View Full Version : NC won Emerald. 1/31
2004-01-31, 06:57 PM
Hehe, also the pops were only like 50% nc 27% vs 23% tr by the end. Though probably more as an effect rather than a cause. Still, we win! ;) Now they gonna nerf my JH fo-sho. :(
2004-01-31, 07:08 PM
Heh, nice work, what time of day was it though?
2004-01-31, 07:18 PM
Took this around 8:30 EST, we held it for about 2 hours. :D
2004-01-31, 08:00 PM
woot woot NC!!!! they'll have to take my JH from my cold dead fingers before they nerf it :mad:
The pops were nearly even initially, but as the night wore on, the usual NC pop bonus was bolstered by TR and VS who defected, like pansies.
2004-01-31, 08:02 PM
I'll be the one to kill you for that Jackhammer then :)
2004-01-31, 08:09 PM
[img]Hehe, also the pops were only like 50% nc 27% vs 23% tr by the end. Though probably more as an effect rather than a cause.
probabley a cause...
I Hate Pants
2004-01-31, 08:21 PM
Oh great! This will only encourage more people to switch NC. I haven't played the game in a few weeks. Are the TR still dwindling??????
2004-01-31, 08:31 PM
Yeah.. Then i logged in.. organised a Zerg onto ISH to retake it. We owned you guys and i dont think it would be foolish to say that there is a chance we may win the day today :)
Grats Sitnikov on your Cr5 !!!
2004-01-31, 09:31 PM
I was there (TR) and it sucked we just couldn't push through. Its sad this game was at one time tactical (back in beta numbers were rather even) but now its fallen to a numbers game. Oh well just gotta push on I guess. Well pork I was about to say good job on staying on topic with your posts till your last one. and your still failing to use the edit button I see.
2004-01-31, 09:39 PM
look it says 666 hehehe!
anyone listen to cradle of filth?
Why does almost everything you post not relate to the original thread...AT ALL? And why aren't you banned yet?!
2004-01-31, 10:15 PM
True they did take over the world and that pic was taken at 8:30 EST .... AM! I was on at 3 am last night and their were no TR on. They just all attacked at 3am. not much of an accomplisment. Do it mid day and ill be impressed.
2004-01-31, 10:28 PM
True they did take over the world and that pic was taken at 8:30 EST .... AM! I was on at 3 am last night and their were no TR on. They just all attacked at 3am. not much of an accomplisment. Do it mid day and ill be impressed.
And if we do it mid-day what will be next? will we have to do it balencing on one hand using nothing but ants and looted beamers to mow/ram/pwee our enemies to death?
Let us have our victory, AM hours or not. Besides, I dont see VS/TR doing that, even in the AM.
2004-01-31, 10:36 PM
Seen the VS do it once before, this is the second recorded time that the NC have pulled it off though.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-01-31, 10:48 PM
stuff like this just fuels my hate towards the NC
its a strict planetside thing, i leave it in the game and dont take it out
2004-01-31, 11:08 PM
So the idea was that we were suppose to be surprised or impressed by this development, right? Not so jaded and indifferent that we take it all in stride as a consequence of how the game is currently balanced?
nc suck arse! the jack hammer is for point blank noobs! every noob on games use shotguns! take cs and raven shield for example
And this, kids, is what a "fr00t" is. No, shotguns take SKILL to use. Skill is something that you get when you play for a while and acknowledge your mistakes to improve. Heard you can buy it at a cert term for like five points now, go try it out.
y r nc always outmatch vs 3/1???? nc suck vs have much better weapons
(or something like that, too lazy to actually quote)
And you just went back against your point. Saying that VS rules because they have much better weapons and NC sucks because they have a jackhammer (which is for noobs omgwtfbbq) ...gah.
As for that graph, that had NO relevance to the topic at hand. Damn.
Anyway, GJ NC, I tip my hat to you. They'll be a day when Neutral catches Auraxis, you just wait.
NEUTRAL 4EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111 1111111111
2004-02-01, 12:10 AM
And if we do it mid-day what will be next? will we have to do it balencing on one hand using nothing but ants and looted beamers to mow/ram/pwee our enemies to death?
Let us have our victory, AM hours or not. Besides, I dont see VS/TR doing that, even in the AM.
Konried, summer of 03 - the TR accomplished world lock. You certainly didn't see a fraction of the ego trip we're seeing on the Emerald forum.
2004-02-01, 01:40 AM
True they did take over the world and that pic was taken at 8:30 EST .... AM! I was on at 3 am last night and their were no TR on. They just all attacked at 3am. not much of an accomplisment. Do it mid day and ill be impressed.
I was there with an NC alt (only play NC on Emerald) and that's not exactly true. While NC did have the numbers on both TR and VS, TR and VS pretty well commit suicide by focusing completely on Amerish where they were fighting each other and the NC was ignoring them. Once the NC had locked the rest of the world, they came to Amerish with some units scattered on each of the remaining conts. When the last TR base fell, their population fell by over 10%. They cut and ran when they'd gotten run out of Dodge. The VS and TR had fairly equal numbers to each other all night, and the VS were putting up a significantly larger fight to hold on to their bases. The TR just seemed pretty well scattered, not sure whether to try and make way into a locked NC cont or try to hold their Amerish bases as long as possible. They split their forces and felt the effect.
To say there were no TR on is just false. There were no TR on after they'd lost their bases.
2004-02-01, 04:20 AM
look it says 666 hehehe!
anyone listen to cradle of filth?
Why does almost everything you post not relate to the original thread...AT ALL? And why aren't you banned yet?!
Can you say, ADD?
2004-02-01, 05:07 AM
y does nc on every server out number the vanu 3/1!!!!!! vanu hav much better weapons nc's r shite
Anyways, if the TR/VS weren't dickin around on amerish for 4 (or 6? not sure) hours, we wouldnt have capped the world. Instead of continually zerging a base, maybe open your map once in a while and look at home conts? :rolleyes:
2004-02-01, 06:43 AM
I think the NC's 15 minutes of fame is up. I think we could use a few nerfs for a bit, get the pops even again.
Seriously. We do have good tactics and all, but we don't have enough.
Right now NC is like a piece of steak with all the fat on it. I just want us to become lean and cut away all the less appealing parts. To sum it up, we have too many warjunkies that don't care if a gen gets blown, our modules are getting jacked, or a base needs an ANT.
NC is fat and lazy and I hate it. Most of the people left on TR and VS are there because they want to win and not sell out.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-01, 06:35 PM
Accomplish that at 8:30 PM and I'll be cheering. Doing that at 8:30 AM isn't exactly a prize winning achievement.
I mean holy, "Take that, undefended base," Batman!
2004-02-01, 07:58 PM
Anyways, if the TR/VS weren't dickin around on amerish for 4 (or 6? not sure) hours, we wouldnt have capped the world. Instead of continually zerging a base, maybe open your map once in a while and look at home conts?
Wait, you're admitting to ghost hacking empty continents while the TR and VS did some real fighting? Way to own yourself.
2004-02-01, 08:08 PM
I was there with an NC alt (only play NC on Emerald) and that's not exactly true. While NC did have the numbers on both TR and VS, TR and VS pretty well commit suicide by focusing completely on Amerish where they were fighting each other and the NC was ignoring them. Once the NC had locked the rest of the world, they came to Amerish with some units scattered on each of the remaining conts. When the last TR base fell, their population fell by over 10%. They cut and ran when they'd gotten run out of Dodge. The VS and TR had fairly equal numbers to each other all night, and the VS were putting up a significantly larger fight to hold on to their bases. The TR just seemed pretty well scattered, not sure whether to try and make way into a locked NC cont or try to hold their Amerish bases as long as possible. They split their forces and felt the effect.
To say there were no TR on is just false. There were no TR on after they'd lost their bases.
I was also there dude. Since I live in Japan, these are my prime time hours. The reason that most TR and VS were locked on Amerish, is BECAUSE of the huge NC population imbalance. Trust me, we tried on several occasions to stem the tide, but it is ABSOLUTELY no fun fighting, when your getting a massive zerg. So, instead of "cutting and running" as you put it, we all just got fed up and stayed on Amerish to enjoy a quality battle. And what a battle that was. We were totally deadlocked, with no real advantage to either side. It was in fact, the most fun I have had in a fight in a long time. The only down side, was when the NC got bored from running over ghosted bases (yeah you had a few heavy battles, since Amerish was pop locked and the remanents of TR/VS had nowhere else to go), and invaded Amerish causing a three way. Since the NC came in our back door, we were getting hit from two sides and couldn't maintain any fight. That was when most of us logged.
My point in this is to explain to you that population imbalance is a bad thing. Once you locked the world with your superior numbers, did you have a lot of fun? Duck shooting folks out of their warp gate may be amusing for a while, but does get boring (been there and done that too). I, for one, prefer a challenge.
Also, I'm not carping about the NC "win", since the next night, TR did an equivalent thing (we had pop advantage for a few hours and locked 5 conts). It was a lot of fun for us, but sucked for the other sides. But, after the the fifth cont, NC and VS didn't put up any fight, and it got so boring, most folks logged (I guess our population wasn't as driven to see the whole map red). BTW, the NC and VS were doing the same thing we did, fighting on a pop locked battle with themselves, while we fought the remanents.
Anyway, I really think they need to adjust the population modifiers (yeah, I posted this before). I would love to have some real modifiers to make things a bit more even. I really loved that balanced battle, and would like to see it happen everyday, but as a balanced three way battle, not just the two disadvantaged populations fighting themselves.
2004-02-01, 08:46 PM
What's funny is, the NC bragged a lot when they took the world at 8 in the morning, when I haven't seen one word about the NC only owning TWO bases today in prime time hours! The TR owned 6 continents I might add. This was as always with an under popluated empire. My outfit personally defended Hossin for about an hour. Took some key towers, then got bored becouse the NC left.
2004-02-01, 10:23 PM
What's funny is, the NC bragged a lot when they took the world at 8 in the morning, when I haven't seen one word about the NC only owning TWO bases today in prime time hours! The TR owned 6 continents I might add. This was as always with an under popluated empire. My outfit personally defended Hossin for about an hour. Took some key towers, then got bored becouse the NC left.
TR did own 6 conts, VS had their home, and everything else was poplocked all over NC home conts. :groovy:
The various NC popluations alone do not make a difference in actual battles (5% difference? gimme a break, thats nothing), however when its 66% vs 33% worldwide, then there is a problem.
When one empire gets ganged up on, it happens, however when 2 empires chose to fight over 2-3 bases on one cont to the exclusion of every other one on the globe, then we can brag about how cool we are.
2004-02-01, 10:26 PM
when 2 empires chose to fight over 2-3 bases on one cont to the exclusion of every other one on the globe, then we can brag about how cool we are.
Wait a second... it's happening again... NC bragging about capping empty continents while the TR and VS have a real fight.
2004-02-01, 10:39 PM
Wait a second... it's happening again... NC bragging about capping empty continents while the TR and VS have a real fight.
I would much rather win than sit in a 3-4 hour long stalemate.
*falls over foaming at mouth bragging about how cool we are*
2004-02-01, 11:35 PM
I would much rather win than sit in a 3-4 hour long stalemate.
*falls over foaming at mouth bragging about how cool we are*
To each his own. Like I posted earlier, I would rather have a stalemate, trying to out-manuever the other side, than steam-roll a lightly defended cont. We saw some really good trys on the VS part (the gigantic lib raid was awesome, all those bombs dropping at once made my minimap glow red). The fact that it didn't work, really took the wind out of my personal theory about lib suppression. They tried a second time, but we had our aircover just waiting for em. Oh, sorry about the earlier misinformation, I didn't realize we had 6 locks.
2004-02-02, 09:54 AM
I was also there dude. Since I live in Japan, these are my prime time hours. The reason that most TR and VS were locked on Amerish, is BECAUSE of the huge NC population imbalance.
I'm glad that you were there. Next time you're 'there' maybe you should try /who teams. For the vast majority of the night both TR and VS had 30-32%, while NC had 36-38%. The population advantage? For sure. Overwhelming? Not hardly. Obviously it sucked for people who weren't playing NC at the time once Amerish was the only non-locked cont, but taking conts is what the game is about and when the other empires don't pull their heads out long enough to defend their home conts then it's nobodies fault but their own. It's tactics, sometimes boring to be sure but we encountered some nice battles just the same. With TR and VS gangbanging each other on Amerish, the NC were actually left with little choice as the way conts currently pop lock made it near impossible to gain any sort of foothold on Amerish until populations dwindled enough to open the cont to more people. We've all experienced the cont that is so overrun by 2 empires that the third has no shot, that was Amerish. NC made the most of that situation, pure and simple.
2004-02-02, 11:37 AM
Ghost hacking conts isnt in the least bit impressive. Also if this were to happen under fierce opposition and even population then that would indicate a severe ballance issue.
2004-02-02, 11:43 AM
Its only that people want Command exp they dont get it for loosing bases and the exp for rehacking is miluscule since it happens in under 5 minutes so everybody goes to the wining side and only people with CR5 stay to defend since they are maxed out.
Its all about teh exp for most people since everybody wants to use the OS and get 25 kills per AMS.
A solution would be make people get Command exp when they defend and it dosent matter whether they win or lose that way not only will it incourage people to defend rather than attack you will also see less zergs because they get the hack so quickly theres barely any killing.
2004-02-02, 11:50 AM
No matter how dire the consequences, there are just times that someone will choose the 0 second respawn at sanc and 10 second quit rather than spend yet another 35 seconds spawning.
I'd call this NC domination a non-issue. So NC kicked ass. They've been kicking a lot of ass lately. The game will find a new balance and the cycle will continue. If you're having fun, you'll have fun no matter how the balance shifts. If you're not, a few days rest and a new patch are all it usually takes to kickstart the game once more.
2004-02-02, 11:52 AM
It all balances out in the end. We got our asses handed to us last night.
2004-02-02, 03:43 PM
The population shift was because of NC domination, not the cause of it.
The TR and VS were pop locked on Amerish with a small NC force harassing them. Meanwhile, the NC zerged back their own continents and, after some major resistance from the TR, took Searhus. From there it was easy for the NC zerg to take all the VS and TR home continents. The populations were fairly close at this point, NC might have had a couple percentage points advantage.
Meanwhile, the NC cr5's were coordinating the defense of the unpopulated enemy continents. Shortly after the TR got pushed off Amerish we saw a swell trying to push through into Ceryshen, Ishundar, & Forseral. Yes, it was the middle of the night but the cr5's had to balance our forces in order to keep everything locked down.
TR players stopped playing at that point and I don't blame them, I would have too. For the most part they couldn't get out of their sanc gates and that would suck. Same thing happened to the VS. Why would the late nighters stay on when they're backed against a wall and it's not fun playing? Meanwhile, every NC player is getting more excited with the possibility of locking the world. No NC are going to log off at that point.
That's how it happened. The TR attacked the VS and didn't leave Amerish to defend their home continents. The few TR that did go to defend get fed up facing horrible odds and log off. Same thing happened to the VS that weren't defending on Amerish.
Is it a huge accomplishment? Well, it depends on how you look at it. The TR and the VS (mostly the TR though) gave the NC zerg free reign over the world late at night. I am impressived with how the NC cr5s kept all 9 locked continents secure while the zerg was on Amerish.
2004-02-02, 03:55 PM
Is it a huge accomplishment?
Its not an accomplishment at all. Like I said before If you actually did that with heavy resistance on all fronts the only thing it would mean is that the game is horribly out of balance and that is not how it happened. Ghost hacking conts is meaningless and nobody cares
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-02, 03:57 PM
Ghost hacking conts isnt in the least bit impressive. Also if this were to happen under fierce opposition and even population then that would indicate a severe ballance issue.
If it was a regular occurance then yes. Otherwise, not quite.
2004-02-02, 06:38 PM
I'm glad that you were there. Next time you're 'there' maybe you should try /who teams.
I did.
Population imbalance occurs, usually with NC have the higher population each night. Every once in a while, they don't and get wacked. However, it is an almost nightly occurance that NC dominates population. You can paint any picture you want, it doesn't change that fact. If you doubt it, log in the same time each night and do a /who yourself.
How to fix it? Change the population modifiers, so they mean something. Everyone can agree that they are virtually nonexistant in their effect. However, if you make some healthy XP, CEP and health/respawn changes, then maybe folks who are underpopulated would stay on and defend their backyards against a zerg. I'm not screaming about nerfs. I'm not asking for anything that's not ALREADY in the game. I would just like to see it work as intended.
2004-02-02, 06:47 PM
This would be a perfect time to institute the Sanctuary Strikes so the NC can just go ahead and win once and for all.
The sounds of tri-shot hammers, Vanguard shells falling, and the echo of the perpetual Scatter MAX Cannon spawn camping the Sanc tubes would be a fitting end to PS for both the TR and VS players.
I predict a blue end to Markov, Emerald, and Werner.
2004-02-02, 06:59 PM
This would be a perfect time to institute the Sanctuary Strikes so the NC can just go ahead and win once and for all.
The sounds of tri-shot hammers, Vanguard shells falling, and the echo of the perpetual Scatter MAX Cannon spawn camping the Sanc tubes would be a fitting end to PS for both the TR and VS players.
I predict a blue end to Markov, Emerald, and Werner.
I think they should institute sanc strikes as well. Once a set number of your empire make it into the enemy warp gate, it automatically warps them to the sanctuary they are attacking and they have their opportunity to win the game.
Of course, they spawn with Beamers and Standard Armor only, but that's another story.
2004-02-02, 08:02 PM
Just today I took out a AI Vanu MAX in the spawn room with only a suppressor, Standard isn't that bad
2004-02-02, 08:04 PM
A Standard armor with Beamer Zerg cannot be stopped
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