View Full Version : Things that downright piss you off
2004-01-28, 02:53 AM
Excuse my "French" but I was recently watching ROTK in the cinema today. I would have enjoyed it fully except there was a group of 13 year old boys who just had to ruin the experience. They laughed whenever they saw Denethor. They said "ewwww" when Frodo kissed Samwise at the Grey Havens. They started clapping and cheering when Aragorn became king. These were the kids that you have the temptation to punch in the face and then kick them in the balls. Then of course you could report them.
Tell me what makes you angry. Share your stories.
2004-01-28, 03:21 AM
Linkin Park also.
2004-01-28, 03:22 AM
Indeed, thank you for saving my thread. Here, have a TNT filled biscuit. Give it to the people who viewed this thread but never replied.
2004-01-28, 03:28 AM
I hate alot of things, If I listed them, I would crash PSU. Lets just say I am full of hate and spite. Mmmm..spite.
2004-01-28, 03:30 AM
I hate alot of things, If I listed them, I would crash PSU. Lets just say I am full of hate and sprite. Mmmm..sprite.
Fixed :D
2004-01-28, 03:31 AM
2004-01-28, 03:34 AM
Oh just list them Dhark. As the second-in-command officer in the thread, I demand you list them.
2004-01-28, 03:46 AM
Kids man i hate kids... correction I dont hate kids.. I hate people who act like kids no matter what the age.
I also hate bugs... all bugs ALL of them!!!!!
oh and I hate xmodum because it just seems to be the in thing to do.
2004-01-28, 03:50 AM
Meh, I'll list the ones off the top of my head
the Brady Bunch
Green Olives
Diet pop
Drunken assholes who yell at you
All people who use internet shorthand.
Howard Dean.
Email Spam.
The Government
Goths (The asshat ones)
Skateboarders (The asshat ones)
Being too hot
Being too cold
Being angry
Dr. Pepper
Old eggs
Racists, of any kind, (Really, they suck)
That's just a few of the things I can think of off the top of my head
2004-01-28, 04:49 AM
:mad: Rap music.
It really does suck!
2004-01-28, 04:49 AM
yea, howard deen sucks balls.
i hate kids, most kids, rather, kids that act like kids, and i dont mean a funny ha ha way, i mean a lil stupid bitch way.
Pepsi, i hate pepsi
i hate bad games
i hate to waste money
i hate school
i hate frame rate lag
i hate the inablity to sleep at night
i well thats it, i just plain old hate, im full of spite too, but i hold it in, oh, and thats another thing, i FUCKING HATE SPRITE!
2004-01-28, 06:17 AM
When minimum wage fuckfaggot bitches close Jack In The Box 1 half hour early because they SUCk FAT PENIS! Motherfuckers, i didn't get dressed and walk my happy ass down there in 45 degree weather to find out those stupid incompetent fucks closed EARLY! YOU WORK FOR $6.75 /hr CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKS. FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK
Edit: Oh, i also hate Strygun. Motherfuck you :)
2004-01-28, 07:03 AM
Wiggers. Yes, wiggers. Straight from the hard projects of upper-class white suburbia. Treating girls like shit, oh that knight in shining South Pole armor.
2004-01-28, 09:11 AM
love you too squeeky
2004-01-28, 09:11 AM
Selfish Bastards
2004-01-28, 10:06 AM
love you too squeeky
I love you more!
2004-01-28, 10:52 AM
I hate mostly everything... cept some stuff in a small section of Iowa...
But what I really hate is: Diet Soda, Vanilla Coke, Martha Stewart, and Spiders
2004-01-28, 12:37 PM
AH! MARTHA STEWART! That's who I forgot!
People who have no fucking grasp on the simplest of technologies, much like my mom, who is perplexed and dumbfounded by anything more elaborate than a lamp switch.
2004-01-28, 12:42 PM
:rofl: And those people who have that, look, on their face, like, stinky confusion, CONSTANTLY, I WANT TO PUNCH THEM.
2004-01-28, 12:45 PM
My list would be far, far to long.
2004-01-28, 12:47 PM
2004-01-28, 01:03 PM
People who get in my way on the highway
People who get in my way on MY highway
Fixed it for ya.
2004-01-28, 01:12 PM
Any body who thinks they are "Ghetto".......and porkchops.
2004-01-28, 01:56 PM
Wtf is wrong with porkchops?
People who get in my way on the highway
Isn't that why the side of your truck(or was it a car) a while back got dented?
2004-01-28, 02:16 PM
I hate it when you brother or sister or parnets look over your shoulder when your on the computer and i hate Pop Music or Hip Hop Music. Oh and I hate those damn assholes who get your order wrong at fast food resturants. :furious:
2004-01-28, 02:53 PM
People who get in my way on the highway
Oh cool, Hamma posted in my thread.
Anyway, cockroaches also make me angry. I kill one whenever I see it, currently I want my mum to put a cockroach bomb in the bathroom, where their lair is and one in my bedroom.
Why the fuck do people hate Martha? Wtf did she do to you guys?
2004-01-28, 03:49 PM
2004-01-28, 04:15 PM
People who think they no everying about something and act all high and mighty, when they really dont.
2004-01-28, 04:16 PM
2004-01-28, 04:17 PM
People who have no fucking grasp on the simplest of technologies, much like my mom, who is perplexed and dumbfounded by anything more elaborate than a lamp switch.
Yes, and adults that can comprehend when you know more than them
My sister
Skater Punks (note not all skaters just teh punks)
Stoners (some i make exceptions for)
and Assholes in general
2004-01-28, 04:17 PM
He doesn't piss me off, I just have aboslutely NO idea what hes talking about 99% of the time.
EDIT: referring to ait'al
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-28, 04:50 PM
hmm things that piss me off lets see
2004-01-28, 04:54 PM
excessively negative people :D
Happy lil Elf
2004-01-28, 05:50 PM
2004-01-28, 05:55 PM
getting shot.
2004-01-28, 05:58 PM
stupid ppl (the REALLY stupid ppl)
also ppl who try to join a conversation you're in by saying something completely offtopic of the conversation
2004-01-28, 06:09 PM
The Hispanics who block the entire fucking hallway entrance in the morning
Country Music
2004-01-28, 06:22 PM
I think that 99.9% of the things I hate can be traced back to a single root. Stupid people. I hate and despise stupid people with a passion like no other. Almost everything that can or should be hated in this world is a result of stupid people. Here's just part of my list.
1. Braille on drive up ATMs
2. Manholes placed perfectly so your tires will hit them. Not in the middle of the road where nobody drives.
3. Directions on food that say things like "remove aluminum foil wrapper before eating".
4. People who drive without their headlights on in the rain or snow or during twilight and say things like "well I can see, so why should I have my lights on".
5. Road construction that blocks off one lane for FIVE MILES before there is any actual construction happening.
6. People sue others because they are stupid.
7. Those people who tried to sue a bunch of restaurants for making them fat.
8. The IDIOT who suggested that the Master/Slave labeling of hard drives be changed because it's racially offensive.
9. Dr. Phil, because he's the devil.
10. Oprah
11. Martha Stewart, because she is the dark lord of Martha's Vineyard (where the devil will go when he dies).
12. Every reality show ever made and the people who thought them up.
13. Al Gore
14. People who take credit for stuff they didn't do
15. People who look at me with a weird face when I give the impression that I like to learn.
16. People who don't want to learn new things.
17. People who can't figure ANYTHING out on their own.
18. People who think they know computers (or any subject) but really don't have a clue.
19. Anybody who uses leet speak for any other reason than to mock the people who use it seriously.
20. People who can't take responsibility for anything.
21. Hippies
22. People who think a kid's self esteem is more important than his/her self discipline.
23. Spelling nazis
24. People that make fun of people who are better than them
25. People who think that everybody is equal and that nobody is better than anybody else.
26. People who blame everybody's problems on genetics.
27. People who eat constantly and don't know why they're fat.
28. Parents who won't discipline their child in a public place.
29. Parents who won't discipline their child and still take the little brat to public places.
30. Parents who say that everything that's wrong with their kid is somebody else�s fault.
31. Drugs that cure your fear of public places but have side effects like nausea, diarrhea, halitosis, fatigue, irritability, etc.
32. Chicks who date asshats and complain to the nice guys (me) about how their boy friend is an complete fucktard who treats them like shit.
33. People who base all their decisions on how it makes them feel rather than using some shred of logic.
34. People who spend twice as much money as they make and then complain about being in debt.
35. People who think that stupid people have just as much right to live as the rest of us.
36. PETA and all of its members
37. Rosie O�Donnell, because she is the dark lord of the place where Martha Stewart will go when she dies.
38. Barbra Streisand
40. John Edwards. The guy who sees dead people, not the democratic candidate.
41. That little bitch that used to do the Welch�s grape juice commercials.
42. Bugs, all of them, including the computer kind.
43. Stoners
44. Drunk drivers
45. Drunks
46. Parents who abuse their kids
47. Courts that give custody to the mother even when the father is obviously a better parent.
48. Materialistic people
49. People who do everything "by the book" because they're too stupid to do it any other way.
50. People who do any of the stuff listed above, and have children.
Well, that's enough for now. I could go on forever, but I won't.
2004-01-28, 06:23 PM
Sigbot eating my awsome siggy.
Im sorry but also people who use names like "AZNPRIDE!" and do stupid things like on d2 where they make a game for "azns only". I really dont give a flying phlox about the aznpride etc. I never see anyone using alias such as WITEPRIDE, BLCKOWNS or something rather.
Punk asses who talk a big game but when they get confronted they pussy out.
E-Thugs and E-Pimps, get a life and stop being a wannabe.
When people say they wana fight etc. and then they wana be friends cause they're scared.
My broken CD player.
My schools dean of students... Crack head...
2004-01-28, 06:31 PM
Summed up in one word: People ....oh ya....and Rap, and Linkin Park, and Good Charlette (The band that finally unites the hard to please social groups of fat AND ugly chicks)
2004-01-28, 06:51 PM
I think that 99.9% of the things I hate can be traced back to a single root. Stupid people. I hate and despise stupid people with a passion like no other. Almost everything that can or should be hated in this world is a result of stupid people. Here's just part of my list.
1. Braille on drive up ATMs
2. Manholes placed perfectly so your tires will hit them. Not in the middle of the road where nobody drives.
3. Directions on food that say things like "remove aluminum foil wrapper before eating".
4. People who drive without their headlights on in the rain or snow or during twilight and say things like "well I can see, so why should I have my lights on".
5. Road construction that blocks off one lane for FIVE MILES before there is any actual construction happening.
6. People sue others because they are stupid.
7. Those people who tried to sue a bunch of restaurants for making them fat.
8. The IDIOT who suggested that the Master/Slave labeling of hard drives be changed because it's racially offensive.
9. Dr. Phil, because he's the devil.
10. Oprah
11. Martha Stewart, because she is the dark lord of Martha's Vineyard (where the devil will go when he dies).
12. Every reality show ever made and the people who thought them up.
13. Al Gore
14. People who take credit for stuff they didn't do
15. People who look at me with a weird face when I give the impression that I like to learn.
16. People who don't want to learn new things.
17. People who can't figure ANYTHING out on their own.
18. People who think they know computers (or any subject) but really don't have a clue.
19. Anybody who uses leet speak for any other reason than to mock the people who use it seriously.
20. People who can't take responsibility for anything.
21. Hippies
22. People who think a kid's self esteem is more important than his/her self discipline.
23. Spelling nazis
24. People that make fun of people who are better than them
25. People who think that everybody is equal and that nobody is better than anybody else.
26. People who blame everybody's problems on genetics.
27. People who eat constantly and don't know why they're fat.
28. Parents who won't discipline their child in a public place.
29. Parents who won't discipline their child and still take the little brat to public places.
30. Parents who say that everything that's wrong with their kid is somebody else�s fault.
31. Drugs that cure your fear of public places but have side effects like nausea, diarrhea, halitosis, fatigue, irritability, etc.
32. Chicks who date asshats and complain to the nice guys (me) about how their boy friend is an complete fucktard who treats them like shit.
33. People who base all their decisions on how it makes them feel rather than using some shred of logic.
34. People who spend twice as much money as they make and then complain about being in debt.
35. People who think that stupid people have just as much right to live as the rest of us.
36. PETA and all of its members
37. Rosie O�Donnell, because she is the dark lord of the place where Martha Stewart will go when she dies.
38. Barbra Streisand
40. John Edwards. The guy who sees dead people, not the democratic candidate.
41. That little bitch that used to do the Welch�s grape juice commercials.
42. Bugs, all of them, including the computer kind.
43. Stoners
44. Drunk drivers
45. Drunks
46. Parents who abuse their kids
47. Courts that give custody to the mother even when the father is obviously a better parent.
48. Materialistic people
49. People who do everything "by the book" because they're too stupid to do it any other way.
50. People who do any of the stuff listed above, and have children.
Well, that's enough for now. I could go on forever, but I won't.
you missed the most important one!!!
51. the high pitched squeal that echos all the way into your soul that gives you the shudders and makes you want to go insane and kill everyone near you... the high pitched squeal of a baby on an airplane..... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
2004-01-28, 07:01 PM
I still dont no y u guys keep fucking calling me stupid , just becuz of how i type.
I think if u fucking hate or fucking call some1 stupid becuz of how they type , ur probly more immature and stupid then they are
BTW-only 2 hate me ? wow ,i feel like i wanna get banned just so u little kids can feel better about urselfs
2004-01-28, 07:29 PM
well it's proven that people associate bad spelling with stupidity :shrug:
2004-01-28, 07:31 PM
i hate the fin hospital not a fun place to stay for a few nights.
people that think they know everything'
and people who try to act a different race than what they are.
2004-01-28, 08:04 PM
Labeling a total class of music as crap.
Women's mindless games
The uselessness of the Homeland Security Department
The hypocracy of above. (There's a huge potential for an attack. No idea where from, of what nature, and by whom, but it'll be huge. Oh, but live your lives normally)
Teachers who don't understand you have five other subjects, much less a life.)
My good buddy Joe Liberman.
Lack of a job.
Catholic Church
AV being so fcuking weak.
The idiocy of people at my age.
Asshole jocks. Those that respect you and what you do are cool.
Standardized testing.
The lack of customization in a high-school student's curricleum.
What the USA has done to the Native Americans.
Canadians who think they're a superior millitary power. I need to link you guys to that OF post.
Edit: Oh yeah, and obsessive stalker exes.
Further Edit: The rediclious use of good/evil in our society, particularly in Religion and Politics. People need to grow up and accept that world issues are frequently shades of grey. Without starting a political debate, let's be honest; WWII was the last war that I'd say 97% of Americans would agree was black and white. There was *no* grey area. What the Nazis did was wrong. I have never met a person who saw a different perspective there.
2004-01-28, 08:06 PM
+people and that gay Hitwar/Outwar crap
2004-01-28, 08:06 PM
Rap music.
2004-01-28, 08:09 PM
I still dont no y u guys keep fucking calling me stupid , just becuz of how i type.
I think if u fucking hate or fucking call some1 stupid becuz of how they type , ur probly more immature and stupid then they are
BTW-only 2 hate me ? wow ,i feel like i wanna get banned just so u little kids can feel better about urselfs
ADVICE: Dont bring this up. It draws attention which only makes things worse. If people dont like how you type, just live with it, and keep typin. Just dont bring it up, because the majority of us dont care.
If the people dont like the way you type, they dont HAVE to read what you type. Also though, you cant make anyone like you and you cant make everyone like or accept the way you type.
Just plz dont bring this up again thx
2004-01-28, 08:14 PM
ADVICE: Dont bring this up. It draws attention which only makes things worse. If people dont like how you type, just live with it, and keep typin. Just dont bring it up, because the majority of us dont care.
If the people dont like the way you type, they dont HAVE to read what you type. Also though, you cant make anyone like you and you cant make everyone like or accept the way you type.
Just plz dont bring this up again thx
WTF?? im not bringing it back up , they are by saying "o yea , and xmodum cuz every1 else hates him to"
and if they dont care ... then i dont care about them not caring
2004-01-28, 08:19 PM
+People who just can't let it go with xmodum. Yes, you don't like him. We get it. Thanks.
2004-01-28, 08:59 PM
People who go to the next song within the minute they say "OH LISTEN TO THIS!"
Teachers that try to make me usefull even though I'm stoned
That bitch at the only store on this damn mountain who's trying to kick us off
Spiders cause one was right in front of me when i woke up when i was like 10
Dr. Phill
My mom thats on wieght watchers yet when she's hella hungary she'll cook up a whole dinner.......for herself
Stuff I like. (just because I see no reason why its not liked)
Linkin Park. (killing you say, where is it? WTH IS KILLING INVOLVED?)
RAP. (say it sucks, would you rather cut your wrists in rock music than get laid in rap?)
Country (really, who cant?)
Jazz (gota love it)
Other music in general
Moral of that, learn how to like music and every kind of music and why.
2004-01-28, 09:44 PM
Angsty, are we? Cue the Linkin Park music.
I won't list the full list, but what recently pissed me off.
People at school that hit my rear end. I've already semi-beat up two kids (punch to the back of the neck, repeat, and kick) but they desisted and the latter one apologised. I've been having a shitty week, they set off the powder keg.
Two days, two attacks. The third one will probably not be so lucky. I'm pissed (but not at you :love: ) will recieve a free black eye.
I also hate hatebreed/goth posers. OMG I AM SO AGNSTY [sic] I LISTEN TO (insert metal band here) COS [sic] I AM HARDOCRE [sic]!!!! and i hate my life. woe is me. people can go die. Real anger/sadness:
1: Need not be reflected in your clothes. Skip the dog collars and chains. Save the trenchcoat for cold days and the spiked boots for...just burn them, okay?
2: Need not be reflected in your attitude. If a friend needs help, comply. Many people choose to be depressed because they want to. It's ok to laugh on a shitty day. Don't snap back at others who haven't done things to you.
3: Need not be reflected in your music. If you like rap, don't switch to Linkin Park because it's more dark.
4: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it need not be in your lifestyle at all.
Anger is not a lifestyle. It is a mood.
Depression is not a lifestyle. It is a sickness.
Thank you.
2004-01-28, 09:47 PM
Also: People who hate their parents. Unless s/he beats you regularily, listen to your fucking parents. They are older and wiser than you are. Your parent's arent dumbasses, it's that layer of dung obscuring your better judgement.
2004-01-28, 09:54 PM
Meh, I'll list the ones off the top of my head
the Brady Bunch
Green Olives
Diet pop
Drunken assholes who yell at you
All people who use internet shorthand.
Howard Dean.
Email Spam.
The Government
Goths (The asshat ones)
Skateboarders (The asshat ones)
Being too hot
Being too cold
Being angry
Dr. Pepper
Old eggs
Racists, of any kind, (Really, they suck)
That's just a few of the things I can think of off the top of my head
-skateboarders (I am one)
-being too cold (I like the cold)
-Ait'al (hes not too bad)
-Holidays (no school!)
+people who buy cheap shit and complain when it doesn't work
+any drunks in particular
+the Eagles (BOOOOO!)
2004-01-28, 09:56 PM
The Eagles aren't that bad, but Hotel California seriously sucks and is VERY overrated.
2004-01-28, 10:00 PM
I said GOATSE, not goats, BIIIIIIIIIIIG difference.
I don't have anything against skateboarders, it's just the punk ones, who think they can do anything they want, and fuck with you, JUST to fuck with you. Being really cold sucks
Holidays cause stress, and I skip school anyways, so, meh
2004-01-28, 10:04 PM
The Eagles aren't that bad, but Hotel California seriously sucks and is VERY overrated.
Eagles as in the football team lol.
I said GOATSE, not goats, BIIIIIIIIIIIG difference.
I don't have anything against skateboarders, it's just the punk ones, who think they can do anything they want, and fuck with you, JUST to fuck with you. Being really cold sucks
Holidays cause stress, and I skip school anyways, so, meh
Wtf are GOATSE? Anyway i still think goats are cool lol. I don't like the punky skateboarders either. I just skateboard as a hobby, not a lifestyle. Although i do wear skateboarding clothing...
2004-01-28, 10:09 PM
LOL @ Eagles.
And don't ask about goatse.
2004-01-28, 10:10 PM
You know, saying don't ask about it will make me ask more. Ironic how that works isn't it?
2004-01-28, 10:10 PM
Wtf are GOATSE?
Shall I link you?
2004-01-28, 10:13 PM
Google it. If you want to vomit. Lets just say this , 12 inch in diameter ANUS
2004-01-28, 10:21 PM
Google it. If you want to vomit. Lets just say this , 12 inch in diameter ANUS
2004-01-28, 10:34 PM
Also: People who hate their parents. Unless s/he beats you regularily, listen to your fucking parents. They are older and wiser than you are. Your parent's arent dumbasses, it's that layer of dung obscuring your better judgement.
I know they are smarter and i listen.
And they suck at keeping secrets. My friends mom had surgury cause she had cancer, yet they said it was for something else. Although the kid is mentally....retarded, still.
Another story
I never knew I was going to have a brother when i was 7, he just appeared when i went to the hospital. All i had on my mind then was ATVs at costco.
And its happening again, and I don't know what to expect when i visit my dad. And they dont know what I know.
Thats what I hate about them.
2004-01-29, 01:58 AM
Shall I link you?
Yes please, all the answers in Google look strange and scary.
2004-01-29, 02:00 AM
Trust me, you do NOT want to see Goatse, Derfud linked me it, I don't know why, it made me almost vomit, it is sick
Imagine this except, not clouds, but a human anus.
2004-01-29, 02:08 AM
Oh that looks cool. Trust me, I do want to see it.
2004-01-29, 02:09 AM
I hate Dharkbayne and most of his freinds. :lol: I hate stupid people that think you have to play a game to be able to understand its most basic design. I hate people who dont understand that games havent changed over the years and that when youve been playing games for 10-20 years as a way of life its not that hard to figure out what its like. I hate people who cant act calmly or understand anyones posting that arent as much of a pathetic attempt at popularity or some egomaniacle 15 year olds endless rambling and lackof understanding that you actuallly have to try to think about the written word to understand the meaning! :lol: ;) I hate things that i want ot mention but cant remember. I hate Hamma :D and kittys that pee on my shoe! And i hate people who enjoy the wanted death of little mice and there little families. And ......
I hate being tired and forgetting what im typing halfway through the sentence and screwing up hte context! :p
2004-01-29, 02:10 AM
Thought of a few more things to add.
Hot Topic
People who think they are goths because they shop at Hot Topic
Suicide Poems
I Hate Pants
2004-01-29, 02:13 AM
Oh and people who take leet speak too far. Come on you guys, who are you trying to impress?
2004-01-29, 02:25 AM
-When one person ruins it for everyone else
-People who talk / crying babies in movie theaters
-when the moms of crying babies in theaters don't leave
-stupid people
-when my mom goes on one of her homicidal psycho bitch rampages a.k.a PMS (Don't get me wrong, I still love her........ when she is not having PMS)
2004-01-29, 02:27 AM
I hate being blamed for other people's internet porn habits.
2004-01-29, 03:46 AM
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