View Full Version : April Fools Idea for the Devs

2004-01-26, 12:46 PM
I was thinking about how cool it was they made graphical Christmas themes this year. For April Fools I think they could really pull a fast one on all of us:

Make all empire weapons available at terms for that day only. It would just be an insane free for all, be great fun, and also be great press

2004-01-26, 01:28 PM
That would be fun I would load up on lashers and n00bhammers all day.

P.S. I'm posting from school yay for me.

2004-01-26, 01:48 PM

2004-01-26, 01:49 PM
I think it would be funny if the switched armor colors TR colors go to NC, NC colors go to VS and VS colors go to TR

2004-01-26, 01:54 PM
It would really be a fools joke if everyone had no certs or implants all day, but the HART would come every 8.5 seconds to take you around... massive Gettysburg style war :)

2004-01-26, 02:00 PM
Make all empire weapons available at terms for that day only. It would just be an insane free for all, be great fun, and also be great press

I would go one step further and make it so you can not use your empires weapons just the other 2 empire's stuff.

2004-01-26, 02:01 PM
It would really be a fools joke if everyone had no certs or implants all day, but the HART would come every 8.5 seconds to take you around... massive Gettysburg style war :)
I like that better.
P.S. I'm still at school yay for me.

2004-01-26, 02:01 PM
I would go one step further and make it so you can not use your empires weapons just the other 2 empire's stuff.
ahh yes, good point and I like the color switching too.

2004-01-26, 02:55 PM
Hrmm... how about they backout all of the CC code for a day, and remove the lag?

Now THAT would be a great April Fools joke!

2004-01-26, 03:18 PM
LOL backout all the CC code psycho! :) you know, if this happend, the weapons free for all. you know everyone would have phoenixes and JHs :)

2004-01-26, 04:23 PM
I would love the weapons free for all idea, and also something I was thinking of would be completely random but funny. Maybe have vechciles rain from the sky and explode on impact, or make everyone spawn at the flight ceiling and fall down above the spawn point (but not die from the fall). But I think the codeing for at least the vechcile idea might be hard, and it would produce lag and other problems, like how many vechciles fall per how many meters. The servers I would also wonder if they could handle that many vechciles on a contient along with the normal amount of people on each one. So, knowing this I would go with the free for all idea or whatever they can think up.

2004-01-26, 04:27 PM
meteor shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!111oneoneone

actually, would be cool this whole free for all idea. just make sure you don't need certs for it.

2004-01-26, 04:46 PM
It would really be a fools joke if everyone had no certs or implants all day, but the HART would come every 8.5 seconds to take you around... massive Gettysburg style war :)

That would be awsome!

2004-01-27, 12:45 PM
Revenge of the supressors!

2004-01-27, 01:51 PM
P.S. I'm still at school yay for me.

2004-01-27, 03:54 PM

2004-01-27, 04:02 PM
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

2004-01-27, 08:30 PM
:lol: :rofl: http://www.p0stwh0res.com/images/whocares6.jpg :rofl: :lol:

2004-01-27, 09:01 PM
:lol: gary colmen, that crazy midget!

2004-01-27, 09:14 PM
roflmao!! :rofl:

2004-01-27, 09:16 PM
Aztec-ROFLMAO-post in 3....