View Full Version : Why is NC winning?
2004-01-25, 02:47 AM
NC has the most CR3s, CR4s, CR5s and BR20s (by far) in the game.
Without generalizing about NC players, why do you think this is?
edit due to Thottbot's data.
I don't know about the CR but the BR is because they have really good weapons and vehicles so they get a lot of kills which equals EXP which equals battle rank.
2004-01-25, 02:51 AM
I am forced to agree about the equipment, but inertia may also be a factor. Now that NC has this advantage, it's statistically advantageous to go with NC. Everybody loves a winner.
2004-01-25, 03:06 AM
That's true, I mean it's like the Dev deliberately made the NC have the best equipments in the first place.
And what more, alot of people really do like the whole NC story,
Maybe because it involves alot of the word "Freedom" in it? :lol:
2004-01-25, 03:12 AM
We are just the best. :p
2004-01-25, 03:20 AM
"And what more, alot of people really do like the whole NC story,
Maybe because it involves alot of the word "Freedom" in it?"
But TR wants you to have freedom from your liberty and VS wants you to be free of your babies to satisfy their lust for bbq.
Isn't it all basically the same?
2004-01-25, 03:27 AM
To win you must secure facilities.
To secure facilties you must gain access to facilities.
Faciliteis involve combat so close it's nearly hand to hand.
NC have the best close range weapon.
For everything else, their weapons are the best, or medium. Apart from their buggy and maxs.
Why do the NC win? In short, the jackhammer.
2004-01-25, 03:29 AM
If they aren't securing territory with the mighty Vanguard, they're securing hallways with the Jackhammer.
Makes perfect sense to me.
2004-01-25, 03:59 AM
Name me one 'weak' piece of NC equipment.
2004-01-25, 04:15 AM
Sparrow MAX
against a Sunderer
2004-01-25, 04:43 AM
You must not fly Liberators much. Asside from a Skyguard, it's the best ground based Anti-Liberator weapon in the game.
Other aircraft, unless you got plenty of cover and afterburner your pretty screwed.
Also it makes a good AV and AI max indoors and outdoors.
(You ever seen how freaking huge the explosion is on that thing)
2004-01-25, 04:44 AM
< Scrolls down >
(DAMNIT you got me!)
2004-01-25, 04:58 AM
I'd say its largely because of inertia and the empire theme.
I think the only way the Jackhammer affects the NC's success is that former TR and VS players who couldn't stand it anymore joined NC just so they couldn't get triple shotted by it.
2004-01-25, 06:06 AM
Grey has obviously never played with the NC sparrow. it's missiles are too far apart and locking on is bugged so bad you can't hit shit. and it sucks as AV/AI.
personally I only chose NC because of the back story, and got stuck there ever since. also, I understand that on american servers NC has the best CR5's.
2004-01-25, 09:31 AM
It goes in waves the VS will win for awhile then the NC then back to maybe the TR or VS and so on and so. As soon as someone sees that one empire has been winning a coupla days they decide to quit the empire they are on and join that one. Personally even though they don't always win I think the TR are the best just because of how coordinated. I haven't ended up on a squad of dumbasses once sense I began playing as TR (I've played as both NC and VS in the past).
2004-01-25, 10:29 AM
vanu had that winnin streak of like a month or 2 on werner and still win just as often or more than nc! nc weapons r shit the jackhammer is only gd indoors and even then the lasher owns it! then the vanu medium assult gun often owns ncs! the lancer is alot better than the nc pheonix! plus r maxes r better and r armour looks cute
I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but your equipment is not to fault.
I won't go on about how much better the Jackhammer is better then the lasher, and that the Phoenix is far superior to the lancer, though your right our maxes are probably the best thing since the jumping kinda helps avoid the decimators.
But the reason Vanu are good, is that either they got more people on the server just before the day is done so that they win, or as I've seen on Werner, a significately smaller number of Vanu's hold off a more numerical superior combined attack from both NC's and TR's.
Yes I agree that i bet most VS in the past had fled to join the side they couldn't beat, but those that stayed behind are skilled (IMO).
To play VS is to be prepared to die alot of times, n00bies find it hard at first but only the ones who likes a challenges stick with Vanu!
2004-01-25, 11:07 AM
Vanu pwned emerald last night.............
2004-01-25, 11:41 AM
Vanu 4 life!!1 i've been Vanu since before the Lasher nerf and always will be :D
2004-01-25, 12:02 PM
omfg .... my sig was mad by a Vanu!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
im giving up my VS char's for TR on emerald ..... i like the VS ... but i dont play TR alot , and if i have 1 of my main's as a TR ... i will better understand them .... so i can pwn them even more on my NC char :rofl: j/j
2004-01-25, 12:02 PM
There is no better anti-vech weapon then The Phoenix end of story. Nuthing feels better then to fire it and home in on little punks like u in there Magriders.
2004-01-25, 12:06 PM
I wasent allways vs.......... i started at launch as nc but then i saw the light heh
2004-01-25, 12:36 PM
"There is no better anti-vech weapon then The Phoenix end of story"
Damn straight.
2004-01-25, 12:51 PM
Name me one 'weak' piece of NC equipment.
Guass, Phoenix, Falcon.
Not that AV ever makes a good example becasue they all suck ass, i don't care that i can guide it to that damn target but i still can't kill whatever it is even if i can hit it
EDIT: And if you look at the world map over the period of a few days (atleast on markov) you see that every empire loses and wins about the same amount
2004-01-25, 01:03 PM
Phoenix is weak like Oprah is underfed.
Those were three pretty weak examples.
2004-01-25, 01:26 PM
Rbster, NONE of things you mentioned can be claimed to be dead-last in their category. Is it 'weak' by your definition unless it's the best in the game?
Gauss is already best outdoors
This is gonna be it's new killspeed indoors on ReExo ( (Massive advantage)
Phoenix, no ****ing way. Second best indoor Max killer, Best outdoor Max killer. And you call it WEAK.
Falcon, overall worse than Comet. Much better than Dual Cycler.
Compared to a Comet, it's more accurate, shots travel faster, and has 100% more clipsize. It's not THAT bad at all.
Sparrow does identical AV damage per hit, and the ScatterCannon can take down 3 generators. ScatterCannon practically a better AV max than Comet.
Gauss, Your just not using it right
Phoenix, your lying
Falcon, It does it's job, just marginally less effective than the best
2004-01-25, 01:42 PM
:huh: nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
vanu had that winnin streak of like a month or 2 on werner and still win just as often or more than nc! nc weapons r shit the jackhammer is only gd indoors and even then the lasher owns it! then the vanu medium assult gun often owns ncs! the lancer is alot better than the nc pheonix! plus r maxes r better and r armour looks cute
:huh: EviloHomerjr?
2004-01-25, 01:46 PM
no he is evilhomer he just made up a new name
falcon where in the world did you find that pic?
it has no corolation with the way the wepons are in that game.
Also i could give a damn that it has the least range dropoff becasue i can't hit anything at that range. The cof is far to bigg to hit anything except by luck at the distances that make a difference
2004-01-25, 01:57 PM
Like I said, your not using it right.
Gauss, while it may have the highest CoF bloom speed, it also shrinks the fastest.
Those are the stats for the NEW ReXo. Ya know, the one which we have been waiting for, for 2 weeks.
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-25, 02:01 PM
I play all three empires
I love:
MAX Crash teams!
The fact that I can own you four times w/ my cycler w/o reloading
The bouncing barney of DOOM! (Quasar MAX)
2004-01-25, 02:09 PM
How are we supposed to read that graph? The way I see it the Surpressor is better than any of the other weapons on there.
2004-01-25, 02:19 PM
Doesnt it also come down to the commanders? They are the ones who lead the zergs so wouldnt they be the ones who ultimately control who wins.
2004-01-25, 02:22 PM
I miss having great CR5s that everyone listens to and never spouted random crap and always actually coordinated stuff other than someone to cover the spawn tube they were sitting in while going to go take a dump. To all CR5s of the TR from Konreid, I salute you.
2004-01-25, 02:24 PM
That graph is meters on the X-axis and Time to Kill on the Y-axis in seconds.
Thus, at all ranges, Gauss kills faster than the other assault rifles.
Suppressor takes the longest number of seconds to kill.
Basically, Gauss doesn't nearly suck.
2004-01-25, 02:27 PM
Looks like even more close-range dominance by the NC
2004-01-25, 02:32 PM
Looks like even more close-range dominance by the NC
:jawdrop: big suprise
2004-01-25, 02:52 PM
That graph is shite. I doesnt take into account Clip size, Accuracy to the recticle, Cof size, CoF bloom, or CoF bloom speed.
The Cycler is the best MA overall because the Gauss is not acurate to its recticle. Also it has a short clip. Accuracy and large clip get better real world results than damage per bullet. The clearest example that the graph sucks is how the Suppressor rates so high. We all know that thing is a piece of crap
2004-01-25, 02:53 PM
the reason i feel they win is all the exploits and dumb ass changes the devs made... why in (insert deitys name here) did the devs give the vanguard the best armor :huh: ? the prowler should of had that spot. the mag is fine but the prowler is to under powerd and the van is over powerd... other than that there is the suirge agile thing... thats so cheap... :mad:
2004-01-25, 04:02 PM
Cattle, I believe you are absolutly correct as it stands now, Cycler is better than Gauss indoors.
I believe this next patch will change that.
But you are right. Gauss does have a signifigantly smaller clipsize.
As far as the Suppresor goes, the expanded graph shows that you'd be better off outdoors with a Suppresor than a Pulsar.
I stand by that statement.
2004-01-25, 04:02 PM
People do not know how to read graphs these days.
The only NC weapon which I rate as the worst in its class is the Sparrow.
2004-01-25, 05:12 PM
Why is NC winning? Like everyone else said, the equipment. JH obviously is in a different class compared to MCG and lasher, Vanguard is way too powerful, and IMO the scattercannon is the best.
CR5's might as well be typing in a different language for all the people that listen to them. And most of them are idiots too. I've seen only a handful of smart CR5's on Emerald, all empires included. They make no big difference, especially in big zerg battles (it's called a zerg for a reason, just mindlessly running in to death :D).
vanu had that winnin streak of like a month or 2 on werner and still win just as often or more than nc! nc weapons r shit the jackhammer is only gd indoors and even then the lasher owns it! then the vanu medium assult gun often owns ncs! the lancer is alot better than the nc pheonix! plus r maxes r better and r armour looks cute
funniest post EVARR! :rofl:
2004-01-25, 05:42 PM
Gauss, while it may have the highest CoF bloom speed, it also shrinks the fastest.
i'm not talking about the bloom i know all about the wepon, i use it almost exclusively, i know that if i fire a 3 shot burst i will most likley get theme all on the same place, and all i have to do is wait a teeny amount to avoid bloom. but the standard COF is huge at those distances making it luck if all three of those shots hit the right same place.
That graph is shite. I doesnt take into account Clip size, Accuracy to the recticle, Cof size, CoF bloom, or CoF bloom speed.
The Cycler is the best MA overall because the Gauss is not acurate to its recticle. Also it has a short clip. Accuracy and large clip get better real world results than damage per bullet.
That says it all
For christ's sake guys, go post this tripe on the official forums, not here.
Oh well, since it is already on here I might as well post something thread relevant.
Blaming your losses on equipment is the easiest way of coming to terms with the fact that you cannot stand up to your enemy, but also the least productive. Next time, instead of blaming the loss of your avatar's life, the base you were defending, or the continent you were fighting on, on the enemies weapons, think of what you did wrong, and how you can fix it. I used MA exclusively for a long time, and when I got killed by a McG I didn't run off to the forums to whine and bitch about it then console myself with others who failed in a similar manner, I examined the way I approached the enemy, how he approached me, how I used my weapon, how he used his, what implants and armor each of us were using, etc.
Now for thoughts on individual weapon certs:
AV: get SA you dumbass.
MA: Their ttk is virtually identical, and any ttk differences are compensated for by clip size or firing characteristics.
HA: The only situation where the jackhammer is undeniably superior is in a tower battle. All other indoor battles give the other HAs enough room to defeat the JH's close combat dominance. Tower battles are best fought with SA anyway, so HA users are at a disadvantage in a tower fight to begin with.
MAX: The only problem in the max area is the pounder reload time, and perhaps the fact that any max unit is free xp for anyone with a deci in 1000m. All AV maxes suck, get SA. All AA maxes are terribly effective. All AI maxes are death to anyone without a deci.
Tanks: Prowler is the best AI tank by a long shot. Vanguard is the most balanced, with good AI and AV capabilities, but is the toughest to gun due to its slow refire rate. Mag is the best AV tank by a large margin, no more vanu bitching please.
And because one of you will bring this up, yes the beamer is the worst pistol, and the NC have the worst knife, now go troll the OF.
2004-01-25, 06:01 PM
I have to agree with Greyflcn. If you aren't killing people with the gauss, you aren't using it right. If you are in point blank range with a gauss, you can still win, but just barely. You have to keep the center of the cof dead on the person and regardless of the spray, most of your shots will still connect. The only exception is the MCG, because he's doing the same thing but his bullets do much more damage.
I have about 5,000-6,000 gauss kills, so I think I can speak about the gauss in this thread, at least :D
2004-01-25, 06:09 PM
Also, regardless of what Rbster imagines
MA all have the same starting CoF
2004-01-25, 06:48 PM
i never said they weren't the same size, but the cof is to big for the smaller distance decrease than the others, i'm talking 4x zoom. But in the case of a cycler you don't have to worry about that becuase of the much reduced bloom, faster fire rate, and much enlarged clip.
nearly all of my non-sniped kills as an infantry man are guass, i know how to use it. But both it and the pulsar(while weeker it does have good AP i consider them tied) are nothing compared to the cycler and you asked name one thing, that was on the top of my list.
2004-01-25, 10:35 PM
AV: get SA you dumbass.
First off... LOL, yeah SA owns... but personally with my NC char I prefer the Phoenix to SA. But for VS and TR, yes, SA is the way to go.
HA: The only situation where the jackhammer is undeniably superior is in a tower battle. All other indoor battles give the other HAs enough room to defeat the JH's close combat dominance. Tower battles are best fought with SA anyway, so HA users are at a disadvantage in a tower fight to begin with.
Huh? Ok, gimme a Jack and you take SA in a tower... ;) I think the jack wins CQB hands down in a tower or base or anywhere you have to fight close. Past point blank range though the Jack is a "here I am" flare gun.
Tanks: Prowler is the best AI tank by a long shot. Vanguard is the most balanced, with good AI and AV capabilities, but is the toughest to gun due to its slow refire rate. Mag is the best AV tank by a large margin, no more vanu bitching please.
Prowler best AI tank? To kill an agile or rexo infantry you need to score a direct hit with the 100mm. The 150mm on the Van kills both with splash damage. The Van is the best AI and AV tank. The Mag is the best mower in the game and the best AA tank. At a distance the Mag is better at AV than the Van, but otherwise the Van just owns.
A moment of trolling...
I forget who it was who mentioned in another post how he loves air battles because everything that flys is common pool. So now only skill, teamwork, and tactics apply to victory conditions. I gotta agree with this. Since I went Air Calvary it's breathed new life into this game. I prefer the "all things even" test of skill like in sports... You don't have to deal with Surge-o-porting, Speedsteppers, Jackhammers in instagib mode (tri-shot), and AI MAX units.
Also in another post someone mentioned that Air was too powerful because they can run from AA MAX units and never get killed... All I can say about that is if you are in ANY aircraft and you see that lock on warning... if you don't instantly hit AB and fly AWAY you will die nearly instantly. Anyone complaining about ANY of the AA MAX units has never flown against them.
Diddy Mao
2004-01-25, 11:06 PM
It's the NC's "uber" command structure :rofl:
2004-01-26, 12:13 AM
Huh? Ok, gimme a Jack and you take SA in a tower... ;) I think the jack wins CQB hands down in a tower or base or anywhere you have to fight close. Past point blank range though the Jack is a "here I am" flare gun.
Try turning on audio amp and tossing around a couple plasmas or HE grenades. If rocklet's your taste, switch to secondary and blow his feat off.
Prowler best AI tank? To kill an agile or rexo infantry you need to score a direct hit with the 100mm. The 150mm on the Van kills both with splash damage.Wrong. Just plain wrong. The splash from a vangaurd shell will not one-shot infantry any more, this is part of the balance pass. The splash may do more damge, but it will not kill a rexo or agile. This is a fact as posted from devs and anticdotal from my experience. Prowler has the best AV DPS as well fool.
2004-01-26, 01:25 AM
Try turning on audio amp and tossing around a couple plasmas or HE grenades. If rocklet's your taste, switch to secondary and blow his feat off.
LOL... know why no one does this? Cuz it does not work. After you launch the 1st plasma the JH will surge in your face for a tri-shot... the JH user will then have plenty of time to heal the minor damage from 1 plasma grenade while you respawn... of course that's "best case" senario assuming you are camping/defending with Audio Amp... reverse those roles and it becomes an even more amusing joke. Thanks for the laugh though.
Wrong. Just plain wrongThe splash from a vangaurd shell will not one-shot infantry any more, this is part of the balance pass. The splash may do more damge, but it will not kill a rexo or agile. This is a fact as posted from devs and anticdotal from my experience. Prowler has the best AV DPS as well fool.
Well, the Vanguards I have gunned for have no problem splash killing infantry... not sure what you are doing wrong. Perhaps the one shot splash kill radius was reduced, but I know I dont need a direct hit. With the Prowler neither splash or a direct hit kills a Rexo. Against motionless vehicles the Prowler might have the edge with TTK. But, against a moving and fighting target you can't beat that 150mm and more importantly the non-jumping crosshair for superior accuracy. Not to mention that a "squad" of Prowlers is 3 Tanks vs. a "squad" of Vanguards is 5 Tanks... That's complete ownage.
2004-01-26, 01:56 AM
The Van won't splash infantry to death? Tell that to the countless Agile suits I've one-shotted with splash since the balance pass. Devs can make mistakes, you know.
"Prowler has the best AV DPS as well fool."
Ignoring the fact that you attacked someone with insults instead of focussing on their argument...
The Prowler's 'DPS superiority' is bullshit. Perhaps when figuring direct hits, it is superior, but Van's splash is vastly superior. Don't bother telling me otherwise, I've gunned extensively since the balance pass. That and you can instantly switch from 150mm to 20mm to kill aircraft and the fact that Van has a LOT more armor make it the clear winner.
If you think a plasma Thumper is going to stop a reinforced, health-kit popping, Surging HA guy in a tower, you're used to fighting n00bs or spawn-camping. As for Rocklets, same deal.
2004-01-26, 01:57 AM
Its the Vanguard/Jackhammer combo. The best tank gets them inside and the best inside weapon gets them the base.
I have not played much as a TR, but NC leadership on Markov is far superior to VS leadership on Emerald. Apples and Oranges, but from what I hear they have better leaders on Emerald as well.
2004-01-26, 01:59 AM
If they have better leaders, it's because they have so many more of them. I'll go with the Van/Jackhammer explanation out of respect for the skilled commanders I've seen from TR and VS.
2004-01-26, 09:13 AM
NC has the most CR3s, CR4s, CR5s and BR20s (by far) in the game.
Without generalizing about NC players, why do you think this is?
We have the most CEP Whores?
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-26, 11:25 AM
Blaming your losses on equipment is the easiest way of coming to terms with the fact that you cannot stand up to your enemy, but also the least productive. Next time, instead of blaming the loss of your avatar's life, the base you were defending, or the continent you were fighting on, on the enemies weapons, think of what you did wrong, and how you can fix it.
But bitching and complaining is the primary goal of 90% of people who post on internet message boards. :(
Anyways, are the NC weapons the reason they win so often? No. Are the NC commanders the reason? No. I'll give you a clue though: Those are factors. They both play into why the NC wins, but neither can be pointed to as the only reason NC wins no matter how much some people would like them to. There are hundreds if not thousands of little things that play into why any empire wins on any given day. Pointing to the NC weaponry and saying "They only win cause they have teh n00bhammer (LOLZ I sad N00Bhammer hahhahaahhahahaa) and the Vanguard!!1!!1!" is idiotic. Not only that, it's flat out wrong. Go look at which empire has won each day over the last month or the last two or three months. But then I suppose you could argue that TR and VS just have much more highly skilled players and that offsets the NC weaponry and that's why the empire wins are relatively equal. Of course that would be another lie and as big of one as trying to imply NC win every day. ;)
2004-01-26, 11:25 AM
The prowler is far superior to the Vangaurd. I have gunned every night in the past few days and the 100mm is the best AV tank weapon in the game by a long shot. Van's get hit a few times and they just bug and take 5 mins to repair all their armor and one of my reavers chases them down and kills the driver, yay, new Vangaurd for us. In the past few days, I haven't lost to a Vangaurd yet only magriders due to their better agility.
2004-01-26, 12:11 PM
Good thing you're only talking about the last few days, SilverLord. I'd hate to see how many more generalizations you could squeeze in if you had been gunning tanks for much longer.
2004-01-26, 12:20 PM
Any extra DPS the Prowler may have over the Vanguard is directly countered by the much greater armor of the Vanguard.
The Prowler is inferrior to the Vanguard. I just dont know how people cant see this. Not only is it a better tank, it requires 1 less man and as been pointed out numerus times, those Men could be in a Reaver, lighting or gunning the main weapon on another vehicle. It is far better to take the 3rd man in a 4 tank platoon and have them in skyguards instead and people are already starting to realize and do this
2004-01-26, 12:21 PM
QSC for the win.
Diddy Mao
2004-01-26, 12:24 PM
Once we Figure out how to get a Vanguard inside you are all done for muhahahahahahaha
2004-01-26, 12:33 PM
Take it apart and put it together again in the spawn room piece by piece. Kinda like you did to that guy's Volkswagen back in college.
Can you guys stfu about tanks? They are all good, it is just whichever one you like the best.
Imo the prowler is the best, and I gun for vanguards a whole lot. Prowlers do not have alot less armor then vanguards (I thought they had more actually), and then gun is the best in the game. One hits on infantry, and the fastest armor TTK.
2004-01-26, 01:26 PM
Can you guys stfu about tanks? They are all good, it is just whichever one you like the best.
If people actually did stfu about everything that somebody said they should stfu about, this forum would get mighty quiet.
2004-01-26, 02:23 PM
The clearest example that the graph sucks is how the Suppressor rates so high. We all know that thing is a piece of crap
Not true the suppesor is a very accurate gun and very useful at range. accuracy is better then any other rifle in the game. only thing that beats it is the boltdriver
2004-01-26, 02:25 PM
The Suppressor is crap. Havent you notice that no one uses them? It is the first thing you want to get rid of out of the spawn tube
2004-01-26, 02:42 PM
Personally, I find the Prowler to be a great weapon. Every time I have seen it used, it's spanking competition.
Once again, I'll bring up Oshur this past weekend. The NC rolled a line of tanks through, past Zal and Atar. My Prowler tank crew alone killed at least ten of the fuckers. There were a few other tanks, and some air assets working there. Since the NC did not have a tech plant, they had to go back to the other side of the gate to get their tanks.
It all boils down to how SMART are you implementing your tank. KIAsan, my tank driver, would stay within the SOI and if we lost the shield and went to half damage, we withdrew and repaired, meanwhile reloading the ammo. We also stayed out of open areas outside the SOI and stuck to "sniper-like" tactics such as using terrain as cover and concealment, or the base walls as an extra shield.
Teamwork and communication trump any sort of gunnery skills. Everyone in my tank was on the same TS channel, and my outfit was there helping kill NC Crap-Op tanks. It also helps if your driver isn't a fucktard and rushing in to play CQB.
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-26, 02:43 PM
Actually I've seen many people using suppressors, usually while firing from a tower or base wall at relatively distant enemies. I personally like using it to counter snipers when I don't currently have the sniping cert. Sneak up into range and you can usualyl get enough shots intothem to either make them run or kill them in between their driver shots.
The suppressor is not an awesome gun but it does have it's uses.
2004-01-26, 02:43 PM
A moment of trolling...
I forget who it was who mentioned in another post how he loves air battles because everything that flys is common pool. So now only skill, teamwork, and tactics apply to victory conditions. I gotta agree with this. Since I went Air Calvary it's breathed new life into this game. I prefer the "all things even" test of skill like in sports... You don't have to deal with Surge-o-porting, Speedsteppers, Jackhammers in instagib mode (tri-shot), and AI MAX units.
I fell in to this problem myself just recently. I was so sick of the exploiters that I was ready to quit the game, but instead dropped every infantry cert I had in favor of a vehicle cert, and the game improved for me tenfold. When I die now I know it is because the person who killed me had a better driver/gunner than me, not because he had the better end of a video glitch.
2004-01-26, 02:44 PM
The Suppressor is crap. Havent you notice that no one uses them? It is the first thing you want to get rid of out of the spawn tube
Maybe due to the fact that it isn't very useful at close ranges but outside it can be very useful at range you can take out people with certed equipment.
Vis Armata
2004-01-26, 02:57 PM
Personally, I find the Prowler to be a great weapon. Every time I have seen it used, it's spanking competition.
Once again, I'll bring up Oshur this past weekend. The NC rolled a line of tanks through, past Zal and Atar. My Prowler tank crew alone killed at least ten of the fuckers. There were a few other tanks, and some air assets working there. Since the NC did not have a tech plant, they had to go back to the other side of the gate to get their tanks.
Firefly does have a point. The Prowler is not a tank to be taken lightly, even by Vanguard drivers. It can be quite brutal in the right hands.
Sturm was part of the NC tanks assaulting Zal on Oshur. In fact, I remember seeing Firefly's name pop up in my kill box after I destroyed his Prowler. :D
2004-01-26, 03:09 PM
I remember that, because it was right after we'd run into three of those SOBs at once. It was also the only time I recall losing the tank.
2004-01-26, 03:18 PM
I believe cattle is reading THIS graph ( upside down
A low killspeed(TTK) is a GOOD thing.
That said, I don't think I posted the expanded graph:
UpDown - Time to Kill (TTK) - (seconds)
LeftRight - Range - (meters)
Sure it assumes 100% accuracy with no bursting, I can't be perfectly accurate.
However, Suppresor can practically do that.
So yes, I think it's pretty obvious that outdoors, Suppresor > Pulsar
2004-01-26, 03:20 PM
Could you label those graphs, so I don't have to read through the thread to find out what the up/down - left/right limits are?
2004-01-26, 03:29 PM
X axis is meters, Y axis is seconds
thus, the lower the weapon's line, the faster it kills at a given distance
2004-01-26, 05:04 PM
The surpressor is more accurate at range than even the mighty cycler, i've gotten a few kills that way.
Also i don't find those graphs very belivable becasue they show very wierd results. the TTK on agile should be propotionate to the TTK on the reinforced
2004-01-26, 08:02 PM
i don't find those graphs very belivable becasue they show very wierd results
Well yeh,
Can't have 100% accuracy and fire non-stop at range.
If that was possible, the graph would be correct.
Close range, going full auto is quite possible.
Or are you just gaping at "Gee the Pulsar can't suck THAT bad outdoors can it?"
2004-01-27, 12:03 AM
lasher is the best HA weapon while NC comes in very very very strong at 2nd. i'm TR and i use the minichaingun and it is good until the cone of fire starts moving which is too quick to do any good damage. i personally think the lasher is still way to powerful. you can atleast hide behind something from the jackhammer and minichaingun but all you have to do is shoot the lasher in that direction and you'll get pwned by its lashing power. medium assault weapons, i like them all, i think the gauss is best for short to mid range sniping for a MA weapon, the cycler is good up close because of its larger clip, only because it outlasts the gauss and pulsar. as for the pulsar, overrall, its the best, powerful up front, good from afar. anti-vehicle weapons, the lancer can be awesome if you know how to use it right and aim correctly. stryker, since they nerfed it, became crappy but we all know it used to pwn before the nerf. stryker is good because its a lock on target, and that makes it useful and easier to use. the pheonix is fun to use but since it has only one round at a time it becomes less useful unless you have multiple people at a time to do time saving damage.
now for the empire vehicles. the prowler, it sucks, its nasty looking, its bulky with bad turning, the chaingun on it isn't easy to use, and the 100mm shells just aren't powerful enough, they don't shoot fast enough to do much, yeah they are good against ground troops but any tank is good against a ground troops, and its good for taking out wall turrets and clearing mines and motion sensors and spitfires. the vanguard, can you say BEAST, the shell may not fire fast buts its a 150 mm shell and does damage like nothing else in the game, one on one with a prowler, it'll pwn it. who cares about the chaingun on it, it has enough shells to last a long time. it is sleak, and quite good looking. the magrider, an unbelievable tank. well lets see, it can float over water, the ultimate mowing machine, the anti everything driver gun is amazing against infantry to any aircraft in its hitting range, if that can't hit it, the main gun will, its fast, and shoots straight. it has an advantage over the vanguard and prowler because you do not have to arc the shell, its a beam that shoots wicked fast and very accurate. it is very good against aircrafts, ground troops, and any ground vehicle.
the buggies. the marauder, for a long time in the game i didn't see the buggies in action but lately i have seen more. the marauder, i don't see many in the game and i don't like it, but the gound pounder is a very very good weapon against infantry. if you get caught in the fire of a ground pounder, you are terribly screwed. the chaingun, its your average 20mm thing, nothing more said. the thresher, no one saw its talent at first but it has become very useful, the thresher is like the mini magrider, it mows just as well over troops, and the pulse weapon is very good against troops as well and for annoying vehicles and aircrafts and it floats over water which makes it useful. the enforcer, i don't see many of them but it packs one hell of a punch. the enforcer is good against infantry, and vehicles, and if you are a good shot, try out aircrafts. the enforcer rocket is a straight shot so there is no arc and makes it much easier to know where you are gonna hit.
damn i had way too much time on my hands tonight, but thats ok, free time is always good.
well, anyway, overrall, the vanu have the best weapons and mostly vehicles, the NC have the most powerful weapons and probably most powerful vehicles, and the TR, well lets just say it takes way too much skill with the combination of luck if you aren't that good at the game.
on another note, this is just my opinion, if you have an opinion, please post, i would love to hear it. thanks for reading.
i went through and checked some spelling mistakes but i really don't feel like going through the rest of it, sorry any other spelling mistakes i missed
2004-01-27, 12:38 AM
.........Yet another person utterly convinced that Lasher orbs explode.....
And that having enough ammo to kill 2 people before a near 5 second reload is a good thing.
2004-01-27, 12:42 AM
yeah read again buddy, don't put words into my thoughts.i said its lashing power will pwn you, i never said it explodes. i use the lasher with my vanu character, i know all about it. please read, don't skim.
2004-01-27, 12:50 AM
45m range an entire clip of Lashes can't even kill a cloaker
At any range, an entire clip of Lashes can not kill 2 agiles
At close range you take an identical ammount of damage as a single JH pellet
Except the damage doesn't degrade for JH at range
Lashes don't work unless the shot has traveled atleast 7m away from the shoot, and then past the target.
What does this translate into? Lashes are weak at best, neglibile at range. With the new ReXo they'll hardly be worth mentioning.
2004-01-27, 04:01 AM
yep, i feel the same way. I gave up my lasher, so i had 4 extre certs to spend on something better.
2004-01-27, 05:18 AM
Actually the Marauder's secondary gun is a 12mm gun, same as the prowler's secondary gun.
Why you'd want an anti-infantry mortar and an anti-infantry chaingun on a vehicle is beyond me...
2004-01-27, 05:20 AM
I do use Lasher however ;P
1 on 1 it does it's job.
It's clipsize is just to gimpy for attacking more than 2 people at a time.
Weak lashes don't make up for the lack of ammo.
2004-01-27, 12:22 PM
BTW, Emerald TR, I've seen your leadership from your CR5s, and that is why the Emerald NC win against you. Your commanders do not try to control your Zerg enough and just let it roam freely.
The fact that the top outfits on Emerald NC all communicate with each other over ventrillo doesn't help you guys any. Strum is a very organized and disiplined outfit that my outfit is in the alliance with, and they realy do get the job done. My outfit is known for its quick responces to hacks on our home continents, allowing the zerg to remain on the offence.
I honestly think it comes down to organization of our outfits rather than weapons. Do the Emerald TR have realy have outfits that earn peoples respect in any way other than Outfit points or pure #s?
Vis Armata
2004-01-27, 01:04 PM
OT: S! to IRONFIST...I've worked with Bishop and Takedown on Ventrilo, and I've enjoyed every minute of it.
2004-01-27, 01:35 PM
Actually the Marauder's secondary gun is a 12mm gun, same as the prowler's secondary gun.
Why you'd want an anti-infantry mortar and an anti-infantry chaingun on a vehicle is beyond me...
I will be the first to say that the Maurader does need some love. :(
That said, as it stands now it is still a good weapons platform for Infantry and AMS hunting and should be used for that. If you attempt to use it for anything else you will be disappionted. BTW, that mortor at a Tower door is an ugly thing to behold.
If they bumped up the 12mm to a 20 mm to give it some vehicle killing power and dinked with the torque some it would be a good buggy.
2004-01-27, 06:03 PM
Yes yes! Thought it would be great if they bump the Marauder Machine gun to 25mm! I mean only the Liberator tail gunner use it.
It would be great as AA defence and moderate AV/AI abilities.
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-27, 07:52 PM
I think all the devs are NC, arn't they? hmmmmmmmmm.........
Cauldron Borne
2004-01-27, 07:54 PM
To whoever made the dumbass post about how TR outfits are in essence exp/# whores: In three days a Genius formed an outfit called LiquidForce with a total of 15 members, At the end of those three days that outfit could use the points earned to have 32 ensignia. 15 people generating THAT much experience in that time. About 4 months ago a conglomerate of outfits- DigitalMarines; BWC; and others took over the entire continent of Esamir in 47 minutes in the name of the Emerald Alliance. Firefly belongs to the BlackWidowCompany, the outfit that owned a large force of NC Vangaurds as they made a futile attempt to cap Oshur. Hmmmmm, sounds like there ARE a few good Outfits out there. Maybe you should look around before you make such posts, lest you risk sticking your foot in your mouth.
2004-01-27, 11:38 PM
Emerald TR are definately getting more organized but still need plenty of work. like i said, i'm terran and i'm relating this to the above post. to that guy, who i am too lazy to go back, find his/her name, and then type this all over again. you are semi correct. in the beginning that is how we did it. until we got a little organized, and we are still there. we're getting better.
2004-01-28, 01:02 AM
Folks, if you really believe it is "organization" that is to blame for TR-emerald problems, then your way off-base. We have great organizations (outfits) in place. True, we have our fair-share of idiot CR5's, but everyone has that problem.
No, the problem lies SOELY in the population imbalance. Now we may disagree as to what is causing the pop imbalances, but they do exist, and they are affecting game play. When one faction logs in and is consistantly under populated, of course they are going to get owned. On the days that pops are more balanced, then we have more balanced win/loss stats.
2004-01-28, 12:46 PM
So you agree that the TR weapons are not terribly unbalanced then, KIAsan?
Edit: The only TR outfit that has much noteriety amung the NC that I know is Enclave, and thats because all they do is do gal drops on Tech-plant gens (do a good job of it though, even if we have another one still up...)
2004-01-28, 02:20 PM
are u guyz kidding me..
NC win... cause we are like the fucking marines.. not cause of our weapons, or vehicles, or we have more players on..
we fight fucking hard.. and got some good ass commanders...(in emerald)
vanu are the toughest to fight..IMO.. i thought they where all zerg.. but i was wrong they actually have stragety behind them.. there maxes.. magriders, and weapons.. kick ass and give much of a challenge.. by far.. the most overpowering empire is VANU believe it or not..
TR are the easiest to fight IMO.. but when they are pissed off.. they give us a run for our money.. that fucking MCG.. ripps u apart.. JH JH JH.. please.. give me a MCG anyday.. that shit is OVERPOWERED..
its all about the effort put.. if most of your players on the empire are playing for killz.. and points.. you aint going no where. u need to fight to win.. not for personal perference...
If there were truely a pop imbalance, the devs would be working to fix it. They are not, so guess what... there is no pop imbalance!
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 02:38 PM
Are you guys kidding me? The NC win cause we are like the fucking marines. Not cause of our weapons, our vehicles or because we have more players on. We fight fucking hard and we have some good ass commanders (on Emerald).
<edited for coherency>
Willingness to fight hard is a factor. As are our weapons, vehicles, population, commanders and a hundred other little things. You can not point to any one single thing as the primary reason NC or any other faction wins.
P.S. Don't compare people pressing keys and moving a mouse to the Marines. The two are not related ;)
If there were truely a pop imbalance, the devs would be working to fix it. They are not, so guess what... there is no pop imbalance!
Please please please tell me that was supposed to be sarcasm.
2004-01-28, 02:51 PM
[QUOTE=Happy lil' Elf]Willingness to fight hard is a factor. As are our weapons, vehicles, population, commanders and a hundred other little things. You can not point to any one single thing as the primary reason NC or any other faction wins.
P.S. Don't compare people pressing keys and moving a mouse to the Marines. The two are not related ;)
damn NC player too.. cant even take a compliment..
u read too much into to it dawg.. smoke a blunt and relax..
2004-01-28, 03:07 PM
I'm shocked it's the only thing in that post of amazingly wrong information that Elf decided to touch on.
2004-01-28, 03:17 PM
oh god.. u and elf got issues.. but that is ok..
as i said in my post .. its all IMO..
can do that right..
its how ic shit.. how i feel about shit..
got fools like u critizing my every word..
2004-01-28, 03:47 PM
You actually see things as the people playing NC across all servers play (fight) harder than the players from the other empires? You're certainly welcome to have your own opinion, just don't be surprised when people point out the gigantic flaws in your theories when you do. The whole thing seems willfully ignorant, but that's also your right.
2004-01-28, 04:25 PM
You actually see things as the people playing NC across all servers play (fight) harder than the players from the other empires? You're certainly welcome to have your own opinion, just don't be surprised when people point out the gigantic flaws in your theories when you do. The whole thing seems willfully ignorant, but that's also your right.
first of.. no.. i dont..
i see it as NC in emerald cause thats where i play...
and im not saying that the other empires dont play hard..
cause if u READ my post.. vanu is the most challenging of the empires.. again IMO..
all empires fight hard....
after the boost that vanu got.. NC IMO became the underdog..
and thats why i feel we fight so hard..
tell me this... at Hossin.. Vanu took over the entire cont..
only one tower left.. watch tower by NC warpgate..
and we held that shit off.. and made a fucking combat..
im speaking for NC cause i play with NC 'dick'
and that all im saying..
i give credit to vanu and tr.. there both tough empires..
just IMO one more then the other
also about ppl playing for just killz and points (personal perfernce)
that was towards all empires.. i was not just aiming at tr and vanu..
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 04:28 PM
damn NC player too.. can't even take a compliment..
u read too much into to it dawg.. smoke a blunt and relax..
Ahhhh, that line explains so much. There's the evidence kiddos, drugs are in fact bad. Thanks for clearing that up Jake :love:
2004-01-28, 04:33 PM
Theonlyone, stfu you dumbass wannabe.
You win because you "fight harder". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And speak normally, wtf are you writing a poem? Nobody can understand anything you say.
2004-01-28, 04:33 PM
:p :stoppost:
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 04:34 PM
I'm shocked it's the only thing in that post of amazingly wrong information that Elf decided to touch on.I know my appologies on that, Mad. I'm usually much more thorough but it's been busy here today so time constraints limited my response. Well, that and I'm trying to stay relatively civil while talking to someone that writes posts that look like they're coming from a 13 year old who is flunking English class.
2004-01-28, 04:37 PM
Theonlyone, stfu you dumbass wannabe.
You win because you "fight harder". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And speak normally, wtf are you writing a poem? Nobody can understand anything you say.
look at this bitch acting hard on a forum...
mofo please..
2004-01-28, 04:46 PM
I know my appologies on that, Mad. I'm usually much more thorough but it's been busy here today so time constraints limited my response. Well, that and I'm trying to stay relatively civil while talking to someone that writes posts that look like they're coming from a 13 year old who is flunking English class.
:rofl: :rofl: u is a funny motherfucker.. acting like u got a stick up ur ass..
relax dawg.. its a game.. and we both play for the same empire..
2004-01-28, 05:12 PM
This is like getting a contact high from hanging out with dope heads. I believe I'm actually getting dumber reading his posts.
2004-01-28, 05:21 PM
then keep reading...
2004-01-28, 05:49 PM
Can you say "derailed"?
2004-01-28, 05:53 PM
We had finally come to the conclusion that generalizing about NC's command superiority was futile.
Please, back on track.
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 06:01 PM
Eh, the thread itself died awhile ago. The question itself is rather flawed and in the end not much more than an invitation to empire bitching /shrug
Lol I figured that this thread didn't have nearly enough opinions, so I thought I'd add another one.
Next up: Balance threads, and why they make baby jesus cry.
2004-01-28, 07:48 PM
OMG i found this GREAT SITE!!!! (
2004-01-28, 08:04 PM
2004-01-28, 08:11 PM
u read too much into to it dawg.. smoke a blunt and relax..
:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
Kids .. read this guys posts , this is the reason to not do drugs EVAR!!!
btw , omfg , now we got 2 gangsta's here now ? first DarkDragon , now this?
damn u need to take a step into reality and realize that u are not cool
if u think u are as cool as u think u are .... TAKE A SECOND LOOK AT YOURSELF!!!!!
u are probly a 12 year old a+ geek sitting there on a gangsta site typing wut u see
2004-01-28, 08:16 PM
Xmodum how old are you?
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 09:50 PM
Who cares, his point is valid :lol:
2004-01-28, 10:18 PM
I have about 5,000-6,000 gauss kills, so I think I can speak about the gauss in this thread, at least :D
you have 440 kills. total. that or Dicepoint b0rked.
2004-01-28, 10:38 PM
you have 440 kills. total. that or Dicepoint b0rked.
You could always look at his signature.
Edit: Ah, I see the 440 now. See, that 440 is this week. Looking at his kill totals leaves little reason to doubt how many have come from the Gauss.
2004-01-28, 10:44 PM
:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
Kids .. read this guys posts , this is the reason to not do drugs EVAR!!!
btw , omfg , now we got 2 gangsta's here now ? first DarkDragon , now this?
damn u need to take a step into reality and realize that u are not cool
if u think u are as cool as u think u are .... TAKE A SECOND LOOK AT YOURSELF!!!!!
u are probly a 12 year old a+ geek sitting there on a gangsta site typing wut u see
LMFAO... if you only new my friend...
talk about 12 years old.. geek..
geek.. far from it guy.. 12 years old.. maybe 14 years ago.. lol..
gangsta? i never said im gangsta..
just street.. mofo..
keep wacking it to milfhunter.. mofo please.. little school girl...
2004-01-28, 10:59 PM
the sad part of this all is that.. the very own NC ppl are against what i said..
im hear trying to defend NC from all the whiners..
and i got this fools poppin shit..
i love coming to PSU.. its a great site..
but there some people in these forums that are like fucking little girls..
"oh no he didnt, uh uh girl.. he just didnot say that.(snap of the fingers). let me go and get intellectual on him"
loosen the fuck up!
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 11:08 PM
Try looking like something other than a semi-literate retard and people might take you seriously. Keep writing posts like a failed rapper with brain damage and be prepared to be treated like the fucking moron you are.
2004-01-28, 11:10 PM
He posted this tripe before and got the same attention. Then he didn't for a while and everybody ignored him. Some people just didn't get enough love from Mom and Dad, and it's the duty of every person on the internet to help fill that void in their lives.
2004-01-28, 11:11 PM
thank u little drawf... u just proved my point..
2004-01-28, 11:14 PM
He posted this tripe before and got the same attention. Then he didn't for a while and everybody ignored him. Some people just didn't get enough love from Mom and Dad, and it's the duty of every person on the internet to help fill that void in their lives.
both of u motherfukers are LITTLE FUCKING GIRLS..
i see your replys to other post.. u go and try to belittle people..
what.. where u too bullied when u where kids?
sexually frustrated are u?
is this how u feel that u better then others?
both of u is like little bitches
2004-01-28, 11:30 PM
I'm sensing a lot of pent up anger here.... :scared: maybe you should join the server and take it out on the smurfs, or teh commies, which ever your preferance.
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 11:55 PM
That's right kiddo, just keep digging yourself deeper.
Wait, lemme rephrase that in a way you can comprehend:
y0 u lil bich..
keap postn dta bulshut.. nt
evryon thiks ure a fukin
idoit yt.. but tehy wll suun..
There ya go dipshit. Maybe you get it now. Then again considering the abysmul comprehesion skills we've seen you demonstrate so far, probably not.
2004-01-28, 11:57 PM
Did you just call me a little girl? That kicked ass. That was way more satisfying that an actual, well thought-out insult. Grats.
2004-01-29, 12:02 AM
The rest of the forum> :blowup: <TheOnlyOne
2004-01-29, 12:55 AM
:rofl: Elf, too funny. Too much too quote.
Did you just call me a little girl? That kicked ass. That was way more satisfying that an actual, well thought-out insult. Grats.
Ah you guys kill me. :lol:
2004-01-29, 03:09 AM
Hmm, I haven't seen this many double/triple posts full of s*#& since EvilH himself.
Back on topic (sort of), Population balance is the cause. Those who argue lack of a population balance, need to do a few /whos during their game time. I do it frequently each time I play. 75% of my observed time (on emerald), NC have a significant population compared to VS or TR. VS and TR seem to vary between themselves (sometimes more TR, sometimes more VS). This is observed fact, maybe I just need to start keeping graphs. The argument that "since the devs aren't working on it, means it doesn't exist" is a pretty empty argument. I, for one, beleive they ARE working on it, it just goes slowly.
Now, as to cause of the imbalance, I didn't post my reasons, as everyone differs in their opinion. HOWEVER, I do think that weapons balance is one of the culprits. No, TR doesn't fight with plastic sporks and cardboard tanks (though listening to some of the whining, that is what it sounds like). However, our weapons do have some problems. Look at the proposed "fixes" coming from the devs (prowler 25mm, Dual Cycler change to AI, New AV Max to replace pounder). Also look at other "fixes" (eliminate the JH quad shot, JH reload time on triple shot, upgraded Rexo, fix Surge). As you can see, these changes in total will effectively "buff" TR, while effectively "nerfing" NC. I don't like using these terms, but overall, you can see that things will become a bit more balanced. As to helping VS, I really think they are getting overlooked by the Devs. Maybe because you don't see a lot of VS whining about their crap weapons. I for one would like to see the hitbox on the mag increased a bit (since mowing is a valid tactic). As it is now, a AMS mows like a mofo (to use the double/triple post moron language), while a mag gives you a gentle shove. But I digress.
How does this affect populations? Well, you do have a lot of the "grass-is-greener" types that go where they think the most fun will be (bigger weapons = fun). So, after the last balance pass, they fled to NC. After the devs spork it up a bit, you will probably see them flee back to TR. I just hope they get it right this time. I, for one, don't want to see NC end up where TR is now. I don't consider it a fun fight beating up on a weak empire (there is no challenge in it). BTW, in case your wondering, I do have a NC character too.
Anyway, I hope we can end this thread (9 pages is a bit much to follow). If you really want to talk Balance, empire populations, empire flavor, why empires dominate, start a new dang thread PLEASE!
2004-01-29, 09:45 AM
That's right kiddo, just keep digging yourself deeper.
Wait, lemme rephrase that in a way you can comprehend:
y0 u lil bich..
keap postn dta bulshut.. nt
evryon thiks ure a fukin
idoit yt.. but tehy wll suun..
There ya go dipshit. Maybe you get it now. Then again considering the abysmul comprehesion skills we've seen you demonstrate so far, probably not.
oooh u got me my son.. u go happy lil shit...
ill keep you and madcow right under my wing..
and madcow.. heh.. you will catch it soon...
uncle... dawg please.. u can do better then that..
little fuckin girls..
All tanks have the same hitbox, so the mag is fine. Regarding population, I have honestly never seen a significant difference between 5 cst and 12 cst. After 12, the population drops so even minor imbalances show up as much greater on the % indicators.
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-29, 10:24 AM
Erm I guess I haven't done any testing, and currently can't but I don't think all Tanks have the same hitbox. If that were true any shots that hit the top of a Prowler should go right through.
I'm pretty sure the horizontal hitbox is the same. I'm not sure about the vertical dimensions of the hitbox. Maybe having the shot go right through the prowler is not the result of the hitbox, maybe the shot will hit the van when it shouldn't according to the model.
2004-01-29, 07:48 PM
All tanks have the same hitbox, so the mag is fine. Regarding population, I have honestly never seen a significant difference between 5 cst and 12 cst. After 12, the population drops so even minor imbalances show up as much greater on the % indicators.
I don't think population is level for 7 hours although I do conceed that prime time is usually good (around 4 hours total from my observations). But after that.... This is a 24 hour game, so the other 17-20 hours things get a bit challenging. Also, if nc = 46%, tr=28% and vs = 26%, I don't care if there are only 100 players online, NC is gonna own and that sucks for the others.
I do think that the change to pop caps will help this out though (which will counter those huge population advantages). Also, the minor tweaks the devs are doing should provide a bit of relief. I would have liked to see better population xp/health advantages, even a speed spawn advantage to make up for disparate populations, but I don't think they will be making those changes.
Anyway, I'm in the wait-and-see mode anyway. Hopefully, things will improve in the coming months.
The other 17-20 hours have very little bearing on the average player's experience while in game.
2004-01-29, 11:13 PM
The other 17-20 hours have very little bearing on the average player's experience while in game.
Dude, I can't believe that comment. If I don't play in prime time, my game experience doesn't count???? God, I hope that was troll bait, if so, it worked well. :lol:
2004-01-29, 11:37 PM
Dude, I can't believe that comment. If I don't play in prime time, my game experience doesn't count???? God, I hope that was troll bait, if so, it worked well. :lol:
I don't think thats how it was meant.
The events that take place while you are not playing have little bering on your play experience.
You might be fighting on a different continent, but you'll still be fighting the same way.
It was not meant to offend, it's just that the devs most likely won't be too alarmed by large % population imbalances at 4 am est. If the pops are balanced during primetime, I honestly don't think it's a problem.
2004-01-30, 12:41 AM
Yeah, I see your point. Keep things working for the majority, even if it sucks for that 10%. SOE=$$$ :lol:
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-30, 12:37 PM
BDM does have a very valid point. If you play at 6am CST and the populations are unbalanced don't be too suprised. If you're experiencing population imbalances because you play at an odd hour it's not really something the devs can fix =\ If primetime is ending up relatively even as far as populations go....../shrug
It doesn't sound too nice but 'tis the way it is.
2004-01-30, 12:42 PM
the sad part of this all is that.. the very own NC ppl are against what i said..
im hear trying to defend NC from all the whiners..
and i got this fools poppin shit..
i love coming to PSU.. its a great site..
but there some people in these forums that are like fucking little girls..
"oh no he didnt, uh uh girl.. he just didnot say that.(snap of the fingers). let me go and get intellectual on him"
loosen the fuck up!
Please tell me Vanilla Ice doesn't play Planetside...
2004-01-30, 12:54 PM
It seems he does. :lol:
BDM does have a very valid point. If you play at 6am CST and the populations are unbalanced don't be too suprised. If you're experiencing population imbalances because you play at an odd hour it's not really something the devs can fix =\ If primetime is ending up relatively even as far as populations go....../shrug
It doesn't sound too nice but 'tis the way it is.
Yeah, but what chaps my ass is the fact that I can't play during primetime any more because of the out of control lag situation, which is frustrating on so many levels. Fortunately I work a lot of afternoon/evening shifts so I usually can sneak on in the morning, but it is really annoying to either face crippling lag or unbalanced teams.
2004-01-30, 02:22 PM
Or what could be happening is what takes place almost every night on one continent or another: Unballanced 3-ways. I cant count the number of times Cershyen or Ishundar were under attack by VS/NC and we cant save our own damn home cont because it pop-locks us out with half the people that one of the other sides has. It makes no difference what the server empire pops are at that point, your still gonna get mowed over by an unequal Zerg force
With the current pop-lock system it is imperative that you respond quickly to any attack on a home continent if you intend to keep it. Until the pop-lock numbers are changed, you will be locked out if you don't immediately start moving people in.
2004-01-30, 02:36 PM
I am just stating that as a possible explination for the problems that guy was talking about. I know I have experienced unexplainable overwhelming odds before and now that the Devs finally admitted it, we can avoid these situations now.
2004-01-30, 02:52 PM
Please tell me Vanilla Ice doesn't play Planetside...
:rofl: .... :nono: just some one speaking there mind..
and didnt get no where.. its all good thou.. im here for the game.. and not a bunch of fruit cakes... bitch and moan about insignficant things.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-30, 04:08 PM
nc wins because they have superior ground forces, vans, and enforcers are no match for the VS ground troops, however VS has air superiority
2004-01-30, 04:39 PM
nc wins because they have superior ground forces, vans, and enforcers are no match for the VS ground troops, however VS has air superiority
i disagree with you Neon.. i feel the VS have a excellent ground force. as there magriders, max, and lashers kick major arse!!! the mobility of there vehicles and maxes are extremely efficent as ground forces.. they are tough to beat.
2004-01-30, 05:18 PM
Problem with the VS and TR ground assaults is that not enough people use their armor. How many tanks are in an NC zerg versus a VS or TR zerg? The TR will claim that it's because their tank takes 3 people, but it is perfectly usable with 2, and nobody who has the cert is gonna gun for one(for the most part).
What I usually see when the NC zerg comes against a VS zerg is 4 VS Mags running in seperate directions getting taken out by 2-4 Vans that stay close together and probably complaining about the overpowered Van.
When we come against a TR zerg, it's a compeltely different story. I usually see 0-2 tanks, but if there is more than one, they're usually close together.
I think the Mag's strafing ability may have turned alot of VS off to staying close to another Mag. They tend to collide alot.
I drive a Lightning, and let me tell you that sticking together is all that keeps you alive alot of time. Being in a group keeps you from being a target for everyone, since people divide their fire, and it gives you cover so you can retreat and repair when damaged.
I think tactics plays a big role in what's going on as well. I've seen some really good fights over the last few days with very near equivelant forces of TR and VS. After battles like these, I have determined that the NC advantage(outside of numbers) is very slight.
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-30, 07:16 PM
I agree with Mudflap. The assaults I've seen by the TR or VS that were successful all had a couple of things in common. One being air superiority usually through the use of Reaver packs the second being what appear to be organized packs of 3+ Prowlers and Magriders.
When they use their armor to the full effectiveness both TR and VS can blow over a continent rather quickly. I've seen it happen on Solsar many times. I think part of it comes from suprise factor. Seeing 5-10 prowlers coming down the road is something NC isn't used to and not used to defending against.
To expand on an earlier thought, every time I've had my ass kicked off of a continent in record time there has been one dominating factor: Air superiority. Yes you need ground forces to actually take the bases but if you can keep the skies clear and keep virtually any enemy armor from functioning while at the same time pressing the attack and utilizing your own armor units you've basically won the day. All that's left is the tedious step in between of actually taking the bases :p.
2004-01-31, 03:56 AM
Yes, air superiority is almost everything. Win the skies, and that's over half the battle.
That is a weakness NC have; I'd be scared to think what happens after they fix the lock on bug with the striker/sparrow.
As for tonight on Emerald, the NC have 7 conts locked with a 37/32/31 advantage because all the TR and VS are went to Amerish and there's no room for NC there heh.
2004-01-31, 06:16 AM
As for tonight on Emerald, the NC have 7 conts locked with a 37/32/31 advantage because all the TR and VS are went to Amerish and there's no room for NC there heh.
NC ended up locking 8 conts, with 2 bases left on Amerish to take when they decided they absolutely had to reboot the server. Once the last TR base was taken their population dropped to 21%, the VS were still trying to hold on to their last 2 bases.
2004-02-01, 04:58 PM
Yes, air superiority is almost everything. Win the skies, and that's over half the battle.
That is a weakness NC have; I'd be scared to think what happens after they fix the lock on bug with the striker/sparrow.
As for tonight on Emerald, the NC have 7 conts locked with a 37/32/31 advantage because all the TR and VS are went to Amerish and there's no room for NC there heh.
Uhh, TR never keep Air superiority, since the burster can't clear high alt air. Handheld AV will not turn the battle at all.
As to that NC night, I saw NC pop in the 40s for a while. We tried to defend at first, but most TR got fed up and went to Amerish to fight a balanced fight. We had a really good time for many hours, with a lot of quality battles. That is until the NC finished zerging the world and intruded. Since we were now in a 3 way, most folks like me got tired of it and quit. This was yet another case of imbalanced populations causing problems for the other 2 empires. It happened again last night, yet this time it was TR that ended up in the 40s for a while. We did the same thing, with the VS and NC pulling out to fight each other. Unfortunately, we didn't keep the Uber Population so we could Lock the entire world (think we had 5 locks and were working on the 6th when population declined).
So, since we can all pretty much point to population imbalances as the culprit, then we need a fix. Only fix I can see is to beef up the population modifiers. Give the lower population a healthy xp, health and respawn advantages, at the same time give the uber population a healthy xp, cep and respawn reduction. That may deter and balance these populations, thus making the fighting a little more fun for us all.
2004-02-01, 05:12 PM
Agreed. The pop. modifiers need to be fixed...+1% Xp bonus, or +3% HP bonus are useless. Faster respawn is a good solution to pop. imbalances, as well as extra HP (more than the useless amounts now). Don't think they should take away a % of the XP.
2004-02-01, 06:24 PM
Agreed. The pop. modifiers need to be fixed...+1% Xp bonus, or +3% HP bonus are useless. Faster respawn is a good solution to pop. imbalances, as well as extra HP (more than the useless amounts now). Don't think they should take away a % of the XP.
I agree the exp change is worthless plus since you respawn with 100hp ether way the health bonus is nothing.
Another solution would be to increase the starting BR and CR when making a new character to incourage new characters because of the bonus. Like a trial.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-01, 06:31 PM
Uhh, TR never keep Air superiority, since the burster can't clear high alt air. Handheld AV will not turn the battle at all.
Couple of problems with that argument. First of all, it isn't high altitude that determines air superiority. Gals and Libs aren't much of a concern. Yes a Lib can maul your V-pad a few times, but where there are packs of reavers and mossys buzzing around, you don't need an AA MAX to take them out. The other flaw I see is that AA MAXs for all the empires do a rather piss poor job of taking out high altitude aircraft if the pilot is anything but a drooling retard. Sure the Sparrow and Starfire can get a couple of shots into a high flying lib as it makes a run, but unless there are a lot of them firing, they aren't going to take it down.
Air superiority is not keeping the skies clear over your bases, at least not for the purpose of winning continents. is to a certain degree., but more important is filling every square inch of enemy held land with Reavers and Mossys, and that's something both TR and VS do/did very well in my experience.
The burster, in my opinion, is the best AA max by far. The lack of lock-on warning is a huge advantage, and its ttk is very fast to boot. The only real problem with the burster is that most TR that have the cert seem more interested in spamming infantry than suppressing enemy air =/
Any dedicated pilot will tell you that the most dangerous (not intimidating) AA platforms are bursters and skyguards. You won't know they are there until you are already dead.
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