View Full Version : Jammer Info...

2004-01-30, 07:08 PM
Could you please tell me what a jammer does... (max detail)

I know it blows up mines, turns off implants, and I heard some vague stuff about messing up turrets and radar.

Could you please tell me very specifically what it does to everything? thanks

2004-01-30, 07:23 PM
It can stop vehicles from firing their weapons, disable implants and Spitfires for a short time, clear mines, reset the timer on a MAX Capacitor (like for NC it would reset the shield, VS: jumpjets, TR: nothing), it can also detonate boomers. Thats pretty much it, might be more I'm forgetting though.

2004-01-30, 07:38 PM
does all that and it disables turrets for awhile so they cant fire.

2004-01-30, 08:25 PM
Jammer Grenades are the bane of my tank shooting existance. When combined with many others attacking, say goodbye to your tank. I don't even think the driver can hear the "buzzing" sound when jammed, only the gunner can. This makes the driver more oblivious to what's happening with the gunner.

2004-01-30, 11:27 PM
The driver can hear it. Atleast we Mag-drivers, remember, we are gunners too ;)

2004-01-31, 08:05 AM
It also "removes" your radar. No friendlies or enemies will show up on it.

2004-01-31, 08:09 AM
If you jammer a TR max before it locks down, it can't lock down. It will also disable phalanx turrets (if that hasn't been said).

If you shoot them in the air, they also make pretty fireworks!

2004-01-31, 01:15 PM
Its the most underused thing in the game. I always have a thumper full of jammers ready to go at any moment. Shutting down the Surgiles and making them milktoast for my MCG is always fun. They are usually so WTF after you jam them they forget how to shoot back. Also shutting down all vehicles in the area rocks and doing this on approaches from towers to bases cannot be underestimated. Get a couple of people doing this and you turn the tide. Not to mention that you destroy all the CE in an area

2004-01-31, 01:41 PM
I agre with Queen, the jammer is underused for such an effective tool. More people need to use it during a base defence, but everyone wants the tank kill so they pack deci's and such, no one wants to pack a Thumper with some jammers, or very few people, so that they could render a tank gun useless.

2004-01-31, 02:33 PM
Does jammers affect aircrafts too? assuming you managed to hit one when its circling a tower...I hit one once with a handheld Jammer but it seemed like it didnt do anything since it still shot me dead....

2004-01-31, 02:37 PM
They sure do. One time I landed from a Hart drop and a reaver saw me. He came in low and slow with rocket spam and had me out in the open. I poped a jammer on his ass and surged all the way to the tower. Sent me a tell "Nice"

2004-01-31, 05:22 PM
I'd of mowed you :p

2004-02-01, 05:00 PM
They used to disable air crafts i dont know in which way but know they dont do anything against air targets.

2004-02-01, 05:35 PM
Yes they disable the weapons on aircraft still. A couple times after getting shot down from my aircraft in my infiltration suit I've been able to hit pilots who come in really low to get into darklight range. I always have a jammer in my cloaking gear, at least until CR3 when I get my EMP blast.

2004-02-02, 08:04 AM
Thumper full of Jammers running from a tower to an enemy base rules...especially when you need to clear a path from spits and mines. I keep firing as I run into the cy...9 times out of ten there are enemy vehicles positioned at the front of a base taking pot shots at anyone running through the gate.

As of late I have been using the thumper & jammers/fragment grenades for aircraft...this one takes a bit of practice but is immensly satisfying. When enemy reavers or mosquitos are hanging around a tower push out and fire a jammer at him...if hes flying past you switch the thumper to secondary where it will burst in mid air...I've caught a few reavers flying thru this burst. Now that the reaver/mosquito has been "jammed" switch to fragger and lob some on his windshield. I don't have many kills - it helps to have friends firing along side you - but it is fun.
If anything they take off or become unsettled by the bombardment.

2014-03-02, 09:43 PM
In the information era, people’s life is filled with hustles and bustles. Sometimes we just want a quiet environment to enjoy ourselves. Then you may need this phone jammers (http://www.jammerfromchina.com/) masking for acoustic interference against listening devices.

2014-03-02, 11:08 PM
Jammers also act like a tazer for BFRs.

2014-03-03, 05:09 AM
It's one of those defining items that separates those who understand the game, from those who do not. No matter your load-out, you should have at least one stack of jammer-grenades and they should be easy to access.