View Full Version : Cloakers Are so funny!!!!!!
2004-01-22, 07:29 AM
I love it when cloakers blame you for killing them its so funny, ive been hate telled so many times by cloakers who rush a spawn room with the zerg and they expect to come out alive? :huh: For instance one cloaker is infront of me in the spawn room bullets flying everywhere and spawnees hitting the ground like potatoes, one cloaker decides to crouch infront of a spawn tube while the fighting is going on I let rip with my JH as a guys spawns so he wont own me with a supressor while im shooting across the room unfortunately (or is it?) i mash him with my JH before i get to the NME and not even realising i killed the guy, then he starts calling me all types of names so i send him a hearty ":D lol Sorry m8" and begin to ignore as the abuse still rolls in. :rofl:
He said hes gonna come and get me! :scared:
LOL cloakers you go infront of a JH you're gonna have a bad time.
2004-01-22, 10:14 AM
Okie Dokie. The guy was prolly new and thought he could run around and not get hit because hes invisible.
2004-01-22, 10:36 AM
:lol: :lol:
2004-01-22, 11:15 AM
I hate that...but since they are so weak I get little grief from them. They always insist on running in front of you in big battle because they are faster...grrr...
2004-01-22, 11:48 AM
I hate that...but since they are so weak I get little grief from them. They always insist on running in front of you in big battle because they are faster...grrr...
I love it when then come running across a road (cloaked of course) in front of a column of mags (the only vehicle in the game without brakes) thinking that we will
a) see them in time to somehow avoid them and b) care enough to swerve at the last second to try and avoid the little grief they are worth. ;)
2004-01-22, 12:18 PM
Im a cloaker and i notice everything that u guys say :lol:
2004-01-22, 12:25 PM
I love it when then come running across a road (cloaked of course) in front of a column of mags (the only vehicle in the game without brakes) thinking that we will
a) see them in time to somehow avoid them and b) care enough to swerve at the last second to try and avoid the little grief they are worth. ;)
OMG I KNOW! I hate idiots who think the mag can just magically pass through them. I get more grief driving a mag, than using a thumper in a friendly spawn (Which i dont do by the way ;))
2004-01-22, 12:54 PM
Just to chime in with a Cloakers perspective.
I kid you not, I get TKd as much or more than the enemy kills me. Most of the time it is Flails, getting run over, MAXs or Vehicular fire that get me. I dont get pissed because I know that Cloakers are very hard to see and even if you can see them, you cant tell if they are enemy unless you put your crosshairs on them. So its not like someone is trying to TK me, it just happens. I am a very agressive cloaker and will almost always attempt to kill anyone I can unless if will ruin my ability to ninja hack. A lot of times this has me working the edges of a battle where I pick off injured troopers, snipers, people healing/repairing behind trees and such. Very often I get killed by HA spam from 2 guys duking it out. There just isnt much you can do about this, but being there is worth it because if our guy loses, I make sure and take out the enemy denying them of any satisfaction and thier eventual destination.
What makes me angry are the uncessary TKs. Idiots spamming plasma not caring about the grief and TKs they are responsible for. The idiots in tanks/vehicles spamming doorways to towers not yielding to the troops that need to get inside and finally: Godamnit I hate flails. Flails are just pure unadulterated shit. I get TKd by so many Flails that I dont even see, it makes me want to pull my hair out. I wish they would make it where you had to be BR 20 to even cert it to help weed out the idiots
2004-01-22, 01:15 PM
I wish they would make it where you had to be BR 20 to even cert it to help weed out the idiots
Trust me, BR20 and/or CR5 are NOT indications of intelligence. As my /ignore list will attest to. :p
2004-01-22, 02:06 PM
Thats true, but in my experience BR20/CR5s do tend to be skilled players for the most part. Idiocy in global is a seperate issue entirely :rofl:
2004-01-22, 03:49 PM
Heh, a while back I shot a cloaker that was about a meter in front of me while I was sniping. I took me a few seconds and a hate tell to realize what had happened. Indeed, stupid cloakers are fun.
My favorite thing to do to enemy cloakers though, is to walk up to them and do the 'Hello!' emote, then give 'em a triple shot to the face.
2004-01-22, 03:55 PM
I love doing the emotes behind my prey "Hail" BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, I kill him, before he respawns "Don't mention it"
2004-01-22, 04:31 PM
Heh, a while back I shot a cloaker that was about a meter in front of me while I was sniping. I took me a few seconds and a hate tell to realize what had happened. Indeed, stupid cloakers are fun.
In my cloaker suit after I'd spawned at the base of a tower which was under no attack whatsoever, I began to run upstairs for the doors. I was halfway up the first flight when my screen started to circle and I checked the death log to see that indeed the guy who was running up the stairs behind me was running with his rifle out and actually shot me in the back. In a tower. That was not under attack.
Cloakers don't have the market cornered on stupid behavior that causes their deaths.
2004-01-22, 05:09 PM
I get killed like that a whole lot. Usually the offender sends an apology but I dont take it too personally since its just how it goes with cloaking
2004-01-22, 05:50 PM
I believe that cloaking is much more fun when resources are more readily available. A cloaker with Advanced Hacking and a MAX config has the ability to infiltrate a heavly armed enemy base, hack a terminal and then wreak havoc on the base with a MAX config or other configs. The problem with that situation is much of what was said needs many certifications and early on they're just not available. I confess that cloaked enemies are neglected somewhat since they're very weak and not much of a threat to many other players. They're ability to get the job done as whole though far outmatches their weakness.
I would like to try cloaking once the certifications are available, but they are not. For now, just say hello to my little friend "The Decimator."
2004-01-22, 06:42 PM
I would like to try cloaking once the certifications are available, but they are not. For now, just say hello to my little friend "The Decimator."
But they are available. The suit is 2, engineering is 3, combat engineering is 2. You're good to go. Admittedly it becomes even more fun once you can jack somebody's tank and drive it away, or steal the AMS they just parked, or pop into existence in a MAX suit, but just the suit with combat engineering should be enough to tell you whether or not cloaking is for you. Ain't nothing like it.
2004-01-22, 06:58 PM
I respectfully disagree. IMHO, I believe that too be a truly great cloaker, the character needs at least a major mixture of:
Infiltration Suit
Combat Engineering
Advanced Hacking
Air Cavalry
Tactical Support
2004-01-22, 07:30 PM
Wait, don't you need advanced hacking to hack equipment terminals?
Infiltration Suit - 2
Hacking - 3
Advanced Hacking - 3
Max Config (Usually Infantry Config) - 3
Hmm, you're actually right!
2004-01-22, 11:29 PM
I respectfully disagree. IMHO, I believe that too be a truly great cloaker, the character needs at least a major mixture of:
Infiltration Suit
Combat Engineering
Advanced Hacking
Air Cavalry
Tactical Support
I didn't say that the infil suit and combat engineering is all you need. I said the infil suit and combat engineering is all you need to decide if cloaking is for you. Advanced hacking is almost a given, beyond that it truly comes down to your play style. Ninja advanced medic? Tactical support (one of my standards) so you can drive away in the AMS you just jacked? Air Cavalry to do sneaky missions with the mossy and actually fight with the reaver? Medium Tank so that you can slaughter the people repairing their ride and jack it and drive off?
I agree it takes more certs to make the infil everything it's supposed to be. It doesn't take too many to be able to get a good taste for it.
2004-01-22, 11:35 PM
Meh, I suppose that when I'm boiled down to the essentials I'm just a moderately arrogant perfectionist. :( ;)
2004-01-23, 12:03 AM
Being a cloaker can be very fun, or very frustrating. You have to ignore all the friendly crossfire killing you over and over, you have to ignore the fact that SOE will never fix a bug related to cloaking or even do anything to aid cloaking, and you have to except that most people above BR 6 have Dark Light. Fun things how ever, having Silent Run and running around watching your friendlies crouch everywhere, throwing jammers in a minefield as an enemy vehicle crosses it, OSing a convoy of vehicles, EMP blasting a CY, sending a tell to an enemy to wait for him to stop playing and start typing so you can move in for the kill, going back to a base that you just lost and order an Orbital Strike on all the enemies as they TK each other, and last but not least...hacking an enemy Tank in the middle of a crouded CY killing all those little enemies. My favorite is the Vangaurd. TheN00b, I have all of that. One of the main reasons I use the skeeter is to perform my own drop, on any place I want, like sometimes when my OS is gone I'll drop above a vehicle pad just lobbing plasmas before I hit. I've done this dozens of times and never gotten bellow 3 kills.
2004-01-23, 05:14 AM
Nothing is more satisfying than hacking an AMS then running all the enemies over with it.
2004-01-23, 07:06 AM
well seeing as u guys say "The Cloaker got infront of you" why not "You got behind the Cloaker"
poor buggers, they dont have any armour and you guys put them down even more, its enough to make a guy cry :(
2004-01-23, 07:33 PM
Being a cloaker can be very fun, or very frustrating. You have to ignore all the friendly crossfire killing you over and over, you have to ignore the fact that SOE will never fix a bug related to cloaking or even do anything to aid cloaking, and you have to except that most people above BR 6 have Dark Light. Fun things how ever, having Silent Run and running around watching your friendlies crouch everywhere, throwing jammers in a minefield as an enemy vehicle crosses it, OSing a convoy of vehicles, EMP blasting a CY, sending a tell to an enemy to wait for him to stop playing and start typing so you can move in for the kill, going back to a base that you just lost and order an Orbital Strike on all the enemies as they TK each other, and last but not least...hacking an enemy Tank in the middle of a crouded CY killing all those little enemies. My favorite is the Vangaurd. TheN00b, I have all of that. One of the main reasons I use the skeeter is to perform my own drop, on any place I want, like sometimes when my OS is gone I'll drop above a vehicle pad just lobbing plasmas before I hit. I've done this dozens of times and never gotten bellow 3 kills.
Wow, that almost wants to make me go with the cloaking! I wouldn't do that /tell thing though... *g*
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