View Full Version : What was/ is your goal in planetside?
2004-02-01, 04:19 AM
As I was perusing the official site, I came to realize that I'm more or less done with PS. In my eyes, I've accomplished everything that there is/I want to. I've gotten BR 20/CR 5. I've led one of the most organized outfits ever. I've commanded successful assaults on continents and collaborated in major strikes. And I've tried out nearly every cert there is in the game. I guess I've pretty much reached an endgame scenario. The only thing I could see now is just the same old stuff, but it just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I'm curious, what are some of the goals you guys have/had in PS? Perhaps it can give me something else to shoot for, as right now the only thing is the leaderboard ( :lol: )
2004-02-01, 04:21 AM
Help other people? Become some sort of teacher in Planetside? Naw would never work, too many new people that think they know everything. I always try though.
2004-02-01, 04:40 AM
yeah i recently got medic and i must say it was kinda gratifying healing people.
i think a large majority i feel that i've spent PS is becuz of the lag and computer issues i get with it. its certainly jading my opinion. I've missed a lot of stuff going on the past month or month and half but i really dont have fun when i play anymore.
Basically this is what goes on when I log in nowadays. I get on, see that 2 or 3 members of my outfit are on (most are in call of duty now as am i) go to a non zerged battle, kill some stuff then log off. It seems that all i do is kill stuff now, and i can do that in CoD without lag. I guess I've hit that brick wall where nothing seems to make a difference. I was relying on becoming a CR 5 to help rekindle my interest, but although it was great leading assaults and getting intel from people for a while, it soon became tired as the same tactics began to be used over and over.
Anywho i digress, back on topic...
2004-02-01, 09:09 AM
Fight for your empire thats your goal, make a name for your self, now that your BR 20 CR 5 the journey just begins, or you could get CC if you dont already have it
2004-02-01, 09:25 AM
Experiencing big battles was my goal at first. Now it's about tactics and perfecting the teamwork. BR20/CR5 has never been my goal -- I saw from the beginning that was just a sign of how much time you've wasted on this game. I mean, there's plenty of idiots who will follow even bigger idiots, so that bigger idiot can become an even more powerful idiot with bigger tools at his/her disposal, to carry out very idiotic stunts.
So to sum it up, my goal is to evolve as a player, and as part of a team, and live to see many CR5's get their rank stripped from some well-thought-out CR-atrophy system. But.. People will still always follow idiots, so the latter goal is nothing I hold on to too tight. Except the part about living, of course :P
2004-02-01, 09:30 AM
I'm not really sure what my goal is beyond having fun. I try not to base goals on CR and BR because if that becomes my primary focus, I'll quickly fall to the BR20/CR5 Syndrome. You know....the one where you reach the top of BR and CR only to disappear from the game two weeks later? I don't want that to be me. I concentrate on my outfit. I concentrate on building it and making it better. And hanging out with all the people I've come to call friends over the past months. And making new ones.
2004-02-01, 09:39 AM
I concentrate on helping my outfit grow, making sure we are the most organized outfit on Emerald-TR, and leading my outfit to battle. I organize operations for my outfit, I organize training missions, and I run the website/forum and do almost all the admin work.
I also concentrate on making the ULTRA Alliance ( grow. We now have thirteen outfits that are part of the Alliance. I plan operations, coordinate with other outfit leaders and their key leaders. I attempt to get more outfits to join the growing organization, and stop being a slave to the CR5-led zerg.
I do not have ambitions to make CR5/BR20. I don't camp spawn tubes and sit in base SOI's hoping for the max XP. I spend more time supporting my outfit, my alliance, and my empire. If and when I decide to reach CR5, it won't be the pinnacle. The pinnacle will be when the Emerald TR has the strength, organization, coordination, drive and determination to stop being pussies and start locking continents and denying the VS and NC a place to gain a foothold.
2004-02-01, 09:59 AM
I enjoy running around supporting my outfit. From adv med engy, The galaxy pilot, To fully armed shocktrooper. I'm there to help my outfit. if I get bored (burn out) of planetside I usually go play another game for a week or 2. Try that take a PS vacation for a week or 2 you'll be wanting to come back.
2004-02-01, 10:03 AM
Survive longer than 5 min
2004-02-01, 11:21 AM
Lilbird. I think that if you joined a different outfit, you would have alot more fun. In my outfit (Shadow Dynasty), when you log on, there are always about 4-5 people on. On Weds and Sats, we have as many as 30-40 guys on usually. Your a CR 5 and if you came in, you could become a leader for us. The outfit makes this game fun.
My goal right now is to be the best pilot in Planetside, and maybe the leaderboard.
2004-02-01, 11:55 AM
pork that thread was in the lounge...
2004-02-01, 12:00 PM
Pork dude ok I'm going to give it to you strait you need to use proper grammar when addressing people, right now we all think of you as an annoyance. If you used coherent sentences then maybe we would take you more seriously.
2004-02-01, 12:06 PM
i dont care for grammar, as long as i can understand it... btw im a writer, who would have guessed?
2004-02-01, 12:29 PM
Accomplished Goals:
To Have Fun
2004-02-01, 01:07 PM
I treat the game like it were any other first-person shooter. Once you look at it this way, the concept of having done "everything" seems absurd. I did everything in Counter-Strike a couple weeks after I started playing, and yet, years later, it's still a blast to play. When I started playing in retail my only goal was to make 20/5 again, and like SWARM said, because of this, I actually did quit about two weeks after having done so. Now I'm back and pretty active again but with a completely different mindset. For me, the game is about every individual encounter.
2004-02-01, 01:07 PM
Well when 7th Legion died, i went outfitless for a good 3 to 4 weeks until i decided to join sgx. I dont know if i could devote the time needed to be a significant part of any other outfit, as i'm engrossed in FFXI and CoD leagues most of my online time. But I will think about it silver
Being on the leaderboard has always been a deep down goal, but in reality theres no way anyone can get on it, unless they play this game nonstop and make it their number 1 priority.
2004-02-01, 01:23 PM
Seventh Legion... :D
Vis Armata
2004-02-01, 01:28 PM
What happened to the 7th Legion anyway?
My "goal", if I needed one for PS, was just to be part of and support a team effort. My first (Terran) outfit didn't really have it, but fortunately my second outfit has it in ******. Not counting BR and CR has made the game fun - I don't really have to worry about being in an SOI, which opens up a lot of possibilities.
2004-02-01, 01:45 PM
Mine would have to be...make a BR20/CR5 character on each empire. I also wanna get a 25+ kill OS.
2004-02-01, 01:48 PM
When I first started playing PS in september my goal was to get BR,I got it by suking off Squads exp while sitting off sniping as far as I could go because I lag like crazy then.
Now its all about teamwork as I try to have as much fun with my weapons as I can.
Another goal is to find bugs and exploits to increse fun and making it fair by letting every one know about it.
I already found one:With a VS MAX you can jump on top of an nmy empire sanctuary warpgate by using the ledges on one of the three things sticking around the wargate as steps to get up top, when you are on the warpgate you will notice that you are somewhat inside it but you can shoot inside it.
Most fun with a VS MAX I ever had on a zerg.
2004-02-01, 02:06 PM
Some good outfit members (Anarchy 99) and finding new and unsual ways to kill people with CE. The possiblities are endless with CE and I really enjoy coming up with new ways or places to kill people with it.
2004-02-01, 02:14 PM
I play because its fun, BR20/CR5 is just a bonus.
2004-02-01, 02:20 PM
I play because its fun, BR20/CR5 is just a bonus.
2004-02-01, 02:44 PM
That's an admirable goal, Vick - anyone who's willing to pick up some random ant driver and cart them all over the continent in a lodestar for no gain is worth kudos in my book. which you did for me on sunday on my NC alt (SomeDumbBlonde).
as for my goals, I dunno ... I hit the XP cap a long long while ago, I put a lot of time in as an outfit lead, I've tried to get my empire to achieve new heights and learn new strats. I've kind of hit a block with the TR now where i've done it all, seen it all.
my new short-term goal is to get ny NC alt up to BR20, and try out some of those weapons that I got ganked with. and to learn how to be a tower bunny.
2004-02-01, 02:55 PM
What happened to the 7th Legion anyway?
I dunno- all I know is, GammArkantis their former leader and former friend of mine, ninja-recruited a bunch of members from various outfits in the Emerald Alliance, resulting in his addition to about five hundred Kill On Sight lists.
2004-02-01, 03:46 PM
I played to blow people up with boomers. That's gone to hell now though.
2004-02-01, 03:48 PM
With a VS MAX you can jump on top of an nmy empire sanctuary warpgate by using the ledges on one of the three things sticking around the wargate as steps to get up top, when you are on the warpgate you will notice that you are somewhat inside it but you can shoot inside it.
Most fun with a VS MAX I ever had on a zerg.A) You should be appealing bugs, not broadcasting them
B) You can do this with liberator bombs as well ;)
2004-02-01, 04:22 PM
My goal is to snipe as many people as I can, which I do because it's enjoyable. So ultimately my goal is to have fun, but to that end I engage in copious amounts of steamy bolt driver love.
2004-02-01, 04:36 PM
Refering back to SandTrout and what he said I'd rather go choice B.
Im new how do you quote.
2004-02-01, 04:38 PM
A) You should be appealing bugs, not broadcasting them
B) You can do this with liberator bombs as well ;)
I figured it out yeah.
And I'd rather go with choice B
My goal is to be able to pick up any empire weapon, and utilize it to its fullest potential, as well as having a complete understanding of the balance of the game. Thus, I play all 3 empire equally. Ive gotten the NC and VS weaponry down pat, but the TR stuff Im having a bit of difficulty with. =/
2004-02-01, 04:51 PM
My goal is to have fun and kill as many people that use Jackhammers (on the other two teams) as possible. This ensures a target rich environment at all times. ;)
2004-02-01, 06:21 PM
Dunno man, Boomers are always a last resort for me and usually reserved for JH toting surge monkies in towers and bases (sad part is it works almost every time on those bastards). I like predicting an approach route to a tower/base and laying mines or turrets, dropping mines and turrets in the middle of nowhere (you would be suprised how many kills I get doing this), mining a fork in the road, and my favorite: if I am running somewhere I am in 3rd person, see that dumb ass back shooting cloak coming up on me and just swapping back to first person start dropping mines and letting him kill himself on them because they always run directly behind you to catch up for that AMP shot. Never chase a CE with an ACE handy. :p
2004-02-01, 06:29 PM
A good goal should be to organize a world lock with the vanu.
2004-02-01, 08:50 PM
I was in the br20 blues for a bit. Then one day I noticed I was 2 bubbles out from CR3, so I had the old "drive" again. Did the SL thing with lots of emphasis on base caps/staying in the SOI. Made CR3 finally. Sad thing, while I was in the "Driven" mode, I wasn't really having as much fun. I actually grew to hate looking for a battle, so I could get the cep.
Now, I'm CR3, so I can forget the CEP hunt again (until one day I notice I'm a few bubbles out from CR4, then the madness will return). Until then, I look forward to doing unique things. Last night, Myself and one other outfit mate, worked our way deep into a locked home cont. Blew the gen and captured the adjacent tower. Then we spent a bit of time draining the base to neutral, while defending against the few people who bothered to show up (you can guess most folks didn't care about their own backyard). We actually managed to hack the base, resupply it, and hold it for a bit (by that time, we had attracted more TR, so they started ghost hacking the cont). Since it grew even later, we only had a few enemy show. Not alot of skill I admit, but still some fun.
I guess I will come up with something else for tonight. I just wish they would add some kind of strategy to the game (other than overpopulate then zerg).
2004-02-01, 09:07 PM
Ok, I tried to put myself in your position. Pictured doing what you said and I stopped when you said you log on and see only a few outfit members on. THAT IS IT! I know you have almost 6000 outfit points but you'll gain those quickly with any outfit. I'm not just informing you of what I think is a problem, I'm giving you an oportunity to play the game and have fun. I don't know you, but I would like to, join my ranks, become a member of Liquid Force. If you don't want to, then find another outfit. I think that's the problem. You should go on a search for a new outfit, but if you start with Liquid Force, that search might come to a halt. Now just becouse your CR 5 doesn't mean you can have command, but if your interested in an Officer position just say so, and you'll work for it over time. Or you could be an awesome grunt. Send me a PM if your interested, then I can interview you. If your not interested, I still think you should find a new outfit.
2004-02-01, 09:23 PM
It also helps to have a respected leader or group of well-known, well-liked players in "your" outfit. And with the flagrant flaming stupidity I see on globals and cont-alls, I can see why certain outfits are dying a slow, painful death.
2004-02-01, 11:16 PM
I think that and more so the lag and issues is whats causing me to not have fun. I don't want to shell out 100 bucks for more RAM, so im kinda at a standstill on that.
I appreciate the invitation lone, and I'll take it into consideration. I like the guys in SGX, and I see them as much as I want on CoD and talk to em on TS, so I suppose iI could leave. Unfortunately, I just don't think any outfit I can join will be as fun as 7th Legion was. But then again there are outfits that I havent participated in ops with, so I can't say that as a definite. I will put more thought into this, but I'm nearly positive I'll be canceling when my sub runs out because of things in real life plus other games.
BTW 7th died because Gamma got sick of the game and left leaving 50cent in charge who just did nothing so Skilled and I had to lead it. We did ok for a while but he was away and i had to do stuff IRL so the outfit kinda deteriorated.
2004-02-02, 01:20 PM
Gaining rank and CR in PS are very short term goals. Your ultimate goal should be to have fun and challenge yourself against other players. That's what I do every time I log on and it's the reason I keep going back to PS. The gameplay its self is what interests me. I have 8 different characters spread out between two servers and all 3 empires.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-02, 02:32 PM
Ummm....the same goal I have for every FPS I play. Kill the other guys at a faster rate than they kill me....
This isn't exactly an MMORPG. The fun is supposed to be in shooting people and blowing things up so as long as that continues to amuse me /shrug
2004-02-02, 03:01 PM
i play to support my outfit from the air
2004-02-02, 03:22 PM
It also helps to have a respected leader or group of well-known, well-liked players in "your" outfit. And with the flagrant flaming stupidity I see on globals and cont-alls, I can see why certain outfits are dying a slow, painful death.
Man has a point, I personally knew some people who were in an outfit like that. They were so patriotic to that outfit they died with it, they don't play anymore.
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