View Full Version : Rexo Buff Details
2004-01-30, 10:54 PM
2004-01-30, 11:02 PM
hrmmm. i love the mag scatter. i use it on my inf character whenever i have the chance. heck i even killed onizuka with it (argg can find the pic of it.) usually how many pellets hit and hot many total pellets?
2004-01-30, 11:50 PM
With this information I think it's pretty clear that Agile will still be the most powerful armor due to the increased foot speed. Being able to dodge attacks that you can't avoid in the Rexo makes up by far the armor increase. The new improved Rexo is still going to be Agile/quad jack shot bait.
Say what you will, but the only way to "save" the Rexo is to up its foot speed. Then and only then will it be better than the free Agile armor. Any infantry player worth his/her salt knows this. Why they won't do it is beyond me.
Also... LOL... The NC Mag Scatter is the only pistol not really affected by this change... go figure. At least the NC equipment superiority is all areas theme is consistant.
2004-01-31, 12:13 AM
Although pistols aren't used alot (except by infils)....
Another second added to the endless time it takes for a beamer to kill someone. Yay.
Repeater isn't too commonly used, but it's ok...
The only thing that's actually worth a pistol slot is the mag scat. They leave something NC un-nerfed? Big fuckin surprise.
Ash ^^ is right in saying that upping the foot speed on a rexo is the only way.
2004-01-31, 02:33 AM
Actually he said "assuming all the pellets hit". Have you used the MagScat? You have to be completely point blank for all the pellets to hit, that thing has a huge spread. So it's probably going to be affected at least nearly as much as the other pistols, and all weapons in the game for that matter.
I guess I'm the odd man out in thinking that this is a better change than increased footspeed would be. It fits with my style of play, so that's probably why I like it this way better. I suppose increased foot speed would be nice, but it really wouldn't increase my survivability by much, because I don't rely on speed to fight, I just use surge to get around faster cause I'm impatient ;). Hmm...right now I've got Surge, Adv Targeting, and Personal Shield...I should trade out surge for second wind or something for a day and see how much I miss it. Might be an interesting experiment.
2004-01-31, 02:50 AM
Increased footspeed is nice
But what really annoys me about ReXo is vrs Agile is the stamina regeneration speed is so slow.
Sure I'm fine with losing more stamina than Agile when using Surge, but regaining it slower too? What a rip.
2004-01-31, 03:08 AM
Actually he said "assuming all the pellets hit". Have you used the MagScat? You have to be completely point blank for all the pellets to hit, that thing has a huge spread. So it's probably going to be affected at least nearly as much as the other pistols, and all weapons in the game for that matter.
The problem here is the people who use pistols the most are cloakers and they will be shooting at point blank range. So the NC cloaker still gets his 3 shot Rexo kill from behind just as easily as before. The NC scatter pistol has always been a point blank range weapon, this changes nothing with how it would be used.
2004-01-31, 03:17 AM
*Strains self from yelling at Porky*
Anyway, I too agree that Agile's nimbleness really gives it an edge over Rexo, but I think that upping Rexo's armor was a better buff. The whole point of Rexo was to provide an armor type that sacrificed speed for protection, but the current version could still use some more armor. Hence, the Rexo buff. Personally, I think this could make it a worthy alternative to Agile, so thumbs up.
2004-01-31, 03:46 AM
The difference is when you're at range, I think. It won't change much point blank, but the extra 2 damage absorption in a firefight 30+ meters will make a bigger difference because of damage degradation.
2004-01-31, 06:14 AM
y do ppl like cloaking? its boring! u go into a base try and sneak up on sumone but cant as everyone has dark/light or see a door open!
Apparently the rest of us are just doing it right.
2004-01-31, 08:49 AM
I know that all the l33t f00ls say that you are wasting your time with anything other then agile, but in my opinion, that only applies to all the flavor of the month HA/surge users. I use rexo for my sniper/SA character, mainly because it allows me to use 2 weapons but also because I dig the extra protection.
2004-01-31, 09:14 AM
I know that all the l33t f00ls say that you are wasting your time with anything other then agile, but in my opinion, that only applies to all the flavor of the month HA/surge users. I use rexo for my sniper/SA character, mainly because it allows me to use 2 weapons but also because I dig the extra protection.
It's good for sniper because of the extra ammo capacity too.
2004-01-31, 09:17 AM
It's good for sniper because of the extra ammo capacity too.
yep, and alot of weapons just plain aren't feasable in anything but rexo. SA and AV need lots of ammo (and a backup weapon) buyt that doesn't really matter to your average HA junky, as they can get enough ammo into an agile to last long enough to surge around tearing stuff up. Me, I like a longer lifespan.
2004-01-31, 01:46 PM
agiles are just sniper bait, ive killed more than my share of agiles with a sniper rifle before, the rexos are harder to kill though. My question is, will it still only take a sniper 2 shots to kill a rexo, if it turns to 3 im dropping sniper cert so fast it will make your head spin.
2004-01-31, 01:51 PM
I feel so tempted to register for the official forums and challenge them to a duel of pistols, my Beamer vs. whateverthehelltheywant.
2004-01-31, 02:25 PM
It's good for sniper because of the extra ammo capacity too.
Don't get me wrong, the Rexo has its uses. It's a great equipment hauler. So if you need storage space it's the armor for you. Thus it's great for snipers and AV infantry that need the ammo capacity. And having the 2 rifle holster slots is awesome.
But in closer ranged combat against other infantry the slowness of the armor will get you owned by faster opponents. The two key factors are that (1) you can't move out of the way fast enough if you need to and (2) since you are slower you are easier to hit. Combined these spell death more often then not.
Then there is the climbing and jumping reduced capacity as well. Both are based on speed so there are slopes you can't navigate in a Rexo and there are short objects you can't jump over in a Rexo that you can easily navigate in Agile armor. So it's not just raw speed it's your overall mobility that takes a hit too.
Rexo burns your stamina very quickly, so it's got this built in nerf to most of the implants. Also your inability to pilot most vehicles is a huge problem with the Rexo. The best part is that you get to spend 3 cert points for all these disadvantages.
IMHO the extra armor does not nearly compensate for all of the above.
For me the choice boiled down to these 2 cert "builds":
Agile/Mosquito (3 cert points) or
Rexo/ATV (5 cert points)
The combo with the free armor and mossy is superior is just about every way in terms of killing power, mobility, and speed. Why spend more and get less?
2004-01-31, 02:38 PM
Or you could do:
Rexo/Assault Buggy and then be kicking some serious ass.
EDIT: Oh yeah the buffed rexo is going to own agiles. You overestimate the speed benifit in this case
2004-01-31, 04:48 PM
Just about the only time I lose to agiles is when they surge and warp; that has nothing to do with skill.
At least with the new rexo I know that I'll be able to take a few more hits from a spitfire, or that reaver spammer over my head is going to waste more rockets to kill me(hahaha).
2004-01-31, 04:50 PM
One inportant factor is being overlooked here as to why a person chooses the Rexo. It just plain looks better. For that and the added rifle slot is why I most always use rexo. The way I see it , who cares if i get killed by a surgile or w/e, I came into this game knowing I was going to die allot and knowig I would get more than enough kills. I like the Rexo how it is now and this buff is just a little icing on the cake. Hell, even if they nerfed it I would still use it.
2004-01-31, 05:27 PM
Don't get me wrong, the Rexo has its uses. It's a great equipment hauler. So if you need storage space it's the armor for you. Thus it's great for snipers and AV infantry that need the ammo capacity. And having the 2 rifle holster slots is awesome.
But in closer ranged combat against other infantry the slowness of the armor will get you owned by faster opponents. The two key factors are that (1) you can't move out of the way fast enough if you need to and (2) since you are slower you are easier to hit. Combined these spell death more often then not.
Then there is the climbing and jumping reduced capacity as well. Both are based on speed so there are slopes you can't navigate in a Rexo and there are short objects you can't jump over in a Rexo that you can easily navigate in Agile armor. So it's not just raw speed it's your overall mobility that takes a hit too.
Rexo burns your stamina very quickly, so it's got this built in nerf to most of the implants. Also your inability to pilot most vehicles is a huge problem with the Rexo. The best part is that you get to spend 3 cert points for all these disadvantages.
IMHO the extra armor does not nearly compensate for all of the above.
For me the choice boiled down to these 2 cert "builds":
Agile/Mosquito (3 cert points) or
Rexo/ATV (5 cert points)
The combo with the free armor and mossy is superior is just about every way in terms of killing power, mobility, and speed. Why spend more and get less?
Why get rexo? You'll last longer whit the added supplies you can carry (a HUGE boon if you're TR, you need to carry a crapload more ammo for the MCG than a jackhammer or lasher). Agile also isn't that much more mobile than rexo whitout surge, sure you can jump over a rock i can't, whoopefuckingdo. Not a big deal when the largest amount of walking most do in the game is from the AMS to the door.
As for the speeds (discounting surge) if that difference is enough to make the target in agile harder to hit than the one in rexo then the guy who aims has to have the reaction time of a snail. Now for moving away, good luck dodging bullets in a hallway or plasma nades for that matter. You'll also have to take into acount the added delay for the CSHD system, just cause you managed to move behind the wall in that agile armor it won't mean that your ass is safe cause if you're still in the process of moving behind the wall on the comp of the shooter, well then you're screwd.
Once surge gets changed you'll see a rise in the number of grunts prefering the rexo, and the added mitigation of it helps aswell. Only thing keeping the agile superior to rexo is the added speed you get from surging and the defence that the warping effect of the surge implant causes.
Never gotten the point of the whole "oooh rexo can't drive as many vehicles as agile" meh, so what just change the armor to agile, thats what i do. No need to make a problem out of something that isn't there.
Just this TR heavy grunts 2 cent.
2004-01-31, 05:33 PM
I'm not talking surgile. I'm talking Agile. Surge does not increase your backward movement speed or your strafe speed. It only boosts your forward movement.
The ability to effectively strafe is the difference... when I meet a rexo I just move side to side while strafing and he drops. This is particularly nasty on the stairs of a tower. I have enough room to strafe effectively and the Rexo is even s l o w e r on the slope of the stair case. And added 50 armor is going to soak up what? 0 extra jackhammer rounds, 2-3 MCG bullets, and a few more lashes from the Lasher? So while you have .1 seconds of added "staying" power I'll still walk away with over half my health and armor because I caused you to miss half the time with nimble erratic strafing patterns that you just can't duplicate.
Do you guys really think this will make a difference? Rexo will still be the best sniper and AV infantry armor. Basically, any infantry activity that does not require movement, the Rexo is what you want.
Speed doesnt matter if you can aim with your gun.
Its like mossie versus reaver.
I have done fine in gauss/rexo versus surgile lashers and stuff.
2004-01-31, 05:38 PM
Never gotten the point of the whole "oooh rexo can't drive as many vehicles as agile" meh, so what just change the armor to agile, thats what i do. No need to make a problem out of something that isn't there.
So when you change armor to drive to an enemy base or tower you want to attack and are stuck in agile because your rexo was left at the last base... you don't see that as a problem? Either you are an AMS driver or your rexo is useless due to unavailability on many occasions.
The way I keep my MCG ammo supply while in agile is I just loot some of the Rexos I killed... and once I loot a JH... it's over.
2004-01-31, 05:42 PM
Speed doesnt matter if you can aim with your gun.
Its like mossie versus reaver.
I have done fine in gauss/rexo versus surgile lashers and stuff.
2004-01-31, 05:59 PM
Speed doesnt matter if you can aim with your gun.
Its like mossie versus reaver.
I have done fine in gauss/rexo versus surgile lashers and stuff.
Double bwahahahaha. That ^^^ must be a joke. Next time a surgile surges up to you with a JH, stand still and tell me if you win.
IMO rexo is only good if you're a sniper, or if you like AV (which you shouldn't, unless you're using a phoenix). +50 armor is like wrapping yourself in tin foil.
2004-02-01, 04:22 AM
I'm not talking surgile. I'm talking Agile. Surge does not increase your backward movement speed or your strafe speed. It only boosts your forward movement.
The ability to effectively strafe is the difference... when I meet a rexo I just move side to side while strafing and he drops. This is particularly nasty on the stairs of a tower. I have enough room to strafe effectively and the Rexo is even s l o w e r on the slope of the stair case. And added 50 armor is going to soak up what? 0 extra jackhammer rounds, 2-3 MCG bullets, and a few more lashes from the Lasher? So while you have .1 seconds of added "staying" power I'll still walk away with over half my health and armor because I caused you to miss half the time with nimble erratic strafing patterns that you just can't duplicate.
Do you guys really think this will make a difference? Rexo will still be the best sniper and AV infantry armor. Basically, any infantry activity that does not require movement, the Rexo is what you want.
Right, if that small adition in strafing speed that the agile has actually prevents someone in rexo from hitting you then they have a really bad aim. The movement speeds in planetside are so slow that no one should have any problems keeping you on target and if they can't well then they should get a weapon whit an AoE. Personally never had any problems whit hitting strafing agiles.
And no, its not the 50 extra armor that helps the rexo, its the added mitigation you get. It keeps you from getting killed by the spam weapons and stray shots from others. That strafing in a agile dosn't help a whole lot against plasma nades due to the closed confines of a tower, but getting away from the impact area in a rexo lets you take a redused amount of damage.
So when you change armor to drive to an enemy base or tower you want to attack and are stuck in agile because your rexo was left at the last base... you don't see that as a problem? Either you are an AMS driver or your rexo is useless due to unavailability on many occasions.
The way I keep my MCG ammo supply while in agile is I just loot some of the Rexos I killed... and once I loot a JH... it's over.
Whats keeping me from packing some heat in that agile? Sure i don't think i'll be as usefull as in a rexo but i won't be useless either. Or i could just take a buggy, ATV, take a gunner position in a tank etc. All i see is people making a argument out of something that isn't there.
You can steal ammo from dead people yeah, but good luck doing that when bullets and rockets are heading your way inside. Besides agile won't allow me to carry my standard 2 decis (so i can pop 3 max's instead of 1) and still have my repair and medkits.
But hey, each to his own. You stick to your agile, i'll be in my rexo :)
2004-02-01, 06:55 AM
In rexo, surge affects how fast you strafe.
As for warping, I've had people in agile warp(albeit slightly, but its a huge difference when its 1 on 1 and every shot counts) just by strafing without surge. Its not really going to go away permanently, but it would be nice.
2004-02-01, 06:42 PM
In agile the inventory switch is much faster then the unholser/holser in REXO if you right click the only thing agile losses to REXO is the inventory space when carrying the extra Deci.
2004-02-01, 08:19 PM
Rexo buff is going to help some. Eliminating surgiles will help more. Now if they only would throw in a huge COF bloom for shotgun bunny hoppers, then I would be totally happy. As it is now, 1 rexo/shotgun vs 1 surgile/bunny hopping/shotgun = dead rexo.
2004-02-01, 08:25 PM
Rexo buff is going to help some. Eliminating surgiles will help more. Now if they only would throw in a huge COF bloom for shotgun bunny hoppers, then I would be totally happy. As it is now, 1 rexo/shotgun vs 1 surgile/bunny hopping/shotgun = dead rexo.
That's really the thing to consider. Will the added protection really eliminate the threat of surgiles? I'm not so sure. The problem is that it's really difficult to hit them. And while surviving about 1 second longer will be better in the most broad sense of the word, I don't think this is going to be some kind of dramatic miracle fix. I will be honestly very surprised if surgile isn't essentially just as effective as it was previously. You'll still be up against lightning-fast guys slinging the biggest infantry weapons in the game, and 50 extra armor plus 2 extra abroption probably isn't going to change that.
2004-02-01, 10:09 PM
MAX's. If it isn't an AI MAX Rexo,users are gonna own MAX's even more. I can stand there and take a beating from a AV or AA MAX with 200 armor because the damage from most if not all of they MAX's goes to my armor first meawhile I pump Decimators or Stikers into them (whichever I have in hand). Thumper and plasma nade spamming is gonna be less effective as well because of the increased mitigation.
I also agree that a small increse in speed would be a nice addition to this buff.
2004-02-02, 12:01 AM
I despise how weak non-AA MAXs are in this game.
Double bwahahahaha. That ^^^ must be a joke. Next time a surgile surges up to you with a JH, stand still and tell me if you win.
IMO rexo is only good if you're a sniper, or if you like AV (which you shouldn't, unless you're using a phoenix). +50 armor is like wrapping yourself in tin foil.
wtf? I didnt say anything about JHs, I am NC...
I have no clue if rexo is good versus JH or not. But I know I can do fine against other HA surgiles in rexo.
2004-02-02, 01:54 AM
I have no clue if rexo is good versus JH or not. But I know I can do fine against other HA surgiles in rexo.
I'm not sure if I want to hear your definition of "fine" or not.
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