening at all, I clearly stated that when we travel we move with at least 3 skyguards, that way if one does get killed, we have another.
Also if you are saying that you killed a skyguard in a strafing run with a reaver you are full of complete bull. Even hovering because let me tell you that skyguard will mess up your pathetic reaver ass any day.
Then you go on and say it takes more practice to cross into trees and duck behind rocks. You actually think that a large force of mags or vans for that matter move together to get advantage points over the enemy, more so its just a bunch of solo tankers trying not to get killed and somehow in the midst of battle find some cover in nearby trees which let me tell you doesn't protect you that much at all. Stick to flying bud :groovy:
2004-01-25, 12:29 PM
i said i sliped behind them and shot it from behind... i straffed the tanks numb nuts. also i only saw one skyguard.
2004-01-25, 12:31 PM
Hey man a picture is worth a thousand words thats all I am saying. :)
2004-01-25, 12:34 PM
Hey, MYcrimsonTEARS,
2004-01-25, 12:51 PM
Pics from this Friday and Saturday's raid will be posted soon.
2004-01-25, 01:47 PM
Wow, this is some pretty awesome stuff. Sure you guys are probably taking this game way too seriously but it's still pretty damn cool.
2004-01-25, 07:24 PM
New pictures posted along with commentary.
Also every Wed I will be conduction tank platoon leader training for all that are interested.
Just shoot me an email at
[email protected] with game name so that I know you will be attending.
Looks pretty impressive, but what do you do inside?
2004-01-25, 09:57 PM
We have one major rule as a tanker and that is never get out of your tank unless told to. That means no hacking or capping bases.
Now there is a very good reason for this. Lets say I have 4 tanks one skyguard a standard tank platoon. If a person jumps out of a tank gun to hack a tower and is killed then that is one less tank I have.
If the driver is killed it is just as bad because more than likely we will be far behind enemy lines so the respawn point would be serveral clicks behind us.
Now this is not saying that we don't help out with bases. What we do is bombard and secure the courtyards of bases so that infantry can attack the inside.
Then while the infantry is busy inside we conduct patrols around the base intercepting any incoming enemy forces so that the infantry can do there job with little hinderance as possible.
The main advantage of armor is that it is a highly mobile and contains decent firepower. If we just abandon the tanks like most do to get a few extra experience points for kills inside then we are only hurting our forces rather than helping.
I hope that answers your question.
*If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
I saw you guys on Markov yesturday it was very impressive.
2004-01-25, 10:33 PM
Thank you for the compliment
anymore questions?
2004-01-27, 12:09 AM
Every night at 10 pm eastern I will be running armor till midnight on markov. If you wisht to join us simply send me a tell ingame to hopefully learn something to take back your outfit you are more than welcome to.
More pics to be added soon.
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