View Full Version : whee... 75 feet. Thats impressive
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-21, 02:41 PM
those people are retarded, it says before you see jackass that you shouldnt reenact what you see
2004-01-21, 03:04 PM
they did it, and yet they blame the jackass show, i mean, come on, how fucking stupid can you get?
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-21, 03:07 PM
These people are just good arguments for more effective birth control methods.
2004-01-21, 03:29 PM
Yet another reason why my "cash for sterilization" initiative is desperately needed.
What's "cash for sterilization" you say? Well, basically we pay people up to $100 to get themselves perminately sterilized. Anybody stupid enough to get sterilized for $100 does not deserve to pass on their genes. :D
2004-01-21, 03:42 PM
Anyone stupid enough to reenact the stuff they do on jackass deserves to die, so it would appear the system is working :lol:
2004-01-21, 03:43 PM
2004-01-21, 03:44 PM
It's like I've said for the last ten years- "Survival of the Fattest". These idiot kids, they're fucking stupid. Kurt Cobain killed himself, a couple wacked-out losers did too. Two less fucktards I have to worry about. The movie "The Program" - couple of dorks lay out in the road and get runned-over. "Beavis and Butthead", stupid trailer-trash kid sets his place on fire, and they had to stop saying "Fire! Fire!"
The more we have these types of things, the less populated our planet comes with dumbass kids who will eventually end up putting the rest of us to bed at night, changing our diapers, and making policy decisions. I sleep easier every time another one of these incidents comes along. THAT is what our world has become. One less ignorant dolt waltzing around, one less frivolous lawsuit I'll have to hear about.
Yet another reason why my "cash for starilazation" initiative is desperately needed.
I might try starilazation... it sounds sexy.
Not sterilization? Fuck no.
2004-01-21, 03:54 PM
There, I changed the spelling. You happy now? Damn spelling nazis. :rolleyes:
2004-01-21, 04:05 PM
lol, it's a great world when some loser flies 75 FUCKING FEET and dies, and i get the greatest laugh I've had this entire off-period haha, if she were still alive, I'd laugh at her
2004-01-21, 04:07 PM
These people are just good arguments for more effective birth control methods.
2004-01-21, 04:37 PM
Jackass was cancelled waht the hell do they want now?
2004-01-21, 05:05 PM
75 feet?! AWSOME!!!
2004-01-21, 05:08 PM
give it a week to appear on the Darwin Awards
I betcha that was a fucking fun 75-foot flight, though.
2004-01-21, 05:35 PM
I'm not sure who I should feel sorry for:
Should I feel sorry for the friends for being as intelligent as a half-eaten piece of toast?
Or should I feel sorry for the parents for having a retarded kid who actually volunteered for this goddamn stunt?
Nah, maybe I'll just laugh at both.
2004-01-21, 05:36 PM
god, i wonder, do you guys think they made a video? i wanna see that!
2004-01-21, 05:44 PM
I wonder how high up she went? 75 feet is a decent toss, she probably got a nice view.
2004-01-21, 05:47 PM
actually they cant blame Jackass for that becuse of the warning at the beginning of every show. if they do follow through with a lawsuit, Jackass could actually sue them for being retarded idiots and not heeding the warning. fucking dumb ass kids...
2004-01-21, 05:49 PM
ya, it is nice that these retards eliminate them selves....but what about the ones who dont get the chance??? I move that we help them out!...well.....damn that didnt sound good
2004-01-21, 05:57 PM
but what about the ones who dont get the chance??? I move that we help them out!...well.....damn that didnt sound good
Well dude, as Denis Leary says [paraphrased] in his comedy album, "Why are all the good people dead?? Jimi Hendrix is dead, John Lennon is dead, and we can't get Bon Jovi on a helicopter!"
2004-01-21, 06:22 PM
god, i wonder, do you guys think they made a video? i wanna see that!
I hope that girls parents dont come by this forum...
I believe on the other forum I saw this on, the best/most accurate reply was:
"natural selection at work" or something to that effect.
That's sad about the person dieing but blaming it on 'Jackass' is just stupid.
2004-01-21, 08:19 PM
Amen 321. No offense, but it is pathetically cruel to laugh about someone dying, be it a Hitler or an MLK. They are still human beings, no matter what they did in life.
2004-01-21, 08:50 PM
No... ill just laugh.
2004-01-21, 08:54 PM
Okay heres how I feel about all these stupid jackass blamed stunts...
Its calling fuckin commin sense damnit. You dont jump off high buildings into pools or risk throwing yourself tens of feet from a merry-go-round. Anyone who has common sense should know this.
THEREFOR, I think it is partly the kids fault, and partly the parents for not teaching them common sense. Quit trying to pawn things on TV and vid games that is way to outrageous for any down to earth person do to.
2004-01-21, 09:04 PM
I have to agree with Onizuka, i mean the girl was 16 for crist's sake, it isnt like she was that impressionably, she should be able to deferentiate reality from stupidy...thus...her act was pure stupidity. no?
2004-01-21, 09:08 PM
I have to agree with Onizuka, i mean the girl was 16 for crist's sake, it isnt like she was that impressionably, she should be able to deferentiate reality from stupidy...thus...her act was pure stupidity. no?
:nod: Aggreed
2004-01-21, 09:09 PM
What should have happened is that these parents should have known where the girl was going, and what she was doing. They shouldn't have allowed her into a situation where that could have happened. Although not entirely their fault, the girl had responsibilities too, Jackass is in no way responsible. Really, actually what the parents should have done is not let their child watch a show like jackass, if they thought something like this could happen.
2004-01-21, 09:14 PM
looks like the typical American strategy BLAIM SOMONE ELSE (usually TV). People can't except the fact that some people are just to stupid to live so they get rid of themselves in usually extremely amusing ways. I'm sure this will be in the 4th darwin awards.
2004-01-21, 09:23 PM
Holy fucking shit, I know her! She moved away a few years ago. Bad way to go.
2004-01-21, 09:25 PM we cant talk about it no more
2004-01-21, 09:29 PM
Juuuust kidding... tools.
:rofl: :rofl:
2004-01-21, 09:30 PM
damn u....j/k
2004-01-21, 09:33 PM
Good times, glad she's dead. I'll try that on another forum sometime.
2004-01-21, 09:43 PM
"I see the little thing on the TV show ...'Don't try this at home.' Yeah right ... I mean if they can do it, we can do it," friend Andrew Royster said.
what a complete idiot. its a shame he isnt the one who went slpat. When they say DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! they mean DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME not, we can do it, so go kill urselves trying.
2004-01-21, 09:44 PM
Juuuust kidding... tools.
:rofl: :rofl:
Don't do that plz, don't kid about death.
2004-01-21, 09:48 PM
lmao...the whole thread is pushing the fine line between assholes, and pure evil
2004-01-21, 09:50 PM
that like, the PSU motto
WHOA that sentence shuld go up where the quotes r
i can see it now "PSU pushing the limits between asshole and evil"
2004-01-21, 09:50 PM
I hate people who joke about death.
2004-01-21, 09:56 PM
So this one time, I died... it was pretty funny.
2004-01-21, 09:59 PM
wow...that counts as TOTAL asshole
2004-01-21, 10:06 PM
sad story.
2004-01-21, 10:07 PM
I don't take death lightly, not anymore.
2004-01-21, 10:12 PM
*puts on glasses and speaks in german accent* hello, im doctor freud, and ill be ur psychologist today, why dont u start at the beginning
2004-01-21, 10:13 PM
Lost a close person, recently, let's stop at that.
2004-01-21, 10:14 PM
okey was soo gay, i will never say that again
2004-01-21, 10:15 PM
2004-01-21, 11:01 PM
Ya i saw that. I was like stupid kids.
And there parents say its not enough? Hmmm ok, then why the fuck did they let them watch it? Its the parents fault, they should be in jail for unattendence of there child.....if there is such a thing.
2004-01-21, 11:12 PM
And people tell me that the current generation *isn't* lost.
2004-01-22, 12:06 AM
People are stupid. People who copy Jackass deserve to be killed, therefore, it's just the darwin theory
2004-01-22, 12:08 AM
I hope non of you end up being parents. You cant stop a kid from watching something he/she will see it somehow. People try to fit in and do dumb shit like that. Also saying its the parents fault for not asking the girl 24 questions about where/when/what/where/why would only cause her to do dumber things because she is too restricted, trust me i know.
If I have kids, I'm buying the rope.
2004-01-22, 12:29 AM
If I catch my future children doing that, I will beat the crap out of them.
2004-01-22, 12:47 AM
My future kid:
2004-01-22, 01:21 AM
Just chlorine in the ol' gene-pool.
2004-01-22, 01:23 AM
That better be in the Darwin awards.
2004-01-22, 02:03 AM
Just chlorine in the ol' gene-pool.
:rofl: you reminded me of the alcohol + chlorine vid.
2004-01-22, 01:12 PM
I hope non of you end up being parents. You cant stop a kid from watching something he/she will see it somehow. People try to fit in and do dumb shit like that. Also saying its the parents fault for not asking the girl 24 questions about where/when/what/where/why would only cause her to do dumber things because she is too restricted, trust me i know.
You don't have to stop the kid from watching the show. Millions of kids watched jackass and didn't kill themselves trying their stunts. This girl's parents obviously failed to teach her not to be a dumbass. I watched jackass and I never once tried to do any of the stuff they do, because the stuff they do is stupid. It's funny to watch, not funny to do. The guy getting turned upside down in a port-o-potty never comes out laughing.
It's impossible to watch a kid constantly, always making sure they don't hurt themselves. But by the time a kid is 16 she should definately know that a stunt like that is very dangerous. If the kid isn't smart enough to make a judgement like that by the time she's 16 then the parents failed her. And don't give me that "she wanted to fit in" shit. Nobody with a brain risks their life to fit in.
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-22, 02:00 PM
I hate people who joke about death.And I hate people who can't joke about it. So I guess we hate each other. Yay.
If you think it's the parents fault, you're wrong. If you think it's the fault of the idiots on Jackass, you're wrong. If you think it's the fault of the deceased, you are correct but unfortunately you win no prize. She willingly put herself in that situation. I failed to find where it said someone forced her to do it. If she was forced? Then the fault would lie with whoever forced her. Since apparently no one did there is no one to blame other than the girl for her death although human nature being what it is people will surely try.
Is her death sad? Yes. Is it stupid? Very. Is it funny? Depends on you point of view I suppose. However I find that idiocy by anyone is extremely amusing so to me yes, it's funny.
Now then, why do people always seem to want to instantly forget all the bad aspects of a person when they die? Probably partially due to trying to respect the dead and all that. After all what kind of horrible excuse for a human being would joke about the recently deceased!? That doesn't hold a lot of water in my opinion though. You can be dead and still have been an idiot when you were alive. You dieing, especially while doing something stupid, doesn't make you an instant saint. If you regularily do stupid and dangerous things or even rarely do them and die while doing something that's both dangerous and idiotic- expect people to laugh at you. If your child dies willingly doing something stupid and dangerous-expect people to laugh at your formor child. You don't have to like that people are laughing at the loved one you lost, just try not to act suprised and outraged when they do because your kid deserves to be laughed at for doing something incredibly dumb.
2004-01-23, 06:09 PM
Some people may wonder about why I sometimes joke about death.
This planet is drastically overpopulated, and becoming more so every day. So a little bit of darwinism helps. That which is smarter and stronger survives, kid who eats too many marbles because he saw someone on TV do it doesn't. It purifies the gene pool, gives someone else a laugh, saves natural resources, etc. Yes, the dying part sucks, but this is nature at work, nature strives to have the perfect creatures, and sometimes has to stop the bad ones from going any further.
If that dumbass girl had gone on to marry a dumbass guy, she might have ended up with like 5 kids. That's 5 more dumbasses populating a planet that has too many of them as it is. These people are decisively burning our natural resources into oblivion until the time we consider suicide to be a great service to the earth and even give people the ropes to do it with and congratulate them.
2004-01-23, 06:24 PM
Natural Selection, let the motherfuckers kill themselves.
2004-01-23, 06:28 PM
Ok well my point is its the parents that I dont like. They let their childer watch it. They watch it, and laugh. Then their child dies and they blame it on a show they laffed at. Jackass is just a lame excuss
2004-01-23, 06:57 PM
If you think it's the parents fault, you're wrong.
No I'm not. You better know how/what parents do while the child is watching while the child is young GREATLY GREATLY effects how that child acts. I hope you dont parent with that attitude.
2004-01-23, 07:29 PM
No I'm not. You better know how/what parents do while the child is watching while the child is young GREATLY GREATLY effects how that child acts. I hope you dont parent with that attitude.
She was 16 for fucks sake
If you're that age and are not able to use you're brain, then you suck and pay the fucking cost
2004-01-23, 07:31 PM
Hey, I fully think it is mainly her fault. But how you grow up really effects who you turn out to be.
2004-01-23, 07:49 PM
how you grow up really effects who you turn out to be.
All the shit I've been through has only made me stronger
2004-01-23, 07:56 PM
All the shit I've been through has only made me stronger
I eat brains and stalk men who run PS fansites.
2004-01-23, 08:06 PM
To bad she didn't hit one of her friends and kill them.
2004-01-23, 08:12 PM
To bad she didn't hit one of her friends and kill them.
Ya that would've only been putting salt on the wound.
2004-01-23, 08:15 PM
How you grow up determines who you become? If you're raised in a family where both parents are programmers like me and my brother, you might just become pretty good at computers and get a job in computer science? You're a fucking genius, you know that, right?
2004-01-23, 08:17 PM
You're a fucking genius, you know that, right?
And you're retarded.
Diddy Mao
2004-01-23, 08:51 PM
Johnny Knoxville gets paid to be an Idiot but, why any1 else would do it if money was not involved is mind boggiling
2004-01-23, 09:44 PM
[random humor]
Kick the baby
Don't kick the baby
"never trust grandma with junior"
[/random humor]
2004-01-23, 09:55 PM
[random humor]
Kick the baby
Don't kick the baby
"never trust grandma with junior"
[/random humor]
Older than xuur.
2004-01-24, 02:50 AM
:lol: at story what a retard.
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