View Full Version : Idea for 1 cert
2004-01-28, 05:42 PM
Do you think this is a good idea?
Make a 1 cert option in the weapons catagory that gives you a new type of gernade.
I was thinking the sticky plasma gernade like in halo. It would be simple little thing that seems worth 1 cert.
It would be the same size as any other gernade and used in the same fashion. I was thinking you would throw it and it could stick on anything then have a 3 second timer on it. So when a tank is trying to run you down, you duck behind a tree and throw a few on its hood. Or when a max is guarding the CC run in and stick some to it. Stuff like this. :doh:
2004-01-28, 05:50 PM
doesnt seem very useful to me. the only thing i can think of is using it as a boomer that has stacking damage. i see what ur going for tho, but in cases where throwing a grenade would be opportune, it doesnt seem like having it stick has any more benefit than having it not stick.
2004-01-28, 05:53 PM
i've heard of a grenade belt for one cert point, allowing a second inventory space, 2x8 for four grenades.
i think devs don't like 1-cert options for a reason, though, and i tend to agree with them.
2004-01-28, 06:23 PM
I like the Grenade Belt would defently help out cloakers imo...but I'm not a cloaker so i really cant say for sure.
2004-01-28, 06:30 PM
<3 for grenade belt
2004-01-28, 06:36 PM
I think Cloakers should get this standard :)
But as for 1 cert. 1 cert for 1 ATV would be cool.
2004-01-28, 06:46 PM
dam that inv for cloackers wuold rock
2004-01-28, 06:48 PM
or maybe just a 1 pt cert that would increase inventory space would be least in my eyes
2004-01-28, 07:12 PM
I would love to see something...ANYTHING...done with the whole 1 cert point thing. Even if it was just worthless customization crap like special colors or something that gives absolutely no more advantage. I have 2 chars that have 1 cert point lying around not doing anything, and probably never will.
2004-01-28, 07:43 PM
I think this would be a cool idea, the grenade belt, that is, or a built in REK
2004-01-28, 08:04 PM
Nadebelts would own, also a frag buff would be nice
2004-01-28, 11:42 PM
I think it would be cool to have sticky grenades if it stuck to more than buildings. like maxes and tanks and people. It would make the target walking explosives. 8) that would be cool if they did somehting like make it another firing mode for frag grenades.
i know i dont play, shutup now before you say it. 8)
The sticky nade would be funny agains troop formation with less than brave players. One gets stuck with the others run to get away and then you plow them down as they run around like chickens with there heads cut off. Or just do it to watch them scream. 8) In theory atleast. But forgetting hte reason you throw it at them it would just be funny to watch anyone run around screaming because they have an explosive stuck to them. :lol:
No comments on form of implimentation. besides just using it for frag grenades.
Edit: Heres a way to impliment it. No cert cost in iteself but may be part of the SA weapon scheme or a new one in the future. Its a larger version of the frag that cant be use in the thumper i think it is. It would have shorter throwing range because of weight but would use a spring technology to make it bounce, giving it longer range than the regular thrown grenades and maybe even the thumpers shot. It would no stick to the ground or or trees unless you set it to do so and could be set to or not to stick to infantry tanks maxes walls or ground. It would not have a instant contact detonation mode but would only start its timer once is successfully stuck to something for a possibly setable time between so and so seconds. It would ahve automatic ap damage to tanks making it more affective against them but not effective enough not to take about 15+ (or whatever would be appropriate. i not realy sure)to kill a heavily armroed tank. Those settings for what it bounces of off would not be limitless, you could only use up to 3 of them making you not be able to completely choose what you stick to. That have it automaticlly stick to certain things, or have a one choice setting ot stick to wals or bounce off walls before you throw them. The Ap shots would only work on tanks and vehicles not armor but maybe maxes. ummm... Hows this sound. I dont know if i listed it all like how it would disapear if iyou didnt hit anything but i think it would be cool SA adition. So how would that sound as an option?
The point would be to make it slightly time consuming so it only works at a slow rate. Having to set thing on it to use it etc. Making it most usable unseen or else get shot to easily. Lets say you had to equip it and have it out and abou to use before you can set anything on it.
2004-01-29, 12:04 AM
To quote martyr "you don't play planetside."
How about this...
Covert Operations :: 2 cert points
Provides access to the following equipment at any friendly or hacked equipment terminal.
Bandoleer :: Adds 2x6 inventory space
The bandoleer is automatically installed on top of Standard, Agile, Reinforced or Infiltration armor, and provides a small increase in the amount of storage space to the player. It can hold 3 grenades, or 1 medkit and 1 grenade, which can be accessed as holster slot items 5-7.
Velocity Dampener :: Automatically installed on all pistols
All pistols fired by the player have no tracer effect, and have a significantly reduced audible range. Cloakers will still be visible by their muzzle flash, and enemies at close range will be able to hear the gunfire at full volume, so it isn't too huge of a buff.
Shrapnel Grenade :: 2x2 pistol slot item
Handheld grenade, primary mode is "sticky" adheres to whatever it hits and detonates in 2 seconds, secondary mode allows the player to bounce them around corners. The bomb delivers 200 health damage (bypassing all non-MAX infantry armor), divided evenly amonst all players within a 10m radius of the blast. If the bomb detonates while attached to a vehicle, all of the damage is directed internally. Shrapnel Grenades are also available in 6-packs for use with Thumper and Punisher assault rifles.
Wireless Camera :: 2x2 pistol slot item
Miniature deployable surveillance camera, can be deployed anywhere a motion sensor can; the user is limited to three active cameras at a time. After being deployed, the camera is replaced in inventory by a 2x2 neural transceiver. When equipped, this item completely changes the player's view to that of the camera which can be moved around up to 90 degrees in all directions from the center point. The audio at the camera's position is also piped in but only at half volume so the user can still hear what is going on in their immediate area. When equipping the neural transceiver, there would be a 3 second delay while the avatar is shown with an animation of placing the unit in their ear.
Stimpack :: 2x2 pistol slot item
A disposable syringe that boosts both the target's health and stamina by 25. Primary mode works on another player, secondary on self. There would be a small firing delay while the avatar "injects" the medicine.
Grapple :: 3x3 pistol slot item
Tube fired ancient energy grapple, featuring an enhanced version of the zipline technology discovered by the Vanu. Primary fire shoots an energy beam out that will adhere to the first surface it contacts up to 25m away, secondary mode pulls the user up the energy beam after a 3 second delay. This is obviously a very visible activity, so cloakers using it will have to blow their cover if they are using it to infiltrate a base.
2004-01-29, 04:32 AM
1 cert for a new pistol that shoots a Phoenix-style missile with a range of 300m and 0 damage. One shot pistol, 5 ammo box.
Just so the other empires can see what Phoenix scouting is like.
2004-01-29, 04:45 AM
1 cert for Christmas hat :P
Vis Armata
2004-01-29, 11:57 AM
Radiator grenades stick, I believe...maybe not to vehicles or infantry, but certainly to walls.
2004-01-29, 01:23 PM
Radiator grenades stick, I believe...maybe not to vehicles or infantry, but certainly to walls.
the stick to infantry, for a split second, then they blow up :) same as vehciles
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