View Full Version : What games do you hate?

2004-01-27, 11:05 PM
Everybody has some. That bargain-bin special that looked good at first, but failed, the overrated MOD, the half-baked game that turned out to be full of bugs...the list goes on.

Rebel Assault 2 (LucasArts)- I don't know what genre this goes under, really. It's Space Sim/Third Person shooter. The graphics were entirely sprites on pictures, a step BACKWARDS from Dark Forces, which had sprites on a 3D background a la Doom. The gameplay mainly consisted of descent ship combat, until you had to fly through faciliites and asterioids, where you crashed into shit and died. The shooter parts sucked even more, consisting of you popping up from behind cover to shoot enemies. This got harder as the game went on until on one level you had to shoot Thermal Detonators (grenades) mid-air. PC Gamer gave it like a 6X% score. PC Gamer was clearly paid off.

Counter-Strike (Sierra)- This was fun for a while. However, it died out when people started pulling amazing shit on me. Hacks or no hacks, it got old fast as pretty much every map was de_dust, with as_oilrig added occasionaly for fun. The thing that ticked me off most was that when you died, your reward for not staying three corners behind, ducking behind a box, away from the enemy, with your thumb up your ass, was a nice four minute wait until respawn as the timer went down due to a sniper war. I eventually threw in the towel for good when my friend jumped, ducked mid-air, scoped on, fired one shot, hit me in the head, and then hit the floor with the AW/M.

Halo (Bungie)- The game is good. Yes. The game is good.

It is not the best game in the world. This game is SO overrated. Sure, I love splattering the blue-blooded Covenant aliens over my Warthog hood just as much as the next guy, but it's NOT the best game ever, unlike OTHERS would say. I would give it a 4/5, while others will burn me at the stake for not giving it 6/5.

Xtreme Air Racing (OuterBound Games)- My dad decided to get me this along with my uber Saitek joystick. This game sucks. On easy mode, everyone else sucks ass. On medium mode, you suck. The engine options are very realistic, however, merely banking your plane creates drag and takes off like 2 MPH, allowing someone to pass you. There's always this old guy giving you hints, which mainly are either obvious (Go easy on the nitrous) because you really shouldn't mash the nitrous key unlike CERTAIN OTHER RACING GAMES *cough NFS:U cough* or he spazzes out because you're flying "too low". (Hope the water's not too cold.) I go low because I don't suck at flying, thank you. The announcer sounds like the guy (and I think it is, Gordon Bowman Jones) from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. He is so fucking repetitive. Not only that, he has the unnerving ability to call a plane by the biggest name possible. "Original Navy F4U Corsair" instead of "Blue Corsair" or "Number 22, the Corncob!" instead of "#22".

And just don't, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES try the combat mode. It sucks so much it's not funny. Two little streams of orange blasts from the nose (despite the fact that the P-51 had six guns on the wings with red tracers) come out, and like six hits kill someone, and "kill" as in their plane emits smoke, slows down, and hits the ground. This is on easy. On hard, he turns so much that he can't be seen. Keep in mind you can't track him. If you lose sight, it's over.

Secret Weapons over Normandy (LucasArts): This is LucasArts' low point. The game tries to put itself off as realistic, but it's not. It's not a flight sim at all, it's a frigging arcade game, and a sucky one at that- EVERYTHING about this game is horrible. EVERYTHING. The "flight model", armament...there used to be a post listing all the problems I found with the game. I went from A, B, C to AF, which is over 30.

Add your own!

2004-01-27, 11:21 PM
Worst games ever, in no particular order or platform.

1. Anything with Britney Spears in the name
2. That kareoke game on the PS2
3. FDNY Fire fighter
4. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/bigrigsotrr/review.html)
5. Mad Dog Mcree and its sequal (their combine review score from PC gamer is like 6%)
6. Shaq Fu (old SNES game)
7. Halo (most overated. game. ever. It's only popular because it's the only decent FPS on any console.)
8. Counter-strike (The game is OLD. Let it die in peace for God's sake.)

2004-01-27, 11:27 PM
Armored Core 2: Worst controls ever.

Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter: Overhyped: OMG U CNA FLI IN SPACE!!!!1

Hitman 2: Yes, Im a genetically engineered killing machine. This, however, should not mean I can take a sniper round to the back of the skull and walk it off while a deagle round to the foot will kill most folks.

Metroid Prime: Simply because the version I rente came complete with a huge game-crashing scratch on it. I could only get briefly into the jungle level =(

Amplitude: Because it can ONLY be played with surround sound. My TV's sound system sucks ass. Its a rocking game, other than that

2004-01-27, 11:56 PM
THE game. THIS game.

if you know waht i mean. i don't wanna be banned.

2004-01-28, 12:02 AM
1-Planetside(try playing with 256 ramm)
2-Minorty report

2004-01-28, 04:06 AM
alright I'll say it! PlANETSIDE because either I had the completely wrong idea of what it was gonna be like in my head, or once again the Internaional Association of Fuck Tards and AssHats all decided to play this game. (thats right the IAFTAH)

but in all fairness i the game did have some of the sweetest moments Ive ever had in m entire game playing life. I guess just too few of em.

2004-01-28, 04:36 AM
we know what you mean 1024, the game of life sucks!....

well, id like to say i love AC2, but thats just me, i have no problem with complex controls

worst. games. evar.
1.EVERCRACK! i played it, wasted quite some time into it, blew goats, i did alot it had to offer, IE, raids, loot, smithed, drank beer, fished, camped, ect, just sucked
2. Twisted metal, 3 and above.
3. Jedi knight 2.

.....now that i think about it, i never really played any bad games, because i only bought the ones i knew would be good.

2004-01-28, 06:20 AM


2004-01-28, 07:01 AM

2004-01-28, 07:04 AM
Home Alone 2 for the Game Boy...

Seriously the hardest game ever made.

2004-01-28, 04:25 PM
Umm ps is cool now. sorry.

Umm i hate...hrm, I dont hate ghost recon, but i think it is pretty overrated.

2004-01-28, 04:34 PM
Halo.....heard what a great game it was,spent my hard earned bucks on sheeeet! :mad: Any game that has giggling little npc's bites!

Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 04:42 PM
Oh, if we're listing the most overrated games I'm going to go with (in no particular order) CS, Starcraft, Diablo 2 and Halo.

Most overrated company goes to Blizzard without a doubt.

2004-01-28, 04:45 PM
I love halo, especially for PC and online. Damn thats a fun game

Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-28, 04:52 PM
Halo is a good game, go fuck yourself if you dont like it.

2004-01-28, 05:18 PM
The Sims cuz everyone talked it up so much when it came out. The only fun i ever had was walling my little people in. I dont like any of the Deer Hunter games eitehr just cuz i think they are kinda boring.

Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 05:43 PM
Halo is a good game, go fuck yourself if you dont like it.I shall counter your brilliant "go fuck yourself" argument with a witty "Eat shit and die you worthless fucking scrotum sucker" argument.

2004-01-28, 05:50 PM
Anything not PS.

2004-01-28, 05:55 PM
You gota be crazy!

Counter-Strike, Star Craft, and Halo are some of the BEST games EVER made!

Proof: They are not dead yet, and they have been around for a LONG time, CS is now comming out with an expantion and moved to Xbox. Halo is comming out with Halo 2, which is going to be one of the biggest games this year.

Ohh, yeah and diablo is uhh ok yeah I dono...

Now for the worst game EVER... EverQuest...

Thanks you

2004-01-28, 06:07 PM
You gota be crazy!

Nope I'm serious.

Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 06:08 PM
Note I said overrated, not bad. They are indeed decent games. The best things ever made? Not so much.

2004-01-28, 06:09 PM
I am pretty sure your crazy, you have a monkey in your profile and you want people to tell you WHAT IS THAT THING... lol.. I like you man, but your crazy (old school)

2004-01-28, 06:21 PM
Planetside only because I hate sony's customer support. They screwed my broke ass over when someone was using my cd-kay. "Go buy another version." Yea right like I want to pay twice for one frikin game along with monthly payments. What ever, Counter-strike is teh good it will never die, its fun when you compete in cal-m against actual mature players unlike me.


2004-01-28, 06:28 PM
star craft, i hate starcraft, it blows so much goats, TA all the way.

2004-01-28, 07:02 PM
how can you hate starcraft? That game is the best.

but anyway I hate...

Tribes 2 (took out everything that was fun in tribes 1 and then made the graphics good)
Savage (it gets old sooooooo fast)
Everquest (you might as well just smoke)
Americas Army (Everyone would always just used the M4 with the grenade launcher and would kill you from a distance within the first 20 seconds of a game. Then they would just camp and you'd get to wait for 10 minutes before playing)

2004-01-28, 07:04 PM
I hate CS, yes TA is far better than Starcraft, but starcraft doen't suck

2004-01-28, 09:06 PM
i just dont like starcraft, when i see that game, and i see two hordes of units start to attack each other, all they do is stand still and fire, thats the basis of combat in the game, the stratigic parts of the game all have to do with building your empire. granted, there are some stratigic things you can do, like run lurkers beind a enemy base and sink them, or so on, but its not that great.

2004-01-28, 09:31 PM
Halo is good, just not the BEST GAME OF THE CENTURY like SOME PEOPLE say. I don't care if you say it rocks, that's fine, but it is not the best ever. Period.

The problem with StarCraft is "No Rush 20" matches (no attacks until 20 minutes, so the other asshole can mass Carriers in impunity so that when released, death is certain). This kills any tactical advantages, like distraction attacks, expanding, etc.

Money maps are another issue. They are everyone's guilty pleasure, but then the game boils down to an economic war. Who mines the most in a certain amount of time?

Play a non-money map. Trust me. It adds a whole new dimension- sure, you can mass Hatcheries, but does your mineral supply allow you? Money maps lead to the mass attacks Everay talked about. Mass 120 Hydras and you're good to go, instead of dispatching several mixed squads with different roles.