View Full Version : Empire timer broken/removed?

2004-01-21, 09:38 AM
I logged in on my VS char today 6h later i logged in on PS and i dident se any timer and i logged in on my TR char, after 10min of play i relogged, i still dident se any timer and i cud logg on to my vanu char again... so.... did they remove the empire timer or is it just broken? :confused: :confused:

2004-01-21, 09:50 AM
If you log into empire character A, then log out and log into different empire character B, your empire A character will be locked for X hours.

If you log into empire character A ten times in a row, you'll still have the option to log into empire character B. Once you log into empire character B, however, you start the waiting period.

2004-01-21, 09:53 AM
"If you log into empire character A, then log out and log into different empire character B, your empire A character will be locked for X hours."

maybe i did a bad post but.... i did what u sayd above but i dont get any lock at all

2004-01-21, 10:30 AM
I have no idea. I only have one character per server on one Empire.