View Full Version : CR5s that shouldn't be CR5
2004-01-28, 09:24 PM
there really should be a thread where each faction could post the CR5s that shouldn't be CR5. - ED the Mad, pg2 of thread "horrible display of leadership"
great idea, there are so many newb cr5s out there that only point out the obvious in their conts/globals.
I Hate Pants
2004-01-29, 02:35 AM
People who abuse thier privilages of being CR5 should lose thier ability to be CR5.
2004-01-29, 08:15 AM
- ED the Mad, pg2 of thread "horrible display of leadership"
great idea, there are so many newb cr5s out there that only point out the obvious in their conts/globals.
arg...ive been CR5 since sept, and ive seen all these idiot ppl commin in and bein CR5 spammers and idiots who dont know strategy to save their lives.
Ditto except since mid june.
2004-01-31, 03:51 PM
One of my main characters just turned cr5. I only use the /c chat. Most cr5's I've seen are dickheads except last night when we locked the world.
2004-02-10, 12:50 AM
Never made it to CR5, but I talk a lot with the CR5s in my outfit, so I am able to realize I have more sence than most of the CR5s.
2004-02-12, 03:07 PM
Our own Diddy Mao heads the list. Anybody that needs to say "The ignore list is for n00bs" to try and keep everybody from ignoring them may as well just turn in their backpack. On the plus side, I did get to use the ignore list for the first time since release.
2004-02-15, 02:25 PM
lol, i love this thread. i've been a cr5 on markov like forever, way back since like june/july. CR5s used to be great, but no one bothers to lead anymore except for a select few iuncluding myself. probably impossible to do... but CSRs shouldn "monitor" CR5s lol, and give them "leader rankings" lol... determining whether they should be allowed to keep the cont-alls/globals and the like.
Diddy Mao
2004-02-15, 06:14 PM
Silence Madcow I can atest to only twice that' i've global Spammed once a 3:00 am in the Morn'n on Amerish and Christmas Eve when the Egg nog was plentiful
2004-02-15, 06:28 PM
how about "CR5's that shouldn't try to lead"
2004-02-15, 11:49 PM
The NC was getting owned. We'd lost locks on two of three Home Continents. I was defending one of the last bases on Hossin. We were holding them off pretty well. No enemy was in the courtyard and the adacent towers were under our control, they were still out of our SoI.
The CR5s decide to pool their forces on one continent. NOT TO MENTION ANY NAMES, but CERTAIN CR5s decided so in a comission to do so. We lost our Vanguards, the key component of our defense. People started leaving. We lost the base within minutes.
This is the problem with commanders. Commanders can look through a map and tell you where to go. And, to be fair, 80% of the time, the good CR5s (Malorn, BDMJ) do this well. However, they view the war from a strategic perspective- X amount of NC at point Y equals victory.
The soldier sees it from a tactical perspective- incoming Gal drop! Five Magriders coming from the SE! The commanders, though some try, cannot see the actual situation ON THE GROUND. THIS is where it counts. Sure, 25 TR come in and you get the "WARNING: Large Enemy Force" warning, but what kind of TR? Infantry? Put some MAXes in the CC and let the infantry at the base finish them off. However, if twelve Prowlers come in, then you have a problem.
Had they kept our forces there, turned the others on the continent on the offensive through some Spec Ops footwork, than maybe we could have kept both continents. But too often, commanders don't know how to artfully manage troop movements at even the strategic level- either everybody goes to Gunkuku or everybody to Aja.
That describes one problem. The other are just the idiots who either don't use Global at all, those that are lazy and organize the occasional ANT run (Nerrivik needs an ANT now. /tell me!), or the complete morons ([Global]Jdogg: JDOGG IN DA HOUZZZE!!!!).
(DISCLAIMER: Jdogg is not a real CR5. In fact, I don't even know if Jdogg is a real player. If so, I apologize.)
Part of the problem is that we can only form requests. We have no way to reward or punish, of course we really shouldn't have that power. We have very limited tools for troop concentration management and control. Most of the time we work together to circumvent these issues, but we only field a limited number of troops, and the dissenters are always an issue as well. If I'm at aja and there is a hack on orisha, the only way I can be absolutely sure of the enemy and friendly force composition there is if an outfit mate goes and tells me or I go myself.
The bottom line is that even though the cr5s usually have a clear idea of how to achieve victory, vision and reality are seperated by a wide gulf. We can ensure our outfit mates are in the right place, but what about the 500 additional NC on the continent?
I find it very hard to order a retreat, but at times it is necessary. It is sometimes better to let a base fall so the enemy is forced to move elsewhere rather than drag a fight on for hours. Telling people that their efforts were wasted and that their position is a detriment to the overall empire strategy is difficult, but sometimes it must be done.
I don't command that much anymore though. After having cr5 for 7 months, I just want to kick back and let the newer cr5s learn the ropes now. This is true for many of the older cr5s. You will never see a broadcast from Cailet or Chronotrigger, but they are easily two of the best cr5s in the empire.
2004-02-16, 01:28 PM
lol, AztecWarrior... yes I am a CR5... been so since like June lol.... but on Markov :) look it up on MyPlanetside if you dont believe me lol.
2004-02-16, 02:34 PM
Silence Madcow I can atest to only twice that' i've global Spammed once a 3:00 am in the Morn'n on Amerish and Christmas Eve when the Egg nog was plentiful
I don't give a crap how many times it's been, you're a tool. The "need" to spam global at all should tell everybody as much as they need to know about you.
For the record, the time I'm referring to was neither 3 in the morning nor Christmas Eve. Funny how you can't even keep track yourself.
Diddy Mao
2004-02-17, 01:15 AM
Madcow how long have you been playing on "Emerald" cuz it looks like you hail from "Markov"
DIDDY!!! :D :D :D
Don't see you on command chat too much anymore. That makes me sad.
2004-02-17, 09:03 AM
Madcow how long have you been playing on "Emerald" cuz it looks like you hail from "Markov"
I've played both servers, like most people. Lately I've been concentrating on emerald. Did you have a point?
Diddy Mao
2004-02-17, 09:43 AM
So you've Been on Lately on Emerald well I just stopped giving a damn, too many tard ass commanders. And bish I turned of /c and when I did give a damn and was "pro-defense" (still a lil) I never global spammed. But I put in my time did what I could but to no avail seeing as they don't listen to anything worthwhile they do like to tell you when you do something bad (makes em feel special. I keep /c off from time to time because I need to room to see my V-A-G's and my V-S-A-M's
2004-02-17, 09:57 AM
So you don't global spam when you do give a shit? Is that the moral of the story? You're right about too many tard-ass commanders, but at least most of them are attempting to use global for things they consider important (even if they're obviously misled often). People get enough spam without having to deal with a bored CR5 who thinks that they're comic gold. Quite literally, I've played since release and had never put a single person on the ignore list before you. Take that how you will.
2004-02-17, 10:55 AM
Last night Emerald/VS in sanc I see a global saying "congrats to so and so on their being the newest CR5" so I brodcast in sanc "YEAH!!, Another unnecessary global about someone else who can do unnecessary gloabals". Not 30 seconds later our new CR5 starts globaling thankyous for all the tells he's getting congratulating him. To which I simply brodacast "See". I'm tired of ingoring all the ^%$^tards.
Madcow, I take it you never experienced the glory that was timthesinner's global chat.
Diddy Mao
2004-02-17, 02:51 PM
So i'm the first person you ignored, congratulations welcome to planetside
2004-02-17, 03:16 PM
So i'm the first person you ignored, congratulations welcome to planetside
Oh, see I wasn't aware that the game was actually "be an annoying tool and see how many people just wish you didn't exist". I guess I've been playing wrong all along.
2004-02-19, 10:16 PM
I've seen them all come through NC......those who don't know what they're doing eventually leave because they eventually start to take the hint that all the other CR5s give them.
2004-03-05, 11:03 PM
There is no CR5 that can ever reach the utter stupidity, and idiotic mind of emerald's own, Klar..... thank god he hasn't been around for a long time now.
2004-03-06, 12:02 PM
I remember Klar :) he used to talk about punting babies thru field goals up until a CSR took his global chat ability away, he was in my outfit at the time too lol, good guy when he's not acting like a drunk
Diddy Mao
2004-03-08, 11:19 AM
Yeah all I would hear about on the OF's and here would be about this Klar Fella, Murc told me one day he was talk'n about Dog+Genetalia+Peanut Butter....... Very strange boy he was
2004-03-08, 11:22 AM
That's pretty sad that a kid who isn't even close to finishing high school is acting like a drunk.
I think Klar has been permanently banned.
Diddy Mao
2004-03-08, 11:44 AM
He's back?
2004-03-08, 12:01 PM
What did I just say?
We all thought timthesinner was permabanned ;)
Diddy Mao
2004-03-08, 11:08 PM
Yeah tim is back :groovy: How he did it is beyond me but He won't be on till he can fix his pc. He CPU Heats up to 197 f when he starts planetside... He's in the process of putting in some water cooling n such.
I cannot wait for his return :o
Diddy Mao
2004-03-09, 08:35 AM
He has to be good or he's gone for good. Tom Lockard said that if he get's a warning of any kind he's banned for good. Know'n tim that'll be in 3 days maybe less
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-10, 05:53 PM
Bamelin shouldn't be a CR5. And NIT0 has been pissing me off lately.
Hehe I played VS for about 3 hours on an alt one day, and spamelin convinced me to never return. "Guys, the NC just capped a warpgate tower, please go kill them", "I saw a NC spitfire outside the tower I'm hiding in, can a squad come destroy it?"
2004-03-10, 10:42 PM
Basteg on Markov is really annoying too.
"HELP! That burster max wont let my loadstar cross the bridge! Plz destroy it!"
Diddy Mao
2004-03-11, 08:36 AM
Bamelin shouldn't be a CR5. And NIT0 has been pissing me off lately.
1 of those is perma banned but who :confused: oh i'll tel ya n1t0 is banz0rzed :rofl:
2004-03-11, 03:34 PM
Basteg on Markov is really annoying too.
"HELP! That burster max wont let my loadstar cross the bridge! Plz destroy it!"
Batsteg with his running commentary about how his quests for modules are going. Ugh.
This is why emerald > markov X 1000
Diddy Mao
2004-03-11, 06:16 PM
Yeah but they never had TimthSinner do Full Metal Jacket Quotes on /comall for half an hour and insult/Call'n DanB queer
Making Full Metal Jacket quotes on global is a hell of a lot different than being an idiot.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-11, 06:46 PM
I think NIT0 was temp banned. But AC got banned for making an outfit just to make fun of Bamelin. I dunno why that happened. Maybe he's spork's cousin or something.
I just realized today that Kytana is the best vanu cr5. and nox is just amazing
"I saw a NC spitfire outside the tower I'm hiding in, can a squad come destroy it?"
2004-03-18, 02:45 PM
if they put in the time to become cr5 then they got the privilidges that come with that. nuff said. I really don't care what gets globaled the only thing that pisses me off about cr5's is when they aren't globaling good strategy.
mind you, you can almost always take this into your own hands with local broadcasts and such... but if you're going to log on as a cr5 your reason for logging on should be to keep your empire's movement on the advance and give solid strategy and advice, and yes, you should take some of the blame if your empire isn't doing so well.
I haven't seen any exemplary instances of a commander yet in the game, but there are at least some good ones who keep things focused and on track. surprisingly though, there's few yet trying to rally any advanced tactics... it's mostly... come to this cont or that cont. We may yet see some truly impressive cmndrs who coordinate world takeovers and such... soon as the friggin game is friggin balanced so ppl can actually plan with certainty.
2004-03-18, 04:31 PM
My out fit leader AskiCod-k is a very good leader for a CR5
Diddy Mao
2004-03-22, 01:12 AM
Vs have cr 5's :-O
2004-03-22, 07:19 AM
i'm sorry, but the most leadership i've seen is with minor squad leaders going BEHIND TR and VS lines to capture bases on their lightly defended fronts so that the TR and VS have to pull forces back to get their bases back. THAT is smart leadership. NC have maybe five or six CR5's that are worth a damn, and the fact of the matter is that the one's who are worth a damn usually don't speak up much. They just lead base capps and that's about it. It's unfortunate that global operations are as inefficient and impossible to coordinate as they are now, since the only CR5's who deem it necessary to use globals are the one's who don't know dick about what they're doing. I think you should have to play a game of fucking chess against a hard ass computer opponent in order to be able to determine whether or not you get promoted to CR5 or not. yeah, watch the flames i get for that one.
2004-03-22, 11:53 AM
Bah some Cr5's are ok but not all
2004-03-22, 12:45 PM
Who needs a CR5 to plan a Good cont attack? If your outfit is Good enough....All you need is them on TS.
There are only a few(maybe even 1) i will even look at for orders.
2004-03-25, 07:49 AM
lol, i love this thread. i've been a cr5 on markov like forever, way back since like june/july. CR5s used to be great, but no one bothers to lead anymore except for a select few iuncluding myself. probably impossible to do... but CSRs shouldn "monitor" CR5s lol, and give them "leader rankings" lol... determining whether they should be allowed to keep the cont-alls/globals and the like.
Jumpdog, you're full of shit. I was CR5 long before you were. You're still BR19 so if you got CR5 back in June... you are either the worst player ever or... lieing. Sorry.
2004-03-25, 10:27 AM
well when ur outfit is fully bent on SpecOps and not following the zerg, u dont come across xp very easily. that's about all i've done since i got cr5... when i was br14. im like at 19.8 now... it takes a while when u arent always on the frontline.
2004-03-25, 10:37 AM
You cant get CR5 doing SpecOps...
Well maybe back when CEP grew on trees...hmm...
Anyhow other than that I got nothin to say other then Markov > Emerald...
We dun whine, we just adapt
2004-03-25, 11:14 AM
You cant get CR5 doing SpecOps...
Well maybe back when CEP grew on trees...hmm...
Anyhow other than that I got nothin to say other then Markov > Emerald...
We dun whine, we just adapt
How about take your spamming ass back to the Markov forum. You don't see us butting in on your self-stroking "damn im good" thread. If you're too good for Emerald then why bother?
2004-03-25, 05:07 PM
How about take your spamming ass back to the Markov forum. You don't see us butting in on your self-stroking "damn im good" thread. If you're too good for Emerald then why bother?
I don't have one of those threads...
I'm a cloud, I'm here to rain on your parade...
PS: I've played on Emerald, but it wasn't much different than Markov...
2004-03-25, 05:45 PM
I don't have one of those threads...
That's nice.
I'm a cloud, I'm here to rain on your parade...
I don't believe in parades. I thrive in adverse conditions such as rain.
PS: I've played on Emerald, but it wasn't much different than Markov...
An astute observation. It all boils down to personal preference.
2004-03-25, 05:48 PM
Personally I prefer Dalton, but we dun get that option...:(
2004-04-28, 10:08 AM
CR5's are teh SUCK
2004-04-29, 06:15 PM
Nah BD, we wub wu.
2004-05-03, 09:29 PM
Bish=Teh Win!
Diddy Mao
2004-05-04, 10:25 AM
I am teh suck :(
or not?
Yes... Yes you are ;-)
P.S. Send timmah over to console me ;)
Diddy Mao
2004-05-05, 09:48 PM
He'll Global Spam you into submission!
I like it when you talk dirty.
Diddy Mao
2004-05-08, 10:48 PM
quit buffing your post count ;-)
There are no more bars or numbers :-(((((((((((
Diddy Mao
2004-05-10, 09:44 PM
Yeah I liked those! I miss them :-(
2004-07-09, 11:44 AM
Okay... I'll speak now before this thread turns too strange for me :lol: . Anyway, I've been playing 1 week, I'm on Werner, and I can't really complain about much except the TR here have decent CR5s but they don't speak up much, with most of them telling us to bail when we could fight our way out of it. Too many of them are too quick to give up, unfortunately. I was thinking, and I am new so it could be completely stupid, but to make tactical planning easier for CR5s, couldn't an overhead real-time camera of battles make things a bit easier for them? It could be introduced in a patch, maybe? :confused:
2004-07-09, 07:29 PM
It's called a Mosquito.
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